Soundara Rajam Ashraye
Ragam: Brindavana
Saranga (aka Brindaavani) (22ndth Mela janyam)
S R2 M1 P N2 S ||
AVAROHANA: S N2 P M1 R2 S || (G2 R2 G2 S )
Talam: Rupakam
Mutthuswami Dikshitar
Version: D.K.
Soundara Raajam Ashraye Gaja Brindaavana Saaranga Varada Raajam
Nanda Nandana Raajam Naaga Pattana Raajam Sundari Ramaaraajam Suravinutamahiraajam
Mandasmita Mukhaambujam Mandaradhara Karaambujam
Nandakara Nayanaambujam Sundaratara Padaambujam
Shambaravairi Janakam Sannuta Shuka Shaunakam Ambarishaadi Viditam Anaadi Guruguha Muditam Ambujaasanaadi Nutam Amareshaadi Sannutam Ambudhi Garva Nigraham Anruta Jada Dukhaapaham Kambu Vidambana Kantham Khandikrutha Dashakantam Tumburu Nuta Shree Kantam Duritaapaha Vaikuntam
T.K. Govinda Rao's book)
I seek the refuge("Ashraye")
in Soundara Raaja, who protected the Gajeendra ("gaja") in the
forest of elephants ("brindaavana saaranga") and He is the top
most("raajam") in granting
boons ("varada").
He is the darling son ("nandana") of Nanda, he is the ruler
("raajam") of Naagapattana. He is the spouse ("raajam") of
the lovely ("sundari") Lakshmi ("Ramaa"). He is praised
("vinuta") by the celestials ("sura") and He is the King
("raajam") of the Universe ("mahi").
Whose lotus ("ambujam") face ("mukha") is lit with
smiles ("mandasmita"), whose lotus like ("ambujam") hand
("kara") holds ("dhara") the Mandaara mountain.
Whose lotus-like eyes ("nayana-ambujam") gives happiness
("nandakara") to everyone and he possess the beautiful
("sundaratara") shining lotus-like ("ambujam") feet
He is the father ("janakam") of the enemy ("vairi")
of Siva ("shambara") -- Cupid. He is saluted ("sannuta") by
Shuka and Shaunaka. He protects ("viditham") devotees like Ambarisha.
He is the eternal joy ("mudhitham") of Guruguha. He is worshipped
("nutam") by Brahma ("ambujaasana"), praised by Indra
("amaresha") and other ("aadi") celestials.
He supressed ("nigraham") the pride ("garva") of
the ocean ("ambudhi") - Samudra. He is the remover
("apaham") of the afflictions ("dukha") emerging out of
falsehood ("anruta") and ignorance ("jada"). Whose neck
("kantam") equals the conch ("kambu vidambana") in beauty,
who destroyed ("khandikrutha") the ten-headed ("dasha-kantam")
Raavana. He is Srikanta, praised ("nuta") by the sage Tumburu. He
removes ("apaha") sorrow ("duritha") and abides in Vaikunta
Soundara Raajam Ashraye Gaja Brindaavana Saaranga Varada Raajam
I seek the refuge("Ashraye")
in Soundara Raaja, who protected the Gajeendra ("gaja") in the
forest of elephants ("brindaavana saaranga") and He is the top
most("raajam") in granting
boons ("varada").
R ; ; ; gr R S ; N ; S N || N P P N N P nPn S ; S N || S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; R S N S ||
Soun da- - ra - Raa- - - - - - - jam- A-- - - shra- ye- - - - - - Sri - - -
R ; ; ; ppM R S ; N ; S N || N P P N N P nPn S ; S N || S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; N ; S ; ||
Soun da- - - ra - Raa- - - - - - - jam- A-- - - shra- ye- - - - - - Ga ja
R ; MR M ; P ; P ; N ; || S ; ; ; ssnn P P ; P M - P S || snnp ; P ; mnpm RS R M P R ||
Brin- - daa- - - va- na- Saa- - - ran- - - - ga - Va- ra- - - da- Raa- - - - jam- - -
S ; ; ; Srn N P nppm ; PM || PR RM MR- rmpn pmR rs R , || ppmr ; ; R ; S ; rssn ; S ; ||
Soun da- ra - Raa- - - - - - - jam- A-- - - shra- - ye- - - - - - Ga - ja
R ; ppmr ; M ; nppm ; P ; N ; || S ; ; ; ssnn P P ; P M - P S || snnp ; P ; mnpm RS R M P R ||
Brin- - daa- - - - va- na- Saa- - - ran- - - -- ga - Va- ra- - - da- Raa- - - - jam- - -
S ; ; ; Srn N P nppm ; PM || PR RM MR- rmpn pmR rs R , || ppmr ; ; R ; S ; ; ; ; ; ||
Soun da- ra - Raa- - - - - - - jam- A-- - - shra- - ye- - - - - - - - - -
Nanda Nandana Raajam Naaga Pattana Raajam Sundari Ramaaraajam Suravinutamahiraajam
Mandasmita Mukhaambujam Mandaradhara Karaambujam
Nandakara Nayanaambujam Sundaratara Padaambujam
He is the darling son ("nandana") of Nanda, he is the ruler
("raajam") of Naagapattana.
; ; R ; M ; R , m P ; P , m || P ; pNp , n-nm P ; ; ; P M ||
- - Nan da Nan- - - da - na- Raa- - jam - - - - - -
RS- R ; M ; R , m P ; P , m || P ; pNp , n-nm P ; ; ; Mnp pm ||
- - Nan da Nan- - - da - na- Raa- - jam - - - - - -
RS- R ; M ; R , m P ; P , m || P ; pNp , n-nm P ; ; ; ; ; ||
- - Nan da Nan- - - da - na- Raa- - jam - - - - - -
; ; nppm ; P M P , s N M P ; || N ; S ; S ; ; ; S ; ; ; ||
- - Naa- - ga - Pa- - - - - tta- na- Raa -- jam - -
He is the spouse ("raajam") of the lovely
("sundari") Lakshmi ("Ramaa").
; ; N ; S N S , r m R , r S r || sn P ; ; P N N R rs R ; ; ||
- - Sun- da- ri- - - - - Ra- - maa- - - raa- - - jam - - -
; ; snN ; S N S , r m R , r S r || sn P ; ; P N N R rs R ; ; ||
- - Sun- da- ri- - - - - Ra- - maa- - - raa- - - jam - - -
He is praised ("vinuta") by the celestials ("sura")
and He is the King ("raajam") of the Universe ("mahi").
R ; S ; snnp ; N ; N S snnp ; || P ; ; ; R pmM R ,m s R s ; ; ||
Su ra - vi- - - nu - ta- ma- - hi- - - raa - - - - - - jam- - - - (repeat Sundari)
R ; S ; snnp ; N ; N S snnp ; || P ; ; ; R pmM R ,m s R s ; ; ||
Su ra - vi- - - nu - ta- ma- - hi- - - raa - - - - - - jam- - - -
Whose lotus ("ambujam") face ("mukha") is lit with
smiles ("mandasmita"), whose lotus like ("ambujam") hand
("kara") holds ("dhara") the Mandaara mountain.
P ; P,m P S N P ; R M P || RM RS N S R , m R- M P ; ||
Man da- smita Mukhaam - bu jam- Man- dara dhara Ka- raam - bu jam
Whose lotus-like eyes ("nayana-ambujam") gives happiness
("nandakara") to everyone and he possess the beautiful
("sundaratara") shining lotus-like ("ambujam") feet
P M P N S- M R - sn P - N R ; || S ; N P - N P R , m R - M P ; ||
Nan- daka ra Na ya naam - bu jam Sun- dara tara Pa- daam - bu jam (repeat)
P M P N S- M R - sn P - N R ; || S ; N P - N P R , m R - M P R ||
Nan- daka ra Na ya naam - bu jam Sun- dara tara Pa- daam - bu jam (Soundararajam)
Shambaravairi Janakam Sannuta Shuka Shaunakam Ambarishaadi Viditam Anaadi Guruguha Muditam Ambujaasanaadi Nutam Amareshaadi Sannutam Ambudhi Garva Nigraham Anruta Jada Dukhaapaham Kambu Vidambana Kantham Khandikrutha Dashakantam Tumburu Nuta Shree Kantam Duritaapaha Vaikuntam
He is the father ("janakam") of the enemy ("vairi")
of Siva ("shambara") -- Cupid. He is saluted ("sannuta") by
Shuka and Shaunaka.
; ; R ; P ; P ; RM rmP || P,m - R ; pmmr ; rsR ; ; ; ; ; ||
-- Sham ba- ra- vai- - - ri - Ja- na- - - kam - - - - -
S ; R ; Rmr RS N ; S ; || R ; pmmr ; M ; P M P ; ; ; ||
- - San-- nu-- ta- Shuka Shau- - - - na - kam- - - - -
He protects ("viditham") devotees like Ambarisha.
P ; ; ; pp M R ; ; S S ; || ; ; N ; N P N ; pmP ; ; ||
Am - - ba- - ri- - - shaa- - - di - Vi - di - tam- - -
He is the eternal joy ("mudhitham") of Guruguha.
P ; P M N ; P ; P,n pMp || mRm S ; N ; R ; S ; ; ; ||
A- naa- - - di - Gu- ru- - gu- - ha- Mu di - tam---
He is worshipped ("nutam") by Brahma
("ambujaasana"), praised by Indra ("amaresha") and other
("aadi") celestials.
NS ns R R ; S R sr M M ; || RM rmP P ; PN pmP ; ; ||
Am-- - - bu-
jaa- - - - sa-
naa- - - di - Nu- tam- - -
; ; P R S ; ; ; S ; sr N || N ; snnp ; ; ; PN M P ; ; ||
- -A ma re - - - ndraa- - di- San- - - - nu- tam- -
He supressed ("nigraham") the pride ("garva") of
the ocean ("ambudhi") - Samudra.
P ; ; ; N ; S ; R ; ; ; || R mr S ; ; ,n R ; S ; ; ; ||
Am- - bu- dhi- Gar- - va-- Ni - - - gra- ham- -
He is the remover ("apaham") of the afflictions
("dukha") emerging out of falsehood ("anruta") and ignorance
S ,r sNs nPn pMp mR, pmmr ; || R ; ; ,s S ; ; , n R ; S ; ||
A- nru- ta-- Ja- - da- - - - - - Du- - - khaa- - pa- ham
Whose neck ("kantam") equals the conch ("kambu
vidambana") in beauty, who destroyed ("khandikrutha") the
ten-headed ("dasha-kantam") Raavana.
P ; P M R ,m R S S ,n S ; || R ; M ; R M R M P N S ; ||
Kam bu Vi dam- bana Kan tham Khandi - krutha Dasha kan- tam
P ; P M R ,m R S R N S ; || R ; M ; R M R M P N S ; ||
Kam bu Vi dam- bana Kan tham Khandi - krutha Dasha kan- tam
He is Srikanta, praised ("nuta") by the sage Tumburu. He
removes ("apaha") sorrow ("duritha") and abides in Vaikunta
R ; M R S N N P N S R ; || S N N P P M R S R M P ; ||
Tumburu Nuta Shree Kan- tam- Duritaa- paha Vai- kun- tam-
R ; M R S N N P N S R ; || S N N P P M R S R M P R ||
Tumburu Nuta Shree Kan- tam- Duritaa- paha Vai- kun- tam-