Chitran Chiru kAlE
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #29)
Ragam: Malayamarutham (16th Melakartha Janyam)
ARO: S R₁ G₃ P D₂ N₂ Ṡ ||
AVA: Ṡ N₂ D₂ P G₃ R₁ S ||
Talam: Misra Chapu
Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:
Youtube Exposition of Meanings by Dushyanth Sridhar
Youtube Class:
Audio MP3 Class:
ciRRaNY ciRu kaalE van^th unnai cEviththu * un
poRRaamarai atiyE pORRum poruL kELaay *
peRRam mEyththu uNNum kulaththil piRan^thu * nI
kuRREval eNGkaLaik koLLaamal pOkaathu *
iRRaip paRai koLvaan anRu kaaN kOvin^thaa *
eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh piRavikkum * un thannOtu
uRROmE aavOm unakkE naam aatceyvOm *
maRRai nam kaamaNGkaL maaRRu El Or empaavaay
Meaning Courtesy:
{Additional sites: ; }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs
to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a
cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a
particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company,
and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that
she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted
the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and
service of the Lord.
Translation By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan
Oh Lord GovindhA! May You
listen to us (the cowherd girls) (1) who approach You at the very small hours
of the day-dawn , and (2) who bow down to You , the purpose and aim of our
singing in praise of Your golden , lotus-like pair of feet. You, who took birth
in the race of us,--the cowherds, earning our livelihood by grazing and rearing
the herd of cattle , can not deny us the humble (divine) service (to be
rendered unto You). Hearken , Oh Lord ! it is not only that we desire to
receive the drum (from You) today
(lit. in this sojourn of
birth) , but we desire , in fact , that let us be ever --throughout the births
, sevens of generations --the kith and kin of You , let us perform all kinds of
Kaimkaryams to You alone; You make us rid of other desires !
Sahityam: ciRRaNY ciRu kaalE van^th unnai
cEviththu * un
ciRRaNY ciRu kaalE van^th unnai
cEviththu * un
early morning hours (we)
came (and) You (we) worshipped Your
ciRRaNY - early
ciRu kaalE - morning hours
van^th - we came
unnai -
cEviththu * - we worshipped
- Your
Sahityam: poRRaamarai
atiyE pORRum poruL kELaay *
poRRaamarai atiyE
pORRum poruL kELaay *
golden lotus feet (we) praised
(the) reason (for that) (please) hear
poRRaamarai - golden lotus
atiyE - feet
- praised
poruL - the reason for that
kELaay * - please hear
Sahityam: peRRam
mEyththu uNNum kulaththil
piRan^thu * nI
peRRam mEyththu uNNum kulaththil piRan^thu * nI
(by) cattle rearing
(those who) eat (that) community born
(in which) You (were)
peRRam -
mEyththu - rearing
uNNum - eat
kulaththil -
piRan^thu * nI in which you were born
Sahityam: kuRREval eNGkaLaik koLLaamal pOkaathu *
kuRREval eNGkaLaik koLLaamal pOkaathu *
offerings (of) ours without taking don't go away (don't
kuRREval -
- of ours
koLLaamal - with out taking
pOkaathu * - dont go away (dont reject)
Sahityam: iRRaip paRai koLvaan anRu kaaN kOvin^thaa *
iRRaip paRai koLvaan anRu
kaaN kOvin^thaa *
only for today your grace
(we are) not (desiring) Look O Govinda
iRRaip - only for today
paRai - your grace
koLvaan - to obtain
anRu - we are not desiring
kaaN - Look
kOvin^thaa * - O Govinda!
Sahityam: eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh
piRavikkum * un thannOtu
eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh
piRavikkum * un thannOtu
forever seven (upon) seven births you together with
eRRaikkum - forever
Ezh Ezh - seven upon seven
piRavikkum * - births
un thannOtu - you together with
Sahityam: uRROmE aavOm
unakkE naam aatceyvOm *
uRROmE aavOm unakkE naam
aatceyvOm *
in peace (we) want to be
, only to you we will slave
uRROmE - in peace
aavOm - we want to be
unakkE - only to you
naam - we will
aatceyvOm * - will slave (will serve)
Sahityam: maRRai nam
kaamaNGkaL maaRRu El Or empaavaay
maRRai nam kaamaNGkaL maaRRu El Or empaavaay
other (of) our desires (please) remove . Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai
maRRai - Other (of)
nam kaamaNGkaL -
our desires
maaRRu -
please remove (or change)
El Or empaavaay
- Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
ciRRaNY ciRu kaalE van^th unnai cEviththu * un
poRRaamarai atiyE pORRum poruL kELaay *
peRRam mEyththu uNNum kulaththil piRan^thu * nI
kuRREval eNGkaLaik koLLaamal pOkaathu *
iRRaip paRai koLvaan anRu kaaN kOvin^thaa *
eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh piRavikkum * un thannOtu
uRROmE aavOm unakkE naam aatceyvOm *
maRRai nam kaamaNGkaL maaRRu El Or empaavaay
Sahityam: ciRRaNY ciRu kaalE van^th unnai
cEviththu * un
ciRRaNY ciRu kaalE van^th
unnai cEviththu * un
early morning hours (we)
came (and) You (we) worshipped Your
ciRRaNY - early
ciRu kaalE - morning hours
van^th - we came
unnai -
cEviththu * - we worshipped
- Your
; ; S | R G ; gr || G P ; | P ; P ; || ; ; gp | nsnd P ; || pgdp gp | G R S ; ||
Cit tRRaN- ci- Ru - - kaa lE van thun- nai cE - - - vith- thu *
; ; S | R G ; gr || G P ; | P ; P ; || ; ; gp | dnS nd P ; || pgdp gp | G R srgr ||
Cit tRRaN- ci- Ru - - kaa lE van thun- nai cE - - - vith- thu *
sndn- S | R G ; gr || gdpp gp R | GP P ; || ; ; gp | dn Srs nd - P || pgdp gp | G R srgr ||
Cit tRRaN- ci- Ru - - - kaa lE van thun- - - nai cE - - - vith- thu *
sndn- S | R G ; gr || gdpp
gp R | GP P ; || ; ; gp | dn Srs
nd - P ||
pgdp gp | G R S
; ||
Cit tRRaN- ci- Ru -
- - kaa lE van thun-
- - nai
cE - -
- vith- thun
Sahityam: poRRaamarai
atiyE pORRum poruL kELaay *
poRRaamarai atiyE
pORRum poruL kELaay *
golden lotus feet (we) praised
(the) reason (for that) (please) hear
poRRaamarai - golden lotus
atiyE - feet
- praised
poruL - the reason for that
kELaay * - please hear
; ; S | Sn g R S || ssnd np | D N S ; || ; ; S | rG , ; gr || gP ; , | P ; P ; ||
Po tRRaa- - ma rai - - - a ti yE pO tRRum- po- ruL- - kE- Laay *
, s ; S | Sn g R S || ssnd
np |
D N S ; ||
; ; S
| rG , ; gr || gP
; , | P
; P ; ||
uN-Po tRRaa-
- ma rai
- - -
a ti yE
pO tRRum- po- ruL-
- kE- Laay
Sahityam: peRRam
mEyththu uNNum kulaththil
piRan^thu * nI
peRRam mEyththu uNNum kulaththil piRan^thu * nI
(by) cattle rearing
(those who) eat (that) community born
(in which) You (were)
peRRam -
mEyththu - rearing
uNNum - eat
kulaththil -
piRan^thu * nI in which you were born
; ; N | D ; N ; || D P ; | DG P ; || ; , g P | D ; ; dn || ns ; ; | nsR S ; || ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
Pe tRRam mEy ththu uN- Num kula ththil - pi- Ran - - thun * nI
; ; N
| D ; N
; || D P ;
| DG P ;
|| ; , g P |
D ; ; dn || ns ;
; | nsR S
; ||
Pe tRRam mEy ththu
uN- Num kula
ththil - pi- Ran - -
thu * nI
; ; dn |
srns ndP
|| gpdn ddpp ; | gpD
G P ;
|| ; , g P |
dn Srs nd-np || dnS ; | nsR S
; ||
Pe tRRam mEy ththu -
- uN- - Num kula ththil
- pi- Ran - -
thu * nI
Sahityam: kuRREval
eNGkaLaik koLLaamal pOkaathu *
kuRREval eNGkaLaik koLLaamal pOkaathu *
offerings (of) ours without taking don't go away (don't
kuRREval -
- of ours
koLLaamal - with out taking
pOkaathu * - dont go away (dont reject)
; ; S | Sn g R S || S s
n D |
nD, P D ; || gpdnS
ssnd P ; || gpdn dp
gp-gr , S , ||
Ku tRRE-
- val eN
- - -
Gka- Laik koL-
- Laa-- mal pO -
- - - - kaa
- thu *
; ; S | sr gp gr - S || s n r s n d | nD, P D ;
|| gpdnsr | srgp dn-S
|| gpdn dp | gp-gr
, S , ||
Ku tRRE-
- val eN - -
- Gka- Laik koL-
- Laa-- - - mal pO -
- - - - kaa
- thu *
; ; S | sr gp gr - S || d n r s n d | nD, P D ;
|| gpdnsr | srgp dn-S
|| gpdn dp | gp-gr
, S , ||
Ku tRRE-
- val eN - -
- Gka- Laik koL-
- Laa-- - - mal pO -
- - - - kaa
- thu *
Sahityam: iRRaip paRai koLvaan anRu kaaN kOvin^thaa *
iRRaip paRai koLvaan anRu kaaN kOvin^thaa *
only for today your grace
(we are) not (desiring) Look O Govinda
iRRaip - only for today
paRai - your grace
koLvaan - to obtain
anRu - we are not desiring
kaaN - Look
kOvin^thaa * - O Govinda!
; ; S
| R G ; gr
|| G P ;
| P ; P ;
|| ; ; ; | ; ;
; ; || ; ; ; | ; ;
; ; ||
I tRRai
- pa- Rai- - koL vaan
- - - -
- - -
- - -
- - - -
; ; S
| R G ; gr
|| G P ;
| P ; P ;
|| ; ;
gp | nsnd
P ; ||
pgdp gp | G R
S ; ||
I tRRai
- pa- Rai- - koL vaan
- - an- Ru - -
kaaN kO-
- - vin-
thaa *
; ; S
| R G ; gr
|| G P ;
| P ; dppg ; || ; ; gp
dnS nd P ;
|| pgdp gp | G
R srgr ||
I tRRai
- pa- Rai- - koL vaan
- - an- Ru - -
kaaN kO-
- - vin-
thaa *
sndn- S | R G ; gr || gdpp
gp R | GP dppg ; || ; ; gp | dn Srs
nd - P ||
pgdp gp | G R srgr ||
I tRRai - pa-
Rai- - - koL vaan
- an- Ru - -
- -kaaN kO-
- - vin-
thaa *
sndn- S | R G ; gr || gdpp
gp R | GP dppg
; || ;
; gp | dn Srs
nd - P ||
pgdp gp | G R S
; ||
I tRRai - pa-
Rai- - koL vaan -
- an- Ru - -
kaaN kO-
- - vin-
thaa *
Sahityam: eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh
piRavikkum * un thannOtu
eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh
piRavikkum * un thannOtu
forever seven (upon) seven births you together with
eRRaikkum - forever
Ezh Ezh - seven upon seven
piRavikkum * - births
un thannOtu - you together with
; ; S | Sn g R S || ssnd
np |
dn S ; R
|| S ; ,r | G ; G ; || g R g P |
P ; P
; ||
E tRRai -
- kkum Ezh- - - Ezh
- - pi Ra-
- vi - kkum*
un- than-
nO- tu -
Sahityam: uRROmE aavOm
unakkE naam aatceyvOm *
uRROmE aavOm unakkE naam
aatceyvOm *
in peace (we) want to be
, only to you we will slave
uRROmE - in peace
aavOm - we want to be
unakkE - only to you
naam - we will
aatceyvOm * - will slave
; ; N
| D ; N
; || D P ;
| DG P ;
|| ; ;
; | ; ; ; ; || ;
; ; |
; ; ;
; ||
U tRRO mE aa - vOm - -
; ; gd | ndp gr ; S || S ; ,r | G ; G ; || g R g P | P ; P ; ||
E - - zhu - pi Ra- - vi - kkum* un- than- nO- tu
; ; N | D ; N ; || D P ; | DG P ; || ; , g P | D ; ; dn || ns ; ; | snsr S ; ||
mE aa
- vOm - -
u na kkE - naam aat cey-
vOm *
; ; N
| D ; N
; || D P ;
| DG P ;
|| ; , g P |
D ; ; dn || ns ;
; | snsr S
; ||
mE aa
- vOm - -
u na kkE - naam aat cey-
vOm *
; ; dn |
srns ndP
|| gpdn ddpp ; | gpD
G P ;
|| ; , g P |
dn Srs nd-np || dnS ; | snsr S
; ||
mE aa
- - - - -
- vOm - - u na kkE - - naam aat cey-
vOm *
Sahityam: maRRai nam kaamaNGkaL
maaRRu El Or empaavaay
maRRai nam kaamaNGkaL maaRRu El Or empaavaay
other (of) our desires (please) remove . Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai
maRRai - Other (of)
nam kaamaNGkaL -
our desires
maaRRu -
please remove (or change)
El Or empaavaay
- Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
; ; S | Sn g
R S || S s
n D |
nD, P D ; || gpdnS
ssnd P ; || gpdn dp
gp-gr , S , ||
Ma tRRai - - nam kaa- - - maN-
GkaL maa- - tRRE-
lO rem - -
- - paa - vaay
; ; S | sr gp gr - S || s n r s n d | nD, P D ;
|| gpdnsr | srgp dn-S
|| gpdn dp | gp-gr
, S , ||
Ma tRRai - - nam kaa- - - maN- GkaL maa-
- tRRE- -- lO
rem -
- - - paa - vaay
; ; S | sr gp gr - S || s n r s n d | nD, P D ;
|| gpdnsr | srgp dn-S
|| gpdn dp | gp-gr
; ; ||
Ma tRRai - - nam kaa- - - maN- GkaL maa- - tRRE- -- lO rem - - - - paa - -
G ; ; | ; ; ; ; || ; , ndp | R ; ; ; || grgp R | S ; ; ; ||