Divaakara Tanujam
Ragam: Yadukula Kambhoji
Talam: Chatushra Ekam (Adi, 2 kalai)
Mutthuswami Dikshitar
Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer
Divaakara Danujam Sanaischaram Dheera Tharam Santhatham Chinthayeeham
Bhavaambu Nidhow Nimagna Janaanaam Bhayankaram Athi Krura Phaladaam
Bhavaneesha Kataksha Paathra Bhutha Bhakthimathaam Athisaya Shubha Phaladaam
Kaalaanjana Kaanthiyuktha Deham Kaala Sahodharam Kaaka Vaaham
Neelam Suka Pushpa Maalaa Vrutham Neelarathna Bhushanaalankrutham
Malinee Vinutha Guruguha Mudhitham Makara Kumbha Raasi Naadam
Thila Thaila Misritha Anna Deepa Priyam Dayaa Sudhaa Saagaram Nirbhayam
Kaala Danda Paripeeditha Jaanum Kaamithaartha Phalada Kaamadenum
Kaala Chakra Bheeda Chithra Banum Kalpitha Chaayaadevi Sunum
Meaning: (From TK Govinda Raos book)
I always (santhatham ) meditate (chintayeham) upon
the slow moving Shani, the son (Danujam)
of SURYA (sun - Divakara) and the courageous (Dheera tharam) one.
He causes fear (bhayankaram) in people plunged
(nimagna) in the ocean of worldly life (bhavam) and is the harbinger of bad effects (atikrura phaladam) of ones
life. He grants unique auspicious rewards (phaladam)
for devotees (bhuta) favoured
(paathra) by Paramasivas
(bhavaneesha) benevolent glances (kataaksha).
He who with a body(deham) of dark
luster (kanthi yukta)
like collyrium (kalaanjana),
is the brother (sahodaram) of YAMA, the god of death
He rides on the crow (kaka) as his vehicle (vaaham). He is decorated (alankankrutam)
with a blue dress, garland (malavruttam) of blue
flowers (neelamsuka pushpa),
oranments (ratna bhushana) embedded with blue sapphire stones.
He delights (muditham) Guruguha. He is worshipped (vinuta)
by Maalini Mantra.
He is the lord of the two Raasis:
Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha).
He has special liking (priyam)
for the lamp (deepa) lit with sesame (Tilataila) and for rice (anna)
cooked (misri) with sesame seeds.
He is an ocean (saagaram)
of nectar (sudha) of compassion (dayaa) and He is is fearless (nirbhayam).
Whose knee (Jaanum) was
disfigured (paripeeditha) by the staff (danda) of Kaala, the God of
He is like Kamadhenu,
yielding all desires (kaamithartha phalada).
He is the fire (chitra bhaanum) capable of splitting (bheda) the time (kala) wheel (chakra) of life and one conceived (kalpita) as the son (sunum) of the goddess (devi) Chaayaa.
Divaakara Danujam Sanaischaram Dheera Tharam Santhatham Chinthayeeham
[I always (santhatham ) meditate (chintayeham) upon
the slow moving Shani, the son (Danujam)
of SURYA (sun - Divakara) and the courageous (Dheera tharam) one.]
RS D ; ; ; D ; Dsd DP pmpm Pds | dp ; DP ; P P,m mPm G -R G,m mGr ||
Di- vaa- - - ka-
ra -- Da- nu-- - - - - jam - - -
- Sa nai- - - - -
- scha ram- - - -
RS ; D ; ; D ; drss D DP pmpd pd rsS | dp ; DP ; P pm Pdp md ppmg -R G,m mGr ||
Di- vaa-
- - ka- ra - - Da- nu-- -
- - - jam - - -
- Sa nai- - - - -
- scha ram- - - -
RG RS SN S R R ; ; ; S R M G | P ; ; M P ; DP P,m mPm mg-R G ; ||
Dhee- - ra- Tha- ram- - San- - - tha- - - tham - - Chin- - - - - - thayee
; ; mGr R; ; ; S R RG R S ; ; | ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
- - - - - - - - - ham - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bhavaambu Nidhow Nimagna Janaanaam
Bhayankaram Athi Krura Phaladaam
Bhavaneesha Kataksha Paathra Bhutha Bhakthimathaam
Athisaya Shubha Phaladaam
[He causes fear (bhayankaram) in people plunged
(nimagna) in the ocean of worldly life (bhavam).]
D ; D P ; ; P ; DP P,m mPm G-R | G ; ; mg ; R rpmg GS RP ppmg M ; ||
Bha vaa- - - mbu Ni- dhow - - -
- Ni ma- - gna- - -
Ja- - naa - - naam-
D ; D P
; ; P ; PM gm Pdp mdpm G-R |
G ; ; mg ; R
rpmg GS RP ppmg
M ; ||
Bha vaa- - - mbu Ni- dhow -- - - -
- Ni ma- - gna-
- - Ja- - naa - -
naam- -
[He is the harbinger of bad effects (atikrura phaladam) of ones
Gmg GR ; ; Rmg rsS ; ; nS, P - N | ; ; S ; ; ; S ; S R Rpm D; ; P ||
Bha- yan- - - ka- - ram- - A - - - thi - - Kru - - ra - Pha- la- - daam-
[He grants unique (athisaya)
auspicious (shuba) rewards (phaladam)
for devotees (bhuta) favoured
(paathra) by Paramasivas
(bhavaneesha) benevolent glances (kataaksha).]
P D ; S ; S - S R ; R - R M G - G R- R | S D S - R S ; s s N nd P dpmg R R mg S ||
Bhava- nee - sha Kataa - ksha Paa- thra Bhu-tha Bha-kthi ma thaam A-thi sa-ya Shubha Phaladaam--
Kaalaanjana Kaanthiyuktha Deham Kaala Sahodharam Kaaka Vaaham
Neelam Suka Pushpa Maalaa Vrutham Neelarathna Bhushanaalankrutham
Malinee Vinutha Guruguha Mudhitham Makara Kumbha Raasi Naadam
Thila Thaila Misritha Anna Deepa Priyam Dayaa Sudhaa Saagaram Nirbhayam
Kaala Danda Paripeeditha Jaanum Kaamithaartha Phalada Kaamadenum
Kaala Chakra Bheeda Chithra Banum Kalpitha Chaayaadevi Sunum
[He who with a body(deham) of dark
luster (kanthi yukta)
like collyrium (kalaanjana),
is the brother (sahodaram) of YAMA, the god of
death (kaala).
He rides on the crow (kaka) as his vehicle (vaaham).]
S ; R S R ; P M P ; D ; N D D P | P ; P , m mPm G - G G ; mG r R ; ; ; ||
Kaa- - laan- - ja- na - Kaa- - - nthi yu - - - - - - - ktha De- - - - ham- -
; ; R S R ; rpmg Gmg G R rgmg rs ; | ; ; S ; ; P D ; S R R P pmmg M ; ||
Kaa- la Sa
- - ho- - - -
dha- - ram- - - Kaa
- - ka Vaa- - - ham - -
- -
[He is decorated (alankankrutam)
with a blue dress, garland (malavruttam) of blue
flowers (neelamsuka pushpa),
oranments (ratna bhushana) embedded with blue sapphire stones. ]
; ; G ,m P ; ; ,m P ; D ; N D N D | DP pmpm M G- RM G R - G M D ; ; ; ||
- - Nee- laam-- - Su-ka- Pu- - - shpa Maa- - - - laa - - - Vru- tham--
; P- DP D ; S ; ; ; S ; S , n nSn | D- D D,n n D p P , m M G - G R MG S ; ||
- - Nee- la- ra- - - thna Bhu- - - - - sha naa- - - - lan- - - - kru- tham - -
; ; G ,m P ; ; ,m P ; D ; N D N D | DP pmpm M G- RM G R - M ; D ; ; ; ||
- - Nee- laam-- - Su-ka- Pu- - - shpa Maa- - - - laa - - - Vru- tham--
; P- DP D ; S ; ; ; S ; sn Srs nSn | D- D D,n n D p P , m M G - G R MG S ; ||
- - Nee- la- ra- - - thna Bhu- - - - - sha naa- - - - lan- - - - kru- tham - -
[He delights (muditham) Guruguha.
He is worshipped (vinuta)
by Maalini Mantra.
He is the lord of the two Raasis:
Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha). ]
M ; ; ; P ; D ; P, d ppmg R ; rpmg | G S r P m MG G R gPm PD dm P ; ; ||
Ma- - - li - nee-
Vi - - -
- nu -tha- - Gu - ru - - gu -
ha - Mu- -dhi- tham- -
; ; M P D ; S ,d S ; S ; S , r G S | R ; rpmg rs ; ; ; snP D ; S ; D ; ||
- - Maka ra -
Kum - - bha Raa-
- - si - -
- - Naa- - dam-
- - Thi-la -
[He has special liking (priyam)
for the lamp (deepa) lit with sesame (Tilataila) and for rice (anna)
cooked (misri) with sesame seeds.
He is an ocean (saagaram)
of nectar (sudha) of compassion (dayaa) and He is is fearless (nirbhayam). ]
R ; ; ; R ; S ; ; ; S ; sn Srs dSn | DD P ; ; ; P nd dpM DP D ; ; ; ||
Thai- - la - Mi-
- - sri- thaa - - - - -
- nna Dee - -pa - - - - -
Pri- yam- -
DP D ; ; ; R ; S ; ; ; M M P ds | sn D D P ; pm MG G R RM - G S- S D ||
Da- yaa-
- - Su- dhaa- - Saa - - - ga- - ram - - Ni-
- - rbha-
yam- - -
R ; ; ; R ; S ; ; ; S ; sn Srs dSn | DD P ; ; ; P nd dpM DP D ; ; ; ||
Thai- - la - Mi-
- - sri- thaa - - - - -
- nna Dee - -pa - - - - -
Pri- yam- -
DP D ; ; ; R ; S ; ; ; M M P ds | sn D D P ; ; PM M G G R RM G S ||
Da- yaa- - - Su- dhaa- - Saa -
- - ga- - ram - - - Ni- -
- rbha- yam-
- -
[Whose knee (Jaanum) was
disfigured (paripeeditha) by the staff (danda) of Kaala, the God of
He is like Kamadhenu,
yielding all desires (kaamithartha phalada). ]
S ; rp M ; M -P D P ; D P dpmg R ; | rPm P - P D D - P D S- S D S R ; R ; ||
Kaa la- Dan-
da Pari
pee ditha Jaa- - num Kaa-mi thaar - tha Phala da
Kaa-ma de- num
[He is the fire (chitra bhaanum) capable of splitting (bheda)
the time (kala) wheel (chakra)
of life and one conceived (kalpita) as the son (sunum) of the goddess (devi) Chaayaa.]
RM G - M G R r P - g ; - rsS ; S - P D S ; | M P - P G RS - rsnd DP dpmg RM GS ||
Kaa- la Cha -
kra Bhe-da - Chi- thra Ba- num
Kal- pitha Chaa-yaa-- de-- vi- -- Su- num-