Angkan Maa

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #22)


Ragam: Yamuna Kalyani (65th Melakartha Janyam, sung in madhyama sruthi)

ARO:        S R₂ G₃ P M₂ G₃ P D₂ N₃ D₂ Ṡ      ||

AVA:       Ṡ N₃ D₂ P M₂ G₃ M₁ R₂ S               ||

Talam: Misra Chapu

Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class:


Paasuram (Stanza)

aNGkaN mA-nYaalath-aracar * apimaana

paNGkamaay van^thu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE *

caNGkam iruppaar pOl van^thu thalai-peythOm *

kiNGkiNi vaayc ceytha thaamaraip pUp pOlE *

ceNGkaN ciRuc ciRithE emmEl vizhiyaavO *

thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR pOl *

aNGkaN iraNtum koNtu eNGkaL mEl nOkkuthiyEl *

eNGkaL mEl caapam izhin^thu ElOr empaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy:

{Additional sites: ; }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


Translation   By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan


(The Young girls pray to the Lord in the strain of defeated kings surrendering to the emperor , who is  the Supreme Soverign) Oh Lord ! We have come to You  just as the kings of the vast beautiful Earth , who stay contented in large groups at the foot of Your cot ( throne) after renouncing their haughtiness and  self-esteem. Oh Lord! Will You not look at us, with Your gentle and  exquisite eyes , resembling  the half-blossomed lotus similar to a small kinkiNi  ( jewel-like little bells) opening little by little (gradually)? If You direct Your glance at us, with Your pair of beautiful eyes that resemble the rising Sun and the Moon, we will be freed from the curse of sins (past , present and future).


Sahityam: aNGkaN maa-NYaalaththu aracar * apimaana


aNG       kaN   maa NYaalaththu       aracar *       apimaana

Beautiful this  big world      (it's) kings  (their) presitige

aNG         - Beautiful

kaN         - this

maa NYaalaththu   - big world    

aracar *        - (its) kings

apimaana     - (their) prestige


Sahityam: paNGkamaay van^thu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE *


paNGkamaay          van^thu  nin  paLLik    kattiR kIzhE *

relinquishing (who) came to  your sleeping  bed    under

paNGkamaay         - relinquishing (who)

van^thu                 - came

nin  paLLik           - to your sleeping

kattiR                    - bed

kIzhE *            - under


Sahityam: caNGkam iruppaar pOl van^thu thalai-peythOm *


caNGkam iruppaar pOl                 van^thu thalaip        peythOm *

(and) gathered ; like that (we) have come    near you (and) approached .

caNGkam    - gathered

iruppaar     - like that

pOl            - we

van^thu     - have come

thalaip        - near you

peythOm *   - approached


Sahityam: kiNGkiNi vaayc ceytha thaamaraip pUp pOlE *


kiNGkiNi       vaayc ceytha      thaamaraip pUp    pOlE *

sweet sounding mouth make (open) lotus      flower like

kiNGkiNi    - sweet sounding  

vaayc          - mouth

ceytha        - make (opened)

thaamaraip   - lotus

pU    pOlE *  - flower like


Sahityam: ceNGkaN ciRuc ciRithE emmEl vizhiyaavO *


ceNG      kaN  ciRuc  ciRithE emmEl  vizhiyaavO *

beautiful eyes little bit     on us (please) look

ceNG      - beautiful

kaN        - eyes

ciRuc     - little bit

ciRithE - smile

emmEl    - on us

vizhiyaavO * - look


Sahityam: thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR pOl *


thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR  pOl *

the moon   the sun         waking up  ; like that

thiNGkaLum     - the moon

aathiththiyanum – the sun

ezhun^thaaR      - waking up

pOl *                   - like that


Sahityam: aNGkaN iraNtum koNtu eNGkaL mEl nOkkuthiyEl *


aNG   kaN  iraNtum koNtu       eNGkaL mEl     nOkkuthiyEl *

those eyes two     bring (and) on us [us on]  if you look

aNG   kaN    - those eyes

iraNtum       - two

koNtu         - bring

eNGkaL      - us

mEl              - on

nOkkuthiyEl *  - if you look


Sahityam: eNGkaL mEl caapam izhin^thu ElOr empaavaay.


eNGkaL mEl          caapam         izhin^thu    El                                Or empaavaay

on us [us on] (our) death (will be) relieved .  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

eNGkaL mEl         - on us

 caapam                - your curses

izhin^thu              - relieved

 El   Or empaavaay  - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu




Paasuram (Stanza)

aNGkaN maa-NYaalaththu aracar * apimaana

paNGkamaay van^thu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE *

caNGkam iruppaar pOl van^thu thalai-ppeythOm *

kiNGkiNi vaayc ceytha thaamaraip pUp pOlE *

ceNGkaN ciRuc ciRithE emmEl vizhiyaavO *

thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR pOl *

aNGkaN iraNtum koNtu eNGkaL mEl nOkkuthiyEl *

eNGkaL mEl caapam izhin^thu ElOr empaavaay.




Sahityam: aNGkaN maa-NYaalaththu aracar * apimaana


aNG       kaN   maa NYaalaththu       aracar *       apimaana

Beautiful this  big world      (it's) kings  (their) presitige

aNG         - Beautiful

kaN         - this

maa NYaalaththu   - big world    

aracar *        - (its) kings

apimaana     - (their) prestige


; ; - rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  G  ;   ;   |   ; G  ,    G  ,   ||  ;  , g M  | G  ;    ;  M || G ;  ;  |  G  ;     mgp-m   ||

      aN-   GkaN   - - maa- Nyaa -         la       thu             a  ra    car *     a     bhi         maa    na


gR , - rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  G  ;   ;   |   ; G  ,    G  ,   ||  ;  , g M  | G  ;    ;  M || G ;  ;  |  G  ;     mgp-m   ||

         aN-   GkaN   - - maa- Nyaa -          la       thu             a  ra    car *     a     bhi         maa    na


gR , - rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  nrgm - dd | pm mg ,  , G  ,   ||  ;  , g M  | G  ;    ;  M || G ;  ;  |  G  ;     mgp-m   ||

         aN-   GkaN   - - maa-  Nyaa -         - -  la        thu             a  ra    car *     a     bhi        maa    na


Sahityam: paNGkamaay van^thu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE *


paNGkamaay          van^thu  nin  paLLik    kattiR kIzhE *

relinquishing (who) came to  your sleeping  bed    under

paNGkamaay         - relinquishing (who)

van^thu                 - came

nin  paLLik           - to your sleeping

kattiR                    - bed

kIzhE *            - under



gR , - gR,  | R;    R ; || R G R  |  G ,d    dpP , m  || ; mG, - gm |  mGr    R S ||  nsrg – md  |  pp – grG   , rsS ,  ||

          paN  Gka maay van - -    thu      nin  -  -         - -     paL   Li - -   ka -    ttiR    -  -      -  -    kI -   - zhE *


; ;    - gR,  | R;   R ; || R G R  |  G ,m  mdpp , m || ; mG, - gm |  mGr    R S ||  nsrg – md  |  pp – grG   , rsS ,  ||

          paN  Gka maay van - -    thu    nin  -  -         - -       paL   Li - -   ka -    ttiR    -  -      -  -    kI -   - zhE *


Sahityam: caNGkam iruppaar pOl van^thu thalaippeythOm *


caNGkam iruppaar pOl                 van^thu thalaip        peythOm *

(and) gathered ; like that (we) have come    near you (and) approached .

caNGkam    - gathered

iruppaar     - like that

pOl            - we

van^thu     - have come

thalaip        - near you

peythOm *   - approached



; ; - gd | pmR -   G ;  ||  mP,  ;   ;  |  P  ;    P  ;  || ;  ;   ;   |  ;   ;   ;  ;   || ;  ;   ;   |  ;   ;   ;  ;   ||

      caN Gka      mi -     ru  -  -       ppaar pOl          



; ; - gd | pmR -   G ;  ||  mP,  ;   ;  |  P  ;    P  ;  || ;  ; mp |  mpD    D P   || P  ;  dn  | dpP ;   pmG  ||

      caN Gka      mi -     ru  -  -       ppaar pOl         van    thu -    tha      lai-    --    pey- -  thOm *


; ; - gd | pmR -   G ;  ||  mP,  ;   ;  |  mddn rsN dpP  || ;  ; mp |  mpD    D P   || P  ;  dn  | dpP ;   pmG  ||

      caN Gka      mi -     ru  -  -       ppaar   - -  pOl         van    thu -    tha      lai-    --    pey- -  thOm *



; ; - gd | pmR -   G ;  ||  mP,  ;   ;  |  mddn rsN dpP  || ;  ; mp |  mpD    D P   || P dn dnsn  | dpP ;   pmG  ||

      caN Gka      mi -     ru  -  -       ppaar   - -  pOl         van    thu -    tha      lai-    --   -    pey- -  thOm *



Sahityam: kiNGkiNi vaayc ceytha thaamaraip pUp pOlE *


kiNGkiNi       vaayc ceytha      thaamaraip pUp    pOlE *

sweet sounding mouth make (open) lotus      flower like

kiNGkiNi    - sweet sounding  

vaayc          - mouth

ceytha        - make (opened)

thaamaraip   - lotus

pU    pOlE *  - flower like


; ; - M  | G  ;  G  ;  ||  R G R  | ; G    ,d -  D   ||  ;  ; - md | pm- g R,     ,- rS,  , || dnrg md  | pm – grG   , rsS ,   ||

      kiN Gki   Ni        vaay -      cey-       tha -         thaa- ma- rai -        pU-      pO-  -  -     - -    -  -       lE * -


; ; - nr | rg rn-rg  ;|| rggrsn  | dnrg mdnr –sd S|| ; ; - sn | dpM- g R,     ,- rS,  , || dnrg md | pm –rgmg r- rsS ,   ||

      kiN Gki - Ni    vaay -    cey-       -     tha -        thaa- ma- rai -        pU-      pO-  -  -     - -     -  -  -   lE *   



Sahityam: ceNGkaN ciRuc ciRithE emmEl vizhiyaavO *


ceNG      kaN  ciRuc  ciRithE emmEl  vizhiyaavO *

beautiful eyes little bit     on us (please) look

ceNG      - beautiful

kaN        - eyes

ciRuc     - little bit

ciRithE - smile

emmEl    - on us

vizhiyaavO * - look



; ; - rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  G  ;   gr   |   pmM  ,g     G  ;  || 

      ceN   GkaN   -   ci       Ru -  ci-      Ri -   - -     thE    


; ; - rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  G  ;   gr   |   pmM  ,g     G  ;  ||  ;  ;  M  | G  ;    ;  M || G ;  ;  |  G  ;     ;  , g   ||

      ceN   GkaN   -   ci       Ru -  ci-      Ri -   - -     thE      -  -  em   mEl       vi    zhi        yaa          vO *


rsN- rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  G  ;   gr   |   pmM  ,g     G  ;  ||  ;  ;  M  | G  ;    ;  M || G ;  ;  |  G  ;     mgp-m   ||

       ceN   GkaN   -   ci        Ru -  ci-      Ri -   - -     thE      -  -  em   mEl       vi    zhi        yaa     vO *


mgR- rG, |  rsS ,n   D- sr   ||  nrgm - dd | pm M    mmG  ,   ||  ;  ;  M  | G  ;    ;  M || G ;  ;  |  G  ;     mgp-m   ||

         ceN   GkaN   -   ci        Ru -    ci-   Ri - -      thE             - -  em   mEl       vi    zhi        yaa     vO *



Sahityam: thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR pOl *


thiNGkaLum aathiththiyanum ezhun^thaaR  pOl *

the moon   the sun         waking up  ; like that

thiNGkaLum     - the moon

aathiththiyanum – the sun

ezhun^thaaR      - waking up

pOl *                   - like that



gR , - gR,  | R;    R ; || R G-R  |  G ,d    dpP , m  || ; mG, - gm |  mGr    R S || dnrg – md  |  pp – grG   , rsS ,  ||

         thiN   Gka Lum aa -  thi   thya-   num -          - -      e -      zhun  thaaR  pOl *   - -     - -      -  -     - -  -



; ;    - gR,  | R;   R ; || R G R  |  G ,d  dpP , m || ; mG, - gm |  mGr    R S ||  dnrg – md  |  pp – grG   , rsS ,  ||

         thiN  Gka Lum aa -  thi  thya- num -          - -      e -    zhun   thaaR pOl *   - -     - -      -  -     - -  -


Sahityam: aNGkaN iraNtum koNtu eNGkaL mEl nOkkuthiyEl *


aNG   kaN  iraNtum koNtu       eNGkaL mEl     nOkkuthiyEl *

those eyes two     bring (and) on us [us on]  if you look

aNG   kaN    - those eyes

iraNtum       - two

koNtu         - bring

eNGkaL      - us

mEl              - on

nOkkuthiyEl *  - if you look



; ; - gd | pmR -   G M  ||  mP, ,  P ,   |  P  ;    P  ;  || ;  ;  ;  |   ;  ;      ;  ;  ||

      aN  GkaN     I           raN    tum    koN   tu           


; ; - gd | pmR -   G M  ||  mP, ,  P ,   |  P  ;    P  ;  || ;  ; P   |  mpD    D P   || P  ;    P   |  Pdn     dpmg ;  ||

      aN  GkaN     I           raN    tum    koN   tu           eN    GkaL    mEl    nO    kku   thi      yEl *


; ; - gd | pmR -   G ;  ||  mP,  , P,   |  mdN rsN dpP  || ;  ; P |  mpD    D P   || P  ;  pm  | Pdndnsn  dpmg ;   ||

      aN  GkaN     I         raN   tum    koN   -  -  tu           eN  GkaL    mEl    nO   kku   thi            yEl *


Sahityam: eNGkaL mEl caapam izhin^thu ElOr empaavaay.


eNGkaL mEl          caapam         izhin^thu    El                                Or empaavaay

on us [us on] (our) death (will be) relieved .  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

eNGkaL mEl         - on us

 caapam                - your curses

izhin^thu              - relieved

 El   Or empaavaay  - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu



; ; - M  | G  ;   G  ;  ||  R G R  | ; G    ,d -  D   || ;  ; - md | pm-  g R,     ,- rS,  , || dnrg md  | pm – grG   , rsS ,   ||

      eN  GkaL mEl     caa-  -    - -    -  -   pam   -  -   I -   zhin- thE-      lOr       em-   -  -    - -     paa-   vaay.


; ; - nr | rg rn-rg  ;|| rggrsn  | dnrg mdnr –sd S|| ; ; - sn | dpM- g R,     ,- rS,  , || dnrg md | pm –rgmg r- rsS ,   ||

      eN  GkaL mEl caa-  -    - -    -  - - -   pam   -  -  I -   zhin- thE-       lOr       em-   -  -    - -     paa-   vaay.


; ; - nr | rg rn-rg  ;|| rggrsn  | dnrg mdnr –sd S|| ; ; - sn | dpM- g R,     ,- rS,  , || dnrg md | pm –rg  pmmg    ||

      eN  GkaL mEl caa-  -    - -    -  - - -   pam   -  -  I -   zhin- thE-       lOr       em-   -  -    - -   paa- 


G ; 
