Kamakshi (swarajati)
Raga: Yadukula Khambhoji (28th Melakartha Hari Kambodhi Janyam)
Arohana: S R2 M1 P D2 S ||
Avarohana: S N2 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S ||
Tala: Misra Chapu
Meaning Courtesy: http://syamakrishnavaibhavam.blogspot.com/2011/06/syama-sastry-kriti-kamakshi-ni-pada.html
Kaamaakshi Nee Padayugamu Sthiramani Nenammiyunnaanu Naa Chintalellanu Deercchamma
Swara Sahityas:
1. Amba Nannu Brova Samayamu Vinumaa Patita-paavanika
2. Anudinamu Sharana-mani Ninnu-vedu Koniyunna Sutu-damma sadaya
3. Sarasijaasana Hareesha Vinuta-paadaa Naato Vaadaa
4. Kamala-dala-sama-nayana Kacha-jita-ghanaa Shashidhara Nibha-vadana
5. Maanavati Ninnu Sadaa Dalachina Maanavula-kella Phala-mosage Birudu-gala Devata-yani Ne Vinabadi Neeve Gatiy-anucu
6. Paavani Pura-haruni Ramanee Paarvati Sakala Janani Paatakamulanu-vadiga Deercchi Vara-mosagumu
7. Kanakagiri Sadana Ninnu Golichina Janamulaku Dina-dinamu Shubha-mosage Vani Shrutulu Moralidagaa Moralu Vini Vini Vini
8. Baala-kisalaya Charana Nimishamu Taalanika Vini Mada-gaja-gamana Taamasamu Seyakane Nann-ippudu Brovumu Paraatpari
9. Kunda-mukula-radaa Sura-brinda-vinuta-padaa Bhuvilo Vara-daayaki-gadaa Naa Moralu Chevulaku Vinada Girisuta
10. Neevalene Galadaa Nera-daatavu Ee JagatilO Needu Pada-saarasamula Ee Bhava-jaladhiki Tari-yanuchu Migula
11. Kamala-sambhava Sura-mune-endrula Chetanu Ninu Pogadutaku Taram-ammaa Shubham-imma Ninu-nammitini Shyaamakrishna Sodari Duramuganu Karuna-salupu-mikanu
Meaning: Courtesy: Shyama Shastry Vaibhavam: http://syamakrishnavaibhavam.blogspot.com/2011/06/syama-sastry-kriti-kamakshi-ni-pada.html
P: O kAmAkshi! I (nE) remain (unnAnu) steadfastly (sthiramu ani) (sthiramani)
trusting (nammi) (nammiyunnAnu)
Your (nI) feet (pada yugamu).
O Mother (ammA)! Please relieve (dIrcu)
(dIrcammA) all (ellanu) my
(nA) worries (cintalu) (cintalellanu).
SS1: O ambA (amba)! This is opportune moment (samayamu)
to protect (brOva) me (nanu).
Please listen (vinumA). Aren’t You (gadA) redeemer (pAvanigA) of
fallen (patita)?
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS2: O Mother (ammA)! I am
Your son (sutuDu) (sutuDammA)
who prays (vEDukoni unna) (vEDukoniyunna) to You (ninu)
daily (anudinamu) that (ani) I surrender (SaraNamu) (SaraNamani) to You. O
Graceful (sadaya)!
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS3: O Mother whose feet (pAdA)
are extolled (vinuta) by brahmA
– seated (Asana) in lotus (sarasija) (sarasijAsana), vishNu (hari) and Siva (ISa) (harISa)! Should You dispute (vAdA)
with me (nAtO)?
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS4: O Lotus (kamala) petal (daLa)
like (sama) (literally equal) eyed (nayana)! O Mother whose dark tresses (kaca)
excel (jita) rain-cloud (ghanA)!
O Moon (SaSi dhara)
(literally having hare) like (nibha) faced (vadana)!
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS5: O Respected One (mAnavatI)!
Having heard (vinabaDi) that (ani) You are the
Goddess (dEvata) (dEvatayani)
having (gala) the appellation (birudu) of bestowing (osagE) fruits (phalamu) (phalamosagE) to all (ella) people
(mAnavulaku) (mAnavulakella)
who always (sadA) remember (dalacina)
You (ninu), O kAmAkshi! I (nE) remain steadfastly trusting You alone (nIvE) to be (anucu) my refuge (gati) (gatiyanucu).
SS6: O Sanctifier (pAvanI)!
O Consort (ramaNI) (literally delighter) of Siva –
destroyer (haruni) of three cities (pura)! O pArvatI! O Mother (jananI) of everyone (sakala)!
Please remove (dIrci) my
heinous crimes (pAtakamulanu) and grant (osagaumu) boon (varamu) (varamosagumu) to me quickly (vaDigA).
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS7: O Resident (sadana) of mEru – golden (kanaka) mountain (giri)!
As vEdAs (Srutulu) proclaim
(moralu iDagA) (moraliDagA) that (ani) You always (dinadinamu)
bestow (osagEvu) welfare (Subhamu)
(SubhamosagEvani) to people (janamulaku)
who serve (golicina) You (ninu),
having heard these statements (moralu) again and
again (vini vini vini), O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet.
SS8: O Mother with feet (caraNA)
like a tender (bAla) shoot (kisalaya)!
I shall not be able to tolerate (tALanu) even a
minute (nimishamu) further (ika)
(tALanika). Please listen (vinu),
O Majestic gaited (gamana) like an elephant (gaja) in rut (mada)!
O Mother who is beyond the Ultimate (parAtparI)! Please protect (brOvumu)
me (nannu) now (ipuDu) (nannipuDu) without delaying (tAmasamu
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS9: O Jasmine (kunda) bud (mukuLa) teethed (radA)! O Mother
whose feet (padA) are extolled (vinuta)
by celestials (sura bRnda)!
Aren’t (gadA) You the Bestower
(dAyaki) of boons (vara) in
the Earth (bhuvilO)? Don’t my (nA)
appeals (moralu) reach (vinadA)
(literally heard) Your ears (cevulaku), O Daughter (sutA) of Snow mountain (giri)?
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SS10: In this (I) Universe (jagatilO)
is there (galadA) any great (nera)
donor (dAtavu) like (valenE)
You (nI)? O kAmAkshi! I
remain steadfastly much (migula) trusting Your (nI) feet (pada) lotus (sArasamula)
to be (anucu) the ford (tari)
(tariyanucu) for (crossing) this (I) Ocean (jaladhiki) of Worldly Existence (bhava).
SS11: O Mother (ammA)! Is it
possible (taramA) (taramAmmA)
for (cEtanu) even brahmA –
born (sambhava) of lotus (kamala), celestials (sura) and great (indrula) of ascetics
(muni) (munIndrula) to extol (pogaDuTaku)
You (ninu)?
Please grant (immA) welfare
(Subhamu) (SubhamimmA). I
trusted (nammiti) You (ninu).
O Sister (sOdarI) of vishNu
– SyAma kRshNa! Further (ikanu), please show grace (karuNa
salupumu) (salupumikanu) speedily
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
Meaning (From TK Govinda
Rao’s Book):
O Mother Kaamakshi!
I place implicit faith at your pair of lotus feet. Please remove my miseries.
Mother of the universe! Protect me.
This is the right time to redeem the fallen one.
Every day, I, your son seek refuge in
you. Oh compassionate one! Whose feet are adored by
Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Why this dispute with me?
Your eyes are comparable to the lotus
petals, you braid excels the dark cloud, your face resembles the radiance of
the moon! O Honorable one!
On hearing your great repute as the
goddess, who grants the good fortune to all those whomeditate
upon you, I surrendered to you.
The beloved of Shiva! Purahara, the purifier, Paarvati!
Mother of All! Destroy my affliction and grant me favor.
You reside in the Kanakagiri,
the golden mountain! The Vedas do verily proclaim that you shower prosperity on
those who repose faith in you. Please do hear my prayers! Hear! Hear ! Hear!
Oh one with feet like tender shoots! I can no longer endure this. Oh,
one with the gait of an elephant, do not tarry, protect me this moment. Oh supreme one!
Oh Goddess with teeth like Jasmine buds! Whose feet are venerated by a
host of celestials, are you not the bestower of boons
in this world? Do not my prayers reach your ears? Oh
daughter of the mountains!
Are you not the infinite benefactor
of the world? I am convinced that your lotus-feet will guide me across the
ocean of existence.
Are Brahma, the celestials and sages
capable of extolling your glory? Grant me good fortune. I place my trust in
you. Sister of Shyamakrishna! Quickly Bestow on me your
benign glance!
Kaamaakshi Nee Padayugamu Sthiramani Ne-nammi-yunnaanu Naa Chintalellanu Deercchamma
P: O kAmAkshi! I (nE) remain (unnAnu) steadfastly (sthiramu ani) (sthiramani)
trusting (nammi) (nammiyunnAnu)
Your (nI) feet (pada yugamu).
O Mother (ammA)! Please relieve (dIrcu)
(dIrcammA) all (ellanu) my
(nA) worries (cintalu) (cintalellanu).
S ; ; ; ; snP || ; ; ; ; ; D R || sd S ; ; ; ; ; || ; ; ; ; ; M G ||
Kaa- - - maa- - - - - - kshi- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Am ba-
S ; ; ; ; snP || ; ; ; ; ; D R || sd S ; ; ; R P || M G R R M G S ||
Kaa- - - maa- - - - - - kshi- - - - - - - Pada yugamu Sthiramani
srgr ; ; ; S ,d || D S R ; M P ; || D ; S snD D P || pmpdP mP;m G- G ,r mg||
Ne- - - - na - mmiyunnaa - nu Naa Chin-ta lel-- lanu Deer- - - - - - - ccham-ma--
Swara Sahityas:
1.Amba Nannu Brova Samayamu Vinumaa PatitapaavanigA
SS1: O ambA (amba)! This is opportune moment (samayamu)
to protect (brOva) me (nanu).
Please listen (vinumA). Aren’t You (gadA) redeemer (pAvanigA) of
fallen (patita)? O kAmAkshi!
I remain steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my
S ; R S R M ; || G R - M G R S S || R ; ; ; ; M G ||
Am ba Nannu Bro va Sa ma yamu Vinu maa - - - Ja ga
S ; R S R M ; || G R - M G R S S || R ; ; ; ; P P || D D ; ; S R G ||
Am ba Nannu Bro va Sa ma yamu Vinu maa - - - Pati ta Paa- - va ni ga
2. Anudinamu Sharana-mani Ninnu-vedu Koniyunna Sutu-damma Sadaya
SS2: O Mother (ammA)! I am
Your son (sutuDu) (sutuDammA)
who prays (vEDukoni unna) (vEDukoniyunna) to You (ninu)
daily (anudinamu) that (ani) I surrender (SaraNamu) (SaraNamani) to You. O
Graceful (sadaya)!
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
SR P M G S R || M G R S S R ; || ; P P D ; ;- D || P M ; G R M G ||
Anudi namu Shara namani Ninnu ve du Koni yun- na Su tuda- mma Sa daya
3. Sarasijaasana Hareesha Vinuta-paadaa Naato Vaadaa
SS3: O Mother whose feet (pAdA)
are extolled (vinuta) by brahmA
– seated (Asana) in lotus (sarasija) (sarasijAsana), vishNu (hari) and Siva (ISa) (harISa)! Should You dispute (vAdA)
with me (nAtO)?
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
R S R P ; M G || S R ; S - N D P || D ; ; ; ; D ; || P ; M ; G ; R ||
Sarasi jaa sana Haree- shaVi nuta paa- - - - daa - Naa to - Vaa - da
4. Kamala-dala-sama-nayana Kacha-jita-ghanaa Shashidhara Nibhavadana
SS4: O Lotus (kamala) petal (daLa)
like (sama) (literally equal) eyed (nayana)! O Mother whose dark tresses (kaca)
excel (jita) rain-cloud (ghanA)!
O Moon (SaSi dhara)
(literally having hare) like (nibha) faced (vadana)!
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
G S R P M M G || G R S S N D P || D D ; ; ; D D || P P - M M G G R ||
Kamala dala sama nayana Kacha jita ghanaa- - - Shashidhara Ni bha va dana
5. Maanavati Ninnu Sadaa Dalachina Maanavula-kella Phala-mosage Birudu-gala Devatayani Ne Vinabadi Neeve Gatiy-anucu
SS5: O Respected One (mAnavatI)!
Having heard (vinabaDi) that (ani) You are the
Goddess (dEvata) (dEvatayani)
having (gala) the appellation (birudu) of bestowing (osagE) fruits (phalamu) (phalamosagE) to all (ella) people
(mAnavulaku) (mAnavulakella)
who always (sadA) remember (dalacina)
You (ninu), O kAmAkshi! I (nE) remain steadfastly trusting You alone (nIvE) to be (anucu) my refuge (gati) (gatiyanucu).
M ; P N D M P || D , P , M G R G || S ; R S R M ; || G R - M G R R ; ||
Maana vati Ninnu Sa daa Da la china Maana vula ke- la Pha la mosa ge -
S S R S S R ; || ; P P D D S ; || ; P P D D S ; || ; N D P M G R ||
Birudu gala De - vata yani Ne- - Vina badi Nee - ve Ga ti ya nucu
6. Paavani Puraharuni Ramanee Paarvati Sakala Janani Paataka-mulanu-vadiga Deercchi Vara-mosagumu
SS6: O Sanctifier (pAvanI)!
O Consort (ramaNI) (literally delighter) of Siva –
destroyer (haruni) of three cities (pura)! O pArvatI! O Mother (jananI) of everyone (sakala)!
Please remove (dIrci) my
heinous crimes (pAtakamulanu) and grant (osagaumu) boon (varamu) (varamosagumu) to me quickly (vaDigA).
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
P ; ; ; ; M P || N D P M G R G || R ; ; ; ; S ; || R P M G - S R G ||
Paa - - vani Puraha runi Rama nee- - - - Paar vati Sa ka la Jana
S ; ; ; ; P ; || D S R M P D D || S ; ; ; ; P ; || R S N D P M G ||
ni - - - - Paa takamu lanu vidi ga - - - - Deer cchiVara mosa gumu
7. Kanakagiri Sadana Ninnu Golichina Janamulaku Dinadinamu Shubha-mosage Vani Shrutulu Moralidagaa Moralu Vini Vini Vini
SS7: O Resident (sadana) of mEru – golden (kanaka) mountain (giri)!
As vEdAs (Srutulu) proclaim
(moralu iDagA) (moraliDagA) that (ani) You always (dinadinamu)
bestow (osagEvu) welfare (Subhamu)
(SubhamosagEvani) to people (janamulaku)
who serve (golicina) You (ninu),
having heard these statements (moralu) again and
again (vini vini vini), O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet.
P M P N D M P || D , P , M G R G || S S R S R P P || M G - S R M G R ||
Kanaka gi ri Sada na Ninnu Goli china Janamu laku Dina dina mu Shubha mosa
(N D P)
R ; ; ; ; P P || D D ; S R M P || D ; ; ; ; P D || R S N D P M G ||
ge - - - - Vani Shrutulu Mora lida gaa- - - - Mora lu Vini Vini Vini
8. Baala-kisalaya Charana Nimishamu Taalanika Vini Mada-gajagamana Taamasamu Seyakane Nann-ipudu Brovumu Paraatpari
SS8: O Mother with feet (caraNA)
like a tender (bAla) shoot (kisalaya)!
I shall not be able to tolerate (tALanu) even a
minute (nimishamu) further (ika)
(tALanika). Please listen (vinu),
O Majestic gaited (gamana) like an elephant (gaja) in rut (mada)!
O Mother who is beyond the Ultimate (parAtparI)! Please protect (brOvumu)
me (nannu) now (ipuDu) (nannipuDu) without delaying (tAmasamu
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
P ; D D S P D || S N - N D - D P M || P ; S N D M P || N D - D P M G R ||
Baala kisa laya Chara na Ni mi shamu Taala nika Vini Mada ga ja ga mana
S ; R S R M ; || P -M P D ; P D || R , S , ; ; M P || D , P , ; ; M G ||
Taama samu Se- ya kane Nan nnipu du Bro - - vumu Paraa - - tpari
9. Kunda-mukula-radaa Sura-brinda-vinuta-padaa Bhuvilo Vara-daayaki-gadaa Naa Moralu Chevulaku Vinada Girisuta
SS9: O Jasmine (kunda) bud (mukuLa) teethed (radA)! O Mother
whose feet (padA) are extolled (vinuta)
by celestials (sura bRnda)!
Aren’t (gadA) You the Bestower
(dAyaki) of boons (vara) in
the Earth (bhuvilO)? Don’t my (nA)
appeals (moralu) reach (vinadA)
(literally heard) Your ears (cevulaku), O Daughter (sutA) of Snow mountain (giri)?
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
D ; P M G R M || G ; ; ; ; S R || M ; G R- S N D || P ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
Kunda muku lara daa- - - - Sura brin- da vi nu ta pa daa - - - - - -
D ; S P D S ; || ; R M P D S ; || G R S N D P M || G R - S N D P D ||
Bhuvilo Vara daa- - yaki gadaa Naa- Moralu Chevu laku Vina va Giri suta
10. Neevalene Galadaa Nera-daatavu Ee JagatilO Needu Pada-saarasamula Ee Bhava-jaladhiki Tariyanuchu Migula
SS10: In this (I) Universe (jagatilO)
is there (galadA) any great (nera)
donor (dAtavu) like (valenE)
You (nI)? O kAmAkshi! I
remain steadfastly much (migula) trusting Your (nI) feet (pada) lotus (sArasamula)
to be (anucu) the ford (tari)
(tariyanucu) for (crossing) this (I) Ocean (jaladhiki) of Worldly Existence (bhava).
D ; P M G R M || G ; ; ; ; R G || R ; ; ; ; SR || S ; S N D P ; ||
Neeva lene Gala daa -- - - Nera daa- - - - tavu Ee Ja gati lO
D ; S P D S ; || ; R M P D S ; || G R S N D P-R || S N D P -M G R ||
Nee-du Pada saa - rasa mula Ee - Bhavaja la dhi ki Ta riya nu chu Mi gula
11. Kamala-sambhava Sura-muneendrula Chetanu Ninu Pogadutaku Taramammaa Shubham-imma
Ninnu-nammitini Shyaamakrishna Sodari Duramuganu Karuna-salupu-mikanu
SS11: O Mother (ammA)! Is it
possible (taramA) (taramAmmA)
for (cEtanu) even brahmA –
born (sambhava) of lotus (kamala), celestials (sura) and great (indrula) of ascetics
(muni) (munIndrula) to extol (pogaDuTaku)
You (ninu)?
Please grant (immA) welfare
(Subhamu) (SubhamimmA). I
trusted (nammiti) You (ninu).
O Sister (sOdarI) of vishNu
– SyAma kRshNa! Further (ikanu), please show grace (karuNa
salupumu) (salupumikanu) speedily
O kAmAkshi! I remain
steadfastly trusting Your feet. O Mother! Please relieve all my worries.
S R G S ; G R || S N D P ; D D || S ; ; ; ; P R || S N -D P M G R ||
Kamala sam bhava Suramu neen drula Che- - - - tanu Ninnu Po gadu taku
S R M ; M G M || P ; P M P D ; || ; P D S ; ; S || R ; G S ; M G ||
Taramam-maa Shubha mimma Ninnu nam mitini Shyaa - ma kri-shna So- da ri
R S N D P M G || R S N D P G R ||
Duramu ganu Karu na Salu pumi kanu