Ungakal Puzhai

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #14)


Ragam: Ananda Bhairavi (20th Melakartha Nata Bhairavi Janyam)


ARO:        S G₂ R₂ G₂ M₁ P D₂ P Ṡ    ||

AVA :       Ṡ N₂ D₂ P M₁ G₂ R₂ S       ||

Talam: Adi (2 kalai)

Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzKd1HLOuqk )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp14.html

Youtube Class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB2z4QiIZzs

Audio MP3 Class: http://www.shivkumar.org/music/Thiruppavai14-class.mp3


Paasuram (Stanza)

uNGkaL puzhaikkataith thOttaththu vaaviyuL *

ceNGkazhunIr vaay nekizhn^thu aampal vaay kUmpina kaaN *

ceNGkal potikkUrai veNpal thavaththavar *

thaNGkaL thirukkOyil caNGkituvaan pOthan^thaar *

eNGkaLai munnam ezhuppuvaan vaaypEcum *

naNGkaay ezhun^thiraay naaNaathaay naavutaiyaay *

caNGkOtu cakkaram En^thum thatakkaiyan *

paNGkayak kaNNaanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay..


Meaning Courtesy: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp14.html

{Additional sites: http://www.asayana.com/religion/18-2/ }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


Translation   By Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan


(The maidens awaken another group-leader).Already it is day-dawn , for even the Senkazhuneer flowers(red lotuses) have bloomed and Aambal flowers have closed their buds, in the small tank of your back-yard garden. The saints with ochre-robes and white teeth have started to visit their respective holy shrines for blowing the conch . Oh our Lady who boasted (by word of mouth) yesterday that you will come and awaken us at first! now , please get up. You are not ashamed ; you are but a chatterer. Let us sing the glory of the Lord of lotus-like eyes (pankayak kaNNan) , who holds aloft on His mighty hands, the Conch and the discus  (the symbol of His supermacy among all gods). 


Commentary   By Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchari Sadagopan


In this paasuram , a silver tongued leader of the Gopis is being awakened. This young Gopi had loudly proclaimed the evening before that she will wake up first and then wake all the other Gopis. Now , she has forgotten all about that promise and is sleeping cozily . The Gopis waiting outside are annoyed and yet want to have this silver tongued Gopi with them , when they go to meet KrishNan , since She has the powerful persuavasive skills to influence Krishna to grant the boons that they desire. They remind the sleeping Gopi about signs of advancing dawn ( PrabhAtha chihnam: Raktha- PadmAni vikasithAni, Kumudha mukhAni cha sankuchithAni ).


BhuvarAhAcchAr Swamy points out the UpadEsam that ANDAL houses in this Paasuram : " Use your tongue not merely for tasting delicious dishes , but for singing about the lotus-eyed Lord . That is the main purpose for which it ( the tongue) was gifted to you in the first place".


Sahityam: uNGkaL puzhaikkataith thOttaththu vaaviyuL *


uNGkaL        puzhaikkataith    thOttaththu   vaaviyuL

(In) Your     backyard          garden        pond

uNGkaL          - In your  

puzhaikkataith    - backyard

thOttaththu       - garden

vaaviyuL           - pond



Sahityam: ceNGkazhunIr vaay nekizhn^thu aampal vaay kUmpina kaaN *


ceN GkazhunIr      vaay          nekizhn^thu    aampal                vaay         kUmpina      kaaN

red lilies (their) mouth/petals  have opened    water lilies (their)  mouth/petals have closed  See !

ceN GkazhunIr       - Red lilies (a form of red lotus)

vaay                        - mouth (or petals)

nekizhn^thu          - opened

aampal                  - A form of water lily

vaay                      - mouth

kUmpina              - have closed

kaaN                    - see


Sahityam: ceNGkal potikkUrai veNpal thavaththavar *


ceNGkal poti              kkUrai   veNpal   thavaththavar

Red ?   powder (saffron)  robes    ashes    wearing ascetics

ceNGkal poti    - Saffron powder (like color)         

kkUrai            - robes (dress)

veNpal           - ashes

thavaththavar – wearing ascetics



Sahityam: thaNGkaL thirukkOyil caNGkituvaan pOthan^thaar *


thaNGkaL thiru  kkOyil   caNGkituvaan         pOthan^thaar

Their    sacred temple   to blow conch (are)  going .

thaNGkaL                  - Their

thiru  kkOyil              - sacred temple

caNGkituvaan           - conch

pOthan^thaar           - are going to blow (the conch)


Sahityam: eNGkaLai munnam ezhuppuvaan vaaypEcum *


eNGkaLai   munnam        ezhuppuvaan          vaay pEcum

Us         first   (you) will wake up  (you)  boasted/mouth speaks .

eNGkaLai                    - Us

munnam                     - First   

ezhuppuvaan              - you will wake (us) up    

vaay pEcum               - your mouth spoke thus



Sahityam: naNGkaay ezhun^thiraay naaNaathaay naavutaiyaay *


naNGkaay   ezhun^thiraay   naaNaathaay       naavutaiyaay 

Hey girl   wake up         shameless girl    talkative girl .

naNGkaay                 - Hey girl!

ezhun^thiraay           - Wake up

 naaNaathaay             - shameless girl

naavutaiyaay             - talkative girl


Sahityam: caNGkOtu cakkaram En^thum thatakkaiyan *


caNGkOtu   cakkaram  En^thum   thata kkaiyan

Conch      wheel     bearing   wide  armed   (Lord)

caNGkOtu                    - Conch

cakkaram                   - Wheel

En^thum                   - bearing

thata kkaiyan             - wide armed (Lord)


Sahityam: paNGkayak kaNNaanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay..


paNGkayak            kaNNaanaip        paatu           El                                Or empaavaay

(with) Lotus  (like) eyes   (we will)  sing about (Him). Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

paNGkayak         - Lotus like     

kaNNaanaip        - Eyes (the lord with…)

paatu                         - sing (we will sing about him)

El Or empaavaay       - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu





Paasuram (Stanza)

uNGkaL puzhaikkataith thOttaththu vaaviyuL *

ceNGkazhunIr vaay nekizhn^thu aampal vaay kUmpina kaaN *

ceNGkal potikkUrai veNpal thavaththavar *

thaNGkaL thirukkOyil caNGkituvaan pOthan^thaar *

eNGkaLai munnam ezhuppuvaan vaaypEcum *

naNGkaay ezhun^thiraay naaNaathaay naavutaiyaay *

caNGkOtu cakkaram En^thum thatakkaiyan *

paNGkayak kaNNaanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay.



Sahityam: uNGkaL puzhaikkataith thOttaththu vaaviyuL *


uNGkaL        puzhaikkataith    thOttaththu   vaaviyuL

(In) Your     backyard          garden        pond

uNGkaL          - In your  

puzhaikkatai    - backyard

thOttaththu       - garden

vaaviyuL           - pond


    1                2               3            4              5                     6                    7                  8

; ; ; P         ; P  ; P     P ;  ;  ;    P , n  nP ,   | P M ; - G     M P  M ;    | M ; np mGr   ; G G ;   ||

    uNG       kaL pu   zhai       kka-   tai --    - -  -    thO  -   tta thu     vaa   -   -  -    -  vi yuL


    1                   2               3            4              5                     6                    7                  8

; gsgm- P      ; P  ; P     P ;  ;  ;    P , n  nP ,   | P M ; - G     M P  M ;    | M ; np mGr   ; G G ;   ||

           uNG    kaL pu   zhai       kka-   tai --    - -  -    thO  -   tta thu     vaa   -   -  -    -  vi yuL


        1                   2               3                   4                  5                     6                    7                      8

, gnsgm- P      ; P  ; P     nsrs nD snN,d – P   P ,n   | n P ; m  - G     M P  dpM ;  | gm Pdp mGr   ; G G , - n   ||

           uNG    kaL pu    zhai        -     -     kka tai --  - -  -    - thO    -   tta thu         vaa   -   -  -    -  vi yuL


        1                   2               3                   4                  5                       6                    7                      8

pmgrgm- P    ; P  ; P       nsrs nD snN,d – P   P ,n   | n P ; m  - G      M P  pM, ;  | gm Pdp mGr     ; G G ;    ||

             uNG    kaL pu    zhai        -     -     kka tai --  - -  -    - thO    -   tta thu     vaa   -   -  -    -    vi yuL



Sahityam: ceNGkazhunIr vaay nekizhn^thu aampal vaay kUmpina kaaN *


ceN GkazhunIr      vaay          nekizhn^thu    aampal                vaay         kUmpina      kaaN

red lilies (their) mouth/petals  have opened    water lilies (their)  mouth/petals have closed  See !

ceN GkazhunIr       - Red lilies (a form of red lotus)

vaay                        - mouth (or petals)

nekizhn^thu          - opened

aampal                  - A form of water lily

vaay                      - mouth

kUmpina              - have closed

kaaN                    - see



    1                    2                     3                       4                    5                  6                 7                  8

;  ;  - GM     N   P – PM    G ;  gmgg     ; S   sg     rsN  |  ;  ;  N S     G R – G ;      ; gm P , m   M M M ;   ||

      ceN-   Gka zhu  nIr-  vaay  -  -  -       ne kizhn  thu    -  -  aam-   pal-  vaay       kUm- - -     pi na kaaN



Sahityam: ceNGkal potikkUrai veNpal thavaththavar *


ceNGkal poti              kkUrai   veNpal   thavaththavar

Red ?   powder (saffron)  robes    ashes    wearing ascetics

ceNGkal poti    - Saffron powder (like color)         

kkUrai            - robes (dress)

veNpal           - ashes

thavaththavar – wearing ascetics



    1                    2                     3                  4                    5                  6                 7                  8

; ; ; - P,n      npM ; ; mp       P S  ;  ;         S ;  S ;    |     ;  ;   ;  ;            ;  ;   ;  ;      ;  ;   ;  ;         ;  ;   ;  ;          ||

       ceN      Gkal      po        ti  -  - -       kkU  rai      


    1                    2                     3                  4                    5                  6                 7                         8

; ; ; - P,n      npM ; ; mp       P S  ;  ;         S ;  S ;    |     ;  ;   ;  ;            ;  ;   ;  ;      ;  sg  r r s – r   s n dp – p s nd ||    

       ceN      Gkal      po        ti  -  - -       kkU  rai         


    1                          2                    3                 4                5              6                     7                       8

pmgrgm - P,n   npM ; ; mp     P S  ;  ;         S ;  S ;    |   ;  ;  ; ns    grgm pmgr – s-nsgr rs – r   sndp – p s nd ||    

               ceN    Gkal     po      ti  -  - -       kkU  rai         


    1                          2                    3                 4                5              6                     7                       8

pmgrgm - P,n   npM ; ; mp     P S  ;  ;         S ;  rsN    |   ;  ;  NS    G -rG, R       S - S  rssn        N - N S ;  ||    

               ceN    Gkal     po      ti  -  - -       kkU  rai               veN  -   pal - -         -  tha va          -   thavar


; ; pn Srs       ndpm ; ; P       ns rGr S       ;  S ;  rs  |   N ;  ns M    ; -gG, - gr     gr sr ;  rmgg       ,r - S S ;  ||    

    ceN           Gkal     po      ti  -  - -          kkU  rai            veN     -   pal - tha   va  -    -   -  -        -   thavar



Sahityam: thaNGkaL thirukkOyil caNGkituvaan pOthan^thaar *


thaNGkaL thiru  kkOyil   caNGkituvaan         pOthan^thaar

Their    sacred temple   to blow conch (are)  going .

thaNGkaL                  - Their

thiru  kkOyil              - sacred temple

caNGkituvaan           - conch

pOthan^thaar           - are going to blow (the conch)



    1                  2                3                 4                5               6                     7                      8

; ; ; - P       S ;  ;  S     sns r  ; S      nd P P ;      | ; ; G M     N  P – M ;    M ; np mGr    ; G  G ;   ||

      than    GkaL  thi   ru - -    -     kkO- yil           caN-    Gkitu  vaan    pO- - --  - -     than thaar


; ; ; - P       S ;  ;  S     sn sg  rrS -  nd P P ;      | ; ; pnsg     grgm   pmgr   s- grrs – n dp – dppm grs - s ||   

      than    GkaL  thi   ru - -    -     kkO- yil            caN-    Gkitu vaan    -   pO- - --  - -    than -  - -  thaar




Sahityam: eNGkaLai munnam ezhuppuvaan vaaypEcum *


eNGkaLai   munnam        ezhuppuvaan          vaay pEcum

Us         first   (you) will wake up  (you)  boasted/mouth speaks .

eNGkaLai                    - Us

munnam                     - First   

ezhuppuvaan              - you will wake (us) up    

vaay pEcum               - your mouth spoke thus


    1                  2                3              4                5                      6                     7                      8

n-sgrgm- P    ; P P ;     P ;  ;   ;      ; ,n  nP,  |  ; ; , m – G     M  P,n  pM, ;   M ;   np mG,    R – G G ;    ||

            eNG    kaLai   mun  - -      -  - nam     - -  -      e     zhu ppu vaan   vaay   -  -  -       -    pE cum




    1                  2                3              4                5                      6                      7                      8

; grgm- P       ; P P ;     P ;  ;   ;      ; ,n  nP,  |  ; ; , m – G     M  P,n  pM, ;   gM, ;   np mG,    R – G G ;    ||

            eNG    kaLai   mun  - -      -  - nam     - -  -      e     zhu ppu vaan   vaay   -  -  -       -    pE cum



    1                  2                3                   4                5                      6                      7                      8

,mgrgm- P    ; P P ;    pn Srs nD snN,d – P P ;   |  ; ; , m – G     M P  dpM ;       gm Pdp mGr       ; G G , - n  ||

            eNG    kaLai  mun  - -      -  - -   -  nam     - -  -      e     zhu ppu vaan   vaay   -  -  -       -  pE cum


        1                  2                3                   4                5                      6                      7                      8

pmgrgm- P    ; P  ; P   pn Srs nD snN,d – P   P ,n   | n P ; m  - G    M P  pM, ;  | gm Pdp mGr     ; G G ;    ||

             eNG    kaLai  mun  - -      -  - -   -  nam     - -  -      e     zhu ppu vaan      vaay   -  -  -       -  pE cum



Sahityam: naNGkaay ezhun^thiraay naaNaathaay naavutaiyaay *


naNGkaay   ezhun^thiraay   naaNaathaay       naavutaiyaay 

Hey girl   wake up         shameless girl    talkative girl .

naNGkaay                 - Hey girl!

ezhun^thiraay           - Wake up

 naaNaathaay             - shameless girl

naavutaiyaay             - talkative girl



    1                    2                      3                       4                    5                  6                 7                  8

;  ;  - ; gm    D* ;  ; –mg     pmgr- , mgg    ,r- S  S ;   |  ;  ;  N S     G R – G ;      ; gm P , m   M M M ;   ||

         naN  Gkaay    ezhun -  -   -    -  -  -    -  thiraay    -     naa-   Naa-  thaay     naa- -   -    vu taiyaay *


Sahityam: caNGkOtu cakkaram En^thum thatakkaiyan *


caNGkOtu   cakkaram  En^thum   thata kkaiyan

Conch      wheel     bearing   wide  armed   (Lord)

caNGkOtu                    - Conch

cakkaram                   - Wheel

En^thum                   - bearing

thata kkaiyan             - wide armed (Lord)



    1                    2                     3                  4                    5                  6                 7                  8

; ; ; - P,n      npM ;  MP       S -S ; ;   SN - N S   |    ;  ;   ;  ;                  ;  ;   ;  ;      ;  ;   ;  ;         ;  ;   ;  ;          ||

        caN    GkO   - tu -       -   ca       kka- ram     


    1                    2                     3              4                    5                  6                 7                       8

; ; ; - P,n      npM ; MP       S -S ; ;     S,g   rs N    |     ;  ;  ; N    S  G -rG,      R S - S  sn      N - N S ;  ||    

        caN    GkO   - tu -      -   ca        kka- ram                   E -   -    thum-       -  -  tha ta- -   -     kaiyan *



    1                   2                     3                4                    5                  6                 7                       8

; ; ; - pn    Srs ndP dpM    ; pnS rGr     S-S   S ;  |   rsN- ns M    ; -gG, - gr     gr sr ;  rmgg       ,r - S S ;  ||    

        caN  GkO   - tu -         ca   -  -       - kka ram           E -   -    thum-  tha    ta- -   -      - -     - -  kaiyan *


    1                   2                     3                4                    5                  6                 7                       8

; ; ; - pn    Srs ndP dpM    ; pnS rGr     S-S   rsN   |   ; ; - ns M    ; -gG, - gr     gr sr ;  rmgg       ,r - S S ;  ||    

        caN  GkO   - tu -         ca   -  -       - kka ram           E -   -    thum-   tha   ta- - -  -   -   -      --  kaiyan *



Sahityam: paNGkayak kaNNaanaip paatu ElOr empaavaay..


paNGkayak            kaNNaanaip        paatu           El                                Or empaavaay

(with) Lotus  (like) eyes   (we will)  sing about (Him). Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

paNGkayak         - Lotus like     

kaNNaanaip        - Eyes (the lord with…)

paatu                         - sing (we will sing about him)

El Or empaavaay       - Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu




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; ; ; - P       S ;   S ;      sns r  ; S      nd P P ;      | ; ; G M     PN –  P M   M ; np mGr    ; G  G ;   ||

      paN    Gka  yak    kaN  -  -     Naa – nai       - - paa-     tE  -    lOr     em -  -   -  -   - paavaay.


    1                  2                3                 4                  5               6                     7                      8

; ; ; - P       S ;   S ;      sn sg  rrS -  nd P P ;       | ; ,m G M    Pnp – pp M   M ; np mGr    ; G  G ;   ||

      paN    Gka  yak    kaN  -  -     Naa – nai       -    - paa-     tE  -    lOr     em -  -   -  -   - paavaay.


    1                  2                3                 4                  5               6                     7                      8

; ; ; - P       S ;   S ;      sn sg  rrS -  nd P P ;       | ; ,m G M    Pnp – pp M   M ; ;  ;        np mGr  ;  ||

      paN    Gka  yak    kaN  -  -     Naa – nai       -    - paa-     tE  -    lOr     em -  -   -      -   -


; G  G ;      ;  ;  ;  ;       gm Pdp  D ,g   G, d dpmg  | ; ,r  gmpm   G R G ;      ;  ;   G P    MP  ;  ;  ; ;   ||
