Muppathu mUvar
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #20)
Ragam: Senjurutti (28th Melakartha Janyam, aka Cenchurutti, sung in madhyama sruthi)
ARO: D₂ S R₂ G₃ M₁ P D₂ N₂ ||
AVA: N₂ D₂ P M₁ G₃ R₂ S N₂ D₂ P D₂ S ||
Talam: Misra Chapu
Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:
Youtube Class:
Audio MP3 Class:
muppaththu mUvar
amararkku mun cenRu *
kappam thavirkkum
kaliyE thuyilezhaay *
ceppam utaiyaay
thiRal utaiyaay * ceRRaarkku
veppam kotukkum
vimalaa thuyilezhaay *
ceppanna menmulaic
cevvaayc ciRu maruNGkul *
nappinnai naNGkaay
thiruvE thuyilezhaay *
ukkamum thattoLiyum
than^thu un maNaaLanai *
ippOthE emmai nIraattu ElOr empaavaay.
Meaning Courtesy:
{Additional sites: ; }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas
sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine
Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears
intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby
obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends
to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious
rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity.
She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.
Translation By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan
Oh Valiant Lord , who removes the tremblings
of the thirty three (crores of) gods , by going to battles (on their behalf)
and by being in front of them (in such battles)! Kindly awaken from sleep .Oh Lord , who cares about our protection , and is
fully equipped with enormous strength and valour ! Oh
Lord , blemishless and pure,
and the One who defeats with vigour Your enemies !
Kindly awaken. (now turning to His consort, Nappinnai ) Oh the great
Lady Nappinnai , possessing a charming physique
--with a jar-shaped soft bosom , enchanting rosy lips and slim waist! Oh the embodiment of Goddess Lakshmi! Be pleased to rise up. May You give us a fan , a
mirror and Your Lord as well , and at this time itself , may You help us to
take our (ceremonial) bath .
Sahityam: muppaththu mUvar amararkku
mun cenRu *
muppaththu mUvar amararkku
mun cenRu *
Thirty three immortals (gods) (He who) goes to
muppaththu mUvar - Thirty three
amararkku -
immortals (gods)
mun cenRu * - go in front of
Sahityam: kappam thavirkkum
kaliyE thuyilezhaay *
kappam thavirkkum
kaliyE thuyilezhaay
fears (theirs) removes (You That) heroic
one (please) wake up .
kappam - fears
thavirkkum - remove
kaliyE - heroic One
thuyilezhaay * - please
wake up
Sahityam: ceppam utaiyaay
thiRal utaiyaay * ceRRaarkku
ceppam utaiyaay thiRal
utaiyaay * ceRRaarkku
Perfect one omni-potent one enemies (He
ceppam utaiyaay -
perfect one
thiRal utaiyaay * -
Omni-potent one
ceRRaarkku - Enemies (He
Sahityam: veppam kotukkum
vimalaa thuyilezhaay *
veppam kotukkum
vimalaa thuyilezhaay
burn(s) gives (up) , (You That) Lord (please)
wake up .
veppam - burns
kotukkum - gives
them (burns his enemies)
vimalaa - the
pure Lord
thuyilezhaay * - please wake up
Sahityam: ceppanna menmulaic cevvaayc ciRu maruNGkul *
ceppanna men mulaic cev vaayc ciRu maruNGkul *
Like a perfect vessel soft bosom red
lips slender waist
ceppanna - like a perfect vessel
men mulaic - soft bosom
cev vaayc - red lips
ciRu - slender
maruNGkul * - waist
Sahityam: nappinnai naNGkaay thiruvE thuyilezhaay *
nappinnai naNGkaay
thuyilezhaay *
(You) nappinnai (The Lord's consort) lady beautiful (please) wake up
- Nappinai (the Lords consort)
naNGkaay -
thiruvE - beautiful one
thuyil-ezhaay * -
please wake up
Sahityam: ukkamum thattoLiyum
than^thu un maNaaLanai *
ukkamum thattoLiyum than^thu un maNaaLanai *
Fan (and) mirror give (to us) (please also wake up) your
husband (The Lord)
ukkamum - Fan
thattoLiyum -
than^thu -
give (to us)
un maNaaLanai * - your husband
Sahityam: ippOthE emmai
nIraattu ElOr empaavaay.
emmai nIraattu El Or empaavaay
right now (so) us (we
can) bathe . Come
(Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
ippOthE - right now
emmai - us / we can
nIraattu - bathe
El Or empaavaay - let us do the penance of paavai nombu
muppaththu mUvar
amararkku mun cenRu *
kappam thavirkkum
kaliyE thuyilezhaay *
ceppam utaiyaay
thiRal utaiyaay * ceRRaarkku
veppam kotukkum
vimalaa thuyilezhaay *
ceppanna menmulaic
cevvaayc ciRu maruNGkul *
nappinnai naNGkaay
thiruvE thuyilezhaay *
ukkamum thattoLiyum
than^thu un maNaaLanai *
ippOthE emmai nIraattu ElOr empaavaay.
Sahityam: muppaththu mUvar amararkku mun cenRu *
muppaththu mUvar amararkku
mun cenRu *
Thirty three immortals (gods) (He who) goes to
muppaththu mUvar - Thirty three
amararkku -
immortals (gods)
mun cenRu * - go in front of
; ; G | r S , ; R || G ; ; | G ; ; M || G ; ; | G ; G ; || ; , M , | G ; mGp ||
Mu ppa- - thu
mU- - var - a
ma rar kku mun cen Ru *
mmGr- G | r S sn D- sr || G ; sr | pm -G ; M || G ; ; | G ; G ; || ; , M , | G ; gpmm ||
ppa- - thu mU- - - - var - a
ma rar kku mun cen Ru *
grsr- G | r S sn D- sr ||
G ; sr | pm -G ; M
|| G ; ;
| G ; G ;
|| ; , M , | G ; gpmm ||
ppa- - thu mU- - - - var - a
ma rar kku mun cen Ru *
grsr- G | r S sn D- sr ||
G ; sr | pm -G ; M
|| G ; ;
| G ; G ;
|| ; , M , | G ,m Pdp mg ||
ppa- - thu mU- - - - var - a
ma rar kku mun cen Ru *
Sahityam: kappam thavirkkum
kaliyE thuyilezhaay *
kappam thavirkkum
kaliyE thuyilezhaay
fears (theirs) removes (You That) heroic
one (please) wake up .
kappam - fears
thavirkkum - remove
kaliyE - heroic One
thuyilezhaay * - please
wake up
G,pmMg- R | R ; ; gr || R G ,r | rddp pmM || G , m G | rS, ; R || sr rppm G | , r rg , r S ||
Ka ppam tha vir - - kkum - - - - kali yE - thu- yi - - - - - - le- zhaay *
; ; - G | r S sn D- sr || mgrs.- sr | pm -G ; M || G ; ; | G ; G ; || ; , M , | G ,m Pdp mg ||
ppa- - thu mU- - -- - - var
a ma
rar kku mun cen Ru *
R | R ; ; gr || R G ,r | rddp pmM || G , m
G | rS, ; R ||
sr rppm G | , r
rg , r
S ||
Ka ppam
tha vir - - kkum - -
- - kali
yE -
thu- yi - - - -
- - le-
zhaay *
Sahityam: ceppam utaiyaay
thiRal utaiyaay * ceRRaarkku
ceppam utaiyaay thiRal
utaiyaay * ceRRaarkku
Perfect one omni-potent one enemies (He
ceppam utaiyaay - perfect one
thiRal utaiyaay * -
Omni-potent one
ceRRaarkku - Enemies (He
; ; S | rrG R R || R ; ; | R ; S S || S r G s | R ; ; mg || rsS ; ; | Dns Dnp ||
Ce ppam - u tai yaay thiRal u tai- yaay * ce- tRRaa - - - rkku
Sahityam: veppam kotukkum
vimalaa thuyilezhaay *
veppam kotukkum
vimalaa thuyilezhaay
burn(s) gives (up) , (You That) Lord (please)
wake up .
veppam - burns
kotukkum - gives
them (burns his enemies)
vimalaa - the
pure Lord
thuyilezhaay * - please wake up
; ; sn | S ; ; S || S , Rs | R ; - gm dpP || R , S , | ; ; ; ; ||
Ve- ppam ko tu- - - kkum vi- ma- laa - - - - - -
; ; S | rrG R R || R
; ;
| R ; S S || S r G s
| R ; ; mg || rsS
; ;
| Dns Dnp ||
Ce ppam - u
tai yaay thiRal u tai- yaay * ce- tRRaa rkku - - -
; ; sn | S
; ; S || S ,
Rs | R
; - gm dpP
|| R , S , | ; ; dp mg || pm
gr- mg | rs - dn Srs nDs
Ve- ppam ko tu- - - kkum vi- ma- laa - - - - thu - - yi- - - le- - - zhaay * - - -
ndnp- sn
| S ; ; S || S , Rs |
R ; - gm dpP || R , S
, | ; ; ; gm||
pdnd mpdp - mg | srP mg , rS |||
Ve- ppam ko tu- - - kkum vi- ma- laa - - - - - thu yi- - - - - - - - - le- - - zhaay *
sdnp- sn | S ; ; S || S , Rs | R ; - gm dpP || R , S , | ; ; ; ; || ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
ppam ko tu- - - kkum vi- ma- laa - - - - - -
- - -
- - - -
Sahityam: ceppanna menmulaic cevvaayc ciRu maruNGkul *
ceppanna men mulaic cev vaayc ciRu maruNGkul *
Like a perfect vessel soft bosom red
lips slender waist
ceppenna - like a perfect vessel
men mulaic - soft bosom
cev vaayc - red lips
ciRu - slender
maruNGkul * - waist
; ; mg | rS , ; R || G ; ; | ; M G ; || ; ; M | G ; ; M || G ; M | G ; mg pmM ||
Ce- ppa - nna men - - mu lai cev vaay - ci Ru ma ruN Gkul *
mg R - mg
| rS
sn D- sr || G ; sr | pm- M
G ; || ; ; M
| G
; ; M || G ;
M | G ; gpm-m ||
ppa - -
nna men -
- - mu lai cev vaay - ci Ru ma ruN Gkul *
grsr - mg
| rS sn D- sr || mgr- sr p | M rM, G
; ||
; ; M | G
; ; M || G ;
M | G ; gpm-m ||
ppa - -
nna men -
- - mu lai cev vaay - ci Ru
ruN Gkul *
grsr - mg
| rS sn D- sr || mgrs ndpd sr | gmdp M -G ||
; ; M | G
; ; M || G ;
M | G ,m Pdp mg ||
Ce- ppa - - nna men - - - - - mu lai cev vaay - ci Ru ma ruN Gkul *
Sahityam: nappinnai naNGkaay thiruvE thuyilezhaay *
nappinnai naNGkaay
thuyilezhaay *
(You) nappinnai (The Lord's consort) lady beautiful (please) wake up
- Nappinai (the Lords consort)
naNGkaay -
thiruvE - beautiful one
thuyil-ezhaay * -
please wake up
R | R ; R ; || R G R | rddp pmM || G , m
G | rS, ; R ||
sr rppm G | , r
rg , r
S ||
Na ppin nai naNG- kaay -
- - - - thiru vE - thu yi- -
- - - -
le- zhaay
; ,
r - mg |
rS sn D- sr || mgrs ndpd sr | gmdp M -G ||
; ; M | G
; ; M || G ;
M | G ,m Pdp mg ||
ppe - -
nna men -
- - -
- mu lai cev vaay - ci Ru
ruN Gkul *
R | R ; R ; || R G R | rddp pmM || G , m
G | rS, ; R ||
sr rppm G | , r
rg , r
S ||
Na ppin nai naNG- kaay -
- - - - thiru vE - thu yi- -
- - - -
le- zhaay
Sahityam: ukkamum thattoLiyum
than^thu un maNaaLanai *
ukkamum thattoLiyum than^thu un maNaaLanai *
Fan (and) mirror give (to us) (please also wake up) your
husband (The Lord)
ukkamum - Fan
thattoLiyum -
than^thu -
give (to us)
un maNaaLanai * - your husband
; ; S | G R
R ; || R
; R
| R ; R S
|| ; ; mg
| S ; ; ss || ns Rgr sn | dn Srs nd-nDs ||
U kka-- mum tha- tto Li yum- than thun - - ma- Naa- - - La - nai *
Sahityam: ippOthE emmai
nIraattu ElOr empaavaay.
ippOthE emmai nIraattu El Or empaavaay
right now (so) us (we
can) bathe . Come
(Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
ippOthE - right now
emmai - us / we can
nIraattu - bathe
El Or empaavaay - let us do the penance of paavai nombu
ndnp - sn
| S ; S ; || sr mgrs | R ; - G ; || gM dpP , | R S ; gm || mP ; , | Gmp Grg ||
I ppO thE
em mai nI - raa - - ttE- - - lO - - rem- paa - - vaay - - -
rsS ; - S | rGr R ; || R
; R
| R ; R S
|| ; ; mg
| S ; ; ss || ns Rgr sn | dn Srs nd-nDs ||
U kka-- mum tha- tto Li yum- than thun - - ma- Naa- - - La - nai *
ndnp - sn
| S ; S ; || sr mgrs | R ; - G ; || gM dpP , | R S ; gm || mP ; , | Gmp Grg ||
I ppO thE
em mai nI - raa - - ttE- - - lO - - rem- paa - - vaay - - -
rsS ; - sr | gpmm M ; || G ,m dp | ppmm G ; || S ; r- p | mG- rs S ; , || S ; ,n | Dns Dnp ||
I ppO thE em mai nI - raa - ttE- - - - lO - - rem- paa - vaay - - -
; ; - dn | sr m*g R ; || R ; R | gr mg gs ; || ; ; sr | gm pdnd mpdp mg || Sr
P | m G , , rS ||
I ppO- thE em mai nI -- raa - ttE- - - - - - lO - rem- - paa
; ; dn | sr m*g Rg- rs || ; ; sd | D sn Dnp || ; p d S | sr mg rs R || ; ; ; | sr pm G rs ||
vaay -
- - -
- -
This 20th Paasuram houses the thoughts of Upanishads and Geethai. The
Paasuram starts with
MakAram; in ambaramE TannIrE (the 17th paasuram), akAram was the starting aksharam;
in Unthumadha
KaLiRRIN (18th Paasuram, UkAram was the prathamAksharam.
together the first letters
of the 17th, 18th and the 20th paasurams
(A+U+M) constitute the
sacred Pranavam,
the essence of Vedam. The 19th paasuram (Kutthu viLakkeria) comes in
between U(18th)
and M (20th) paasurams. The 19th paasuram stands thus for the Vibakthi
over the combination of the
letters A and U. Thus
together the first letters of 17th to 20th
Paasuram signify by integration the holy Pranavam,
which houses the artha panchakam
doctrines inside it.
Muppatthu Moovar: The 8 Vasus, 11 RudhrAs, the 12 AdhithyAs and the
2 Asvini dEvAs add up
to the Thirty
three (Muppatthu-Moovar) gods.
Munn senRU:
Oh KrishNA! You should protect us even before harm
comes our way, just as
You do for the Muppatthu Moovar.
Kappam tavirkkum KaliyE!:
Oh Proud and valorous Lord, who stops the tremblings
of the
dEvAs, who fear their enemies. Kappam
is derived from the Sanskrit word, Kampanam
SeppamudayAi: this salutation recognizes the kalyANa
guNam of Aarjavam (nErmai) of the
Lord, the Sathya-parAkramasaali.
ThiRaludayAi: the Saamarthyam and
competence of the Lord as SarvalOka Rakshakan is
celebrated here.
seRRArkku veppam kodukkum
VimalA: BhagavAn has
equanimity (Sama Buddhi) towards all
in general, but when it comes
to the enemies of the BhAgavathAs, He destroys
latter. For
instance, Lord NarasimhA did not kill HiraNyakasipu
for displaying enmity towards Him, but
for mistreatment of His Bhakthan, PrahlAdhan.
VimalA: There are Four interrelated words here: Amalan,
Vimalan, Nimlan and Nirmalan.
Amalan means the One who
destroys our sins. Vimalan means the One without the dhOsham
of Aj~Nanam.
Nimalan means One who is fearsome to approach by His enemies. Nirmalan
(Ninmalan) means the One,
who does not have the dhOsham of looking for faults
in those,
who seek His refuge. The Usage of the Naamam
for the Lord here as Vimalan means that
He is AadhippirAn.
Swamy Desikan explores in great detail the
Significance of the Naamam of
Vimalan in his commentary
on ThiruppANar's AmalanAdhipirAN
Paasuram (Muni Vaahana
Sepenna Menmulaic chevvAic chiRu marungal Nappinnai nangAi: This Paasuram paasage
salutes the samudhAya anga soundharyam of Nappinnai PirAtti.
ThiruvE: Nappinnai is addressed as
MahA Lakshmi avathAram here. Actually
She has
involvement in PurushakAra kruthyam (the act of
intercession with her Lord to protect the
Jeevan) just as BhUmi and Sri Devi. That is why the AchAryAs
say: Samastha JananIm
ukkamum TattoLium tanthu: Ukkam is fan for
Bhagavath Kaimkaryam (ThiruvAlavatta
Kaimkaryam done by Thirukkacchi Nampi for Lord varadarAjan).
TattoLi is mirror, which is
part of the ShOdasOpachAram for the Lord. Even today in Srirangam, the
mirror is made of
bronze and is shown before
the Lord daily as a sign of wishing Him Subha Mangalam.
unn MaNALanai ippOthE yemmai neerAttu: Please help perform our vratham
ceremonial bath through
Your dear husband, who is Sarva karma SamArAdhyan. He
bless us with Moksham. He should not treat us as AprapannAs,
but recognize us with Your
intercession as true PrapannAs and should bless us with kaimkarya
PrApthi and Jn~Ana
vikAsam (the kaimkarya SaamrAjyam and blossoming of the Seshathva
Svaroopa Jn~Anam).
That is the NeerAttam, Bhagavath samslEsha anubhavam that we are seeking. Please bless us