Sarasa Dala Nayana
ARO: S M G M N D N P D N S || AVA : S N D P M G R S ||
Talam: Chatusra jati Jhampa (7 beat cycle)
Composer: Dikshitar
Version: M.N. Subramanyam
Saarasa Dala Nayana Sankata Harana Hare Govinda Maam Paahi
Neerajasanaadi Poojitaanga Shree Ramaantaranga Shubhaanga Murahara Abhaya Prada Mukunda Yaadava Kula Bhushana Maadhava
Maaghamaasotsava Prabhava Maanita Guruguha Vandita Bhava
Gokula Janapaala Gopikaa Manohara Govarddhanadhara
Meaning: (TK Govinda Rao’s book)
O Hari! Having eyes (“nayanaa”) like lotus petals (“saarasa dala”). The remover(“harana”) of obstacles (“Sankata”). O Govinda! Protect me (“maam paahi”)!
Who is worshipped (“poojitha”) by Brahma (“neerajaasa”) and others (“aadi”). Who resides in the heart (“antaranga”) of lakshmi (“ramaa”). O the auspicious one (“shubaanga”)! The vanquisher (“hara”) of Muraasura. He bestows (“pradha”) protection(“abhaya”) ! O Mukunda! O Madhava! Jewel (“bhushana”) of the Yaadavakula.
Who is honored (“prabhava”) during the festivities (“utsava”) held in the month (“maasa”) of Maagha (Feb/March). Who is worshipped (“vanditha”) by esteemed (“maanitha”) Gurguguha. The auspicious one, who protects (“paala”) the cowherd people (“gokula jana”); beloved (“manohara”) of the cowherd damsels (“gopikaa”). Who held aloft (“dhara”) the Govardhana mountain.
Saarasa Dala Nayana Sankata Harana Hare Govinda Maam Paahi
O Hari! Having eyes (“nayanaa”) like lotus petals
(“saarasa dala”). The remover(“harana”)
of obstacles (“Sankata”). O Govinda! Protect me (“maam paahi”)!
S ; ; ; dnrs ssnd P - pnd M , G - pdp - d N | S ; ; ; || ; ; ; gm ; P d p -d n ||
Saa-- ra-- sa--- - Da-- la - - Na- ya - na- - - - - Ha - re - - - -
S ; ; ; dnrs ssnd P - sndp M G - d P - d N | S ; ; ; || ; ; ; gm ; P d p -d n ||
Saa-- ra-- sa--- - Da-- la - - Na- ya - na- - - - - Ha - re - - - -
S ; ; ; dnrs ssnd P - sndp M G - d P - d N | rrss ; ; || ; ; ; M ; G M ; ||
Saa-- ra-- sa--- - Da-- la - - Na- ya - na- - - - San - ka ta-
Pdp D N nd D ; dn S R S ; ; ; dn rs | ssnd P - nd | M , G , M ; P dp dn ||
Ha-- ra - na- - - Ha- re - - - - - Go--- vin-- - - - da - - - Maam- Paa- hi-
snrs S ,n dnrs ssnd P - sndp M G - d P - d N | rrss ; ; || ; ; ; M ; G M ; ||
Saa-- - - ra-- sa--- - Da-- la - - Na- ya - na- - - - San - ka ta-
Pdp D N nd D ; dn S Gmg rsS ; , n dn rs | ssnd P - S,n | pmM , G , M ; P dp dn ||
Ha-- ra - na- - - Ha- re - - - - - - - Go--- vin-- - - - da - - Maam- Paa- hi-
Neerajasanaadi Poojitaanga Shree Ramaantaranga Shubhaanga Murahara Abhaya Prada Mukunda Yaadava Kula Bhushana Maadhava
Who is worshipped (“poojitha”) by Brahma
(“neerajaasa”) and others (“aadi”).
mm nn nd P DN dnS ; S S N D N N D | DP mp Dnd | P - D M P Pdp mg M ; ||
Nee - - ra- - ja - - -- - sa naa- - - di - Poo- - - - - - - ji taan- - - - - nga
Who resides in the heart (“antaranga”) of lakshmi
(“ramaa”). O the auspicious one (“shubaanga”)!
P , d ndP pmmg ; ; mns n d n P ; -dn S ,n R snN | , D , ; dn | S,n mmg g , r rsS ; ||
Shree - - Ra - - - - maa- - - - - - nta- ran- - ga- - - - - Shu- bhaa- - - - - - - nga- -
The vanquisher (“hara”) of Muraasura. He bestows (“pradha”) protection(“abhaya”) ! O Mukunda!
O Madhava! Jewel (“bhushana”) of the Yaadavakula.
S S G R , s S S,n D N- S R ; N nr S | N D - P D | N D - P,d pmM ns ndnp d n ||
Murahara Abha ya- Prada Mukun - da Yaa-- dava Kula Bhu- sha- na-- Maa- - - dhava
Maaghamaasotsava Prabhava Maanita Guruguha Vandita Bhava
Gokula Janapaala Gopikaa Manohara Govarddhanadhara
Who is honored (“prabhava”) during the festivities
(“utsava”) held in the month (“maasa”)
of Maagha (Feb/March).
M ; ; ; ; ; mgG M ; ; ; G R m G , | S- sM g M | psn n d P , ; pM d P ||
Maa- - - - gha- - maa- - so - - - - - - tsa- va - Pra- - - - - - bha-va-
M ; ; ; ; ; mg g- d P M ; ; G R m G , | S- sM g M | psn nd P , ; m P DnD, ||
Maa- - - - gha- - maa- - so - - - - - - tsa- va - Pra- - - - - - bha-va-
Who is worshipped (“vanditha”) by esteemed
(“maanitha”) Gurguguha.
M ; ; ; ; N , D , Dns ndnp ; dn S ; | D sn nndm | ; dn pdns ; N S ; ||
Maa- - - ni ta Gu-- ru--- - gu- ha- Van-- - - - - - di- ta--- Pa da-
The auspicious one, who protects (“paala”) the cowherd people (“gokula jana”); beloved (“manohara”) of the cowherd damsels (“gopikaa”). Who held aloft (“dhara”) the Govardhana mountain.
Sn R S S ; dn nndp ; nd pmG ; M - Pdp mg - M | D P dn S | d N S , S R M , G , ||
Go-- kula - Janapaa-- -la- Go- - - pi kaa-- - - Ma no- ha-ra Go- var ddha nadha ra