Sri Nadadi Guruguho
Ragam: Mayamalavagowla
ARO: S R G M P D N S || AVA: S N D P M G R S ||
Talam: Adi
Composer: Dikshitar
Version: D.K. Pattammal
Sri Nathadi Guruguho Jayathi Jayathi
Sri Chidaananda Naathohamiti
Santhatham Hridini Bhaja
Naanaa Prapancha Vichitrakaro
Naamaroopa Pancha Bhoothakaro
Ajnaana Dhvaanta Prachanda Bhaaskaro
Jnaana Pradaayako Maheshwaro
Madhyama Kala Sahityam:
Dinavanodyukta Divyataro
Divyaughaadi Sakala Deha Dharo
Maanasaanandakara Chaturataro
Mad Guruvaro Mangalam Karotu
Maaya Maya Visvaadhisthaano
Maatmakaadi Mataanusthaano
Maalini Mandalaanta Vidhaano
Mantraadyjapaa Hamsa Dhyaano
Maayaakaarya Kalanaa Heeno
Maamaka Sahasra Kamalaasino
Maadhurya Gaanaamruta Paano
Maadhavaadyabhaya Vara Pradaano
Maayaa Sabalitha Brahma rupo
Maarakoti Sundara Svarupo
Mathimataam Hrudaya Gopura Dipo
Matta Suraadi Jayaprataapo
Madhyama Kala Sahityam:
Mahipati Pujitha Pada Pradesha
Maadhavaadyamara Brunda Prakaasha
Maheshasya Mahaarthopadesha
MEANING (from TK Govinda Rao’s book):
Victory (“Jayathi”) to Lord
Guruguha, who is adorned (“bhaja”) by all Gods(“santhatham”) beginning with Vishnu. Oh! Mind! Constantly
contemplate on the fact (“iti”) that
you are the Chidaanandanaatha.
He is the originator of different (“naaana”) diversified
(“vichitra”) forms (“aakaro”) of worlds
(“prapancha”). He manifests (“rupa”) as
the five (“pancha”) elements (“bhuta”) and as the named (“naama”) and famed
ones. He is the mighty sun (“bhaskaro”) destroying (“prachanda”) the darkness
(“dvantha”) of ignorance (“ajnana”). He is the bestower (“pradaayako”) of
spiritual knowledge (“jnaana”). He is the Maheshvara.
He is the divine (“divya”) Kalpaka Vruksha (“vano dyukta”) for the
afflicted (“dinaa”) ones. He bears the sacred rivers like Mandakini. He is
adept in granting happiness to the heart of His devotees. May my Guru bless me
(“mangalam karo”).
He (who) is the substratum (“adhistaano”) for this illusory (“maayaa
maya”) world (“visva”). He (who) is to be invoked through mantra
(“mataanusthaano”) beginning with “Ka” (“kaadi”), ending with “ma”
(“maatmaka”). He resides (“vidhaano”) in the center (“mandalaanta”) of the
Malini-Chakra. He (who) is to be meditated (“dhyano”) upon as the swan (“Hamsa”) representing the AJAPAA Mantra.
He who is an expert in obliterating (“hino”) the result (“kalana”) of
MAAYA, the illusion. HE resides in my heart which is like a thousand
(“sahasra”) petalled lotus (“kamalaasino”). Who enjoys the nectar (“amruta”) of
mellifluous (“madhurya”) music (“Gaana”). He provides (“pradaano”) sheltor
(“abhaya”) and boons (“vara”) to
MAADHAVA and others. Whose Brahmasvarupa is veiled (“sabalitha”) by Maaya.
Whose beauty (“sundara svarupo”) excels
that of crores (“koti”) of Cupids (“mara”). Who shines as the light (“deepo”)
atop the tower (“gopura”) like the heart (“hrudaya”) of his devotees
He who vanquished the proud (“matta”) SURA and others (“adi”). His place of abode is worshipped by the kinds (“mahipathi”) of Mayamalavagoula Desha and the like. Who shines (“prakaasha”) as surrounded by Vishnu (“madhava”) and other Gods (“brundha”). Who impounded (“upadesha”) the real truth (“mahaartha”) of Pranava to His father, Mahesha.
Sri Nathadi Guruguho Jayathi Jayathi
Sri Chidaananda Naathohamiti Santhatham Hridini Bhaja
[Victory (“Jayathi”) to Lord Guruguha, who is adorned (“bhaja”) by all Gods(“santhatham”) beginning with Vishnu!]
S ; ; R ; G ; M | P D N S ; nd p- m g r ||
Sri Naa thaa di Guru guho - Jaya thi Ja ya thi
S ; ; R ; pm G- M | P D N S ; nd p- m g r ||
Sri Naa thaa - di Guru guho - Jaya thi Ja ya thi
Srs S ; R ; pm G- M | P D N S ; nd p- m g r ||
Sri Naa thaa - di Guru guho - Jaya thi Ja ya thi
Srs S ; Rgr R- Gmg G- M | P D N Srs S- nd p- m g r ||
Sri Naa - thaa - di Guru guho - Jaya thi Ja ya thi
[Oh! Mind! Constantly contemplate on the fact (“iti”) that you are the Chidaanandanaatha.]
Srs S , n D , d – dp , d – P | , d pm g r – G m G – m g r s n ||
Sri - -Chidaa - - nan -da Naa - tho-ha mi ti San tha tham Hri di ni Bha ja
Srs Srs S - Rgr R- Gmg G- M | P D N Srs S- nd p- m g r ||
Sri - Naa - thaa - di Guru guho - Jaya thi Ja ya thi
Srs S , n D , d – dp , d – P | , d pm g r – G m G – m g r s n ||
Sri - -Chidaa - - nan -da Naa - tho-ha mi ti San tha tham Hri di ni Bha ja
Srs S ; Rgr R- Gmg G- M | P D N S ; ; ; ; ||
Sri Naa - thaa - di Guru guho - - - -
Naanaa Prapancha Vichitrakaro
Naamaroopa Pancha Bhoothakaro
Ajnaana Dhvaanta Prachanda Bhaaskaro
Jnaana Pradaayako Maheshwaro
[He is the originator of different (“naaana”) diversified
(“vichitra”) forms (“aakaro”) of worlds
S ; R ; G – M ; M | N D ; - P dp- P mg ; ||
Naa naa Pra pan - cha Vi chi - tra - - ka- ro
[He manifests (“rupa”) as the five (“pancha”) elements (“bhuta”) and as the named (“naama”) and famed ones.]
G ; M – M ; P P , d | N – D ; P ; pm G ; ||
Naa ma roo - pa Pan- cha Bhoo – thaa - ka- ro –
G ; M – M ; P P , d | N – D ; P ; pm G - M ||
Naa ma roo - pa Pan- cha Bhoo – thaa - ka- ro – A
[He is the mighty sun (“bhaskaro”) destroying (“prachanda”) the darkness (“dvantha”) of ignorance (“ajnana”). ]
G ; M ; P ; D – N | D ; P – pmM ; G R – G ||
Jnaa na Dhvaa nta Pra chan da Bhaa - ska ro A
G ; M ; P ; D – N | D ; P – pmM ; G R ; ||
Jnaa na Dhvaa nta Pra chan da Bhaa - ska ro -
[He is the bestower (“pradaayako”) of spiritual knowledge (“jnaana”). He
is the Maheshvara. ]
gmpd N ; D , p ; pm | G ; m dp- pmM ,g rg rsS ; ||
Jnaa-- na- Pra daa - ya- ko - Ma- he--- - shwa- ro- -
Madhyama Kala Sahityam:
Dinavanodyukta Divyataro
Divyaughaadi Sakala Deha Dharo
Maanasaanandakara Chaturataro
Mad Guruvaro Mangalam Karotu
[He is the divine (“divya”) Kalpaka Vruksha (“vano dyukta”) for the
afflicted (“dinaa”) ones. He bears the sacred rivers like Mandakini. ]
P M g R s ss P d n S | d d p p mm g – m g r – S n - d P ||
Dina vanod yukta Div ya ta ro Div-yau- ghaa-di Sa kala De ha Dha ro
[He is adept in granting happiness to the heart of His devotees. May my Guru bless me (“mangalam karo”).]
S r s , S – g r s – s n d n S | S s n d P – p , m G g R s ||
Maa na saa- nan da kara Chatu ra ta ro Mad Gu ru va ro Man - ga lam Ka ro tu
Maaya Maya Visvaadhisthaano
Maatmakaadi Mataanusthaano
Maalini Mandalaanta Vidhaano
Mantraadyjapaa Hamsa Dhyaano
Maayaakaarya Kalanaa Heeno
Maamaka Sahasra Kamalaasino
Maadhurya Gaanaamruta Paano
Maadhavaadyabhaya Vara Pradaano
Maayaa Sabalitha Brahma rupo
Maarakoti Sundara Svarupo
Mathimataam Hrudaya Gopura Dipo
Matta Suraadi Jayaprataapo
[He (who) is the substratum (“adhistaano”) for this illusory (“maayaa maya”) world (“visva”).
M ; P ; dp D P ; | M ; G ; R ; rs S ||
Maa ya Ma-ya Vi- svaa- dhi- sthaa- no - -
[He (who) is to be invoked through mantra (“mataanusthaano”) beginning with “Ka” (“kaadi”), ending with “ma” (“maatmaka”). ]
N ; D – N S ; R – S | rg ; R ; G ; M ; ||
Maa tma ka taa di Ma taa nu- sthaa no -
sn ; D – N S ; R – S | mg ; R ; pm G M ; ||
Maa tma ka taa di Ma taa nu- sthaa no -
[He resides (“vidhaano”) in the center (“mandalaanta”) of the
Malini-Chakra. ]
M ; rg rs S ; S ; R | S , r G – R S , r G ; ||
Maa li- ni-- - Man - da laan- ta Vi dhaa- no
[He (who) is to be meditated (“dhyano”)
upon as the swan (“Hamsa”) representing the AJAPAA Mantra. ]
S ; R ; G M P ; | d N , D ; P , m P ; ||
Man traa dya ja paa Ham- sa - Dhyaa- no-
[He who is an expert in obliterating (“hino”) the result (“kalana”) of
MAAYA, the illusion. ]
M ; ; P ; D ; D | N D P ,m dp pm G ; ||
Maa - yaa - kaa - rya Kala naa- Hee--- no -
[HE resides in my heart which is like a thousand (“sahasra”) petalled
lotus (“kamalaasino”). ]
M ; mg M dp D ; D | N D P ; mg M P ; ||
Maa ma-ka Sa-ha - sra Kama laa- si- - no -
[Who enjoys the nectar (“amruta”) of mellifluous (“madhurya”) music
(“Gaana”). ]
D ; ; ns ; R S ; | sn Srs , n D D , n S ; ||
Maa - dhu - rya Gaa naa--- mru ta Paa-- no
[He provides (“pradaano”) sheltor (“abhaya”) and boons (“vara”) to MAADHAVA and others.]
S , n R S ; G R S | R S ; S sn Srs sr ; ||
Maa- dha vaa - dya bha ya Vara - Pra daa- - - no - -
[Whose Brahmasvarupa is veiled (“sabalitha”) by Maaya. ]
S ; sn D P D PM | gm pd N D D , n S ; ||
Maa yaa- - Sa ba li tha Brah- -- - ma ru - - po –
[Whose beauty (“sundara
svarupo”) excels that of crores (“koti”) of Cupids (“mara”). ]
S ; R – sn D – P P ; | P dp ; pm gm pd N ; ||
Maa ra ko- - ti Sun da ra-- Sva- ru- - - po -
]Who shines as the light (“deepo”) atop the tower (“gopura”) like the
heart (“hrudaya”) of his devotees (“matimataam”).]
D N D – P ; P dp pm | mg M P M D , p D ; ||
Mathi ma taam –Hru da-ya- Go--- pura Di - - - po -
[He who vanquished the proud (“matta”) SURA and others (“adi”).]
P ; M – gm pMg mg R S | sr G ; M pd pd P ; ||
Ma tta Su- - - - raa- - di Ja-ya - pra taa- - - po –
Madhyama Kala Sahityam:
Mahipati Pujitha Pada Pradesha
Maadhavaadyamara Brunda Prakaasha
Maheshasya Mahaarthopadesha
[His place of abode is worshipped by the kings (“mahipathi”) of
Mayamalavagoula Desha and the like]
M M M d p pp m g m- r r s | s N – d n - S r d - p D n D p ||
Maa yaa maa la va gau-laa- di de-sha Mahi pa ti Pu ji tha Pa da Pra de sha
[ Who shines (“prakaasha”) as surrounded by Vishnu (“madhava”) and other Gods (“brundha”). Who impounded (“upadesha”) the real truth (“mahaartha”) of Pranava to His father, Mahesha]
M g – p , m – d p S , s g R s | m G r , s – s n , D p m g r s ||
Maadhavaa - dya mara Brunda Prakaasha Ma he sha - sya Maha - artho pa de - - sha