Sakala Graha


Ragam: Atana (29th Mela Shankarabharanam Janyam):

                                AROHANA:         S R2 M1 P N2 S                                   ||

                                AVAROHANA:  S N3 D2 , N2 P M1  P G2 ,  R2  S       ||

Talam: Khanda Chapu

Composer: Purandaradasa

Version: C V Shankar



Sakala Graha Bala Neene Sarasijaaksha

Nikhila Vyaapaka Neene Vishwa Rakshaka



Ravi Chandra Budha Neene Rahu Kethuvu Neene

Kavi Guru Shani Angada  Neene



Ruthu Vatsaramu Neene

Pratha Dinangalu Neene

Krathu Yoga Yagnatha Gathuvu Neene

Rithavaagi Ennodaya Purandara Vittalana

Sudhiya Dinnu Gaada Pranaamahima Neene


Meaning (Approximate: please report errors):

This is a krithi on navagrahas and how the Lord is beyond them. More info on Navagrahas: or


P: O Lord with eyes (“aksha”) resembling lotus (“sarasija”), you are the one who has powers of all  (“sakala”) grahAs (planets), and pervades/protects (“vyApaka”) the entire (“nikhila”) universe. (which means there is no meaning if we pray shani/rAhu/kEtu etc without praying shri hari).


A: You are (“Neene”) sun (“Ravi”), moon (“Chandra”), mercury (“Budha”), or the North / South Lunar nodes (“Rahu Kethuvu”), Venus (“Kavi”), Jupiter (“Guru”), and Saturn (“shani”) .


C: You are the seasons (“Ruthu Vatsaramu”) . {Alt:  You are rutu vatsara, ugAdi (year begining)}. You are day or night (“Pratha Dinangalu”). You are the prajaapathi (Krathu). All kinds of hOmas, and yagnas are You, and you are the person who performs Yogas (“Rithvaagi”). You are the kind Purandara Vittala. You bring every day to this world (“Sudhiya Dinnu Gaada”). You are the essence of life (“Pranaamahima”).




Sakala Graha Bala Neene Sarasijaaksha

Nikhila Vyaapaka Neene Vishwa Rakshaka


O Lord with eyes (“aksha”) resembling lotus (“sarasija”), you are the one who has powers of all  (“sakala”) grahAs (planets)...


; p   G m   P    P     ||  P P  d N p Pdp   ||  M m P s N ;       || S ;  rsnp nn         ||

  Sa ka la Gra ha     Bala Nee—ne--      -  Sarasi jaa        ksha -- - -- -


pm- p   G m   P    P ||  P R  Srs np  Pdp ||  M- p R s N ;  || S ;  ns Rgr  sn      ||

      Sa ka la Gra ha     Bala Nee—ne--      -  Sarasi jaa     ksha -- - -- -




… and pervades/protects (“vyApaka”) the entire (“nikhila”) universe.


P- n    S   r     S ;     || S N   rsnd  D       ||

-   Ni khi la Vyaa    paka Nee--  ne


; - r    M   r     S ;    || S N   rsnd  D       ||

-   Ni khi la Vyaa    paka Nee--  ne


; p d     N    d n S   ||  rs nr  sn p – sn n ||

Vi-  shwa Ra- -     ksha-- - - -    ka - -   - -


pm p   G m   P    P ||  PD pd N dnS nsrs  snP  || ;  - p R s N ;  || S ;  ns Rgr  sn             ||

      Sa ka la Gra ha   Ba-  la--   Nee— -  ne--       Sarasi jaa    ksha -- - -- -


P - r    M   r     S ; || S N   rsnd  N         || ; p d     N    d n S ||  rs nr  sn p – sn n || pm

-   Ni khi la Vyaa    paka Nee--  ne        Vi-  shwa Ra- -     ksha-- - - -    ka - -  




Ravi Chandra Budha Neene Rahu Kethuvu Neene

Kavi Guru Shani Angaraka  Neene


You are (“Neene”) sun (“Ravi”), moon (“Chandra”), mercury (“Budha”), or the North / South Lunar nodes (“Rahu Kethuvu”), …


; m p   n s R  S      || S S       snrs D     || ; R S S ;               || R S        D N   S ||

  Ravi Chan- dra   Budha   Nee-ne     Rahu Ke--             thu-vu-  Nee- ne-


; m p   n s R  S      || S S       snrs D     || ; R S nsrs            || ns  rs    sn P  dn ||

  Ravi Chan- dra   Budha   Nee-ne     Rahu Ke--             thu-vu-  Nee- ne-


Venus (“Kavi”), Jupiter (“Guru”), and Saturn (“shani”) .


P – R R  ;  r   s       || ns Rgr sn   -   M ;    || pd N dn S ;    || ns Rgr Srs np   nn || pm

-     Kavi - Guru     Sha ni  yum-   An       ga- -  da- -         Nee- -   - -  - -   ne-  -  -


pm p   G m   P    P ||  PD pd N dnS nsrs  snP  || ;  - p R s N ;  || S ;  ns Rgr  sn             ||

      Sa ka la Gra ha   Ba-  la--   Nee— -  ne--       Sarasi jaa    ksha -- - -- -


P - r    M   r     S ; || S N   rsnd  N         || ; p d     N    d n S ||  rs nr  sn p – sn n || pm

-   Ni khi la Vyaa    paka Nee--  ne        Vi-  shwa Ra- -     ksha-- - - -    ka - -  




Ruthu Vatsaramu Neene Pratha Dinangalu Neene

Krathu Yoga Yagnatha Gathuvu Neene

Rithavaagi Ennodaya Purandara Vittalana

Sudhiya Dinnu Gaada Pranaamahima Neene


You are the seasons (“Ruthu Vatsaramu”) . {Alt:  You are rutu vatsara, ugAdi (year begining)}. You are day or night (“Pratha Dinangalu”).


; n  d    D ; D          || D D  D ; D           || ; d   N   - s   S   ;    || N R  sn P  n n ||

 Ruthu Va  tsa        ramu Nee ne           Pratha   Di nan       galu Nee-  ne-



P- n  d    D ; D       || D D  D ; D           || ; d   N   - s   S   ;    || nsrg   rsnp  n n ||

   Ruthu Va  tsa      ramu Nee ne           Pratha   Di nan      ga-lu- Nee-  ne-


You are the prajaapathi (Krathu). All kinds of hOmas, and yagnas (“Yoga Yagnatha”) are You,


P – p  P     ns D p  || pmdp pmrm - s r   ||  , s – r   m   P  P ;     || dN p  ; ;  ;   ||

-   Krathu Yo--  ga Ya---   gna---   tha-     --    Gathu vu Nee         ne- -


P – p  P     ns D p  || pmdp pmrm - s r   ||  , s – r   m   P  P ;   || rsnp     dN p  ;              ||

-   Krathu Yo--  ga Ya---   gna---   tha-     --    Gathu vu Nee--      ---     ne- -


… and you are the person who performs Yogas (“Rithvaagi”). You are the kind (“Ennodaya”) Purandara Vittala.


; m p  , n s R S      || S ; sn  rs  D         ||  ; n r  ,   S ;  S      || S S    N  R  S       ||

  Ritha  vaa-- gi     En  no-da- ya            Puran da    ra    Vi tta  la   -  na


; m p  , n s R S      || S ; rs   ns  D        ||  ; n mr ,   S ;  S   || S S    N  R  S       ||

  Ritha  vaa-- gi     En  no-da- ya            Puran   da    ra   Vi tta  la   -  na


You bring every day to this world (“Sudhiya Dinnu Gaada”). You are the essence of life (“Pranaamahima”).


; r   m  , r    S   S     ||  rs ns  D ;  P        || pd N dn  S – S    || ns rg   r s n p – n n   || pm

  Sudhi  ya Dinnu  Gaa--- da Pra       naa--  ma- hi ma   Nee- - -  - - - -    ne -    - -