Ragam: Dhanyasi (8th melakartha (hanumanthodi) janyam)
ARO: S G2 M1 P N2 S ||
AVA: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S ||
Talam: Rupakam
Composer: Oothukaadu Venkata Subbaiyer
Version: M N Subramanyam
Balakrishnan Paada malar Panivor (k)Idar Illai Varaguna
Neelamukhil Pol Azaghan
Nirai madhi Vadana Madani nila -- Naghzai nila aruloli thavazum
Gokulan Brindavanam Yamunaavihari Gopalan
Gopi Jana Mana Mohana Murali Gaana Viloolan
Vyakulam Thavir Thanva Manathil Vaz Karunaalavaalan
Mazhai Thaduka Govardhana Malai Edutha Thintholan
Pizhai Porutharum Dayaalan Piramanbani Malarthaalan
They who bow(panivor) to the
lotus-like (malar) feet (paada) of Balakrishan, the One with Supreme qualities, face no sorrow
(idar illai) in this
world. He is handsome (azhagan) and has the color of the blue clouds
(neela mukhil). His face
(vadana) is like the full moon (nirai madhi). He sports a
beautiful smile (ila naghai)
on his face (adanil) which gives the light of grace (arul oli).
He is the resident of Gokulam also known as Brindavanam on the banks of the river Yamuna. He is a cowherd (Go-paalan). He is the one who enchants (mohana) the minds (mana) of the gopis (cowherd damsels). He is the lover (vilolan) of flute (murali) music (gana).
He is the one who removes (thavir) sadness (vyakulam) and makes the mind strong (Thanva). With abounding kindness (karunaalavaalan) lives (vaazh!) in the mind (manathil).
He is the strong-shouldered (thinntholan) one who lifted the govardhana mountain(malai) to stop (thaduka) the rain (mazhai) caused by Indra. He is the kind one (dayaalan) who bears (porutha) and forgives our faults (pizhai). He is the one to whom even Brahma (piraman) bows (pani).
Balakrishnan Paada malar Panivor (k)Idar Illai Varaguna
- feet
- flower
Those who bow
idar illai - face no sorrow
Varaguna - person endowed with
Supreme qualities
[They who bow(panivor) to the lotus-like (malar) feet (paada) of Balakrishan, the One with Supreme qualities, face no sorrow (idar illai) in this world]
pp mg M P ; P || P ; N ns D P || ; pn S ; sr N || S , s ; , s N d P ||
Ba la kri shnan Pa da Ma lar- pa ni vor kidar il lai Va ra gu na
Pdp mg M P ; P || gm pn sr - ns D P || ; pg rs ; sr ns rn || S , s ; , pn srsn d p ||
Ba la kri shnan Pa da Ma lar- pa ni vor kidar il lai Va ra gu na
Pdp mg M pm P P || gm pn sr - nrss D P || ; pg rs ; sr ns rn || S , s ; , pn srsn d p ||
Ba la kri - shna Pa da Ma lar- pa ni vor kida il lai Va ra gu na
Neelamukhil Pol Azaghan
Nirai madhi Vadana Madani nila -- Naghzai nila aruloli thavazum
>> Neelamukhil Pol Azaghan
mukhil - clouds
azhagan - handsome person
[He is handsome (azhagan) and has the color of the blue clouds (neela mukhil) ]
N ; ; pm P N || S ; N sgrr S ; ||
Ni la Mu khil Pol - azha ghan
nsrs N dp P N || PN pn Sn sgrr S ; ||
Ni - la Mu khil Pol - azha ghan
madhi -full moon
vadanam adanil
- on the face
ila naghai
- punsirippu smile
aruloli = arul
+oli - the light of grace
[His face (vadana) is like the full moon (nirai madhi). He sports a beautiful smile (ila naghai) on his face (adanil) which gives the light of grace (arul oli).]
n s n
s g r s
s n p
n s || s r
n s pndp s n dP, ||
Nirai madhi Vadana madani nila Naghzai nila aruloli thavazum
N rs N dp P N || PN pn Sn sgrr S ; ||
Ni - la Mu khil Pol - azha ghan
n s n
s g r s
s n p
n s || s r
n s pndp s n dP, ||
Nirai madhi Vadana madani nila Naghzai nila aruloli thavazum [Bala]
Gokulam Brindavanam Yamunaavihari Gopalan
Gopi Jana Mana Mohana Murali Gaana Viloolan
Vyakulam Thavir Thanva Manathil Vaz Karunaalavaalan
Mazhai Thaduka Govardhana Malai Edutha Thintholan
Pizhai Porutharum Dayaalan Piramanbani Malarthaalan
[He is the resident of Gokulam also known as Brindavanam on the banks of the river Yamuna. He is a cowherd (Go-paalan)]
P ; D P pp mg R ; || G R R S ; s r ||
Go kulan Brin da - vanam Yamu
S ; S M ; M || Pdp mG, ; M ; P ||
naa Vi haa ri Go- paa lan
gm P D P pp mg R ; || G R R S sg rs RN ||
Go kulan Brin da - vanam Yamu
ns ; s g mp mg M || Pdp mG, ; M ; P ||
naa Vi haa -- ri Go- paa lan
[He is the one who enchants (mohana) the minds (mana) of the gopis (cowherd damsels). He is the lover (vilolan) of flute (murali) music (gana).]
gm pn nS, , n dp || DP pp mg R ; ; rs ||
Go -- pi- - - Ja na Mana Mo--- hana
, pP pp mg R ; G ; || M N nD, P ; ||
Mura li -- - Gaa na Vi loo lan
>> Vyakulam Thavir Thanva Manathil Vaz Karunaalavaalan
vyakulam -sadness, anxiety,
thavir - remove
- Strong
- in the mind
one filled with kindness
[He is the one who removes (thavir) sadness (vyakulam) and makes the mind strong (Thanva). With abounding kindness (karunaalavaalan) lives (vaazh!) in the mind (manathil)]
P ; G M , p P || Pnp N- sg rr S ||
Vya ku lam Thavir Than va Ma na thil
N ; , s R S ; || ; ns D ; P ; ||
Vaazh! Karu naa la vaa lan
mpdp G M , p P || ps nnP N- sg rr S ||
Vya ku lam Thavir Than va Ma na thil
N ; , s R S ; || ; pn srsn D P ; ||
Vaazh! Karu naa la vaa lan
>> Mazhai Thaduka Govardhana Malai Edutha Thintholan
thaduka - stop
malai - mountain
edutha - lift
thinntholan = thinn
+ tholan - strong shouldered
[He is the strong-shouldered (thinntholan) one who lifted the govardhana mountain(malai) to stop (thaduka) the rain (mazhai) caused by Indra.]
g m p M p- gm P s s || s s r N s- N D P ||
Mazhai Thaduka Go var dhana Malai Edu tha Thin tho lan
>> Pizhai Porutharum Dayaalan Piramanpani Malarthaalan
pizhai - fault
porutharum - bear
piraman - Brahma
pani (and not bani)-
prostrate ( reference to Brahma's humbling at the hands of krishna)
[He is the kind one (dayaalan) who bears (porutha) and forgives our faults (pizhai). He is the one to whom even Brahma (piraman) bows (pani).]
p g r S s n r S p n || p n s n d p m P G m ||
Pi zhai Po ru tharum Dayaa- lan Pi raman- pani Malar thaalan