Angaraka Aashrayamyaham

Ragam: Surutti  (28th Mela Janyam)

                ARO: S R2 M1 P N2 D2 N2 S        ||

                AVA: S N2 D2 P M1 P M1 R2 S        ||

Talam: Rupakam

Composer: Mutthuswami Dikshitar

Version: M.S. Subbulakshmi



Angaarakam Aashrayamyaham

Vinathaa Sritha Jana Mandaaram

Mangalavaaram Bhoomi Kumaaram Vaaram Vaaram



Sringaraaraka Mesha Vruschika Raasya-adi Pathim

Raktha-angam Raktha-ambaraadi Dharam Shakthi Soola Dharam

Mangalam Kambu Galam Manjulatara Padha Yugalam

Mangala-Daayaka Mesha Thurangam Makarotthungam



Daanava Sura Sevitha Manda-smitha Vilasitha Vakthram

Dharani Pradam Bhraathrur-Kaarakam Raktha Neethram

Dheena Rakshakam Poojitha Vaidhyanaatha Ksheethram

Divyoughaadi Guru Guha Kataaksha-Anugraha Paathram

Bhanu Chandra Guru Mitram Bhaasamaana Sukalathram

Jaanustha Hastha Chithram Chaturbhuja Mathi Vichitram


Meanings (From T.K. Govinda Rao's Book)

I ("aham") take refuge ("ashraya" or "vaaram") in Angaaraka, the divine Mandaara tree to the humble dependent devotees ("srita jana") who pray ("vinata") to him. He is the presiding deity of Mangalavaara - tuesday. He is the son ("kumaaram") of the Earth ("bhoomi").

He is the Lord ("pathim") of the cherished ("sringaaraka") Aries ("mesha") and Scorpio ("vruschika") zodiac signs. He shines with a reddish ("raktha") form ("angam"). He wears ("dharam") a red ("raktha") dress ("ambara"). He carries a sword ("shakti") and a trident ("soola").

He is the auspicious one ("mangalam"). He wears a necklace ("kambu") on his beautiful neck ("galam"). He has lovely ("manjula-tara") feet ("pada-yugalam") and is the bestower ("daayaka") of auspiciousness ("mangala"). He rides ("thurangam") on a goat ("mesha") and whose highest apogee ("utthungam") is Capricorn ("makara raasi").

He is worshipped ("sevitha") by gods ("sura") and demons ("daanava"). His face ("vakthram") is always beaming ("vilasitha") and smiling ("smitha"). He is the bestower ("pradam") of wealth of lands ("dharani") and brotherhood ("braathrur-kaarakam"). He has red ("raktha") eyes ("netram"). He is the protector ("rakshakam") of the afflicted ("dheena"). He is worshipped ("poojitha") in the Vaidyanaatha Kshetra. He is favored ("kataaksha-anugraha patram") by three groups of divine teachers such as Divayugha, Siddhaugha and Maanavauga in the Sri-Chakra worship. He is favored ("anugraha patram") by Guruguha. He is the friend ("mitram") of the sun ("Surya" or "bhaanu"), the moon ("chandra") and Jupiter ("brihaspati" or "guru"). He shines ("bhaasamaana") with his good wife, with his hand ("hastha") on his knees ("jaanustha"), having four ("chatur") arms ("bhuja") and he is quite ("mathi") extraordinary ("vichitram").





Angaaraka maashrayamyaham

Vinathaa sritha jana mandaaram

Mangalavaaram Bhoomi Kumaaram Vaaram Vaaram


I ("aham") take refuge ("ashraya" or "vaaram") in Angaaraka...


; rm         P , s                N nd                ||  P ;                 M    mg                 P M                 || mg R ;  ; ;            ;;                 ||

  An        gaa                ra  ka          maa         shra ya   - mya         ham --


... the divine Mandaara tree to the humble dependent devotees ("srita jana") who pray ("vinata") to him.


rm  rm     S R                S  ;                 ||  R , m                P ;                 S rm                 ||  S ;                 s n r s                n d P                ||

Vi            na -                 thaa           sri            tha          ja na          man                daa                ram


He is the presiding deity of Mangalavaara - tuesday. He is the son ("kumaaram") of the Earth ("bhoomi").


s   n    r   s     N    n  d     p m    d   p                 ||  M   mg   m g mm   rm gs                 ||

Man  ga la    vaa  ram-   Bhoo mi Ku   maaram Vaaram Vaaram



m g r m   pnS   ;  N nd       ||  P ;                 M    mg                 P M                 || mg R ;  rmrm       s R s                ||

An --      gaa                ra  ka          maa         shra ya   - mya         ham --  - -            -- --





Sringaaraka Meesha Vruschika Raasyaadi pathim

Rakthaangam Rakthaambaraadi dharam Shakthi Soola dharam

Mangalam Kambugalam Manjuladhara padha yugalam

Mangaladaayaka Meesha Thurangam Makarotthungam


He is the Lord ("pathim") of the cherished ("sringaaraka") Aries ("mesha") and Scorpio ("vruschika") zodiac signs.


; S           S  ;                 N N                 || d n S                 N  S                 ;  ;                  ||

  Srin       gaa                ra ka         Mee -  sha Vru –  


N    R   S    ;              N ;           || nsnd                 P -pd                 M  ;                ||

Schi ka Raa              syaa-        di Pa                -  thim -   -  -


He shines with a reddish ("raktha") form ("angam"). He wears ("dharam") a red ("raktha") dress ("ambara"). He carries a sword ("shakti") and a trident ("soola").


;  pm       P , n                 S – R                || R  ;         p m          R   S                ||

   Rak      thaan                gam Ra      kthaam ba-              raa di     


S     nd    P  - P ;      N             ||– P ,m                 nd P         mg R       ||

Dha ram -    Sha      kthi          Soo-   la- dha     ram


He is the auspicious one ("mangalam"). He wears a necklace ("kambu") on his beautiful neck ("galam"). He has lovely ("manjula-tara") feet ("pada-yugalam") ...


S     S      S    D                d   n   S                || nd    n s  r   m    r  s    n  d   P ||

Man ga  lam Kam bugalam Man jula  dhara padha yugalam


... he is the bestower ("daayaka") of auspiciousness ("mangala"). He rides ("thurangam") on a goat ("mesha") and whose highest apogee ("utthungam") is Capricorn ("makara raasi").


P       p  r   S  -  n  d    P -  p     r                 ||   S  - n d    p  p    - m  g    r m   g s ||

Man ga la daa ya ka Mee sha Thu       ran gam Ma ka     ro -  tthun- gam-




Daanava Sura Seevitha Mandasmitha Vilasitha Vakthram

Dharani Pradam Bhraathru Kaarakam Raktha Neethram

Deena Rakshakam Poojitha Vaidhyanaatha Ksheethram

Divyowghaadi Guru guha Kataaksha Anugraha Paathram

Bhanu Chandra Guru Mitram Bhaasamaana sukalathram

Jaanustha Hastha Chithram Chaturbhuja Mathi Vichitram


He is worshipped ("sevitha") by gods ("sura") and demons ("daanava").


nsnn       P D                 M P                 || pm nd    pm  M     M ;                 ||

Daa         nava                 Su ra         See  --   vi-   tha Man


His face ("vakthram") is always beaming ("vilasitha") and smiling ("smitha").


m P m      M M                 R S                 ||  N S                 R M                 m P ,                ||

da -          smitha  Vi la            si tha Vak -       thram


He is the bestower ("pradam") of wealth of lands ("dharani") and brotherhood ("braathrur-kaarakam").


; r     M     PsnN                n d pmM  ||   ;  ,g R - S                  R  S                  ||

 Dha ra     ni - -                 Pra-dam        -- - -    Bhraa   -  thru


... He has red ("raktha") eyes ("netram").


S     N      R   S                ;  R                 ||  ; nn                 mgpm    R  ;   ||

Kaa  -      ra kam       Rak             tha-    Nee--  - thram


He is the protector ("rakshakam") of the afflicted ("dheena"). He is worshipped ("poojitha") in the Vaidyanaatha Kshetra.


;  N     N   N                   ;  n   s                  ||  n d  P – P  , d     M  P  ||

   Dee na  Ra                  -  ksha-       kam -   Poo               ji - tha


;  N    S –   n s          r m  r s     || Srs n d    s n S       ; ;                 ||

 Vai  dhya naa          - - tha-    Kshee --  thram –


He is favored ("kataaksha-anugraha patram") by three groups of divine teachers such as Divayugha, Siddhaugha and Maanavauga in the Sri-Chakra worship. He is favored ("anugraha patram") by Guruguha.


S  - n s    r m  Srs     nd  N      || pm ps nn  N      dp  -   M                 ||

Div yow - -   ghaa    --  di        Gu-  ru  - -  gu      ha    Ka


M , g       m P ,                 p s n n                 ||  P M                 m g  p m    R ;           ||

taa  -       kshaa-     nu--            graha  Paa- - -     thram


He is the friend ("mitram") of the sun ("Surya" or "bhaanu"), the moon ("chandra") and Jupiter ("brihaspati" or "guru"). He shines ("bhaasamaana") with his good wife...


P     r       S      r                 n s    n d  P              ||  P    s   N      d – m  p  n n  S ||

Bha nu Chan dra Guru Mi- tram       Bhaa sa maa  na  su ka la – thram


He appears ("chitram") with his hand ("hastha") on his knees ("jaanustha"), having four ("chatur") arms ("bhuja") and he is quite ("mathi") extraordinary ("vichitram").


p n  S -  R      S       s  - n  d   P                || p    M   n   d - p  m    g - r m   g s ||

Jaa- nu   stha Has tha Chi- thram        Cha tur bhu ja Mathi Vi  chi- tram-