SriKantha nIyeda


Ragam: Bhavapriya  (44th Melakartha Raga)

ARO: S R₁ G₂ M₂ P D₁ N₂ Ṡ             ||

AVA: Ṡ N₂ D₁ P M₂ G₂ R₁ S             ||


Talam: Adi (Deshadi)

Composer: Tyagaraja

Version: Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy: Mrs. Jayasri Akella and

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SrI kAnta nI(y)eDa bal(A)tibala

celanga lEdA vAdA



pAk(A)ri nuta nIvAri

bal(A)blamunu teliyaga lEdA (SrI)



kAka daityun(E)ka Saramunan(E)ya

kanjaj(A)stramai paraga lEdA

SrI kara dvijulai dArin(e)ruga lEni

cinta nIku tOcad(E)mi tyAgarAja nuta (SrI)


Meaning Courtesy:


Sahityam: SrI kAnta nI(y)eDa bal(A)tibala  celanga lEdA vAdA

Meaning: O Beloved (kAnta) of lakshmI (SrI)! Aren’t (lEdA) the two mantras – bala and atibala (balAtibala) shining (celanga) with You (nIyeDa)? Is there any dispute (vAdA)?


Sahityam: pAk(A)ri nuta nIvAri     bal(A)blamunu teliyaga lEdA (SrI)

Meaning: O Lord praised (nuta) by indra – enemy (ari) of demon pAka (pAkAri)! Don’t You know (teliyaga lEdA) the strength (bala) and weaknesses (abalamu) (balAbalamu) of Your (nI) people (vAri) (nIvAri)?


O Beloved of lakshmI! Aren’t the two mantras – bala and atibala shining with You? Is there any dispute?


Sahityam: kAka daityun(E)ka Saramunan(E)ya     kanjaj(A)stramai paraga lEdA

Meaning: When You discharged (Eya) (literally throw) a (Eka) blade of grass (Saramunanu) (SaramunanEya) against crow (kAka) demon (daityunu) (daityunEka), didn’t (lEdA) it blaze forth (paraga) as brahmAstra – missile (astramai) of brahmA – born of Lotus (kanjaja) (kanjajAstramai)?


Sahityam: SrI kara dvijulai dArin(e)ruga lEni      cinta nIku tOcad(E)mi tyAgarAja nuta (SrI)

Meaning: O Lord who causes (kara) of Prosperity (SrI)! Why (Emi) worry (cinta) about people, though being brAhmaNas (dvijulai), not (lEni) knowing (eruga) the (right) path (dArini) (dArineruga), wouldn’t occur (tOcadu) (tOcadEmi) to You (nIku)?


O Lord praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja! O Beloved of lakshmI! Aren’t the two mantras – bala and atibala shining with You? Is there any dispute?


MEANING: [Word-by-word meaning: Jayasri Akella]


Sri: Lakshmi, Prosperity

Sri Kantha: Oh husband of Lakshmi.

Nivu: You

Niyada: With you

Balaadibala = Bala+Atibala

Bala: Spell or charm

Ati: Over, beyond, exceed

Bala and Atibala: The two mantra's taught to Rama and Lakshmana by Viswamitra.

Chelagu: To flourish, to resound, break forth. (also to appear, to happen)

Chelaganga: flourished, resounded

ledu: Not present.

Leda?: Is it not present?

Vaadu: Argument.

Vaada? : Are you arguing with me?



Paakaari = Paakaha + Ari.

Paakaha : A giant named Pakaha

Ari : A foe

Paakaari : Indra, The slayer of paakaha, a giant.

Nuta: to be praised by

Nee: You /your

Vaari: People

Neevaari: Your people / devotees

Balaabalamu: bala + abala

balamu: Strength

abala : weak.

Balaabalamunu : Strengths and weakness

Teliyuta: To know

Teliyagaleda? (transformed to 'D'eliyagaleda in the song): Don't (you) know?


Daityudu : Demon

Kaki : Crow

Kaka daityu: A demon crow (kakasura)

eka: (transformed to Neka in the song) : One

sharamu: reed or grass. an arrow

veyu : to throw, to cast

Sharamunaneya: to throw a single arrow / grass blade.

Kanja: Lotus

Kanjaja: Born from lotus, God Brahma

Astra: weapon/arrow

Kanjajastra: Brahmastra

Kanjajastramai: become Brahmastra

Varagalinchu: to shine or glitter

Varagaleda: Didn't it shine?


Srikara: Vishnu

Dvi: Two

Dvijulu: Born twice, brahmins.

Daari: Path (to salvation)

leni: Not, no.

Eruga: To know.

Eruga leni: Not knowing.

Chinta : worry, thought

Neeku : to you

tochademi: Why didn't it strike? (Why can't you understand?)



SrI kAnta nI(y)eDa bal(A)tibala

celanga lEdA vAdA


Sahityam: SrI kAnta nI(y)eDa bal(A)tibala  celanga lEdA vAdA

Meaning: O Beloved (kAnta) of lakshmI (SrI)! Aren’t (lEdA) the two mantras – bala and atibala (balAtibala) shining (celanga) with You (nIyeDa)? Is there any dispute (vAdA)?


; ;            ; P           ,d N        ; D          | P ;         ; P             P  P        P ;           ||

 Sri         -- Kan    - tha        Ni -       - ya           da Ba     laa


P P         M - P      ,d N        ; D          | pdnd                pm- P     P  pm     pdns       ||

di Ba      la    Sri   -- Kan    - tha        Ni -       - - ya         da Ba     laa


r s n d    pm  - P   mdp-p   mg-G     | R , s      ; - G          ; rg         M – ;      ||

di -- Ba  la -   Che la--  a - -  nga     Le   -    -     da ?  - Vaa-     -      -


D   nd     pm – P   mdp-p   mg-G     | R , s      ; - G          ; rg         M – dn  ||

da ?   - -     - - Che la--  a - -  ncha   Le   -    -    da ?  - Vaa-     -      -


Srs   nd pm

da ?   - -  - -



pAk(A)ri nuta nIvAri         bal(A)blamunu teliyaga lEdA (SrI)


Sahityam: pAk(A)ri nuta nIvAri     bal(A)blamunu teliyaga lEdA (SrI)

Meaning: O Lord praised (nuta) by indra – enemy (ari) of demon pAka (pAkAri)! Don’t You know (teliyaga lEdA) the strength (bala) and weaknesses (abalamu) (balAbalamu) of Your (nI) people (vAri) (nIvAri)?


; ;            ; P           ,d  N       ;  N         | S , s      ; ;              ; ;            ; ;            ||

- Paa       --   kaa   -  ri           nu tha   - -              - -           --


ns nd      pm- P     ,d  N       ;  N         | S , s      ; dn           S , p        dn S        ||

-    Paa   --   kaa   -  ri           nu tha   - -              - -           --


, s nd      pm- P     ,d  N       ;  N         | S , s      ; S             , r G        ;  R         ||

-     Paa --   kaa   -  ri           nu tha   - Nee        - - vaa    -   ri


S , r        s n - P    ,d  N       ;  N         | S , s      ; S             , r G        ;  R         ||

Ba -la     - -     Paa - - kaa   -  ri           nu tha   - Nee        - - vaa    -   ri


G , m      ; - G       M pm     G R        | S ,s       ; sr            sn –sr     sn  -ns    ||

Ba- laa   -  Ba       la mu-   -   nu       De-li      - ya-          - -   ga-   -  -  le-


Sahityam: SrI kAnta nI(y)eDa bal(A)tibala  celanga lEdA vAdA

Meaning: O Beloved (kAnta) of lakshmI (SrI)! Aren’t (lEdA) the two mantras – bala and atibala (balAtibala) shining (celanga) with You (nIyeDa)? Is there any dispute (vAdA)?


nd- nd  pm  P        ,d N        ; D          | pdnd                pm- P     P  pm     pdns       ||

- -  da ?- - - Sri     -- Kan    - tha        Ni -       - - ya         da Ba     laa


r s n d    pm  - P   mdp-p   mg-G     | R , s      ; - G          ; rg         M – dn   ||

di -- Ba  la -   Che la--  a - -  nga     Le   -    -     da ?  - Vaa-     -      -


Srs   nd pm

da ?   - -  - -



kAka daityun(E)ka Saramunan(E)ya

kanjaj(A)stramai paraga lEdA

SrI kara dvijulai dArin(e)ruga lEni

cinta nIku tOcad(E)mi tyAgarAja nuta (SrI)


Sahityam: kAka daityun(E)ka Saramunan(E)ya     kanjaj(A)stramai paraga lEdA

Meaning: When You discharged (Eya) (literally throw) a (Eka) blade of grass (Saramunanu) (SaramunanEya) against crow (kAka) demon (daityunu) (daityunEka), didn’t (lEdA) it blaze forth (paraga) as brahmAstra – missile (astramai) of brahmA – born of Lotus (kanjaja) (kanjajAstramai)?


; ;            ; - P        P , p        ; P           | P , p      ; pm          mdp – p      m g- G  ||

   Ka       ka Dai    - tyu        Ne-ka    -Sha-       ra--     mu    -   -   na


R , s        ;-  S,n     G , r        ; S           | S ;       ,n  s   r         G G        G M       ||

Ne-ya     -  Kan     ja – ja     - stra         mai-     -  Va-     ra  ga         le  -



Sahityam: SrI kara dvijulai dArin(e)ruga lEni      cinta nIku tOcad(E)mi tyAgarAja nuta (SrI)

Meaning: O Lord who causes (kara) of Prosperity (SrI)! Why (Emi) worry (cinta) about people, though being brAhmaNas (dvijulai), not (lEni) knowing (eruga) the (right) path (dArini) (dArineruga), wouldn’t occur (tOcadu) (tOcadEmi) to You (nIku)?

[One who bestows (“kara”) wealth (“sri”)! Where (“docha demi”?)  is your (“neeku”) concern (“chinta”) for those born as BHUSURAs (“dvijulai”), yet ignorant of the righteous path (“daneruga”)?]


P ;           ; - P        p D-n     ; N          | S , s      ; ;              ; ;            ; ;            ||

da ?-       -  Sri       ka-  ra ! – Dvi         jul lai   - -              - -           - -


nsnd       pm P      p D-n     ; N          | S , s      ; dn           S , p        dn S        ||

- - - -      - - Sri     ka-  ra ! – Dvi         jul lai   - -              - -           - -


, snd       pm P      p D-n     ; N          | S , s      ; S             R G      ;   R          ||

- - - -      - - Sri     ka-  ra ! – Dvi         jul lai   - Daa        te ru     -   ga


S , r        sn-P        p D-n     ; N          | S , s      ; S             R G      ;   R          ||

Le  ni     - - Sri      ka-  ra ! – Dvi         jul lai   - Daa        te ru     -   ga


G , m      ; - G       M   pm   G R        | S ,s       ; sr            sn –  s r   s  n  -n  s             ||

Le – ni   -   Chin   tha Nee- -  ku       Do cha  -de-          -mi? Tya-  - ga raa-


Sahityam: SrI kAnta nI(y)eDa bal(A)tibala  celanga lEdA vAdA

Meaning: O Beloved (kAnta) of lakshmI (SrI)! Aren’t (lEdA) the two mantras – bala and atibala (balAtibala) shining (celanga) with You (nIyeDa)? Is there any dispute (vAdA)?


nd- nd    pm-     P   ,d N      ; D          | pdnd                pm- P     P  pm     pdns       ||

- ja nu-  -  tha!  Sri -- Kan  - tha        Ni -       - -   ya       da Ba     laa


r s n d    pm  - P   mdp-p   mg-G     | R , s      ; - G          ; rg         M – dn   ||

di -- Ba  la -   Che la--  a - -  nga     Le   -    -     da ?  - Vaa-     -      -


Srs   nd pm

da ?   - -  - -



MEANING: [Word-by-word meaning: Jayasri Akella]

Lord (“kaantha”) of Sri! Are you (“nee”) not (“leda?”) the proud possessor (“yada”) of the two mantras (“chelangaga”) – “Bala” and “Ati Bala” praised (“nutha”) by Indra (“paakaari”) ? Don’t (“ledemi?”) you know (“deliyaga”) the strength (“bala”) and weakness (“abala”) of your (“nee”) devotees (“vaari”)?

Did not a mere blade of grass (“saramuna neya”) wielded by you turn into a mighty weapon BrahmastraKanjaja astra”), and pursue (“neka”) the offending cow, Kaakaasura (“Kaka Daitya”)? One who bestows (“kara”) wealth (“sri”)! Where (“docha demi”?)  is your (“neeku”) concern (“chinta”) for those born as BHUSURAs (“dvijulai”), yet ignorant of the righteous path (“daneruga”)?