Anru Ivvulakam

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #24)


Ragam: Sindhu Bhairavi (8th Melakartha Janyam)

ARO:        S Ṟ G̱ M P Ḏ Ṉ Ṡ         ||

Avarohana: Ṡ Ṉ Ḏ P M G̱ Ṟ S       ||

Talam: Adi

Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

Dushyanth Sridhar:

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class:


Paasuram (Stanza)

anRu ivvulakam aLan^thaay ati pORRi *

cenRaNGkuth thennilaNGkai ceRRaay thiRal pORRi *

ponRac cakatam uthaiththaay pukazh pORRi *

kanRu kuNilaa eRin^thaay kazhal pORRi *

kunRu kutaiyaay etuththaay kuNam pORRi *

venRu pakai ketukkum nin kaiyil vEl pORRi *

enRenRu un cEvakamE Eththip paRai koLvaan *

inRu yaam van^thOm iraNGku ElOr empaavaay


Meaning Courtesy:

{Additional sites: ; }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


Translation   By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan


(Slowly and gradually , the young gopis could find  Lord KrishNA


(1) sleeping

(2)getting up and

(3) walking towards them .


In the meanwhile , when He walks , they perform mangaLAsAsanam for His ThiruvadigaL: "Earlier-- on that day (long ago) You measured this Universe ( with this pair of feet); ( now we hail) protection and glory to such a pair of Your feet . Earlier (long ago), You went there to LankA in the Southern region and killed RaavaNA , the aparAdhi; ( we proclaim) protection and glory to Your enormous vanquishing power. You gave a kick to sakatAsurA ( the asuran, who came in the form of a cart to crush You) and You destroyed Him with Your Thiruvadi; (we hail) glory and safety to Your fame. (Bending Your feet in stiff posture) You threw the calf (vathsAsuran) like  a fierce rock-like stick against another demon (KappittAsuran) , who had taken the form of a wood-apple tree , so that both of them were kiled simultaneously ; (we hail) glory and safety to Your victorious anklet and feet (that performed this miracle). You have lifted aloft the GovardhanA mountain just as an umbrella ; (we sing) hail and safety to Your pristine merits and grace . You hold  in Your hand , a powerful spear that completely subjugates and eradicates Your enemies; (we sing)" hail and glory to that spear in Your hand " --thus , indeed , do we hail and sing Your miraculous deeds , valour and auspicious ThiruvadikaL. We have come to Your side today now to offer our prayers and to seek the drum (paRai) from You , So Please be compassionate to us , who seek eternal Kaimkaryam to You. 


Sahityam: anRu ivvulakam aLan^thaay ati pORRi *


anRu ivv  ulakam  aLan^thaay       ati       pORRi *

Once this world   measured (Those) feet (we) worship

anRu       - Once

ivv           - This

ulakam   - world

aLan^thaay   - measured

ati         - (those) feet

pORRi *   - we worship


Sahityam: cenRaNGkuth thennilaNGkai ceRRaay thiRal pORRi *

cenRaNGkuth thenn ilaNGkai ceRRaay          thiRal     pORRi *

After going Southern Lanka conquered (That) valor (we) worship

cenRaNGkuth  - after going

then                   - south(ern)

ilaNGkai           - Lanka

ceRRaay          -  conquered

thiRal              - valor

pORRi *         - we worship


Sahityam: ponRac cakatam uthaiththaay pukazh pORRi *

ponRac    cakatam     uthaiththaay           pukazh               pORRi *

destroyed wheel  (by) kicking  (by that The) fame (obtained) (we) worship

ponRac        - destroyed

cakatam      - wheel

uthaiththaay           - kicking

pukazh                 - fame

pORRi *              - we worship


Sahityam: kanRu kuNilaa eRin^thaay kazhal pORRi *

kanRu       kuNilaa eRin^thaay     kazhal    pORRi *

Calf (as a) sling   threw  (Those) feet (we) worship

kanRu       - calf

kuNilaa    - sling

eRin^thaay     - threw

kazhal       - feet

pORRi *   - worship


Sahityam: kunRu kutaiyaay etuththaay kuNam pORRi *

kunRu            kutaiyaay etuththaay    kuNam            pORRi *

Hillrock (as an) umbrella  lifted (That) good nature (we) worship

kunRu            - hill rock (small mountain, ref. govardhana)

kutaiyaay       - as an umbrella

etuththaay    - lifted

kuNam            - that good nature

pORRi *         - we worship


Sahityam: venRu pakai ketukkum nin kaiyil vEl pORRi *

venRu      pakai         ketukkum       nin  kaiyil  vEl        pORRi *

win (over) enemies (and) destroy (That) your in hand spear (we) worship

venRu        - win over

pakai          - enemies

ketukkum       - destroy

nin  kaiyil      - in your hand

vEl        pORRi *  - the spear, we worship


Sahityam: enRenRu un cEvakamE Eththip paRai koLvaan *

enRenRu                   un   cEvakamE      Eththip                      paRai koLvaan *

In all these ways (we do) your service (and) praise . (So that we may be) emancipated

enRenRu                   - in all these ways

un   cEvakamE        - we do your service

Eththip                    - praise

paRai   koLvaan *  - so that we may be emancipated


Sahityam: inRu yaam van^thOm iraNGku ElOr empaavaay

inRu  yaam van^thOm           iraNGku              El                                Or empaavaay

today we   have come (please) show us mercy .  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

inRu      - today

yaam     - we

van^thOm    - have come      

iraNGku          - please come down (show us mercy)

El Or empaavaay  -  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu


Paasuram (Stanza)

anRu ivvulakam aLan^thaay ati pORRi *

cenRaNGkuth thennilaNGkai ceRRaay thiRal pORRi *

ponRac cakatam uthaiththaay pukazh pORRi *

kanRu kuNilaa eRin^thaay kazhal pORRi *

kunRu kutaiyaay etuththaay kuNam pORRi *

venRu pakai ketukkum nin kaiyil vEl pORRi *

enRenRu un cEvakamE Eththip paRai koLvaan *

inRu yaam van^thOm iraNGku ElOr empaavaay



Sahityam: anRu ivvulakam aLan^thaay ati pORRi *


anRu ivv  ulakam  aLan^thaay       ati       pORRi *

Once this world   measured (Those) feet (we) worship

anRu       - Once

ivv           - This

ulakam   - world

aLan^thaay   - measured

ati         - (those) feet

pORRi *   - we worship


    1         2             3             4              5               6             7              8

; , p    , p- P   md  pm G     ;- G    |   gpm- gr      S – S      nr sn – dp     ,d  S    ||

   An   Ru I    vvu-la-  kam -  a        Lan—thaay -    a       ti- -     pO    --  tRRi *


; , p    , p- P   md  pm       G  - G    |   gppm , - gr      S – S      nrrsdp     ,d  S    ||

   An   Ru I    vvu-la-       kam -a       Lan—  thaay     -    a     ti- -     pO    --  tRRi *


Sahityam: cenRaNGkuth thennilaNGkai ceRRaay thiRal pORRi *

cenRaNGkuth thenn ilaNGkai ceRRaay          thiRal     pORRi *

After going Southern Lanka conquered (That) valor (we) worship

cenRaNGkuth  - after going

then                   - south(ern)

ilaNGkai           - Lanka

ceRRaay          -  conquered

thiRal              - valor

pORRi *         - we worship


   1           2              3                 4                  5               6             7              8

; , g       , g   G       rg   rg     rs – s  N   |     nrn – s      rs-  S        rpm- g      r s - S    ||

   Cen  RaN Gku   then-ni     -  laNGkai   ce-    tRRaay- thi      Ral-  pO   - - tRRi *


; , g       , g   G       G   g  m      ; – M   |     sg Mpn    ddpm--  G       gpm- g      r s - S ||

   Cen  RaN Gku   thenni laNG -   kai       ce- tRRaay- - -     thi      Ral-  pO   - - tRRi *


Sahityam: ponRac cakatam uthaiththaay pukazh pORRi *

ponRac    cakatam     uthaiththaay           pukazh               pORRi *

destroyed wheel  (by) kicking  (by that The) fame (obtained) (we) worship

ponRac        - destroyed

cakatam      - wheel

uthaiththaay           - kicking

pukazh                 - fame

pORRi *              - we worship


   1           2                 3             4           5               6                7              8

; , p    , - g - M         P  P        ;  P    |  pD-  n         ; - N        pnsn , d     ; P      ||

   Pon   Ra   ca        ka tam        u       thai- thaay  -   pu      kazh-  pO   - tRRi *


; , p    , - g - M         P  P        ;  np    |  pS-  nd        D - P       mdpm , g     G- P       ||

   Pon    Ra   ca        ka tam        u       thai- thaay     -   pu      kazh-  pO     - tRRi *


; , p    , - g - M         P  P        NP    |  prs-  nd        D - P       mdpm , g     G- P       ||

   Pon    Ra   ca        ka tam    u         thai- thaay     -   pu      kazh-  pO     - tRRi *


Sahityam: kanRu kuNilaa eRin^thaay kazhal pORRi *

kanRu       kuNilaa eRin^thaay     kazhal    pORRi *

Calf (as a) sling   threw  (Those) feet (we) worship

kanRu       - calf

kuNilaa    - sling

eRin^thaay     - threw

kazhal       - feet

pORRi *   - worship


   1           2          3             4             5               6                  7              8

; , g    , m- M    M M       ; - s g   | sgmp n-dd   pm- gr      gpM , gr   S – S       ||  

   Kan  Ru  ku   Nilaa     -    eRin  thaay  -        - -    ka     zhal – pO- -    tRRi *


; , g    , m- G    M M       ; - g m   | gmpd nsrs  N - dpmg   gpmm , gr   S – S       ||  

   Kan  Ru  ku   Nilaa     -    eRin   thaay  -        - - ka         zhal –   pO- -   tRRi *


Sahityam: kunRu kutaiyaay etuththaay kuNam pORRi *

kunRu            kutaiyaay etuththaay    kuNam            pORRi *

Hillrock (as an) umbrella  lifted (That) good nature (we) worship

kunRu            - hill rock (small mountain, ref. govardhana)

kutaiyaay       - as an umbrella

etuththaay    - lifted

kuNam            - that good nature

pORRi *         - we worship



    1          2           3             4              5               6             7              8

; , p    , p-  P   dpM     G     ;- G    |   gpm- gr      S – S      nr sn – dp     ,d  S    ||

    Kun Ru ku tai -  -   yaay    e        tu - -  thaay -     ku   Nam -  pO -   -  tRRi *


; , p    , p- P   mdpm   G      ;  - G    |   gppm , - gr      S – S      nrrsdp     ,d  S    ||

    Kun Ru ku tai -  -   yaay       e        tu - -     thaay -       ku   Nam -  pO -   -  tRRi *


Sahityam: venRu pakai ketukkum nin kaiyil vEl pORRi *

venRu      pakai         ketukkum       nin  kaiyil  vEl        pORRi *

win (over) enemies (and) destroy (That) your in hand spear (we) worship

venRu        - win over

pakai          - enemies

ketukkum       - destroy

nin  kaiyil      - in your hand

vEl        pORRi *  - the spear, we worship


   1           2              3                 4                  5               6             7              8

; , g       , g   G       rg   rg     rs – s  N   |     nrn – s      rs-  rs        rpm- g      r s - S    ||

   Ven     Ru pa     kai  ke-    - -  tukkum    nin    kai   - -  yil-     vEl—pO  - -   tRRi *


; , g       , g   G       M   g  m      ; – M   |     sg Mpn    ddpm--  gr       gpm- g      r s - S ||

   Ven     Ru pa     kai  ke-tu          kkum    nin kai     - yil-      vEl—-   -    pO  - -   tRRi *



Sahityam: enRenRu un cEvakamE Eththip paRai koLvaan *

enRenRu                   un   cEvakamE      Eththip                      paRai koLvaan *

In all these ways (we do) your service (and) praise . (So that we may be) emancipated

enRenRu                   - in all these ways

un   cEvakamE        - we do your service

Eththip                    - praise

paRai   koLvaan *  - so that we may be emancipated




   1           2                 3              4                  5               6             7              8

; , - g    , m d     n –   S , n         R S      |       ;  ;              ;   ;         ;   ;                ;  ;     ||

      En   RenRu un   cE va        ka mE    


; , - g    , m d     n –   S , n         R S      |       ; , s       , s - S         n r s n                 D P     ||

      En   RenRu un   cE va        ka mE             E        thi pa       Rai - -              koLvaan *


; , - g    , m d     n –   S , n         R S      |      pdns     rg - gg      rs-  nr s n                 D P     ||

      En   RenRu un   cE va        ka mE        E           - -   thi      pa Rai - -              koLvaan *


; , - g    , m d     n –   S , n         R S      |      gmgg    gmgg gg      rs-  nr s n                 D P     ||

      En   RenRu un   cE va        ka mE        E             - -    thi      pa Rai - -              koLvaan *


Sahityam: inRu yaam van^thOm iraNGku ElOr empaavaay

inRu  yaam van^thOm           iraNGku              El                                Or empaavaay

today we   have come (please) show us mercy .  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

inRu      - today

yaam     - we

van^thOm    - have come      

iraNGku          - please come down (show us mercy)

El Or empaavaay  -  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu


   1           2                 3              4           5               6             7              8

; , p     , p - P         mp dsN      D ;    |    ;  ;              ;  ;               ; ;           ;  ;      ||

   In     Ru yaam    van  - -      thOm     


; , - g    , m d     n –   S , n         R S      |      pdns     rg - gg      rs-  nr s n                 D P     ||

      En   RenRu un   cE va        ka mE        E           - -   thi      pa Rai - -              koLvaan *


; , p     , p - P         pnsn D      ;  - P |    mp dpmg       ;  G            gpM gr               , S ,      ||

   In     Ru yaam    van  thOm      I      raNG -  kE     -  lOr         em-   paa-            vaay


; , p     , p - P         pnsn D      ;  - P |    gmpd nsrs  N - dpmg   gpmm , gr   S – S       ||  

   In     Ru yaam    van  thOm      I      raNG  kE     -     lOr       em-   paa-       vaay


; , p     , p - P         pnsn D      ;  - P |    mp dpmg       ;  G            sgS  rmpm           , G ,      ||

   In     Ru yaam    van  thOm      I      raNG -  kE     -  lOr         em-   paa-            vaay