ellE iLaNGkiLiyE

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #15)


Ragam: Begada (29th Melakartha Janyam)


ARO:        S G₃ R₂ G₃ M₁ P D₂ P Ṡ      ||

AVA:        Ṡ N₂ D₂ P M₁ G₃ R₂ S         ||


Talam: Rupakam

Composer: Andal / Kodai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uGFr2Mv4b4 )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp15.html

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class: http://www.shivkumar.org/music/Thiruppavai15-class.mp3


Paasuram (Stanza)

ellE iLaNGkiLiyE! innam uRaNGkuthiyO! *

cillenRu azhaiyEnmin naNGkaimIr pOtharukinREn *

vallai un katturaikaL paNtE un vaay aRithum *

vallIrkaL nINGkaLE naanE thaan aayituka *

ollai nI pOthaay unakkenna vERutaiyai *

ellaarum pOn^thaarO pOn^thaar pOn^thu eNNikkoL *

vallaanai konRaanai maaRRaarai maaRRazhikka

vallaanai * maayanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp15.html

{Additional sites: http://www.asayana.com/religion/18-2/ }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


(In the group of the awakening songs of ten maidens , namely pasasurams (6-15) ,this paasuram is the last one and is set in the form of conversation between the maidens at the the threshhold of a house and the God-intoxicated maiden inside the house.


{ The girls at the threshold }: Hello! young parrot-like damsel! are you fast asleep even now ?

(The maiden within answers): Do n't be harsh(lit. chilly) in calling me ; Oh girls of higher strand ! just now I am coming.

{ The group outside}: You can talk well.; we know it ( skill in speech)already.

( The girl inside): As it is , you (all) are strong (in wordy combat); does no't matter,let me the one (in harsh speech); (my apologies to you for my harshness).

(The group outside): Come quickly and join us.with whom else are you so engaged (being separated form us)?

( The girl inside): Have all (our friends) come already ?

( The girls outside): Oh Yes.they have come. May You come out and take the roll call (lit.count for yourself). We would like to hear you sing in praise of our Lord , who vanquished the unassailable elephant ( Kuvalayaapeedam, the court elephant of Kamsan)and who is highly powerful in destroying the enimity pertaining to His enemies.


Commentary   By Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchari Sadagopan


This Paasuram is considered by our AchAryAs as " ThiruppAvayilum ThiruppAvai". Among the dhivya prabhandhams ,  Godhai's  Prabhandhams are the most exalted;even among Her two Prabhandhams, ThiruppAvai has the loftiest position. In all  the thirty paasurams of ThiruppAvai, this paasuram is the most important.Even in this paasuram , the passage " naanE thaan  aayiduha" is the supremely important one with depths and depths of meaning .


PerukkAraNai Swamy has elaborated on the deeper meanings of the paasurams for almost 25 pages based on the four pages of Abhinava Desikan . We will cover the highlights of this abiding message of " naanE thAnn aayyiudaha" briefly due to the restrictions of space and time . This message can see us through many storms and controversies that we face during our lives as Sri VaishNavAs , when it comes to BhAgavatha daasyam , an essential prerequisite among the codes of conduct for a true Sri VaishNavan .


This paasuram unlike the other " awakening Paasurams" is set in Paraspara SamvAdham (mutual dialog) pattern/mode to heighten the rasAnubhavam about the importance of BhAgavatha Daasyam over Bhagavath daasyam .


Bhagavath daasyam is celebrated by ANDAL in " SiRRam SiRukAlE vanthunnai sEvithtu" paasuram . In the "ellE iLankiLiyE" paasuram , which precedes the "siRRam siRukAlE --" paasuram , ANDAL points out that " Bhagavath daasyathtukku ellai nilam is BhAgavatha daasyam" and sings about the latter first in "ellE iLankiLiyE " and then goes on to sing about Bhagavath daasyam (later) in " SiRRam siRukAlE" paasuram.


Those who understand the importance of BhAgavath daasyam and stay away from the unpardonable apachArams to the servants of the Lord are very , very dear to Him. That is why our Lord says in His upadEsam: "Jn~Anithu aathmaiva" and "mama bhaktha bhakthEshu".  Another utthama Sri VaishNavar wants the boon of being the Lord's servant's servants seven times over ( Thvath Bhruthya Bhruthya--). Swamy NammAzhwAr celebrates the importance of BhAgaavtha- daasyam in His paasuram: "nedumARkkadimai--". ThiruppANar instructs us in this context: " adiyArkku yennai aatpaduthtum Vimalan". Swamy NaammAzhwAr referred to saptha parva daasyathvam in his paasurap pahuthi: "adiyAr adiyAr tamm adiyAr adiyAr--" .


This concept of BhAgavatha daasyam can not be explained successfully by upadEsam ; it can only be understood through anushtAnam of BhAgavatha daasyam . ANDAL blessed us with this paasuram so that one can emulate the practise of utthama Sri VaishnavAs. She enhances the efficency of the instruction by setting this paasuram in the "Ukthi- prakyukthi" (Q&A)mode . Offering our salutations to BhagavAn as a part of the sathsangam of BhAgavathAs is the most exalted way to worship Him ; therefore, PeriyAzhwAr addresed the Utthama adhikAris as " yengaL kuzhaam puhunthu koodu manamudayeer !".


Sahityam: ellE iLaNGkiLiyE! innam uRaNGkuthiyO! *


ellE            iLaNG              kiLiyE!            innam      uRaNGkuthiyO!

What Surpise!   young  (beautiful) parrot   (you are) still      sleeping

ellE: Surprise!

ilaNG: young

kiliyE: parrot

innam: still

uRaNGkuthiyO!: sleeping


Sahityam: cillenRu azhaiyEnmin naNGkaimIr pOtharukinREn *


cillenRu               azhaiyEn                    min     naNGkaimIr   pOth              arukinREn

Chilly (harsh) words   Don't call me (with such a) mind    Hey girls    in little while   I am coming

cillenRu      : chilly (harsh)      

azhaiyEn  : call me (with harsh words)                 

min   naNGkaimIr   : Hey girls

pOth             : in a little while

arukinREn : I am coming



Sahityam: vallai un katturaikaL paNtE un vaay aRithum *


vallai      un     katturaikaL  paNtE                  un         vaay   aRithum

smart (are) your   stories      since long time (from) your (own) mouth  we know about

vallai      - smart

un          - your

katturaikaL  - stories

paNtE         - for a long time        

un         vaay   - from your mouth

aRithum       - we know about


Sahityam: vallIrkaL nINGkaLE naanE thaan aayituka *


vallIrkaL   nINGkaLE         naanE thaan         aayituka

Smart ones  you (all) are    I (only) am the     loser

vallIrkaL    - smart ones

nINGkaLE      - you all are   

naanE thaan     - I only am     

aayituka - loser



Sahityam: ollai nI pOthaay unakkenna vERutaiyai *


ollai     nI   pOthaay   unakk    enna  vERu   utaiyai

Quickly   you  start     For you  what  other  job     (is there)?

ollai     nI   - quickly you

pOthaay   - start

unakk    - for you

enna  -  what

vERu   - other

utaiyai – job (is there)



Sahityam: ellaarum pOn^thaarO pOn^thaar pOn^thu eNNikkoL *


ellaarum    pOn^thaarO                         pOn^thaar        pOn^thu       eNNikkoL

All  (who)  are going (have they gone?)  (Yes) They have gone   go out  (and) count for yourselves

ellaarum    - All

pOn^thaarO     - have they gone                   

pOn^thaar        - Yes they have gone

pOn^thu       - Go out

eNNikkoL    - Count for yourself


Sahityam: vallaanai konRaanai maaRRaarai maaRRazhikka


vall      aanai             konRaanai             maaRRaarai maaRR     azhikka

Powerful  elephant (he who) killed    (he who in) war        enemies   destroyed

vall      aanai       - powerful elephant    

 konRaanai        - killed    

maaRRaarai   - in war

maaRR         - enemies

azhikka        - destroyed



Sahityam: vallaanai * maayanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay.


vall      aanai     maayanaip            paatu   El                                Or empaavaay

Powerful  elephant  Lord Maayan (let us) sing (His praise) Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

vall      aanai     - Powerful elephant

maayanaip         - Lord Maayan    

paatu         - Song

El  Or empaavaay   -  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu



Paasuram (Stanza)

ellE iLaNGkiLiyE! innam uRaNGkuthiyO! *

cillenRu azhaiyEnmin naNGkaimIr pOtharukinREn *

vallai un katturaikaL paNtE un vaay aRithum *

vallIrkaL nINGkaLE naanE thaan aayituka *

ollai nI pOthaay unakkenna vERutaiyai *

ellaarum pOn^thaarO pOn^thaar pOn^thu eNNikkoL *

vallaanai konRaanai maaRRaarai maaRRazhikka

vallaanai * maayanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay.




Sahityam: ellE iLaNGkiLiyE! innam uRaNGkuthiyO! *


ellE            iLaNG              kiLiyE!            innam      uRaNGkuthiyO!

What Surpise!   young  (beautiful) parrot   (you are) still      sleeping

ellE: Surprise!

ilaNG: young

kiliyE: parrot

innam: still

uRaNGkuthiyO!: sleeping



; gm     P  ;   ;   D   ||  P  ;    M   D    P  ;   ||  ;  ;     ;   ;      ;   ;   ||   ;  ;      ;   ;   pm pm ||

   El-    lE -   -   I       LaN  Gki Li    yE!       -  -    -   -      -  -       -  -      -   -   - -   - -


gr- gm     P  ;   ;   D   ||  P  ;    M   D    P  ;   ||  ;  pd     N D      P - P  ||   M  D     M G   gp mg ||

      El-    lE -   -   I       LaN  Gki Li    yE!       - in -    -  nam    -  u       RaN-    Gkuthi yO! - -


mr- gm     P  ;   ;   D   ||  P  ;    M   D    P  ;   ||  ;  pd     N D      P - P  ||   M  D   pmM G   gp mg ||

       El-     lE -   -   I       LaN  Gki Li    yE!      -  in -     - nam    -  u       RaN-   Gku- thi yO! - -

mr- gm     P  ;   ;   D   ||  P  ;    M   D    P  ;   ||  ;  rs     ns  D      P - P  ||   pmdp   pm – gm  p-g pm ||

       El-     lE -   -   I       LaN  Gki Li    yE!      -  in -     - nam    -  u       RaN-   Gku- thi yO! - -


gr- gm     P  ;   ;   D   ||  P  ;    M   D    P  ;   ||  ;  rs     ns  D      P - P  ||   pmdp   pm – gm  p-g pm ||

       El-    lE -   -   I       LaN  Gki Li    yE!      -  in -     - nam    -  u       RaN-   Gku- thi   -  yO! - -


gr- gm     P  ;   ;   D   ||  P  ;    M   D    P  ;   ||  ;  rsN     ;  D      P - P  ||   pmdp   pm – gm  p-g pm ||

       El-    lE -   -   I       LaN  Gki Li    yE!      -  in -     - nam    -  u       RaN-   Gku- thi   -  yO! - -


Sahityam: cillenRu azhaiyEn min naNGkaimIr pOth arukinREn *


cillenRu               azhaiyEn                    min     naNGkaimIr   pOth              arukinREn

Chilly (harsh) words   Don't call me (with such a) mind    Hey girls    in little while   I am coming

cillenRu      : chilly (harsh)      

azhaiyEn  : call me (with harsh words)                 

min   naNGkaimIr   : Hey girls

pOth             : in a little while

arukinREn : I am coming



gr- G   mpdn   ; dp  || pm- md   pp – gr    S – S  || ;  sn    S – g   r   G ;    ||  gM- p     ,m  - D    ,  P ,   ||

      ci  llen- -   - Ru    a -   zhai  - -   yEn   -   min     naN-    Gkai-  mIr      pO-  thar   (u)kin   REn *




Sahityam: vallai un katturaikaL paNtE un vaay aRithum *


vallai      un     katturaikaL  paNtE                  un         vaay   aRithum

smart (are) your   stories      since long time (from) your (own) mouth  we know about

vallai      - smart

un          - your

katturaikaL  - stories

paNtE         - for a long time        

un         vaay   - from your mouth

aRithum       - we know about


; gm  pDp   ; S   || sndp    N  R   S ;     ||   ;  ;     ;   ;    ;   ;    ||   ;  ;     ;   ;    ;   ;    ||

  Val- lai-    - un   ka- -    ttu rai  kaL      


; gm  pDp   ; S   || sndp    N  R   S ;     ||   ; ns   , mgr    S ;   ||  N R    sn – P     D P ||

  Val- lai-    - un   ka- -    ttu rai  kaL         paN   tE -     un     vaay-  - -    a   Ri thum *


; gm  pDp   ; S   || srsn dp    N  R   S ;     ||   ; ns   mgrr    grS   ||  rs-ns grs-n    S – P     D P ||

  Val- lai-    - un   ka- - - -   ttu rai  kaL         paN tE -     un         vaay-  - -       -   a   Ri thum *


Sahityam: vallIrkaL nINGkaLE naanE thaan aayituka *


vallIrkaL   nINGkaLE         naanE thaan         aayituka

Smart ones  you (all) are    I (only) am the     loser

vallIrkaL    - smart ones

nINGkaLE      - you all are  

naanE thaan     - I only am     

aayituka - loser



; G    gr ;     mp gr  ||  ;  ss    , n  dp    S ;    ||    ;  ;   ;   ;    ;   ;    ||   ;  ;     ;   ;    ;   ;    ||

  Val lI - -     --rkaL    nIN    -   Gka  LE       


; G    gr ;     mp gr  ||  ;  ss    , n  dp    S ;    ||   ; gm  pd N  D P   ||   M D   pp- gr    S – S   ||

  Val lI - -     --rkaL    nIN    -   Gka  LE           naa-nE -   thaan     aa  -   yi-  tu-    -    ka



; G    gr ;     mp gr  ||  ;  ss    , n  dp    sR,    ||   ; gm  pd N  D P   ||   M D   pp- gr    S – S   ||

  Val lI - -     --rkaL    nIN    -   Gka  LE           naa-nE -   thaan     aa  -   yi-  tu-    -    ka



Sahityam: ollai nI pOthaay unakkenna vERutaiyai *


ollai     nI   pOthaay   unakk    enna  vERu   utaiyai

Quickly   you  start     For you  what  other  job     (is there)?

ollai     nI   - quickly you

pOthaay   - start

unakk    - for you

enna  -  what

vERu   - other

utaiyai – job (is there)



; gm     P ;    P ;    ||  P ;    P D    dp M   ||  ; gm   pd N    D    P   ||  pm md     M G   gpm g   ||

  Ol-    lai     nI        pO-   -   -    thaay-        u -   na- -    kkenna     vE-  - -     Rutai  yai - -





Sahityam: ellaarum pOn^thaarO pOn^thaar pOn^thu eNNikkoL *


ellaarum    pOn^thaarO                         pOn^thaar        pOn^thu       eNNikkoL

All  (who)  are going (have they gone?)  (Yes) They have gone   go out  (and) count for yourselves

ellaarum    - All

pOn^thaarO     - have they gone                   

pOn^thaar        - Yes they have gone

pOn^thu       - Go out

eNNikkoL    - Count for yourself



; gm   pd N    D P   ||   pm md     p p – gr    S  - S   ||   ; sp     p p m g    g pmM r  || gm P    ,m – D      ,  P ,   ||

  El-   laa -      - rum    pOn - -     - -    thaa   -    rO        pOn thaar- -     pOn- -        then-    - -    Ni       kkoL




Sahityam: vallaanai konRaanai maaRRaarai maaRRazhikka


vall      aanai             konRaanai             maaRRaarai maaRR     azhikka

Powerful  elephant (he who) killed    (he who in) war        enemies   destroyed

vall      aanai       - powerful elephant    

 konRaanai        - killed    

maaRRaarai   - in war

maaRR         - enemies

azhikka        - destroyed



; gm    m P ,     D P   ||  sndp    N R    S ;   ||  ; ns   , mgr     S ;  ||   N R    ss – P      D  P   ||

  Val-  laa - -     - nai     kon-    Raa-   nai      maa    tRRaa rai      maa-    - -  tRRa zhikka


; gm    m P ,     D P   ||  srsn dp    N R    S ;   ||  ; ns   mgrr    grS   ||  rs-ns grs-n    S – P     D P ||

  Val-  laa - -     - nai     kon- -     Raa-   nai       maa  tRRaa rai        maa-    - -      -  tRRa zhikka



Sahityam: vallaanai * maayanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay.


vall      aanai     maayanaip            paatu   El                                Or empaavaay

Powerful  elephant  Lord Maayan (let us) sing (His praise) Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

vall      aanai     - Powerful elephant

maayanaip         - Lord Maayan    

paatu         - Song

El  Or empaavaay   -  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu



; G    gr – ;          mp  R  ||  ;  S    , n  dp    S ;    ||    ;  ;   ;   ;    ;   ;    ||   ;  ;     ;   ;    ;   ;    ||

  Val  laa  - -         - - nai      maa   -  ya-    nai


; G    gr ;              mp gr  ||  ;  S    , n  dp    S ;    ||   ; gm    pd N   D P   ||   pm md   pp- gr    S – S   ||

  Val  laa  - -         - - nai      maa   -  ya-    nai          paa    tE --    lOr-       em -   - -     paa   -   vaay.


; G    gr ;              mp gr  ||  ;  S    , n  dp    sR,    ||   ; gm    mpDpdN   D P   ||   pm md   pp- gr    S – S   ||

  Val  laa  - -         - - nai      maa   -  ya-    nai          paa    tE --    -      lOr-       em -   - -     paa   -   vaay.