Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem

Ragam: Lalitha

Talam: Rupakam




Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem sadaa Bhajaami

Heena Maanava Aashrayam Thyajami



Chira thara Sampath pradaam  Ksheeraambudhi  Thanayaam

Hari vakshasthala Aalayaam Harineem Charana Kisalayam

Kara kamala drutha kuvalayaam Marakatha manimaya valayaam



Swetha Dweepa Vaasineem Sree Kamalaambikaam Paraam

Bhootha Bhavya Vilaasineem Bhoosura Poojithaam Varaam

Maatharam abja maalineem Maanikya  aabharana Dharaam

Geetha Vaadya Vinoodhineem Girijaamthaam Indiraam


Seetha kirana nibha vadanaam sritha chinthaamani sadanaam

Peetha vasanaam guru guha maadhula kanthaam lalithaam


Meaning: (From T K Govinda Rao’s Book)

I always the praise of Lakshmi of golden hue (“hiranmayeem”) and renounce(“tyajaami”)  the company (“aasrayam”) of the rich and mean (“heena”) people (“maanava”).


She bestows (“pradaam”) imperishable (“chira tara”) prosperity (“sampath). She is the daughter (“tanayaam”) of the ocean (“ambudhi”) of milk (“ksheera”). Who sports (“aalayaam”) on the Chest (“vakshastala”) of HARI. She is pure, white hued -- HARINI. Whose feet (“charana”) are soft like tender leaves (“kisalayaam”); She holds in Her Lotus-Hand(“kara kamala”)  a lily of blue hue (“kuvalayaam”). She is adorned with emerald (“marakatha mani”) studded bangles (“valayaam”).


She resides (“vaasineem”)  in Sveta Dipa. She is Kamalaamba, who is the supreme spirit (“paraam”). She illuminates (“vilaasineem”) both the past (“bhoota”) and future (“bhavya”). She is the supreme mother, worshipped (“poojithaam”) by Bhusuras - righteous people. Adorned (“aabharana dharaam”) with a garland of lotus (“abja”)  and gem-studded ornaments (“manikya”). She delights (“vinodhineem”) in the music of songs and instruments. She is INDIRA, in the company (‘aamthaam”) of GIRIJA, the daughter of Himavan. Her face (“vadanaam”) resembles (“nibha”) the moon (“seetha kirana”). She is Chintamani, for those (“sritha”)  who take refuge in Her. She is adorned with yellow (“peetha”) silk (“vasanaam”). She is the captivator(“kaanthaam”)  of Vishnu, uncle (“maadhula”)  of guruguha and the elegant one.





Hiranmayeem Lakshmeem sadaa Bhajaami

Heena Maanava Aashrayam Thyajami


I always the praise of Lakshmi of golden hue (“hiranmayeem”) and renounce(“tyajaami”)  the company (“aasrayam”) of the rich and mean (“heena”) people (“maanava”).


D  M   ;   G      R ;                ||  S ;                 sn D                 ;  S                 || S ;    R  G             ;  M                 ||

Hi  ran   ma     yeem          Laksh  meem         sa          daa  Bha jaa          -   mi


D  M   ;   G      R ;                ||  S ;                 sn D                 ;  gr                 || r s S  R  G             ; M                 ||

Hi  ran   ma     yeem          Laksh  meem         sa          daa  -  Bha jaa       -   mi


D  sn  dm    gm    R ;           ||  S ;                 Srs nd                  ;  gr                 || r s S  R  G             ;  M                 ||

Hi  ran  -    ma     yeem          Laksh  meem         sa          daa  -  Bha jaa       -   mi


dn  Srs nd    gm    R ;           ||  S ;                 Srs nd                  ;  gr                 || r s S  R  G             ;  M                 ||

Hi  ran  -    ma     yeem          Laksh  meem         sa          daa  -  Bha jaa       -   mi


gm D  M  mg                 R S                ||  sn  D  D    dm    D  gr                 || rs S                S  , r      s r g m     ||

Hee -  na Maa       - na            va  - - shra yam  -  Thya    ja - -    mi  -     - -  -    -


d n s n  d m – gm   g r S        ||  sn  D  D    dm    D  gr                 || rs S                S ;                 ; ;          ||

Hee -    na -    Maa  - - na          va  - - shra yam  -  Thya    ja - -    mi  -     - -  -    - 





Chira thara Sampath pradaam  Ksheeraambudhi  Thanayaam

Hari vakshasthala Aalayaam Harineem Charana Kisalayam

Kara kamala drutha kuvalayaam Marakatha manimaya valayaam


She bestows (“pradaam”) imperishable (“chira tara”) prosperity (“sampath). She is the daughter (“tanayaam”) of the ocean (“ambudhi”) of milk (“ksheera


; g M       m D                  M ,d                 ||  M ,g                 M dm – D  ;          ||

Chi ra      thara     Sam            pat h   pra daam  -


D   sn      nd nd                dm M                 ||  D N                 S ;                 ; ;                 ||

Kshee     raam-     bu- dhi      Tha na yaam


; g M       m D                  dn srsn                 ||  DM                  M dm – D  ;          ||

Chi ra      thara     Sam            pat h   pra daam  -


D   sn      nd nd                dm M                 ||  D N                 S ;                 ; ;                 ||

Kshee     raam-     bu- dhi      Tha na yaam



Who sports (“aalayaam”) on the Chest (“vakshastala”) of HARI. She is pure, white hued -- HARINI. Whose feet (“charana”) are soft like tender leaves (“kisalayaam”); She holds in Her Lotus-Hand(“kara kamala”)  a lily of blue hue (“kuvalayaam”). She is adorned with emerald (“marakatha mani”) studded bangles (“valayaam”).


s s    S     S    n      D             d M                 || m d  dm      m g r      n d n  S                 ||

Hari vak sha stha la             la  yaam    Hari neem Charana Kisalayam


s    s   s   r   s – n d –    n  s  r  S                ||  m  g  r   s    r  g  r  s     r   g   M            ||

Ka ra ka mala drutha ku valayaam      Marakatha manimaya valayaam





Swetha Dweepa Vaasineem Sree Kamalaambikaam Paraam

Bhootha Bhavya Vilaasineem Bhoosura Poojithaam Varaam

Maatharam abja maalineem Maanikya  aabharana Dharaam

Geetha Vaadya Vinoodhineem Girijaamthaam Indiraam


Seetha kirana nibha vadanaam sritha chinthaamani sadanaam

Peetha vasanaam guru guha maadhula kanthaam lalithaam


She resides (“vaasineem”)  in Sveta Dipa. She is Kamalaamba, who is the supreme spirit (“paraam”). She illuminates (“vilaasineem”) both the past (“bhoota”) and future (“bhavya”). She is the supreme mother, worshipped (“poojithaam”) by Bhusuras - righteous people. Adorned (“aabharana dharaam”) with a garland of lotus (“abja”)  and gem-studded ornaments (“manikya”). She delights (“vinodhineem”) in the music of songs and instruments. She is INDIRA, in the company (‘aamthaam”) of GIRIJA, the daughter of Himavan. Her face (“vadanaam”) resembles (“nibha”) the moon (“seetha kirana”). She is Chintamani, for those (“sritha”)  who take refuge in Her. She is adorned with yellow (“peetha”) silk (“vasanaam”). She is the captivator(“kaanthaam”)  of Vishnu, uncle (“maadhula”)  of guruguha and the elegant one.


S R          S  ;                 S   ;                    ||  S    S         ;   nr  s   D    ;                  ||

Swe -    tha             Dwee       pa   Vaa       si      neem –


N  ;          S R                 S ;                   ||  R  G        ;     G  M  ;                 ||

Sree     Kama    laam          bi  kaam    -   Pa   raam



S R          S  ;                 Srs   S                    ||  S    S         ;   nsrs   D    ;                  ||

Swe -    tha             Dwee       pa   Vaa       si      neem –


N  ;          S R                  r s S                    ||  R  G        ;     G  M  ;                 ||

Sree     Kama    laam          bi  kaam    -   Pa   raam


D  ;          M M                 ;  gr                  || R   S          ,n  -  S    nsrs R                    ||

Bhoo      tha Bha   - vya          Vi   laa     -     si-    neem


s n s n      R  S                 sn D                ||  N  ,                 S n  -  g r     r s S          ||

Bhoo        su ra     Poo -           ji        thaam Va    raam


S  ;          R  G                 M  ;                 ||  M – M   ;  dm       D ;                 ||

Maa        tha ram   a                 bja  maa     li     neem


D sn        n d n d                 D M                 || D S     N   R       r s S                 ||

Maa-       ni- - -    kyam          bha ra  na  Dha  raam- 


s n s n   R  - S                 ;   S                 || S  n  - d M   - D   N ;                 ||

Gee- - - tha Vaa       dya           Vi -    noo-   dhi-   neem


n d n d     D  M       M  ;         ||  m g R       R   r s    S  ;                 ||

Gi- ri -    jaam -   thaam        In -  -       di  raam -    [Sam geetha ]



S     s  - g   r   s  -  n   d     d   n    S       ||   r   s      r    g     M  - d    m  d    n  S ||

See tha ki  ra  na   ni bha va da  naam    sri tha chin -    thaa  ma ni  sa da naam


,  S    s -  g   r   S          s   n   n  d                 || d  m  m d   d m   g m    g   r   S              ||

  Peetha va  sa naam  gu ru guha                   maa- dhula kan- thaam lalithaam


d m  D                ||

 lalithaam  [Hiranmayeem]