NAyakanAy Ninra

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #16)


Ragam: Durbar (22nd Melakartha Janyam)

ARO:        S R₂ M₁ P D₂ N₂ Ṡ           ||

AVA: Ṡ N₂ D₂ P M₁ R₂ G₂ G₂ R₂ S  ||


Talam: Adi (2 kalai)

Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class:


Paasuram (Stanza)

naayakanaay ninRa nan^thakOpan utaiya

kOyil kaappaanE! * koti thOnRum thOraNa

vaayil kaappaanE! * maNik kathavam thaaL thiRavaay *

aayar ciRumiyarOmukku * aRai paRai

maayan maNivaNNan nennalE vaay nErn^thaan *

thUyOmaay van^thOm thuyilezhap paatuvaan *

vaayaal munnamunnam maaRRaathE ammaa! * nI

nEya nilai kathavam nIkku ElOr empaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy:

{Additional sites: ; }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


The ten girls symbolizing “the pancha-Laksham gOpis” of Gokulam are

awakened now and proceed together to NandagOpan's palace to awaken the residents of that

mansion. They start with the awakening of the guards at the flag-staff gate first.


Having woken up the ten girls and collected her retinue,  Sri Andal has reached the temple of the Lord, it is either the Temple or the palace of of Krishna’s foster father Nandagopan.  They find that the ornate doors and the festooned doorstep are bolted and guarded by sentries, so the girls address the gate keeper and   ask him to open the bolts and let them in. The girls plead with the gatekeeper “we are small girls from the cowherd community and we seek the grace of the Lord. The Magical dark skinned Lord has made promises to us. We are pure and we come to sing the wake up song for Him. Please do not refuse entry for us, Please do open the door to enable us to obtain the grace of our Lord.


Translation   By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan


Oh the guard at the entrance of the mansion of our overlord NandagOpan! Oh the guard at

the flag-staff decorated with festoons! May you please release and open the lever bolt of the

bejewelled doors with bells! (let us submit to you that) the Lord, Sri KrishNA --who is very

charming with the color of blue-sapphire gem (maNi vaNNan), and who is of mysterious

deeds (Maayan)-- has assured us even yesterday that He would give the announcing drum

(paRai) to us, the young maidens of the cow-herd clan (gOpis of Gokulam). We, who are pure

in heart and soul, have come here to sing in praise of, and awaken, the Lord. Please, Oh

Mother-like compassionate guard, for the first time (munnam munnam) without refusing,

kindly open the giant-like heavy doors (and grant us entry).


Commentary   By Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchari Sadagopan


The ten girls symbolizing " the pancha- Laksham gOpis" of Gokulam are awakened now and proceed together to NandagOpan's palace to awaken the residents of that mansion. They start with the awakening of the guards at the flag-staff gate first.


Upanishada BhAshyakAra Swamy sets the scene for this paasuram in the following way : " SarvA gOpakanyA udhbhOdhya milithA: , sadhyO Nanda bhavana dhvAram aagathya , dhouvArikam yAchanthE ".( after having woken up all the gOpa KannikaikaL , and with that assembly , they arrive at the front gate of NandagOpan's mansion and appeal to the gate keepers to open the door and to let them in ) .


The awakening of the ten gOpis is Upalakshanam for awakening the gOpis of the five lak ( Pancha Laksham ) house holds of Gokulam.



Sahityam: naayakanaay ninRa nan^thakOpan utaiya


naayakanaay   ninRa      nan^thakOpan       utaiya

Our saviour   standing   NandagopOpan (our) OverLord      

naayakanaay   - Our saviour

ninRa              - is standing

nan^thakOpan       - Nandagopan (the cow-herd lord)

utaiya                     - our Lord


Sahityam: kOyil kaappaanE! * kotith thOnRum thOraNa


kOyil            kaappaanE! *          kotith    thOnRum    thOraNa

(You the) temple guard (of that Lord). Garlands  decorated  arched ornament

kOyil                    - Temple

kaappaanE! *     - guard

kotith                    - staff or arch

thOnRum            - appear (decorated)

thOraNa    festoons of mango leaves hung all over for celebration’ (or flower garlands)



Sahityam: vaayil kaappaanE! * maNik kathavam thaaL thiRavaay *


vaayil         kaappaanE! *            maNik    kathavam  thaaL          thiRavaay *

door (You the) guard (of that door) .  Jewelled door      latch (please) open      .

vaayil         - door

kaappaanE! *     - guard      

maNik             - Jewelled

kathavam       - door

thaaL             - lock or latch

thiRavaay *   - please open


Sahityam: aayar ciRumiyarOmukku * aRai paRai


aayar          ciRumiyar-rOmukku *                           aRai         paRai

Aayarpadi (to) the children of, (He will give) -(used for) announcing- the drum

aayar                         - Aayarpadi

ciRumiyar- *        - we are the children of                   

rOmukku aRai         - he will give

paRai      - the drum (used to announce news)


Sahityam: maayan maNivaNNan nennalE vaay nErn^thaan *


maayan      maNivaNNan           nennalE          vaay       nErn^thaan *

The mystic  blue sapphire Lord   yesterday  (his) word  (he) has given (us).

maayan        - Mystic

maNivaNNan      - blue sapphire Lord     

nennalE            - yesterday

vaay                   - his word

nErn^thaan *   - he has given us


Sahityam: thUyOmaay van^thOm thuyilezhap paatuvaan *


thUyOmaay            van^thOm       thuyilezhap   paatuvaan *

Fresh and clean (we) have come (to) wake Him      singing

thUyOmaay            - fresh and clean

van^thOm             - we have come

thuyil-ezhap           - to wake Him

paatuvaan *          - singing



Sahityam: vaayaal munnamunnam maaRRaathE ammaa! * nI


vaayaal              munnamunnam    maaRRaathE           ammaa! *  nI

without Discussing,  First of all,  without denying (us) Oh Lord   You

vaayaal              - without discussing

munnamunnam    - first of all

maaRRaathE           - without denying us

ammaa! *  nI         - O Lord, You


Sahityam: nEya nilaik kathavam nIkku ElOr empaavaay.


nEya               nilaik kathavam          nIkku                 El                                Or empaavaay

(the) giant (like) heavy  doors   (please)  remove open Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

nEya                  -  giant

nilaik                 - heavy

kathavam          - doors

nIkku                - open

El Or empaavaay   - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu


Paasuram (Stanza)

naayakanaay ninRa nan^thakOpan utaiya

kOyil kaappaanE! * kotith thOnRum thOraNa

vaayil kaappaanE! * maNik kathavam thaaL thiRavaay *

aayar ciRumiyarOmukku * aRai paRai

maayan maNivaNNan nennalE vaay nErn^thaan *

thUyOmaay van^thOm thuyilezhap paatuvaan *

vaayaal munnamunnam maaRRaathE ammaa! * nI

nEya nilaik kathavam nIkku ElOr empaavaay.





Sahityam: naayakanaay ninRa nan^thakOpan utaiya


naayakanaay   ninRa      nan^thakOpan       utaiya

Our saviour   standing   NandagopOpan (our) OverLord      

naayakanaay   - Our saviour

ninRa              - is standing

nan^thakOpan       - Nandagopan (the cow-herd lord)

utaiya                     - our Lord



     1            2                    3                  4                5                 6                     7                 8

;  ;  ; R    M P D ;     d P d  pmR   rgrg  S R   |  S ;  rs ns     , n S -  R ;      R ,d pmR    rgrg SR  ||

       Naa   -  ya ka     nay- -   - -     nin-  Ra-      -  - nan -    - - tha   kO     pa -  nu - -   tai -- ya


     1             2                     3                       4                5                  6                        7                    8

S ;  ; R    M P D ;     pdnd P mpdp M   rgrg  S R   |  S ;  sg rr     sn- S -  R ;      rmpd n- dpmR,  rgrg SR  ||

       Naa   -  ya ka     na  - -   - -      y    nin-  Ra-      -  - nan -     - - tha   kO      pa -   - -  nu - -   tai -- ya




Sahityam: kOyil kaappaanE! * kotith thOnRum thOraNa


kOyil            kaappaanE! *          kotith    thOnRum    thOraNa

(You the) temple guard (of that Lord). Garlands  decorated  arched ornament

kOyil                    - Temple

kaappaanE! *     - guard

kotith                    - staff or arch

thOnRum            - appear (decorated)

thOraNa    festoons of mango leaves hung all over for celebration’ (or flower garlands)


     1             2                     3                  4                 5                  6                  7                    8

; ;  ; - R    M P- D ;        D ,n Srs ns    pdN P ;    |  ;  ;  M P    D N   P ;       M D pm R     rgrg S R      ||

         kO    - yil kaa        ppa -  -  - -     - - - anE!    *    koti    thOn-Rum     thO-   -   -     ra - - Na –


S ;  ; - R    M P- dpmr     mpdn Srs ns    pdN P ;    |  ;  ;  M P    mpdn  P ;       mp Dnd pm R     rgrg S R      ||

         kO    - yil kaa        ppa -  -  - -     - - - anE!    *       koti    thOn-  Rum     thO-   -   -     -     ra - - Na –


S ;  ; - R    M P- D  ;    rsrm pdns  rs ns  pdN P ;    |  ;  ;  M P    mpdn  P ;       mp Dnd Pdp mr   rgrg S R      ||

         kO    - yil kaa      ppa -  -  - -     - - - -  anE!    *     koti    thOn-  Rum     thO-   -   -     -     ra - - Na –


Sahityam: vaayil kaappaanE! * maNik kathavam thaaL thiRavaay *


vaayil         kaappaanE! *            maNik    kathavam  thaaL          thiRavaay *

door (You the) guard (of that door) .  Jewelled door      latch (please) open      .

vaayil         - door

kaappaanE! *     - guard      

maNik             - Jewelled

kathavam       - door

thaaL             - lock or latch

thiRavaay *   - please open


     1               2                   3                  4                 5                  6                  7                    8

S ;  ; - R    M P-  D ;       D N S , n      R S R ;     |   ;  ;   ;  ;     ;   ;   ;   ;       ;   ;  ;  ;      ;   ;   ;   ;    ||

          Vaa  -  yil kaa       ppaa -  -         -  - nE! *    


;  ;  ; - R    M P-  D ;       D N S , n      R S R ;     |   ;  ;   G , g     ; S  R S      S ,n rsns      pdN   P ;    ||

          Vaa  -  yil kaa       ppaa -  -         -  - nE! *            ma Ni     ka – tha   vam thaaL   thi-Ravaay *


       1                  2                   3                     4                 5                      6                  7                    8

pddpmr- R    M P-  D ;     mpdn Srs ns    ,n – rS R,   |   ;  ;   R , pm  mr ,  S  R S     nsrm rsns      pdN   P ;    ||

             Vaa  -  yil kaa       ppaa -  -         -  -   - - nE! *         ma Ni    - -   ka – tha   vam  thaaL   thi-Ravaay *



Sahityam: aayar ciRumiyarOmukku * aRai paRai


aayar          ciRumiyar-rOmukku *                           aRai         paRai

Aayarpadi (to) the children of, (He will give) -(used for) announcing- the drum

aayar                         - Aayarpadi

ciRumiyar- *        - we are the children of                   

rOmukku aRai         - he will give

paRai      - the drum (used to announce news)


     1             2                3                  4                 5                  6                  7                    8

; ;  ; ns    R S ; - R     S ,r  N S      pdN  P ;    | ;  ;  M P       D N P ;        mpmd pmR    rgrg SR     ||

       Aa    -  yar  ci     Ru    -  -      mi -- yar-          rO -       mu-  kka      aRai -    -  -      pa—Rai


S ;  ; rppm  R S ; - R     S ,r  rsns     pdN  P ;    | ;  ;  rmpd   ns-sr mp dn    pddp m- mpp   mr - rgrg -sr     ||

        Aa       -  yar  ci     Ru    -  -      mi -- yar-          rO -     - - mu-   kka   Rai -    -   -   -   - -   pa—Rai


S ;  ; rppm  R S ; - R     S ,r  rsns     pdN  P ;    | ;  ;  rmpd   ns-sr mp dn    pddp m- mpp   mr - rgrg -sr     ||

        Aa       -  yar  ci     Ru    -  -      mi -- yar-          rO -     - - mu-   kka   Rai -    -   -   -   - -   pa—Rai




Sahityam: maayan maNivaNNan nennalE vaay nErn^thaan *


maayan      maNivaNNan           nennalE          vaay       nErn^thaan *

The mystic  blue sapphire Lord   yesterday  (his) word  (he) has given (us).

maayan        - Mystic

maNivaNNan      - blue sapphire Lord     

nennalE            - yesterday

vaay                   - his word

nErn^thaan *   - he has given us



     1             2                3                  4                 5                  6                  7                    8

S ; ; - P    ;  P ; pm    P  ;  ;  ;        P ;   P ;    |    ;  ;   ;  ;      ;  ;   ;  ;           ;  ;   ;  ;          ;  ;   ;  ;       ||

        Maa - yan ma-  Ni -  - -     vaN- Nan     


S ; ; - P    ;  P ; pm    P  ;  ;  ;        P ;   P ;    |    ;  ;   MP       DN   P  ;       mpmd pmR       rgrg    SR        ||

        Maa - yan ma-  Ni -  - -     vaN- Nan              nen-       na-   lE  -     vaay -    -  -        nErn- thaan *




Sahityam: thUyOmaay van^thOm thuyil-ezha paatuvaan *


thUyOmaay            van^thOm       thuyilezhap   paatuvaan *

Fresh and clean (we) have come (to) wake Him      singing

thUyOmaay            - fresh and clean

van^thOm             - we have come

thuyil-ezhap           - to wake Him

paatuvaan *          - singing



     1                    2                3                4                 5                  6                  7                    8

S ;  ; -  P    mpmd pmR   ; G , G ,      S R S ;     |  ; ;  ; - R      M P   D ;       D,n Srs ns     pdN P ;    ||

          thU  yO-  -  maay    van- - -     -  -   thOm            thu     yil e  zha       paa  - -  - -    tu - - vaan *






Sahityam: vaayaal munnamunnam maaRRaathE ammaa! * nI


vaayaal              munnamunnam    maaRRaathE           ammaa! *  nI

without Discussing,  First of all,  without denying (us) Oh Lord   You

vaayaal              - without discussing

munnamunnam    - first of all

maaRRaathE           - without denying us

ammaa! *  nI         - O Lord, You



       1                    2                3                4                 5                     6                     7                    8

; ;  dpmp     , m – P ; - D      D,n S,n    R S R ;     |   ;  ; G , g      ; S    R  S        S,n rsns         pdN -  P ;       ||

     Vaa- -     - -    yaal mun  nam  - -    un- nam           maa  -     - tRRaa-thE     am -  - -        maa!   nI


; ;  dpmp     , m – P ; - dp  mpdn Srs ns , n- r S- R, |   ;  ; R , pm  mr , SR  S      S,n rsns         pdN -  P ;       ||

     Vaa- -     - -    yaal mun nam  - -    -    - un- nam         maa  -     - tRRaa-thE   am -  - -        maa!   nI



Sahityam: nEya nilaik kathavam nIkku ElOr empaavaay.


nEya               nilaik kathavam          nIkku                 El                                Or empaavaay

(the) giant (like) heavy  doors   (please)  remove open Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

nEya                  -  giant

nilaik                 - heavy

kathavam          - doors

nIkku                - open

El Or empaavaay   - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu


nEya nilaik kathavam nIkku ElOr empaavaay.


     1             2                3                    4                 5                  6                    7                    8

; ;  ; ns    R S ; - R     S ,r  N S      pd N   P ;    | ;  ;  M P       D N  P ;       mpmd pmR    rgrg  SR     ||

       nE    -  ya   ni     lai     -  -      ka-tha vam    - -  nI -        kkE -lOr      em -  -  -   -     paa-- vaay.



S ;  ; rppm  R R ; - S     S ,r  rsns     pd  N  P ;    | ;  ;  rmpd   ns-sr mp dn    pddp m- mpp   mr - rgrg -sr     ||

        nE    - -  ya    ni     lai     -  -     ka-tha vam    - -  nI -       -  kkE -  lOr   em -  -  -   -      - -   paa-- vaay.


S ;  ; rppm  R S R- S    S ,r  rsns     pd  N   P ;    | ;  ;  rmpd   ns-sr mp dn    pddp m- mpp   mr - rgrg - sr     ||

        nE    -  - ya    ni    lai     -  -      ka-tha vam    - -  nI -       -- kkE - lOr   em -  -  -  -  -     - -   paa-- vaay.


     1            2                    3                  4                5                 6                     7                 8

;  ;  ; R    M P D ;     d P d  pmR   rgrg  S R   |  S ;  ;  ;          R  ;  ;  ;            ;   ;   ppmr    rgrg sRs   ||

       Naa   -  ya ka     nay- -   - -     nin-  Ra-      -  -  -  -         -  -  - -            -   -  - -   - -     -  -  -   -







NaayakanAi ninRa Of the Lord, who is the Swamy for all


NandagOpanuadya Of the Lord, who is the embodiment of Aanandham and who protects us

(the cows/pasus) as a Cowherd


Kovil KaappOnE Oh protector (of the gate) of the Lord's Sri Vaikuntam and who initiate us

into the Moola manthram that reveals the Lord to us. Oh MahOpakAri who bless us with the

gift of AshtAksharam and its meanings!


Kodit thOnRum ThOraNa Vaasal KaappAnE!: Oh initiator of Dhvaya manthram that grants

us Sri Vaikuntam with festoons, thOraNams and gates (vaasal).


MaNik Kathavam ThALL thiRavAi: Please perform upadEsam for us about the meanings of

these manthrams, which are like powerful doors.


Aayar siRumiyOmukku Maayan MaNivaNNan nennalE: For us without discriminating

Knowledge, the Lord who has performed many adhisaya- seyalkaL (many avathArams)

befitting His name as MaayAvi at the ocean side as Raamachandran and on the front of

ArjunA's chariot as ParthasArathy has assured us that He will protect one and all, who seek His



aRai paRai vaai nErnthAn (He has) performed with joy this UpadEsam of Charama SlOkam

such a long time ago!


Thuyilezha paaduvAn: singing about His mahimai to get release from the deep sleep of



thUyOmAI vanthOm we have arrived here with thrikaraNa suddhi


VaayAl munna munnam mARRAthEyammA: Oh Most merciful AchAryan! Please don’t turn us

back from our quest through rigorous tests to ascertain our qualifications as proper adhikAris

to receive such upadesams. We are simple cowherd folks, who are standing in front of You with

thrikaraNa suddhi.


nee nEsa nilai Kathavam neekku: (Oh AchAryAs) please initiate us into the myriad and

powerful meanings of the rahasyams, which are like the doors that describe the DayA Saagaran,

our Lord!