Oruthi MaganAi

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #25)


Ragam: Behag (29th Melakartha Janyam)


ARO:        S G3 M1 P N3 D2 N3 S             ||

AVA:       S N3 D2 P M2 G3 M1 G3 R2 S ||

Talam: Adi

Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AV01yWq-So )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp25.html

Youtube Class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddlhtthGemY

Audio MP3 Class: http://www.shivkumar.org/music/Thiruppavai25-class.mp3


Paasuram (Stanza)

oruththi makanaay piRan^thu * Or iravil

oruththi makanaay oLiththu vaLara *

tharikkilaan-aaki thaan thINGku ninain^tha *

karuththai pizhai-ppiththu kaNcan vayiRRil *

neruppenna ninRa netumaalE! * unnai

aruth-thiththu van^thOm paRai tharuthi-yaakil *

thiruth-thakka celvamum cEvakamum yaam paati *

varutha-mum thIrn^thu makizhn^thu ElOr empaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp25.html

{Additional sites: http://www.asayana.com/religion/18-2/ ; https://www.sadagopan.org/pdfuploads/Thiruppavai-VS.pdf }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


You were born as the son of one lady; and on one night, you become the son of another lady in hiding. Kamsa was unable to withstand you; you frustrated all his plans to harm you. You made useless his very intents. Like a tall fire you stand, O Lord. We have come begging to you to see if you will give us emancipation.  To match goddess Lakshmi’s beauty and service, we sing to you. Please rid us of our sorrows and give us joy. With this sentiment, come lets do the paavai nombu penance, o girls!


Sahityam: oruththi makanaayp piRan^thu * Or iravil


oruththi           makanaayp            piRan^thu *  Or iravil

Some lady (as her) son       (You were) born    (on) one night

oruththi             - One lady

makanaayp       - as the son of

 piRan^thu *    - you were born

Or iravil          - on one night



Sahityam: oruththi makanaay oLiththu vaLarath *

oruththi                   makanaay oLiththu       vaLarath *

Some (other) lady (as her) son      hiding  (You)  grew up .

oruththi                   - one other ladu

makanaay              - as her son

oLiththu               - in hiding

vaLarath *           - you grew up


Sahityam: tharikkilaanaakith thaan thINGku ninain^tha *

tharikkilaanaakith          thaan       thINGku   ninain^tha *

(Kamsa) unable to withstand You   (You) harm (he)  thinking of

tharikkilaanaakith         - (Kamsa) unable to withstand

 thaan       - You

thINGku   - harm

ninain^tha *  - thinking of


Sahityam: karuththaip pizhaippiththuk kaNYcan vayiRRil *

karuththaip                 pizhaippiththuk           kaNYcan vayiRRil *

his very intent (you made)  useless         (by) (in) Kamsa's belly

karuththaip             - his very intent   

pizhaippiththuk          - you made useless

kaNYcan       - Kamsa’s

vayiRRil *     - belly


Sahityam: neruppenna ninRa netumaalE! * unnai

neruppenna    ninRa        netumaalE! *  unnai

(like a) fire standing (O) Lord of all . To you

neruppenna     - like a fire

ninRa              - standing

netumaalE! *  - Lord of all

unnai              - to you


Sahityam: aruththiththu van^thOm paRai tharuthiyaakil *

aruththiththu         van^thOm paRai         tharuthiyaakil *

begging     (we have) come     emancipation  to see if you will give.

aruththiththu          - begging

van^thOm              - we have come

paRai                     - emancipation

tharuthiyaakil *    - to see if you will give


Sahityam: thiruththakka celvamum cEvakamum yaam paati *

thiruththakka       celvamum     cEvakamum yaam paati *

To match Lakshmi's  beauty (and) service   we sing

thiruththakka       - to match Lakshmi’s

celvamum            - beauty

cEvakamum       - and service

yaam                  - we

paati *               - sing


Sahityam: varuththamum thIrn^thu makizhn^thu ElOr empaavaay.

varuththamum          thIrn^thu        makizhn^thu    El                                Or empaavaay

(our) sorrows (to be) free of (and be) happy         Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

varuththamum      - our sorrows  

 thIrn^thu            - to be free of

makizhn^thu       - to be happy

El Or empaavaay  - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu


Paasuram (Stanza)

oruththi makanaayp piRan^thu * Or iravil

oruththi makanaay oLiththu vaLarath *

tharikkilaanaakith thaan thINGku ninain^tha *

karuththaip pizhaippiththuk kaNYcan vayiRRil *

neruppenna ninRa netumaalE! * unnai

aruththiththu van^thOm paRai tharuthiyaakil *

thiruththakka celvamum cEvakamum yaam paati *

varuththamum thIrn^thu makizhn^thu ElOr empaavaay.


Sahityam: oruththi makanaayp piRan^thu * Or iravil


oruththi           makanaayp            piRan^thu *  Or iravil

Some lady (as her) son       (You were) born    (on) one night

oruththi             - One lady

makanaayp       - as the son of

 piRan^thu *    - you were born

Or iravil          - on one night


  1              2              3                4              5               6                7              8

; ,  nr   s   n – D    m d p p   pm- g M  |   G ;             ;  ;             ;  ;          gm pn  ||        

    O    ru   thi  ma ka – nay-   -  pi Ran  thu *     

      1              2              3                4              5               6                7                8

dS-  nr    s   n – D      m d p p   pm- g M  |   G ;             ;  ;             gmpn ds   , -rgmg r ||        

       O    ru   thi  ma   ka – nay-  -    pi Ran  thu *     


      1              2              3                4              5               6                 7                8

sS-   nr   s   n – D      m d p p   pm- g M |   G ;             ;  ;             M G         rg rs ||        

        O  ru thi  ma    ka – nay-   -    pi Ran thu *         -  -              Or I         ra-vil-



Sahityam: oruththi makanaay oLiththu vaLarath *

oruththi                   makanaay oLiththu       vaLarath *

Some (other) lady (as her) son      hiding  (You)  grew up .

oruththi                   - one other ladu

makanaay              - as her son

oLiththu               - in hiding

vaLarath *           - you grew up


      1              2              3          4              5               6                 7                8

sS-    n      s  g-  M     P P       , n D    |   S ;             ;  rs           nd pm           gm pn ||        

         o      ruthi ma    kanaay   o  Li      thu             - va           La- - -          ra * -  -


      1              2              3                4              5               6                 7                8

dS-   nr   s   n – D      m d p p   pm- g M |   G ;             ;  ;             rM g         rg rs ||        

         O  ru thi  ma    ka – nay-   -    pi Ran thu *         -  -             Or- I         ra-vil-


      1              2              3          4              5               6                 7                8

sS-    n      s  g-  M     P P       , n D    |   S ;             ;  rs           nd pm           gm pd ||        

         o      ruthi ma    kanaay   o  Li      thu             - va           La- - -          ra * -  -


      1                 2                  3             4              5                  6                  7                8

n S-   nr   s   n – D     P      pdnd     , mp dp , |   MG             ; gm        pdnd  p-mg-r  G-rs ||        

         O  ru thi  ma     ka – nay-   -    pi Ran      thu *           -  Or-         -  -  -    I-   ra  - vil-


      1              2              3          4              5               6                 7                8

sS-    n      s  g-  M     P P       , n D    |   S ;             mmgr        sndp       m-gmp  ||        

         o      ruthi ma    kanaay   o  Li      thu             va             La- -        -  ra * -  -


      1                 2                  3             4              5                  6                  7                8

dN-   nr   s   n – D     P      pdnd     , mp dp , |   MG             ; gm        pdnd  p-mg-r  G-rs ||        

         O  ru thi  ma     ka – nay-   -    pi Ran      thu *           -  Or-         -  -  -    I-   ra  - vil-


      1              2              3          4              5               6                 7                8

sS-    n      s  g-  M     P P       , n D    |   S ;             mmgr        sndp       m-gmp  ||        

         o      ruthi ma    kanaay   o  Li      thu             va             La- -        -  ra * -  -



Sahityam: tharikkilaanaakith thaan thINGku ninain^tha *

tharikkilaanaakith          thaan       thINGku   ninain^tha *

(Kamsa) unable to withstand You   (You) harm (he)  thinking of

tharikkilaanaakith         - (Kamsa) unable to withstand

 thaan       - You

thINGku   - harm

ninain^tha *  - thinking of


      1              2              3              4              5               6                 7                8

dN-nr     s  n  - dP,      ,d – N      ; N   |     ;   ;               ;   ;             ;  ;                ;  ;     ||

      tha   ri kki  laa       -    naa-     ki        



; ,  -nr    gr  sn  - dP,      ,d – N      ; N   |     ;   , s       ,   S     s             S S                ,n  S    ||

      tha   ri kki    laa       -     naa-     ki             thaan   thIN Gku        ni nain            -- tha *


; ,  -nr    gr  sn  - dP,      ,d – dn      ; N   |     ; d- s       ,   S     s             S S                ,n  S    ||

      tha   ri kki    laa       -     naa-      ki           -  thaan    thIN Gku        ni nain            -- tha *


; ,  -nr    gr  sn  - dpmg   ,m – dn      rs-N   |     ; d- s       ,   S     s             S S                ,n  S    ||

      tha   ri kki    laa         -     naa-    - - ki           - thaan    thIN Gku        ni nain            -- tha *


      1              2                   3              4              5                 6                       7                      8

; ,  -nr    gr  sn  - dpmg   ,m – dn      rs-N   |     ; d- s       ,   S     s             ns gmP           mg- gRg- rs   ||

      tha   ri kki    laa         -     naa-      - - ki           thaan    thIN Gku        ni nain            --    - - -   tha *


Sahityam: karuththaip pizhai-ppiththu  kaNcan vayiRRil *

karuththaip                 pizhaippiththuk           kaNYcan vayiRRil *

his very intent (you made)  useless         (by) (in) Kamsa's belly

karuththai             - his very intent   

pizhaippiththu          - you made useless

kaNYcan       - Kamsa’s

vayiRRil *     - belly


      1            2             3            4                5               6            7                8

; - p s      , S-   rs      ssnd       pmP        |   pdrs      nd - P       mdpp         M G     ||

   Karu     thai pi     zhai- -    ppi-thu        kaN-     can va       yi -  -        -  tRRil *



Sahityam: neruppenna ninRa netumaalE! * unnai

neruppenna    ninRa        netumaalE! *  unnai

(like a) fire standing (O) Lord of all . To you

neruppenna     - like a fire

ninRa              - standing

netumaalE! *  - Lord of all

unnai              - to you



;  s   s       ,  g M         P  , p     ; pd  |  pmM ,g      G ;       ;  ;       ; ;    ||

   Ne ru     ppenna     nin Ra     netu   maa-   -       lE! *


;  s   s       ,  g M         P  , p     ; pd  |  pmM ,g      G -  m d       pm-G      rg-rsS    ||

   Ne ru     ppenna     nin Ra     netu   maa-   -       lE! Kan-     can- va-    zhi-tril


;  s   s       ,  g M         P  , p     ; pd  |  pmM ,g      G -  s  n       dppm - gm      rg-rsS    ||

   Ne ru     ppenna     nin Ra     netu   maa-   -       lE! Kan-     can- -    va-    zhi-tril


;  s   s       ,  g M         P  , p     ; pd  |  pmM ,g      G ;       ;  ;       G G     ||

   Ne ru     ppenna     nin Ra     netu   maa-   -       lE! *              un nai


Sahityam: aruththiththu van^thOm paRai tharuthiyaakil *

aruththithu         van^thOm paRai         tharuthiyaakil *

begging     (we have) come     emancipation  to see if you will give.

aruththiththu          - begging

van^thOm              - we have come

paRai                     - emancipation

tharuthiyaakil *    - to see if you will give


; gm    , dpmg ,    R,g       rsS       |  ; ns       ,  g M     mdpp , g    M - G    ||

  Aru     thi-thu-   van-     thOm       paRai   - tharu    thi--    yaa-   -    kil



Sahityam: thiruththakka celvamum cEvakamum yaam paati *

thiruththakka       celvamum     cEvakamum yaam paati *

To match Lakshmi's  beauty (and) service   we sing

thiruththakka       - to match Lakshmi’s

celvamum            - beauty

cEvakamum       - and service

yaam                  - we

paati *               - sing



;  n  n     , dp P,d     N  ;     N N   |     D-   S       s  s S              S  ,   s            ;  S      ||

   Thiru    tha kka   cel       vamum    -    cE       vakamum     yaam paa        -  ti *


;   s  s     n-  dpm-Gm     dnrs    N N   |     D-   S       s  s  S           nsrg pm- gr       G-  rsS      ||

   Thiru  tha kka   -  -     cel       vamum    -     cE     vakamum     yaam - -  paa     -    ti *



Sahityam: varuththamum thIrn^thu makizhn^thu ElOr empaavaay.

varuththamum          thIrn^thu        makizhn^thu    El                                Or empaavaay

(our) sorrows (to be) free of (and be) happy         Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

varuththamum      - our sorrows  

 thIrn^thu            - to be free of

makizhn^thu       - to be happy

El Or empaavaay  - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu


      1            2             3            4                   5                 6            7                8

; - p s      ,   s   gs       ndsn      dmP        |   pd  rs        nd - pp     mdpp ;         M G     ||

   Varu      thamum    thI-rn     thu- -          ma-kizhn thE- lOr    em- -        paavaay


; - p s      ,   s   gs       ndsn      pmP        |   mp  ns        mg - rsS   ndpm grS    gM-  pd     ||

   Varu      thamum    thI-rn     thu- -          ma-kizhn   thE- lOr    em- -           paa- vaay


nS-  nr   s   n – D    m d p p   pm- g M  |   G ;             ;  ;             ;  ;          ;  ;   ||        

       O    ru   thi ma ka – nay-        pi Ran  thu *