Thiagarajaya Namaste
Ragam: Begada (29th Melakartha Shankarabharanam Janyam)
AROHANA: S G₃ R₂ G₃ M₁ P D₂ P Ṡ ||
AVAROHANA: Ṡ N₂ D₂ P M₁ G₃ R₂ S ||
Talam: Rupakam
Composer: Dikshitar
Lyrics & Meanings Courtesy: Guru Guha Vaibhavam
Class / Lesson:
MP3 Class / Lesson:
tyAgarAjAya namastE
kAtyAyanI patE
paSu-patE siMhAsana patE
vAgISAdyakhila dEva
vandita pada pankajAya
yOgISvara mAnasa
saMyukta vadana vArijAya
Madhyama kAla sAhityam:
bhOga mOksha
dAna vAma bhAga sthita SailajAya
yOga guru guhAtmajAya
tyAga dhvajAya ajAya
mukundAdi pUjita
sOmAskanda mUrtayE
mucukundAdi bhakta jana manO-ratha pUrtayE
mukura bimba
prati-bimbita mukha sphUrtayE
muni pakshi mRga kITAdi
mukti prada kIrtayE
Madhyama kAla sAhityam:
sakalAgama mantra tantra sArajnAnuraktayE
a-ka-thAdi tri-rEkhAtmakAdhAra pravRttayE
sakala nishkaLa
svarUpa saccitsukha vyAptayE
vikalpa bhEda yuktayE viTanka rUpa SaktayE
Meaning: Courtesy Guru Guha Vaibhavam:
namastE namastE - Repeated salutations to you,
tyAgarAjAya - to Tyagaraja.
kAtyAyanI patE - O husband of Parvati (daughter of Sage Katyayana)!
paSu-patE - O master of all creatures!
siMha-Asana patE - O lord seated on a throne!
vAgISa-Adi-akhila dEva vandita pada pankajAya - to (you who are) the one whose lotus-feet
are saluted by all gods, led by Brahma (the lord of Sarasvati),
yOgI-ISvara mAnasa saMyukta vadana vArijAya - the one whose lotus-face is fixed in the hearts
of the greatest of Yogis,
bhOga mOksha dAna - the
one who grants both material enjoyment as well as liberation,
vAma bhAga sthita SailajAya - the one who
has Parvati seated on the left side,
yOga guru guha-AtmajAya - the one whose son is Guruguha,
adept in Yoga,
tyAga dhvajAya - the one whose banner is
ajAya - the one with no birth,
mukunda-Adi pUjita - the one worshipped by Vishnu and
sa-umA-skanda mUrtayE - the one having the form of Somaskanda (Shiva along with Uma and Skanda),
mucukunda-Adi bhakta jana manO-ratha pUrtayE - the one who
fulfills the desires of devout people such as King Muchukunda,
mukura bimba prati-bimbita mukha sphUrtayE - the glow of whose face is reflected in the
muni pakshi mRga kITa-Adi mukti
prada kIrtayE - the one
famed for granting liberation to sages and (even) birds, animals and insects
sakala-Agama mantra tantra sArajna-anuraktayE
- the one affectionate towards those who know the essence of all the Vedas,
Mantras and Tantras,
a-ka-tha-Adi tri-rEkhA-Atmaka-AdhAra pravRttayE - the one whose base or
seat is the triangular Chakra with the lines representing the letters a,ka and tha,
sakala nishkaLa svarUpa - the
formless one and one with form,
vyAptayE -
the one pervading as existence-consciousness-bliss,
vikalpa bhEda yuktayE - the
means to break or destroy (the delusion of) manifoldness,
viTanka rUpa SaktayE - the
one with the power of assuming the Vitanka
(unchiseled) form.
This is the
fourth of the Tyagaraja Vibhakti
kritis. The kriti is almost
entirely in the fourth
Vibhakti, except the second half of the
Pallavi which addresses the lord, in the eighth (Sambodhana
Prathama) Vibhakti
Muchukunda, a Chola king helped Indra, the king of gods, vanquish some Asuras. In return he was gifted the idol of Tyagaraja by Indra, which he installed in Tiruvarur.
(from TK Govinda Raos book)
My salutations again and again to Lord Tyagaraja; who seated on the great thron, the lord of Katyaayani and the protector of beings
His lotus-like feet are worshipped by Brahma and other celestials. His Lotus-like face is in conjunction with the subtle intellect of the individual selves of the distinguished Yogis. He has goddess Parvati in his left half of the body, the goddess who bestows material prosperity as well as salvation. His son is Guruguha. His banner is Tyaga and he is the birthless one.
My salutations to him, the somaaskanda worshipped by Mukunda and others. He fulfilled the ambitions of Muchukunda and other devotees. His image is reflected in the clear mirror-like minds of his devotees. He is greatly renowned for bestowing liberation to all such as sages, birgds, animals and worms. Those who understand the true import of Aagamas, Mantras and Tantras are dear to him. He makes all to realise God through the Mooladhaara Chakra. He is the basis for the mystic syllable Aa, Ka and Ta and has permeated as SAT, CHIT and ANANDA in all beings and is of the form of SAKALA and NISHKALA. He has the power to obliterate knowledge of duality. He pervades as the power in the shrine of vitanka.
Thiagarajaya Namaste Namaste
Kaathiayanipathe Pashupathe Simhasanapathe
Sahityam: tyAgarAjAya namastE namastE
Meaning: namastE namastE - Repeated salutations to you,
tyAgarAjAya - to Tyagaraja
Swami (in Tiruvarur)
1. pd N D P ; ; || ppmg R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma -
G ; ; - g m , d pm || R S ; ; gm pm ||
Ste - Na- ma - - ste - sri - - -
2. pd N D P mp D || ppmg R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma -
SpmmgG ; - g m , d pm || R S ; ; gm pm ||
Ste - Na- ma - - ste - sri - - -
3. pd N D P mp D || Pdp mg R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma -
SpmmgG ; - g m , d pm || R S ; ; gm pd ||
Ste - Na- ma - - ste - sri - - -
4. rsns D P mp D || Pdp mg R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma -
SpmmgG ; - gm pdN dpM || R S ; ; ; S ||
Ste - Na- ma - - ste - - Ka
Sahityam:kAtyAyanI patE paSu-patE siMhAsana patE
Meaning: kAtyAyanI patE - O husband of Parvati (daughter of Sage Katyayana)!
paSu-patE -
O master of all creatures!
siMha-Asana patE -
O lord seated on a throne!
a) ppmg R gm P pm || p D p ; P D P ||
thia ---ya ni - - pa- the - - Pa shu pa
S ; rsns D P || mdpm gpmg mr- gm ||
the Sim-- haa - sa na- pa-the- - - Ka -
b) Pdp mg R gm P pm || p D p ; P D P ||
thia --- ya ni - - pa- the - - Pa shu pa
S gr rsns dp sn || rs nn dp pm gm pd ||
the Sim-- haa - -- sa na- pa- the- - -
. rsns D P mp D || Pdp mg
R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma
SpmmgG ; - gm pdN dpM || R S
; ; ; ||
Ste -
Na- ma -
- ste - - -
Vagheeshaa Dyakila Deva Vandita Pada Pankajaaya
Yogishwara Maanasa Samyuktha Vadana Vaarijaaya
Bhogamoksha Daana Vaama Bhaagasthita Sailajaaya
Yoga Guruguhaatmajaaya Tyaagadhwajaaya Ajaaya
Sahityam:vAgISAdyakhila dEva vandita pada pankajAya
Meaning: vAgISa-Adi-akhila dEva vandita pada pankajAya - to (you who are) the one whose lotus-feet
are saluted by all gods, led by Brahma (the lord of Sarasvati),
1. pd N D ; P ; || P M dp gr S S ||
Va -- ghee shaa Dyaki la- De- - va
; S P M Gmr || gm P M p d , p P ||
Van di ta Pada- Pan ka jaa - - ya
2. rsns p D p P ; || gm pdN dpM gr S S ||
Va -- ghee shaa Dya-ki-- la-- De- - va
; S P M Gmr || gm P dpM p d , p P ||
Van di ta Pada- Pan ka jaa - - ya
Sahityam:yOgISvara mAnasa saMyukta vadana vArijAya
Meaning: yOgI-ISvara mAnasa saMyukta vadana vArijAya - the one whose lotus-face is fixed in the hearts
of the greatest of Yogis, - the one with no birth,
a) Pdp mg gm P D P || sr sn dp N R S ||
Yo- - - gi - - shwa ra Maa-- - - na - sa
b) gMg P , m D P || sr sn dp N R S ||
Yo- - - gi - - shwa ra Maa-- - - na sa Sam
ns mg rs rs ns dp || pmdp pm g pm M r G ||
yu -- - ktha Va- da-na- Vaa- -- ri- jaa - - - - - ya
Madhyama Kala Sahityam:
Sahityam:bhOga mOksha dAna vAma bhAga
sthita SailajAya
Meaning: bhOga mOksha dAna - the
one who grants both material enjoyment as well as liberation,
vAma bhAga sthita SailajAya - the one who has Parvati seated
on the left side,
P d m , p - G m R s || gm P d p D p - S s ||
Bhoga mo ksha Daa na Vaama Bhaa-ga sthita Saila jaaya
Sahityam:yOga guru guhAtmajAya tyAga dhvajAya ajAya
Meaning:yOga guru guha-AtmajAya - the one whose son is Guruguha,
adept in Yoga,
tyAga dhvajAya ajAya - the
one whose banner is renunciation,
G r s r s D p S r || N N d P m m P d ||
Yoga Gurugu haatma jaaya Tyaaga dhwajaaya A jaa ya
pdN D P mp D || Pdp mg R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma
SpmmgG ; - gm , dpm || R S ; ; ; S ||
Ste -
Na- ma - - ste - - Ka
ppmg R gm P pm || p D p ; P D
P ||
thia ---ya ni - - pa- the - -
Pa shu
S gr rsns dp sn ||
rs nn dp pm gm pd ||
the Sim-- haa - --
sa na- pa- the- -
. rsns D P mp D || Pdp mg
R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma
SpmmgG ; - gm pdN dpM || R S
; ; ; ||
Ste -
Na- ma -
- ste - - -
Mukundaadi Pujitha Somaaskanda Murthaye
Muchukundaadi Bhakthajana Manoratha Sphurtthaye
Mukura Bimba Pratibimbita Mukha Sphurttaye
Muni Pakshi Mruga Keedaadhi Mukthi Prada Keerthaye
Sakalaagama Mantra Tantra Saarajnanu Rakthaye
Akataadi Trireekhatma Kaadaara Pravruttaye
Sakala Nishkala Svarupa Sacchit Sukha Vyaptaye
Vikalpa Bhedayukthaye Vitanka Rupa Shakthaye
Sahityam:mukundAdi pUjita sOmAskanda mUrtayE
Meaning:mukunda-Adi pUjita - the one worshipped by Vishnu and
sa-umA-skanda mUrtayE - the one having the form of Somaskanda (Shiva along with Uma and Skanda),
D P ; mp D P || M M G R S ; ||
Mukun daa- - di Pu - jitha So
; S ; P ppmg || mr gm P pm pD p ||
maa - s skan-- da Mu- - rtha- ye - -
D P ; mp D P ||
pd N dpmp
gr S ||
Mukun daa- -
di Pu - jitha So
; S ; P ppmg || M gm P pm pD p ||
maa - s skan-- da
Mu- - rtha- ye - -
Sahityam:mucukundAdi bhakta jana manO-ratha pUrtayE
Meaning:mucukunda-Adi bhakta jana manO-ratha pUrtayE - the one who
fulfills the desires of devout people such as King Muchukunda,
; g m pd N D P || P P m dp p - gr s s ||
Muchu kun-- daa- di Bha - ktha-- ja-- na
s r s n dp S gr G || M , - d p p g r S S ||
Ma-no- - - ra tha - Sphu rttha- - ye - - -
Sahityam:mukura bimba prati-bimbita mukha sphUrtayE
Meaning:mukura bimba prati-bimbita mukha sphUrtayE - the glow of whose face is reflected in the
; n n , D p ; , m || gm pd nn dp mp mg || (nndp m dp m || gr)
Muku ra Bim - - ba -- - Pra-ti- bim - -
mr gm , p dp ; ; || s r sn d p N R S ||
-- bita Mukha- - Sphu- - - - - rtta ye
Sahityam:muni pakshi mRga kITAdi mukti
prada kIrtayE
Meaning:muni pakshi mRga kITa-Adi mukti
prada kIrtayE - the one
famed for granting liberation to sages and (even) birds, animals and insects
N S mg R gr S || nn dp m P d P - S ||
Muni Pa -- kshi-- Mru-ga- Kee- daa- dhi
R , - s ; - N , d P || mpd n , - d pm R S ||
Mu kthi Pra da- Kee- - - rtha- - ye
Madhyama Kala Sahityam:
Sahityam:sakalAgama mantra tantra sArajnAnuraktayE
Meaning:sakala-Agama mantra tantra sArajna-anuraktayE
- the one affectionate towards those who know the essence of all the Vedas,
Mantras and Tantras,
s s M mg P m - D p || n n d p M p g , r G ||
Sakalaa gama Man tra Tantra Saa-ra- jnanu Ra kthaye
Sahityam:a-ka-thAdi tri-rEkhAtmakAdhAra pravRttayE
Meaning:a-ka-tha-Adi tri-rEkhA-Atmaka-AdhAra pravRttayE - the
one whose base or seat is the triangular Chakra with the lines representing the
letters a,ka and tha,
gm D P m m p g r s || sp p g mr p m , d P ||
Akataa di Triree - kha-tma Kaa- daa- ra- Pravru- ttaye
Sahityam:sakala nishkaLa svarUpa saccitsukha vyAptayE
Meaning:sakala nishkaLa svarUpa - the
formless one and one with form,
vyAptayE -
the one pervading as existence-consciousness-bliss,
p d p- s , n S n R s || gmrs r s p d p r S ||
Sakala Nish-kala Svarupa Sa-cchit- Sukha Vya- - ptaye
Sahityam:vikalpa bhEda yuktayE viTanka rUpa SaktayE
Meaning: vikalpa bhEda
yuktayE -
the means to break or destroy (the delusion of) manifoldness,
viTanka rUpa SaktayE - the
one with the power of assuming the Vitanka
(unchiseled) form.
r N n d p m g , r G || m P m D p s n r S , r ||
Vikalpa Bhe-da yu kthaye Vitanka Rupa Sha- ktha ye
pdN D
P mp D || Pdp mg
R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma
SpmmgG ; - gm , dpm || R S ; ; ; S ||
Ste -
Na- ma -
- ste - - Ka
ppmg R gm P pm || p D p ; P D
P ||
thia ---ya ni - - pa- the - -
Pa shu
S gr rsns dp sn ||
rs nn dp pm gm pd ||
the Sim-- haa - --
sa na- pa- the- -
. rsns D P mp D || Pdp mg
R S G , r ||
Thia- ga raa ja --- ya Na ma
SpmmgG ; - gm pdN dpM || R S
; ; ; ||
Ste -
Na- ma -
- ste - - -