ERRa kalaNGkaL
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #21)
Ragam: Nadanamakriya (15th Melakartha Janyam, sung in madhyama sruthi)
ARO: S R1 G3 M1 P D1 N3 || (nishAdantya ending in Ni)
AVA: N3 D1 P M1 G3 R1 S N3 ||
Talam: Misra Chapu
Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:
Youtube Class:
Audio MP3 Class:
EtRRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIth-aLippa *
maatRRaathE paal-coriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
aatRRa patai-thaan makanE aRivuRaay *
UtRRam utaiyaay periyaay * ulakinil
thOtRRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyil-ezhaay *
maatRRaar unakku vali-tholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
aatRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
pOtRRi yaam van^thOm pukazhn^thu ElOr empaavaay
Meaning Courtesy:
{Additional sites: ; }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas
sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine
Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears
intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby
obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends
to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious
rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity.
She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.
Translation By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan
(In the strain of a true
heroine's singing the praise of her hero , the young girls give expression to
their humble prayer): " Oh Lord , Kindly get up; You are the son of Lord NandhagOpan , who is the owner of innumerable , generous
and big cows that pour forth , incessantly , copious milk into the vessels ,
kept (below their udder) in quick succession , so that in a trice , these
vessels are filled up (and) are overflowing .Oh Lord , who is very much
attached to us ! Oh Supreme One! The effulgent streak of
light arisen in this World ! Be pleased to rise up.
Just as Your enemies come to You , in front of Your
house, even so we have come to You singing Your praise and proclaiming Your greatness.( Kindly lend Your ears and
fulfil our prayerful requests).
Sahityam: ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa
ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa *
Holding containers , (the) milk
overflows over the top (of)
ERRa -
kalaNGkaL - containers
ethir -
poNGki - overflows
mIthaLippa * - over the top of
Sahityam: maaRRaathE paalcoriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
maaRRaathE paal coriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
(by the cows who)
without fail milk
yield generous great cows
maaRRaathE -
without fail
paal - milk
coriyum - yield
vaLLal - generous
perum - great
pacukkaL * -
Sahityam: aaRRap pataiththaan
makanE aRivuRaay *
aaRRap pataiththaan makanE aRivuRaay
(of which You have )lots son (of
Lord NandagOpan) (please) come to your senses .
aaRRap - of
which you have lots
pataiththaan - Lord
makanE - son of
aRivuRaay * - please
wake up (come to your senses)
Sahityam: URRam utaiyaay
periyaay * ulakinil
URRam utaiyaay periyaay *
Powerful one , great one , (In
this) world (the)
URRam - Powerful
utaiyaay - One
periyaay * - Great
ulakinil - In this
Sahityam: thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay
thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay
visible standing light (please) wake up .
thORRamaay - visible
ninRa - standing
cutarE - light
thuyilezhaay * - please
wake up
Sahityam: maaRRaar unakku valitholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
maaRRaar unakku vali tholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
Enemies (to) your
strength yielded (at) your door
maaRRaar - enemies
unakku vali -
your strength
tholain^thu un -
yielded to your
vaacaR kaN * - your doorstep
Sahityam: aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
uncontrollably coming
(to) your feet surrendered ; like that
aaRRaathu -
van^thu - coming to
un ati - to your feet
paNiyumaa -
pOlE *
- like that
Sahityam: pORRi yaam
van^thOm pukazhn^thu ElOr empaavaay
pORRi yaam van^thOm pukazhn^thu El Or empaavaay
to worship we (have)
come (and to) praise (You) . Come (Let us do) (the
penance of) paavai nOmbu
pORRi - to worship
yaam - we
van^thOm - have come
pukazhn^thu - praise You
El Or empaavaay - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa *
maaRRaathE paalcoriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
aaRRap pataiththaan makanE aRivuRaay *
URRam utaiyaay periyaay * ulakinil
thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay *
maaRRaar unakku valitholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
pORRi yaam van^thOm pukazhn^thu ElOr empaavaay
Sahityam: ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa
ERRa kalaNGkaL ethir poNGki mIthaLippa *
Holding containers , (the) milk
overflows over the top (of)
ERRa -
kalaNGkaL - containers
ethir -
poNGki - overflows
mIthaLippa * - over the top of
; ; rN, | R mg R - M || M ; ; | M ; ; M || M ; ; | M ; M ; || M ; M | mgM ; rgmg ||
E tRRa- - ka laN GkaL e thir - poN- Gki mI tha Li - - ppa *
rsN- rN, | R M,g R -
M || M ;
; | M ; ; M
|| M ; ; |
M ; M
; || M ;
M | mgM
; rgmg ||
E tRRa- - ka laN GkaL e
thir - poN- Gki mI tha Li - - ppa *
rsN- rN, | rp pm gr -
|| ppmm
; |
M ; ; M
|| gm pd P,d | M ; M ; || M
; M | mgM
; rg Mpm ||
E tRRa- - - ka laN GkaL e thir -
poN- Gki mI tha Li - - ppa * - -
grsn- rN, | rp pm gr -
|| ppmm
; |
M ; ; M
|| gm pd P,d | M ; M ; || M
; M | mgM
; mgpm ||
E tRRa- - - ka laN GkaL e thir -
poN- Gki mI tha Li - - ppa * - -
Sahityam: maaRRaathE paalcoriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
maaRRaathE paal coriyum vaLLal perum pacukkaL *
(by the cows who)
without fail milk
yield generous great cows
maaRRaathE -
without fail
paal - milk
coriyum - yield
vaLLal - generous
perum - great
pacukkaL * -
mgmg- G | G ; G ; || GM M | pmgr sr ; || ; ; rs | R ; ; S || r P - M p | mmgr rs S ||
maa tRRaa thE paal- so ri- - - yum-- vaL Lal pe rum- pa cu - - kkaL *
; ; -
G | G ; G ; || gmpd pm | gmgr R ; || ; ; rs | R ; ; S ||
r P - M p | mmgr rs S ||
maa tRRaa thE paal- so - ri- - - yum--
vaL Lal pe rum- pa cu
- -
kkaL *
; ; -
G | G ; G ; || gm pdN dpM | mgpm gs R || ; ; rs | R ; ; S ||
r P - M p | gmgr rs S ||
maa tRRaa thE paal- - so - ri- - - -- yum
vaL Lal pe rum- pa cu
- - kkaL *
Sahityam: aaRRap pataiththaan
makanE aRivuRaay *
aaRRap pataiththaan makanE aRivuRaay
(of which You have )lots son (of
Lord NandagOpan) (please) come to your senses .
aaRRap - of
which you have lots
pataiththaan - Lord Nandagopal
makanE -
son of
aRivuRaay * - please
wake up (come to your senses)
; ; md | ppmm ; M || P ; ; | P ; ; - D || P ; ; | P ; ; D || P ; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
aa- tRRa - - pa tai - - thaan - ma ka - - nE - - a Ri - - vu - - Raay * -
; ; md | ppmm ,g- M || P
; ;
| P ;
; - D || P
; ; |
P ; ; D
|| P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
aa- tRRa - - - pa tai - -
thaan - ma ka
- - nE - - a Ri -
- vu - - Raay * -
; ; Gmp| mpdp ,d pmG- M
|| P ; ; | P
; ; - D ||
pmpdP | D
; ; D || P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
aa- - - - - tRRa- pa tai
- - thaan - ma ka
- - nE - - a
Ri - - vu - -
Raay * -
; ; Gmp| mpdp ,d pmG- M || Pdp mGm P | P ; ; -D
|| pmpdP | D
; ; D || P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
aa- - - - - tRRa- pa tai
- - -
- than- ma ka -
- nE - - a Ri -
- vu - - Raay
Sahityam: URRam utaiyaay
periyaay * ulakinil
URRam utaiyaay periyaay *
Powerful one , great one , (In
this) world (the)
URRam - Powerful
utaiyaay - One
periyaay * - Great
ulakinil - In this
; ; M | M ; M ; || mgmP , | mpdp D ; || D , P , | dPm ; M || mgmpmp | mg R sr ; ||
U tRRa mu tai - - - yaay - - pe ri yaay * u la - - - - ki - - nil
; ; M
| M ; M
; || mgmP , | mpdp D ; || D
, P , | dPm ;
M || gmpdpm
| mgpm gr rm ||
U tRRa mu tai - - - yaay -
- pe ri yaay * u la
- -
- - ki - -
-- nil
Sahityam: thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay
thORRamaay ninRa cutarE thuyilezhaay
visible standing light (please) wake up .
thORRamaay - visible
ninRa - standing
cutarE - light
thuyilezhaay * - please
wake up
grsn- S | R G ,r M || M ; ; | M ; ; md || pmM ; ; | mgmg mg gm || Gmg R | ; ; ; ; ||
thO tRRa- - maay nin - - Ra - - cu- ta - - - rE - -
; ; - S |
R G ,r M || M ;
; | M ; ;
md || pmM
; ;
| M ;
; M || mg M ;
| G ; rgpm
thO tRRa- - maay nin - - Ra - - cu- ta - - - rE - - thu yil- - - e zhaay *
grsn- N | R G
,r M || M
; ;
| M ; ; md
|| pmM ;
; | M
; ; M || mg
M ; | M,g rgpm ||
thO tRRa- - maay nin - - Ra -
- cu- ta
- -
- rE
- - thu yil- - -
e zhaay
grsn- N | rppm gr - sp || ppmm ; | M
; ; M || gm
pd P,d | | pmM ; ; M || mg M ;
| M,g rg Mpm ||
thO tRRa- - - maay nin - - Ra - - cu-ta - - - rE - - thu yil- - - e zhaay *
grsn- N | rppm gr - sp || ppmm ; | M
; ; M || gm
pd P,d | | pmM ; ; M || mg M ;
| M,g mgpm ||
thO tRRa- - - maay nin - - Ra
- cu- ta - - - rE - - thu yil- - - e
zhaay *
Sahityam: maaRRaar unakku valitholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
maaRRaar unakku vali tholain^thu un vaacaR kaN *
Enemies (to) your
strength yielded (at) your door
maaRRaar - enemies
unakku vali -
your strength
tholain^thu un -
yielded to your
vaacaR kaN * - your doorstep
G ; - G | G ; ; M || GM ; | rg pmG- rN, N || S rs S rs | R ; ; S || r P - M p | mmgr rs S ||
Maa tRRaar u na - kku - - va li tho- lain- thu - un vaa- - - caR - kaN *
; ;
- G | G ; ; M || mgmpmp | mg rg gr sn || S rs S rs | R ; ; S ||
r P - M p | mmgr rs S ||
Maa tRRaar
u na - - - kku - va li tho- lain- thu - un vaa- - - caR - kaN *
; ;
- G | G ; ; M || gmpd pm | gm pMp mg rsN || S rs S rs | R ; ; S ||
r P - M p | mmgr rs S ||
Maa tRRaar
u na - - - kku - - va li tho- lain- thu - un vaa- - -
caR - kaN *
; ;
- G | G ; ; M || gm
pdN dpM | gm
pMp mg rsN || S rs S rs | R ; ; S || r
P - M p
| mmgr rs S ||
Maa tRRaar u
- - - - -
kku - - va li tho- lain- thu - un vaa- - - caR - kaN *
Sahityam: aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
aaRRaathu van^thu un ati paNiyumaa pOlE *
uncontrollably coming
(to) your feet surrendered ; like that
aaRRaathu -
van^thu - coming to
un ati - to your feet
paNiyumaa -
pOlE *
- like that
; ; md | ppmm ; M || P
; ;
| P ;
; - D || P
; P | pm Pdp D ; || P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
Aa- tRRaa- thu van - thun - - a ti pa
Ni - - - yum
aa pO
- lE *
; ; md | ppmm ,g- M || P
; ;
| P ;
; - D || P
; P | pm Pdp D ; || P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
Aa- tRRaa- thu van -
thun - - a ti pa
Ni - - - yum
aa pO
- lE *
; ; Gmp| mpdp ,d pmG- M
|| P ; ; | P
; ; - D ||
; P | pm Pdp D ; || P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
Aa- -
- - - tRRaa-thu van - thun - - a
ti pa Ni -
- - yum aa pO - lE *
; ; Gmp| mpdp ,d pmG- M || Pdp mGm P | P ; ; -D
|| P ; P | pm Pdp D ;|| P
; ; | P, dn dpmm ; ||
Aa- -
- - - tRRaa-thu van - - thun - a ti pa Ni
- - -
yum aa pO - lE *
Sahityam: pORRi yaam
van^thOm pukazhn^thu ElOr empaavaay
pORRi yaam van^thOm pukazhn^thu El Or empaavaay
to worship we (have)
come (and to) praise (You) . Come (Let us do) (the
penance of) paavai nOmbu
pORRi - to worship
yaam - we
van^thOm - have come
pukazhn^thu - praise You
El Or empaavaay - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
; ; M
| M ; M
; || mgmP , | mpdp D ; || D
, P , | mPd dPm || mgmpmp | mg R sr ; ||
pO tRRi yaam van - - thOm - -
pu kazhn thE - lOr - em - - - paa - vaay
; ; M
| M ; M
; || mgmP , | mpdp D ; || D
, P , | mPd dPm || gm mpmp | gmgs R ; ||
pO tRRi yaam van - - thOm - -
pu kazhn thE - lOr - em - - - paa - vaay