Sri Ramachandra

Ragam: Bhairavi

Talam:  Chathurasra Jathi Dhruva Talam (I4 O I4 I4 )  


Arohanam : S G2R2 G2M2 PD2 N2S                                                                         Avarohanam: S N2D1 PM1 G2 R2 S



Shree Raamachandra Asritha Paarijaatha Samastha

Kalyaana Gunabhi Raama Seetha Mukha Amboruha

Sanchareeka Nirantaram Mangala Maata Notu


Meaning: (Adapted From: Perfecting Carnatic Music, Level 1 by Chitraveena Ravikiran)

Shree Raamachandra is like the Paarijaatha (wish-fulfilling) tree to all ("samastha") his devotees ("asritha"). He pleases one and all with his divine ("kalyaana") qualities ("guna"). He is like the bee ("sanchareeka") that flies over the lotus ("amboruha") that compared to the face ("mukha") of Sita. May He grant ("maata notu") benediction (i.e. bless us) ["mangala"]  forever ("nirantaram").




Shree Raamachandra is like the Paarijaatha (wish-fulfilling) tree to all ("samastha") his devotees ("asritha").


G       R       G              M      |       P           ,         |       M          G               R          G       |       M          P        M    ,          ||

Shree -        Raa           -         |          ma             -          |         chan          -                   draa  -       |          Sri     tha          Paa    -       ||


P        D2      N              N       |       D1               P      |          M      N               D1      P      |          M      G     R          S        ||

-         ri        jaa             -         |       -            tha    |          Sa      ma             -         -       |          -         -       -          stha  ||


He pleases one and all with his divine ("kalyaana") qualities ("guna").


S        R      S                P        |       M                    P      |          G       R               G       M    |          G       G     R          S        ||

Kal    -         -                 ya      |       -            na      |          Gu     na              -         bhi  |          raa     -       -          ma     ||


He is like the bee ("sanchareeka") that flies over the lotus ("amboruha") that compared to the face ("mukha") of Sita.


R       R       G               G       |       M                    M    |          G       G               R       G     |          M      P      M          M      ||

See    -         tha            -         |          Mu       kha          |         Am  -            -         -       |          bo     -       ru          ha      ||


P        D2      D2              N       |       N           S       |       P          D2              N          S       |       R          G       R     S          ||

San   -         -                 -         |       -         cha    |         ree   -            -         -       |          -         -       -          ka      ||



May He grant ("maata notu") benediction (i.e. bless us) ["mangala"]  forever ("nirantaram").


N       R       S               G       |       R           S       |       N          N                 D1      M    |          P        D2    N          S       ||

Ni      ran    -                 tha    |          ram    -       |          Man  -                 ga      la     |          Ma    -       -          ta       ||



P        D1      P               S       |       N           S       |       P          D1              M          P        |       G          ,         R     S          ||

No     -         -                 tu      |       -            -         |       -          -                 -          -         |       -          -         -       -          ||