

RAGAM-Dhanyasi {8th melakartha (Thodi) janyam}  

              ARO:         S G2 M1 P N2 S                   ||

AVA:         S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S       ||

Talam: Adi

Composer: Dikshitar

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

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para dEvatA bRhatkucAmbA

saMrakshatu mAM SrI jagadambA



SAradA ramA sannuta sakaLA

SaraccAmpEya pushpa pada yugaLA


madhyama kAla sAhityam:

vara guru guha jananI cinmAlinI

sthira-tara sampatpradAna dhaninI



carAcarAtmaka prapanca jananI

cAru candra hAsinI suvAsinI

cidAnanda mahAlinga mOhinI

cidrUpiNI bhakta viSvAsinI


madhyama kAla sAhityam:

karuNA rasa pravAhinI kauLinI

kali kalmasha nASinI haMsinI

kalA mAlinI kAtyAyanI

kanja lOcanI bhava pASa mOcanI


Meaning Courtesy:


Sahityam: para dEvatA bRhatkucAmbA     saMrakshatu mAM SrI jagadambA

Meaning: The supreme goddess Brhat-kuchamba the mother of the universe! May (she) protect me!

para dEvatA                                 - The supreme goddess,

bRhat-kuca-ambA                       - Brhat-kuchamba,

SrI jagat-ambA                            - the mother of the universe,

saMrakshatu mAM                     - May (she) protect me!


Sahityam: SAradA ramA sannuta sakaLA   SaraccAmpEya pushpa pada yugaLA

Meaning: The one exalted by Sarasvati and Lakshmi. the complete one. the one whose twin feet are (golden-hued and delicate) like autumnal Champaka flowers…

SAradA ramA sannuta                - the one exalted by Sarasvati and Lakshmi

sakaLA                                        - the complete one

Sarat-cAmpEya pushpa pada yugaLA - the one whose twin feet are (golden-hued and delicate) like autumnal Champaka flowers,


Sahityam: vara guru guha jananI cinmAlinI    sthira-tara sampatpradAna dhaninI

Meaning: The mother of the eminent Guruguha. The one who wears consciousness as a necklace (or) one adorned with pure consciousness. The giver of immensely stable prosperity. The repository of riches.

vara guru guha jananI                - the mother of the eminent Guruguha

cin-mAlinI                                    - the one who wears consciousness as a necklace (or) one adorned with pure consciousness

sthira-tara sampat-pradAna        - the giver of immensely stable prosperity,

dhaninI                                        - the repository of riches



Sahityam: carAcarAtmaka prapanca jananI    cAru candra hAsinI suvAsinI

Meaning: The mother of the universe consisting of moving and unmoving things… The one whose smile resembles the lovely moon (light). The auspicious one, decked with fragrant substances.

cara-acara-Atmaka prapanca jananI - the mother of the universe consisting of moving and unmoving things

cAru candra hAsinI                    - the one whose smile resembles the lovely moon (light)

suvAsinI                                      - the auspicious one, decked with fragrant substances



Sahityam: cidAnanda mahAlinga mOhinI     cidrUpiNI bhakta viSvAsinI

Meaning: The enchantress (mOhinI) of Shiva (Mahalinga); steeped in the bliss of consciousness (cit-Ananda).. the embodiment of consciousness. The trusted one to devotees.

cit-Ananda mahAlinga mOhinI - the enchantress (mOhinI) of Shiva (Mahalinga); steeped in bliss of consciousness (cit-Ananda)

cit-rUpiNI                                    - the embodiment of consciousness.

bhakta viSvAsinI                          - the trusted one to devotees.


Sahityam: karuNA rasa pravAhinI kauLinI   kali kalmasha nASinI haMsinI

Meaning: The flood of compassion… The goddess of Kulaachara (path of Srividya)… The destroyer of the impurities of Kali Yuga… The one riding a swan or embodying the Hamsa mantra.


karuNA rasa pravAhinI              - the flood of compassion

kauLinI                                        - the goddess of Kulaachara (path of Srividya)

kali kalmasha nASinI                 - the destroyer of the impurities of Kali Yuga

haMsinI                                       - the one riding a swan or embodying the Hamsa mantra


Sahityam: kalA mAlinI kAtyAyanI                 kanja lOcanI bhava pASa mOcanI

Meaning: The one adorned with all the arts as her necklaces. The daughter of Sage Katyayana. The lotus-eyed one. The liberator from the bonds of worldly existence!


kalA mAlinI                                 - the one adorned with all the arts as her necklaces

kAtyAyanI                                   - the daughter of Sage Katyayana

kanja lOcanI                               - the lotus-eyed one

bhava pASa mOcanI                   - the liberator from the bonds of worldly existence!




para dEvatA bRhatkucAmbA

saMrakshatu mAM SrI jagadambA


Sahityam: para dEvatA bRhatkucAmbA     saMrakshatu mAM SrI jagadambA

Meaning: The supreme goddess Brhat-kuchamba the mother of the universe! May (she) protect me!

para dEvatA                                 - The supreme goddess,

bRhat-kuca-ambA                       - Brhat-kuchamba,

SrI jagat-ambA                            - the mother of the universe,

saMrakshatu mAM                     - May (she) protect me!


[May the mother (“amba”) of the universe (“jagad”) the supreme God (“para devata”), the Bruhatkuchamba protect (“samrakshatu”) me (“maam”).]


; P G M          P ; ; ;            ; ns  ndP     ; ;  ; pn  |   Srs  Srn  ; ns     snD    P ; ; ;          M  Pnp mp   ||

  Pa-   ra         de -               - va- ta--     - -  -Bru-   hat-- -- -  Ku-            cham--- - -                ba  - - -  - -


Pnp mg M ;    P ; ; ;            ; ns  ndP     ; ;  ;  pn      |  Srs  Srn ; ns  snD     P ; ; ;               M  Pnp mp   ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de -               - va- ta--     - - - Bru-     hat--      --Ku-cham - - - -- - ba  - - -  - -


Pnp mg M ;    P ; pn Srs     N- ns  ndP    ; ; ;  pn      |  Srs  Srn ; ns  snD     P ; ; ;     M  Pnp mp   ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de -               -  va- ta--     - - - Bru-      hat--     --Ku-cham - - - -- - ba  - - -  - -


Pnp mg M ;    gmpn pn Srs N- ns  ndP    ; ; ;  pn      |  Srs  Srn ; ns  snD     P ; ; ;     M  Pnp mp   ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - - - - - - -  va- ta--  - -   - Bru-     hat--      --Ku-cham - - - -- - ba  - - -  - -


Pnp mg M ;    gmpn pn Srs N- nr s ndP  ; ;   ;  pn      |  SG  grS  ; P ; - pn    S rs sn N pn s   ; nsrs D P   ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - - - - - - -  va- ta--  - -   - Bru-       hat--  --   - -     Ku-  cham - - - -- -     - - -  ba -



P ,g  M ;     P ,n Srs nd       P – M   mpnp ;                pMg grS | Srs Srn ; G , M ,    P ; Pnp   pn Srs ndpm         ||

Sam  - -     ra  - - - - - -       -    ksha tu - - -                Maam - - Sri- -         Ja  ga    dam - -    ba - - - - - - -


Pnp mg M ;    P ;  ; ;     ; ns nd P      ; ; ; ;             |              ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;    ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - -    va- ta--  - -   - - -                     - - - -      - - - -      - - - -      - - - -




SAradA ramA sannuta sakaLA

SaraccAmpEya pushpa pada yugaLA


madhyama kAla sAhityam:

vara guru guha jananI cinmAlinI

sthira-tara sampatpradAna dhaninI


Sahityam: SAradA ramA sannuta sakaLA   SaraccAmpEya pushpa pada yugaLA

Meaning: The one exalted by Sarasvati and Lakshmi. the complete one. the one whose twin feet are (golden-hued and delicate) like autumnal Champaka flowers…

SAradA ramA sannuta                - the one exalted by Sarasvati and Lakshmi

sakaLA                                        - the complete one

Sarat-cAmpEya pushpa pada yugaLA - the one whose twin feet are (golden-hued and delicate) like autumnal Champaka flowers,


[She is attended (“sannuta”) by Sarasvati (“shaarada”) and Lakshmi (“ramaa”); whose two feet (“pada”) resemble the Champakacchambeya”) flower (“pushpa”) of the autumnshara”) season.]


MP pmG   M ; P ;  ; ; ;  N  ;  sr   nS ,              | ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ||

Sha- - - -   ra-  daa  -  - --    - Ra maa-               - - - -      - - - -      - - - -      - - - -


nmP pmG   M ; P ;  ; ; N;  ;  sr   nS p              | P,n S, n   ;-D P;      ; G , M ,   P ; P N   ||

Sha- - - -   ra-  daa  -  - --    - Ra maa-               San - -     - nuta    -  Sa ka    le  - -


Mnp pmG   M ; P ;   ; ; N;  ;  sr   nS p            | P,n srss N   ;-P,d dpM   ; G , M ,   P ; P N  ||

Sha- - - -   ra-  daa  -  - --    - Ra maa-               San - -     -     nu- ta --   -  Sa ka    le  - -


Mnp pmG   M ; P np  pn srss N ;  Nrs  nd P;  | P,n srss N   ;- D P;    ; G , M ,   P ; P N  ||

Sha- - - -     ra-  daa  - - --    - - -    Ra   maa-   San - -     -     nu- ta   - Sa  ka    le  - -


P,n   S ;   ; ; S ;    S mg  gr R    S ; S , p          | PN Srs    nd P  P,n  dpM    ; G , M ,    P ;  P N ||

Sha- ra -  - - ccha  am- - be- -    - -  ya            Pu- shpa - - -  Pa-   da- -    yu-  ga –   le -


Sahityam: vara guru guha jananI cinmAlinI    sthira-tara sampatpradAna dhaninI

Meaning: The mother of the eminent Guruguha. The one who wears consciousness as a necklace (or) one adorned with pure consciousness. The giver of immensely stable prosperity. The repository of riches.

vara guru guha jananI                - the mother of the eminent Guruguha

cin-mAlinI                                    - the one who wears consciousness as a necklace (or) one adorned with pure consciousness

sthira-tara sampat-pradAna        - the giver of immensely stable prosperity,

dhaninI                                        - the repository of riches

[Who is the mother (“janani”) of the renowned (“vara”) Guruguha. She is Chinmaalini; permanently showers abundant prosperity (“sampatpradaana Dhanini”).]


S  R  N  S    N D – D P,d    pmG    ; R      S ,g  rs rn  | M G P M   P ,n S ;  pn  S ; S   pn  Srs nd P        ||

Vara guru    guha  Ja na -    ni --   - Chin  maa- li-ni-   Sthiratara Sam  pat Pradaana Dha ni-  ni- -


Sahityam: para dEvatA bRhatkucAmbA     saMrakshatu mAM SrI jagadambA

Meaning: The supreme goddess Brhat-kuchamba the mother of the universe! May (she) protect me!


Pnp mg M ;    gmpn pn Srs N- nr s ndP  ; ;   ;  pn      |  SG  grS  ; P ; pn   S rs sn N pn s   ; nsrs D P   ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - - - - - - -  va- ta--  - -   - Bru-     hat--       --      Ku- cham - - - -- -     - - -  ba -



P ,g  M ;     P ,n Srs nd       P – M   mpnp ;                pMg grS | Srs Srn ; G , M ,    P ; Pnp   pn Srs ndpm         ||

Sam  - -     ra  - - - - - -       -    ksha tu - - -                Maam - - Sri- -         Ja  ga    dam - -    ba - - - - - - -


Pnp mg M ;    P ;  ; ;     ; ns nd P      ; ; ; ;             |              ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;    ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - -    va- ta--  - -   - - -                     - - - -      - - - -      - - - -      - - - -



carAcarAtmaka prapanca jananI

cAru candra hAsinI suvAsinI

cidAnanda mahAlinga mOhinI

cidrUpiNI bhakta viSvAsinI


madhyama kAla sAhityam:

karuNA rasa pravAhinI kauLinI

kali kalmasha nASinI haMsinI

kalA mAlinI kAtyAyanI

kanja lOcanI bhava pASa mOcanI


Sahityam: carAcarAtmaka prapanca jananI    cAru candra hAsinI suvAsinI

Meaning: The mother of the universe consisting of moving and unmoving things… The one whose smile resembles the lovely moon (light). The auspicious one, decked with fragrant substances.

cara-acara-Atmaka prapanca jananI - the mother of the universe consisting of moving and unmoving things

cAru candra hAsinI                    - the one whose smile resembles the lovely moon (light)

suvAsinI                                      - the auspicious one, decked with fragrant substances


[She is the mother (“Janani”) of the universe (“prapancha”) consisting of moving (“chara”) and unmoving (“achara”) objects (“Charaachara”). Her smile (“haasini”) resembles the lovely (“chaaru”) moon (“chandra”).]


G N P ;    ; ; np ;    M Pnp Mpg    M ;  P ;     | GM  pn S   rs nd P;   mgmg mpnp ;  pMg gr S               ||

Cha-raa  - -   Cha     raa - - - - - -    tma ka       Pra-   pan - - - - -cha  Ja-      na- - -     ni---  - - -


Srs Srn   S ; - MP   pmG  M ;            GM P ;   | N P PN ; ;  ; S     S , n grR               S N S ; ; ||

Chaa- -   ru   Chan-  - - -  dra            haa- - -     si -  ni-          Su    vaa- - - -               si  - ni- -



Sahityam: cidAnanda mahAlinga mOhinI     cidrUpiNI bhakta viSvAsinI

Meaning: The enchantress (mOhinI) of Shiva (Mahalinga); steeped in the bliss of consciousness (cit-Ananda).. the embodiment of consciousness. The trusted one to devotees.

cit-Ananda mahAlinga mOhinI - the enchantress (mOhinI) of Shiva (Mahalinga); steeped in bliss of consciousness (cit-Ananda)

cit-rUpiNI                                    - the embodiment of consciousness.

bhakta viSvAsinI                          - the trusted one to devotees.


[She is the captivating bride (“mohini”) of Mahaalinga, who is the embodiment of intelligence (“chit”)  and bliss (“ananda”). Who is pure consciousness (“chit-rupini”) and is well disposed (“viswasini”) towards her devotees(“bhakta”). ]


R ;   S ; ; ;   S gr                 S rn S ;   ; N   S ;  | Smg gr R              S ;  P;     pn   S rs nd   P -gm pn ;         ||

Chi daa   - - nan- -              - - -  da-  - Ma haa  -- -   lin--              ga - -      Mo- - - - - - - -    hi-  ni- -


Srs Srn   nSp ; ;    p dpd m P,  pp mm-GM   | P ; ; P     ppmm G  ; ;          pmG  R-R                S;  ; ;      ||

Chi-- - -  tdru- -    pi- - - ni -   Bha- --  - -      kta  Vi    swa - - - - - -        - - - -   - si                ni


Srs Srn   nSp ; ;    p dpd m P,  pp mm-GM   | P ; ; M    ppmm G  ; ;    mg pm- dp pm –  G  R S;            ||

Chi-- - -  tdru- -    pi- - - ni -   Bha- --  - -      kta  Vi    swa - - - - - -        - - - -   - - -     -     si ni


Sahityam: karuNA rasa pravAhinI kauLinI   kali kalmasha nASinI haMsinI

Meaning: The flood of compassion… The goddess of Kulaachara (path of Srividya)… The destroyer of the impurities of Kali Yuga… The one riding a swan or embodying the Hamsa mantra.



karuNA rasa pravAhinI              - the flood of compassion

kauLinI                                        - the goddess of Kulaachara (path of Srividya)

kali kalmasha nASinI                 - the destroyer of the impurities of Kali Yuga

haMsinI                                       - the one riding a swan or embodying the Hamsa mantra

[She is the continuous stream (“pravaahini”) of compassion (“karunaarasa”); She is Kaulini, the destroyer (“naashini”) of the obstacles (“kalmasha”) of Kali.]


; s p   ppmg ;  R S ; - P     pgM P N   srsn  D P   | ,m  G P,m           D P – PN   sr   S – N G               R  S ; ;   ||

 Karu naa--  - rasa  Pra    vaa-- hini   Kau- li ni     Ka li kal-     masha Naa  shi-ni   Ham-               si ni


; d pd   ppmg ;  R S ; - P     pgM P N   srsn  D P   | M  G P,m      D P – PN   R  S –   P  G               R  S ; ;   ||

  Karu naa--  - rasa  Pra    vaa-- hini   Kau- li ni     Ka li kal-     masha Naa  shi-ni   Ham-               si ni


Sahityam: kalA mAlinI kAtyAyanI                 kanja lOcanI bhava pASa mOcanI

Meaning: The one adorned with all the arts as her necklaces. The daughter of Sage Katyayana. The lotus-eyed one. The liberator from the bonds of worldly existence!


kalA mAlinI                                 - the one adorned with all the arts as her necklaces

kAtyAyanI                                   - the daughter of Sage Katyayana

kanja lOcanI                               - the lotus-eyed one

bhava pASa mOcanI                   - the liberator from the bonds of worldly existence!

[She is the authority (“maalini”) on arts (“kalaa”). She is KATYAYANI whose eyes (“lochani”) resemble that of a lotus (“kancha”). She liberates (“mochani”) us from the evils (“pasha”) of Samsaara (“bhava”).]


; P g- M   ,    P  ;  ns nd       P –P ,n   S            ;  r n S ;     | PG    R- S     ; rn S –n    r   sn D P – M   P G , M , ||

  Ka-  laa- -   maa li-ni-        -   Kaa- tyaa        - ya- ni   Kan-cha lo     cha-ni Bhava Paa- sha Mo -  cha ni


P g- M  , P     ;  ns nd  P     ;   Nsn pn   S        ;  r n S ;     | PG    R- S     ; rn S –n    r  sn D P – m Pdp m -Pg M||

Ka-  laa- -       maa li-ni-     -  Kaa- -- tyaa      - ya- ni   Kan-cha lo     cha-ni Bhava Paa-sha Mo -    -   cha- ni


Sahityam: para dEvatA bRhatkucAmbA     saMrakshatu mAM SrI jagadambA

Meaning: The supreme goddess Brhat-kuchamba the mother of the universe! May (she) protect me!


Pnp mg M ;    gmpn pn Srs N- nr s ndP  ; ;   ;  pn      |  SG  grS  ; P ; pn   S rs sn N pn s   ; nsrs D P   ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - - - - - - -  va- ta--  - -   - Bru-     hat--       --      Ku- cham - - - -- -     - - -  ba -


P ,g  M ;     P ,n Srs nd       P – M   mpnp ;                pMg grS | Srs Srn ; G , M ,    P ; Pnp   pn Srs ndpm         ||

Sam  - -     ra  - - - - - -       -    ksha tu - - -                Maam - - Sri- -         Ja  ga    dam - -    ba - - - - - - -


Pnp mg M ;    P ;  ; ;     ; ns nd P      ; ; ; ;             |              ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;       ; ; ; ;    ||

Pa-  - -  ra       de - - - -    va- ta--  - -   - - -                     - - - -      - - - -      - - - -      - - - -



Meaning: (TK Govinda Rao’s book)

May the mother (“amba”) of the universe (“jagad”) the supreme God (“para devata”), the Bruhatkuchamba protect (“samrakshatu”) me (“maam”).

She is attended (“sannuta”) by Sarasvati (“shaarada”) and Lakshmi (“ramaa”); whose two feet (“pada”) resemble the Champakacchambeya”) flower (“pushpa”) of the autumnshara”) season. Who is the mother (“janani”) of the renowned (“vara”) Guruguha. She is Chinmaalini; permanently showers abundant prosperity (“sampatpradaana Dhanini”).

She is the mother (“Janani”) of the universe (“prapancha”) consisting of moving (“chara”) and unmoving (“achara”) objects (“Charaachara”). Her smile (“haasini”) resembles the lovely (“chaaru”) moon (“chandra”). She is the captivating bride (“mohini”) of Mahaalinga, who is the embodiment of intelligence (“chit”)  and bliss (“ananda”). Who is pure consciousness (“chit-rupini”) and is well disposed (“viswasini”) towards her devotees(“bhakta”). She is the continuous stream (“pravaahini”) of compassion (“karunaarasa”); She is Kaulini, the destroyer (“naashini”) of the obstacles (“kalmasha”) of Kali. She is the authority (“maalini”) on arts (“kalaa”). She is KATYAYANI whose eyes (“lochani”) resemble that of a lotus (“kancha”). She liberates (“mochani”) us from the evils (“pasha”) of Samsaara (“bhava”).