Ragam: Mohanam
Talam: Adi
Composer: Papanasam Sivan
Version: T Rukmini
Meaning: (Courtesy: Sujatha, https://sujamusic.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/kapali/)
kApAli karuNai nilavu pozhi vadana madiyan
AbAla gopAlam Azhi shUz dalattavarum
bhUpAlarum ashTa dik pAlarum poTrum adbhuta
madi punal aravu konDrai tumbai arugumattai punai mAsaDaiyAn
vidi talai mAlai mArban uritta kariya
vempuliyin tOluDaiyAn
adira muzhangum uDukkaiyum
tirushUlamum angiyum kurangamum ilangiDum kaiyyAn
tudi migu tirumEni muzhudum sAambal tulanga edir mangaiyar manam kavar jagan mOhana
Meaning: (Courtesy: https://sujamusic.wordpress.com/2013/03/11/kapali/ and R Shankar: https://www.rasikas.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4126 )
In the pallavi, the composer describes the presiding deity of mylApUr (kapAlI) thus: He is the handsome (vadana - face, madiyan - like the moon - a handsome, charming man) one (oru) that grants/gives liberally/showers in abundance (pozhi) compasssion (karuNai) on his devotees on a permanent basis (nilavu).
His compassion (karuNai) pours (pozhi) like
moonlight (nilavu), his face (vadana)
is like a moon (madiyan) (=handsome), the one who
holds a skull (kApAli).
In the anupallavi, the poet continues to describe him as the amazing/wondrous (adbhuta) one that is praised (pORRum/pOTrum) by one and all: by children/cowherds (Ap(b)AlagOpAlam), those (avar) who inhabit
this land/earth (talam) that is surrounded (SUr) by the seas (Azhi), kings (bhUpAlar) and the deities/demi-gods that gaurd (pAlakarum) the eight (asTha) directions (dik).
The marvellous (arpuda) one who is
worshipped by (pOtrum) by the young (bAla) cowherd gOpAlam) (=
Krishna?), those from the place (dalattavar)
surrounded (shUzh) by the ocean (Azhi),
the kings (bhUpAlar) and the keepers (pAlar) (= deities) of the eight (ashta)
directions (dik).
In the caraNam, SrI sivan goes
on to describe him as the one whose matted locks (mASaDayAn)
bear (punai) the moon (madi),
the gangA (punal - river),
and is adorned by konrai, tumbai,
and unmattai (Umattai)
flowers as well as the sacred aRuk(g)am grass, and a
snake (aravam). He is the one whose chest (mArban) is adorned by a garland (mAlai)
of heads (talai), one of which is brahmA's
(vidhi) fifth head[1]. He
wears garments made of skin (tOluDayAn) stripped (uritta) from an elephant (kariyin)
and tiger (vempuli). He is the one who holds in his
many bright/shining (ilangiDu) hands (kaiyAn) a drum (uDukkai) that
sounds (muzhangum) very loudly (adira),
a trident (triSUlam), the sacred fire (ank(g)i), and a deer (kurank(g)am). Even the ashes (SAmbal)
that cover his skin (tirumEni) all over (muzhudum) seem to shine (tulangum)
with the divine lusture that lights him up (dyutimigu) so much so, that this enchanter (mOhana)[2] of the world (jagam) captures (kavazh) the
hearts/minds (manam) of women (magaiyar)
who cross his path (edir).
He whose matted hair (masadaiyAn) is adorned (punai) with the moon (madi), the
river (punal) (=Ganga), the snake (aravu), kondrai flower (=Indian
laburnum, a yellow flower), tumbai flower (=leucas, a
white wildflower), arugam grass and Umattai flower (=datura, a purple flower). He whose chest (mArbAn) is adorned by a garland (mAlai)
of Brahmas (vidi) head (talai),
he who wears a skin (tOluDaiyAn) skinned (uritta) from a dark (kariya) [alternate : kariyin=of an
elephant) mighty tiger (vem puli)
. With his hands (kai) shining (ilangidum) with a
drum (uDukkai) which makes a startling (adira) loud noise (muzhangum), a
trident (tirushUlam), fire (angi)
and a deer (kurangam). Worship well (tudi migu) the One who enchants
the world (jagan mohana), his sacred body (tiru mEni) shining (tulanga) with ashes (sAmbal), who
captures the heart of (manam
kavar) the women (mangaiyar) who come before him (edir).
Kapali Karunai Nilavu Pozhi Vadana madiyanoru
His compassion (karuNai)
pours (pozhi) like moonlight (nilavu),
his face (vadana) is like a moon (madiyan)
(=handsome), the one who holds a skull (kApAli).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G ; ; ; P ; ; ; R ; S ; S D S R | G ; ; ; DP DP R ; S ; S D S R ||
Ka paa li - - - - - - Ka paa - - - li - - - - - -
G ; rgP ; gp DP R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | P D S D D P - P G - G G D P - G R S R ||
Ka - paa li - - - - - - Karunai Ni la vu Pozhi Vadana ma diyanoru
G ; rgP ; gp dsdp R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | P D S D D rs dp D - pd rs D P - G dp gr sr ||
Ka - paa --- li - - - - - - Karunai Ni la vu Pozhi Va- da- na ma diya- no- ru-
srgpdS, ; dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | P D S D D rs dp D - pd rs D P - G dp gr sr ||
Ka - paa --- li - - - - - - Karunai Ni la vu Pozhi Va- da- na ma diya- no- ru-
srgpdS, ; dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | sr G rs R sd S dp D pd rs sd dp pg dp gr sr ||
Ka - paa --- li - - - - - - Karu nai-Ni la- vu Po-zhi Va- da- na ma-di-ya-no- ru-
srgpdsrg rs- dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | sr gp g- rs r - ds rg r rs d - pd srs sd p - pg dp gr sr ||
Ka - paa --- li - - - - - Karu - nai-Ni la- vu - Po-zhi Va- da- na-madi-ya-no- ru-
GR S ; ; dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | sr gp g- rs r - ds rg r rs d - pd srs sd p - pg dp gr sr ||
Ka- - paa --- li - - - - - Karu - nai-Ni la- vu - Po-zhi Va- da- na-madi-ya-no- ru-
Gr- Dp -r S -dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | RD S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
Ka- - paa --- li - - - - - - - - -
AbAla gopAlam Azhi shUz dalattavarum
bhUpAlarum ashTa dik pAlarum poTrum adbhuta
In the anupallavi, the poet continues to describe him as the amazing/wondrous (adbhuta) one that is praised (pORRum/pOTrum) by one and all: by children/cowherds (Ap(b)AlagOpAlam), those (avar) who inhabit this land/earth (talam) that is surrounded (SUr) by the seas (Azhi), kings (bhUpAlar) and the deities/demi-gods that gaurd (pAlakarum) the eight (asTha) directions (dik).
The Kapaali who is praised
by children/cowherds (Ap(b)AlagOpAlam) ..
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G ; ; P ; ; D ; S ; D- S ; ; S ; | ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
A paa la Go - paa lam
The Kapaali who is praised
by children/cowherds (Ap(b)AlagOpAlam), and those (avar) who inhabit this land/earth (talam)
that is surrounded (SUr) by the seas (Azhi),..
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G ; ; P ; ; D ; D ; ; - G R ; G ; | SR G , p RS ; S SD Srs SD DP D ; ||
A paa la Go - paa lam A- zhi- Shu- zda la Tta- - va- rum
dpG ; P ; ; D ; D ; ; - G R ; G ; | SR G , p RS ; S DS Rgr RS Srs SD DP ||
A paa la Go - paa lam A- zhi- Shu- da la Tha- - va- -- rum-
Pd Srs sd rs S DP D ; D ; ; - G R ; G ; | SR G , p RS ; S DS Rgr RS Srs SD DP ||
A - - - - paa-- - - la - Go - paa - lam A- zhi- Shu- da la Tha- - va- -- rum-
the remarkable One (Adbhuta)
praised (Potrum) by kings (bhUpAlar)
and the deities/demi-gods that guard (pAlakarum) the
eight (asTha) directions (dik).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
D ; ; S ; ; Srg rs D ; D , s -dp D ; | D rs sd s d D P dp G GR - ; d p , g R S ; ||
Bhupaa la-- rum - A - shta- Di kpaala- - - rum- Po- - trum- A- dbhu- ta
D ; ; S rG, rsS rsS D ; D , s -dp D ; | Rgr - S rs D sd P dp dp G ; -d p , g R S ; ||
Bhu - paa la-- rum - A - shta- Di kpaa la- - rum- Po- - trum- A- dbhu- ta
Chitta Swaram:
G ; ; P G R S R D ; ; - S P D S R | G ; ; - G D P G R G ; ; - S D P G R ||
G ; ; G P D S R D ; ; - D R S D P | D ; ; - G R S D P G ; ; - S D P G R ||
srgpdsrg rs-
dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | sr gp g- rs r - ds
rg r rs d - pd srs sd p - pg dp
gr sr ||
Ka - paa --- li
- - - - - Karu
- nai-Ni la-
vu - Po-zhi Va- da- na-madi-ya-no- ru-
GR S ; ; dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ;
; | sr gp
g- rs r - ds rg r rs d - pd srs sd p - pg dp gr sr ||
- paa --- li -
- - - - Karu
- nai-Ni la-
vu - Po-zhi Va- da- na-madi-ya-no- ru-
Gr- Dp -r S -dp D P
R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | RD S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
- paa --- li -
- - - - - - - -
madi punal aravu konDrai tumbai arugumattai punai mAsaDaiyAn
vidi talai mAlai mArban uritta kariya
vempuliyin tOluDaiyAn
adira muzhangum uDukkaiyum
tirushUlamum angiyum kurangamum ilangiDum kaiyyAn
tudi migu tirumEni muzhudum sAambal tulanga edir mangaiyar
manam kavar jagan mOhana
In the caraNam, SrI sivan goes on to describe him
as the one whose matted locks (mASaDayAn) bear (punai) the moon (madi), the gangA (punal - river), and is
adorned by konrai, tumbai,
and unmattai (Umattai)
flowers as well as the sacred aRuk(g)am grass, and a
snake (aravam). He is the one whose chest (mArban) is adorned by a garland (mAlai)
of heads (talai), one of which is brahmA's
(vidhi) fifth head[1]. He
wears garments made of skin (tOluDayAn) stripped (uritta) from an elephant (kariyin)
and tiger (vempuli). He is the one who holds in his
many bright/shining (ilangiDu) hands (kaiyAn) a drum (uDukkai) that
sounds (muzhangum) very loudly (adira),
a trident (triSUlam), the sacred fire (ank(g)i), and a deer (kurank(g)am). Even the ashes (SAmbal)
that cover his skin (tirumEni) all over (muzhudum) seem to shine (tulangum)
with the divine lusture that lights him up (dyutimigu) so much so, that this enchanter (mOhana)[2] of the world (jagam) captures (kavazh) the
hearts/minds (manam) of women (magaiyar)
who cross his path (edir).
He whose matted hair (masadaiyAn)
is adorned (punai) with the moon (madi),
the river (punal) (=Ganga), the snake (aravu), kondrai flower (=Indian
laburnum, a yellow flower), tumbai flower (=leucas, a
white wildflower), arugam grass and Umattai flower (=datura, a purple flower).
P P P P P D S- D ; P p d s d P G G R | G dp G R S , r G rg P ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
Madi punal A ra vu Kondrai Thon-- dai A -ruvum Mathai Punai Maa- shadai yaaN
D P D G P D rsS- D ; P p d s d P G G R | G dp G R S , r G rg P ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
Madi punal A ra vu Kondrai Thon-- dai A -ruvum Mathai Punai Maa- shadai yaaN
He whose chest (mArbAn) is
adorned by a garland (mAlai) of Brahmas (vidi) head (talai), he who wears
a skin (tOluDaiyAn) skinned (uritta)
from a dark (kariya) [alternate :
kariyin=of an elephant) mighty tiger (vem puli) .
PG P D S ; S D ; P P D S D D P | G dp G R S, r G P D ,p R S ; ; ; ; ||
Vithi Thalai Maa lai Maar ban U ri tha Kariyin Vem pu- li yai Tho-ludai - - - yai - - - -
PG P D srgr S sd sd P P D rsS D D P | G dp G R srsr G pd sd P R S ; ; ; ; ||
Vithi Thalai Maa lai Maar ban U ri tha Kariyin Vem pu- li yai Tho-lu dai -- - yai - -- - - - -
With his hands (kai) shining (ilangidum)
with a drum (uDukkai) which makes a startling (adira) loud noise (muzhangum), a
trident (tirushUlam), fire (angi)
and a deer (kurangam).
S D P G R G P ds D P G dp dp gr S S D | S , r G R R , p P G P , d S D D ; ; ; || (RDS;)
Adi ra mu zhangum Udu kai yumThi ru - shu- lamumAngiyum Kurangamum Elan gidikaiyal
G R S D P D R S D P G dp dp gr S S D | S , r G R - R , p P G - P , d S D RDS; ||
Adiramuzhangum Udu kaiyumThi ru --shu- lamum Angiyum Ku ranga mum E lan gidikaiyal
G R S - gr rs D R S D rs D P dpdp gr S sd | S , r G R - R , p P G - P , d S D D ; ; ; ||
Adiramuzhangum Udu kaiyumThi ru --shu- lamum Angiyum Ku ranga mum E lan gidikaiyal
Worship well (tudhi migu) the One who enchants the world (jagan
mohana), his sacred body (tiru
mEni) shining (tulanga)
with ashes (sAmbal), who captures the heart of (manam kavar) the women (mangaiyar) who come before him (edir).
, r G pg R S S R S D | D , gr S D D , r s D -P
, sd P
-G G dp gr sr||
TudhimiguThirumen ni mu- zhudum Sham bal Thu lan gai ya dir Mangai-yarMa namKavar Ja gan Mohana
Chitta Swaram: (2nd speed)
G ; ; P G R S R D ; ; - S P D S R | G ; ; - G D P G R G ; ; - S D P G R ||
G ; ; G P D S R D ; ; - D R S D P | D ; ; - G R S D P G ; ; - S D P G R ||
srgpdsrg rs-
dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | sr gp g- rs r - ds
rg r rs d - pd srs sd p - pg dp
gr sr ||
Ka - paa --- li
- - - - - Karu
- nai-Ni la-
vu - Po-zhi Va- da- na-madi-ya-no- ru-
GR S ; ; dp D P R ; S ; ; ; ;
; | sr gp
g- rs r - ds rg r rs d - pd srs sd p - pg dp gr sr ||
- paa --- li -
- - - - Karu
- nai-Ni la-
vu - Po-zhi Va- da- na-madi-ya-no- ru-
Gr- Dp -r S -dp D P
R ; S ; ; ; ; ; | RD S ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Ka- - paa --- li - - - - - - - - -