Neelakantam Bhajeham


Ragam: Kedaragowlai  (28th Melakartha Hari Kambodhi Janyam)   

AROHANA:        S R₂ M₁ P N₂ Ṡ                    ||

AVAROHANA:  Ṡ N₂ D₂ P M₁ G₃ R₂ S         ||

Talam: Rupakam

Composer: Dikshitar

Lyrics & Meanings Courtesy: Guru Guha Vaibhavam

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nIla kaNThaM bhajE(a)haM satataM

nIrajAsanAdi nutam



bAla kucAmbA sahitaM bAla candra sEvitaM

SIla guru guha pUjitaM SrI kadamba vana nAtham



akshaya rUpAkhaNDa kAvErI tIrOttarAbhimukhaM

panca mukhaM rakshita bhakta pramukhaM

nakshatrESa SEkharam

nAma rUpa vicitra-tara daksha-taraM

ISvaraM kEdAra gauLa priya-karaM


Madhyama kAla sAhityam:

dakshiNa kASI puraM daNDita kAma tripuraM

dakshAdhvara haraM haraM dayA-karaM kamala karam


Meaning: Courtesy: Guru Guha Vaibhavam

P: bhajE ahaM                - I worship

satataM                   - forever,

nIla kaNThaM              - the blue-throated one,

nIrajAsanAdi nutam        - the one extolled by Brahma (the lotus-seated),



bAla kucAmbA sahitaM      - the one in the company of Goddess Balakucamba,

bAla candra sEvitaM       - the one served by the crescent moon (as his crest ornament),

SIla guru guha pUjitaM    - the one worshipped by the virtuous Guruguha,

SrI kadamba vana nAtham   - the lord of the forest of Kadamba trees



akshaya rUpa              - the undiminishing one,

akhaNDa kAvErI tIra uttara abhimukhaM - the one seated facing north, on the banks of the Akhanda (broad) Kaveri river,

panca mukhaM              - the five-faced one,

rakshita bhakta pramukhaM - the one who protected the foremost among devotees,

nakshatra- ISa SEkharam   - the one whose crown is the moon (lord of the stars),

nAma rUpa vicitra-tara daksha-taraM - the one cleverly manifest as manifold names and forms,

ISvaraM                   - the sovereign ruler,

kEdAra gauLa priya-karaM  - the one who finds Kedara Gaula Raga agreeable,

dakshiNa kASI puraM       - the one whose abode is famed as the Southern Kashi city,

daNDita kAma tripuraM     - the one who censured Manmatha and the Tripuras,

daksha adhvara haraM      - the annihilator of  Daksha’s sacrifice,

haraM                     - the destroyer,

dayA-karaM                - the merciful one,

kamala karam              - the one who hands are (lovely) like lotuses.



nIla kaNThaM bhajE(a)haM satataM

nIrajAsanAdi nutam


Sahityam: nIla kaNThaM bhajE(a)haM satataM

Meaning:  nIla kaNThaM              - the blue-throated one,

 bhajE ahaM                - I worship

 satataM                   - forever,


S ;           n d P         ; ; || ppmg        R  rm         g –r S || sn s r      ,  s- S       nd - nd ||

Nee        la-  kan    - -    ttam - -      -  bha -     -   jee-   ham--    -  -   sa     tha- tham-


Sahityam: nIrajAsanAdi nutam

Meaning: nIrajAsanAdi nutam        - the one extolled by Brahma (the lotus-seated) and other gods


P -N       S rm      gs R || M ;          P- N          ns rm ||

- Nee     ra jaa-    - - sa   naa         di-  nu        tham--- (Nee)


S ;           n d P         ; dp || ppmg        R  rm      g –r S || sn s r      ,  s- S       nd - nd ||

Nee        la-  kan    - -      ttam - -      -  bha -   -   jee-   ham--    -  -   sa     tha- tham-


P -N       S rm      gs R || M ;          P- N          ns rpmm ||

- Nee     ra jaa-    - - sa   naa         di-  nu        tham--- (Nee)


S ;          nd - mp   Dnd P || Pdp mg    R- rp       m -mgr || sn s r     ,  s- S        nd - nd ||

Nee        la-   kan   - - -  -    ttam -       -   bha      -    jee-   ham--     - -    sa     tha- tham-


P -N       S rm         gs R || r P m       P- N      S rm    ||

- Nee      ra jaa-      - - sa    naa -       di nu     tham--- (Nee)


S ;          nd - mp   Dnd P || Pdp mg    R- rp       m -mgr || sn s r     ,  s- srgr     nsrs - nd ||

Nee        la-   kan   - - -  -    ttam -       -   bha      -    jee-   ham--     - -  sa --    tha--  tham-


P -N       S rm         gs R || r dpM;       P- N      ns rpmm    ||

- Nee      ra jaa-      - - sa    naa -        di nu     tham---        (Nee)


S ;          nd - mp   S ;  ||  S  N           S ;           ; ;            ||

Nee        la-   kan   - -      ttam -         - -          - -



bAla kucAmbA sahitaM bAla candra sEvitaM

SIla guru guha pUjitaM SrI kadamba vana nAtham


Sahityam: bAla kucAmbA sahitaM bAla candra sEvitaM

Meaning: bAla kucAmbA sahitaM      - the one in the company of Goddess Balakucamba,

bAla candra sEvitaM       - the one served by the crescent moon (as his crest ornament),


pmP       D P         ppmg || M S          r - m M      P ;     ||

Ba -       la Ku      chaam   mbaa -     -    Sa hi     tham


M P         S- ss      nd - P || mp-pn     S – R      , S , ||

Baa la     chan       --   dra See  - -     -    vi     - tham 


pmP       D P         mgrm || M S         r - m M     P ;      ||

Ba -        la Ku     chaam  mbaa -     -    Sa hi     tham


M P         S- ss      nd - P || mp-pn     S – R      , S , ||

Baa la     chan       --   dra See  - -     -    vi     - tham 


Sahityam: SIla guru guha pUjitaM SrI kadamba vana nAtham

Meaning: SIla guru guha pUjitaM    - the one worshipped by the virtuous Guruguha,

SrI kadamba vana nAtham   - the lord of the forest of Kadamba trees


P N        S – rp      mgmr    ||  rp mg     S- rs      nd P    ||

See-       la   Gu-    ru- - -        gu- ha-   Poo--    ji- tham


mp gr     S Srs      nd P        || mp Dnd    Pdp mg     rm pr ||

Sree    Ka dam  - - ba        Va- na-      naa - - -    tham (nee)


P N        S – rp      mgmr    ||  rp mg     s R s      nd P    ||

See-       la   Gu-    ru- - -        gu- ha-   Poo--    ji- tham


mp gr     S Srs      nd P        || mp Dnd    Pdp mg     rm pr ||

Sree    Ka dam  - - ba        Va- na-      naa - - -    tham (nee)


Sahityam: nIla kaNThaM bhajE(a)haM satataM

Meaning:  nIla kaNThaM              - the blue-throated one,

 bhajE ahaM                - I worship

 satataM                   - forever,


 S ;          nd - mp   Dnd P || Pdp mg    R- rp       m -mgr || sn s r     ,  s- srgr     nsrs - nd ||

Nee        la-   kan   - - -  -    ttam -       -   bha      -    jee-   ham--     - -  sa --    tha--  tham-


Sahityam: nIrajAsanAdi nutam

Meaning: nIrajAsanAdi nutam        - the one extolled by Brahma (the lotus-seated) and other gods


P -N       S rm         gs R || r dpM;       P- N      ns rpmm    ||

- Nee      ra jaa-      - - sa    naa -        di nu     tham---        (Nee)


S ;          nd - mp   S ;  ||  S  N           S ;           ; ;            ||

Nee        la-   kan   - -      ttam -         - -          - -



akshaya rUpAkhaNDa kAvErI tIrOttarAbhimukhaM

panca mukhaM rakshita bhakta pramukhaM

nakshatrESa SEkharam

nAma rUpa vicitra-tara daksha-taraM

ISvaraM kEdAra gauLa priya-karaM


Madhyama kAla sAhityam:

dakshiNa kASI puraM daNDita kAma tripuraM

dakshAdhvara haraM haraM dayA-karaM kamala karam


Sahityam: akshaya rUpAkhaNDa kAvErI tIrOttarAbhimukhaM

Meaning:  akshaya rUpa              - the undiminishing one,

akhaNDa kAvErI tIra uttara abhimukhaM - the one seated facing north, on the banks of the Akhanda (broad) Kaveri river,


P ;           D   P       Pdp  mg    ||    R ;     R mg        gr S     ||

A -         kshaya    Roo -paa         -  -     A khan -   - - da


nS   R    gr s- Srs      n d  P     ||  s n    s r       G -gs      R ;   ||

Kaa ve - -  -   ri - -    - - - -         Thee ro -      -   ttha    ra


; r g        , - r S         ; ;             ||   ; s r      ,  g-   S         R ;    ||

  a bhi    -  mukham - -                - Pan-   -  cha Mu    kham



Sahityam: panca mukhaM rakshita bhakta pramukhaM

Meaning:  panca mukhaM              - the five-faced one,

rakshita bhakta pramukhaM - the one who protected the foremost among devotees,


pn S        s s   nd      P ;       ||  D P     P M        mg G ||

Ra -       kshi ta-      bha          ktha- pra mu kham--


Sahityam: nakshatrESa SEkharam

Meaning:  nakshatra- ISa SEkharam   - the one whose crown is the moon (lord of the stars),


R- S      P -    mg      G R    || M ,  p    ;  D       , P ,         ||

- Na      ksha thre -     - -       sha She  -  kha   - ram


p n S       Srs  nd    P ;         || nd dp     P   M   mg G ||

Ra  -       kshi ta-   bha            ktha- -    pramu  kham--


R- S      P - mg     G R        || M , p   ;  D         , P, ||

- Na      ksha thre   - -            sha She  kha      ram


Sahityam: nAma rUpa vicitra-tara daksha-taraM

Meaning:  nAma rUpa vicitra-tara daksha-taraM - the one cleverly manifest as manifold names and forms,


P N         S  Srs     nd P        || pm N    ; S         R R ||

Na-         ma Roo  - - pa         Vi  chi  - thra    tha ra


rgmg     R - gmG    , r S     || ns R     S – Srs   nd - P ||

dha -   ksha tha - -    ram      mee -   swa ram - - - Ke


Sahityam: ISvaraM kEdAra gauLa priya-karaM

Meaning:  ISvaraM                   - the sovereign ruler,

kEdAra gauLa priya-karaM  - the one who finds Kedara Gaula Raga agreeable,


R S         N- nd     P ;           || Pdp mg    R rm    mg S ||

Da -       ra gow -   --               la - - - -    pri ya  ka ram


Madhyamakaala Sahityam:


Sahityam: dakshiNa kASI puraM daNDita kAma tripuraM

Meaning:  dakshiNa kASI puraM       - the one whose abode is famed as the Southern Kashi city,

daNDita kAma tripuraM     - the one who censured Manmatha and the Tripuras,


S   p   m    m g s- r    m  m P    || P   m  p     n  s d p      s  n  S ||

Da kshina Kaa -  shi -   puram    Danditha Kaa-ma-   thripuram


S   p    m    m g  r- p   s  nd P    || P   m  p     n  s d p     s   n  S ||

Da kshina  Kaa -   shipu-ram  Danditha   Kaa-ma- thripuram




Sahityam: dakshAdhvara haraM haraM dayA-karaM kamala karam

Meaning:  daksha adhvara haraM      - the annihilator of  Daksha’s sacrifice,

haraM                     - the destroyer,

dayA-karaM                - the merciful one,

kamala karam              - the one who hands are (lovely) like lotuses.


P    S        r   r-   n   s     , nd  P     || n    S  nd    P     m  g     r  m  P       ||

Dhaksha thraya va ram -Ha ram    Da yaa Ka  ram Ka ma la ka ram (nee)


Sahityam: nIla kaNThaM bhajE(a)haM satataM

Meaning:  nIla kaNThaM              - the blue-throated one,

 bhajE ahaM                - I worship

 satataM                   - forever,


 S ;          nd - mp   Dnd P || Pdp mg    R- rp       m -mgr || sn s r     ,  s- srgr     nsrs - nd ||

Nee        la-   kan   - - -  -    ttam -       -   bha      -    jee-   ham--     - -  sa --    tha--  tham-


Sahityam: nIrajAsanAdi nutam

Meaning: nIrajAsanAdi nutam        - the one extolled by Brahma (the lotus-seated) and other gods


P -N       S rm         gs R || r dpM;       P- N      ns rpmm    ||

- Nee      ra jaa-      - - sa    naa -        di nu     tham---        (Nee)


S ;          nd - mp   S ;  ||  S  N           S ;           ; ;            ||

Nee        la-   kan   - -      ttam -         - -          - -