ThUmani Madathu

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #09)


Ragam: Hamir Kalyani  (65th Mela janyam)

                ARO: S R2 G3 M2 P D2 N3 S ||

                AVA: S N3D2 P M2 G3 M1 (M#) G3 P M2 R2 S ||


Talam: Adi

Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class:


Paasuram (Stanza)

thoomaNi maadaththuc cuRRum viLakkeriyath *

thoopam kamazhath thuyilaNaimEl kaN vaLarum *

maamaan magaLE! maNik kadhavam thaaL thiRavaay *

maameer! avaLai ezhuppeerO * un magaL thaan

oomaiyO? anRic cevidO? anandhalO? *

Emap perunthuyil mandhirap pattaaLO? *

maamaayan maadhavan vaikundhan enRenRu *

naamam palavum navinRElOr embaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy:

{Additional sites: and }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


The second section of Sri Andal’s Thiruppavai consists of 10 verses beginning with the above 6th verse and sets out to wake up 10 girls to join Andal for the Margazhi worship. Each verse is an attempt to awaken one of the girls and adopts a different reasoning and pleading. The common theme however is citing the reason for waking up ie to worship the Lord, and the Lord who is to be worshipped is referenced citing his many splendorous qualities and pertinent deeds that He performed during his incarnations in this earth.


A nice bed, comfortable and a conducive environment make for good deep sleep. In this verse Sri Andal and her friends struggle to wake up a girl (a relative – her Uncle’s daughter) who is sleeping in a nice bed, with nice lights and scented aromas  so soundly that they suspect she has become deaf, not hearing anything, dumb not responding to their calls and so overcome by sloth so as not to wake up and come to open the ornate door. The girls plead to the mother of the girl to wake her  up  to which she responds, sing the many many names of the Lord as Maamayan, Madhavan and Vaikunthanan and being a pious and God loving girl, she will wake up on hearing the Lord’s names being chanted..


(Courtesy:Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan): The cowherd women folk practising the Srivratham  (Paavai Nonbhu) awaken another maiden , who has self  complacency in her earnest devotion to the Lord).  Oh the daughter of our uncle! You are taking rest  and sleeping on the soft bed , while the lamps are lit  all round the dazzling hall(with inlaid gem stones )of your mansion filled with aroma of the incense . Please (get up) and open the lever-lock of the shining doors (with inlaid gems ) of your chambers.( As the inside  of the chambers is apparent , these gopis could see within the enclosure  and so call the aunt , the mistreess of the house). Dear Aunt !Could you please

awaken your daughter? Is She dumb or deaf or exhausted and tired out? Or has She been cursed with long spell of sleep ? (may be , that is the reason for her sleeping without responding to us). To awaken her from this  hypnotic sleep , (let us) recite as remedy , the numerous names of the Lord as " God of the Supreme magical power  ( MahAmAyan), the Lord of Goddess MahA Lakshmi  ( Maadhavan) and Vaikuntan ( the Lord of Sri Vaikuntam).


Sahityam: thoomaNi maadaththuc cuRRum viLakkeriyath *

Meaning:  (with) flawless jewels (in a) palace      all around lamps  burning

[In a stately well appointed bedroom lit by lamps]

thoo maNi                                   wonderfully ornamented

maadaththu                                 hall

cuRRum viLakku eriya               with lamps burning all around



Sahityam: thoopam kamazhath thuyilaNaimEl kaN vaLarum *

Meaning:  incense surrounded mattress   atop sleeping

[on a bed, fragrant from the burning incense, you sleep]

thoopam (thoomam)                    incense

kamazha                                      wafting

thuyil aNai mEl                           on your sleeping bed

kaN vaLarum                              asleep (lit. your eyes asleep)


Sahityam: maamaan magaLE! maNik kadhavam thaaL thiRavaay *

Meaning:  (O my) uncle's daughter ! jewelled door latch open

[Oh Uncle’s daughter, please open the door with the bells]

maamaan magaLE                      O daughter of our uncle!

maNi                                            jewelled

kadhavam                                    door's

thaaL                                           latches

thiRavaay                                    open!


Sahityam: maameer! avaLai ezhuppeerO * un magaL thaan

Meaning:  Aunty   that girl  will you wake up (she is) your daughter only

[Oh, Mother of the girl,  can you please wake her up ? ]

maameer                                      Dear Aunty!

avaLai ezhuppeerO                     please wake her up

un magaL thaan                          your daughter, indeed


Sahityam: oomaiyO? anRic cevidO? anandhalO? *

Meaning:  Is she dumb? or    Is she deaf? or Is she tired?

[Is she dumb or deaf or just slovenly]

oomaiyO?                                    has she been struck dumb (speechless)?

anRi                                             or,

cevidO?                                        is she deaf?

anandhalO?                                is she exhausted (and therefore unable to get up)?


Sahityam: Emap perunthuyil mandhirap pattaaLO? *

Meaning:  (or) curse long sleep    spell      has she been placed under ?

[Is she in slumber because of some magic spell ?]

Ema                                             curse

perun^ thuyil                              long sleep

mandira                                       spell (Sanskrit: mantra)

pattaaLO?                                   has she been placed under



Sahityam: maamaayan maadhavan vaikundhan enRenRu *

Meaning:  great magician (Lord) Madhavan (Lord of) Vaikunta repeating

[by  many sacred names like madhavan and vaikuntan]

maa                                              great

maayan                                        magician (Maayan is a Tamil word for Vishnu)

maadhavan                                  a name of Vishnu meaning consort of Lakshmi

                                                       (maa = Lakshmi)

vaikundhan                                 Lord of Vaikuntha, the supreme place

                                                     where the liberated live

enRu enRu                                  saying



Sahityam: naamam palavum navinRElOr embaavaay.

Meaning:  names  many    (we will) benefit … Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[Let us call unto Him, my dear girl !]

naamam palavum                        many names

navinRu                                       we recite (to ward off her spell of sleep

                                                     and wake her up) 

ElOr embaavaay.                        call unto Him, my dear girl



Paasuram (Stanza)

thoomaNi maadaththuc cuRRum viLakkeriyath *

thoopam kamazhath thuyilaNaimEl kaN vaLarum *

maamaan magaLE! maNik kadhavam thaaL thiRavaay *

maameer! avaLai ezhuppeerO * un magaL thaan

oomaiyO? anRic cevidO? anandhalO? *

Emap perunthuyil mandhirap pattaaLO? *

maamaayan maadhavan vaikundhan enRenRu *

naamam palavum navinRElOr embaavaay.


Sahityam: thoomaNi maadaththuc cuRRum viLakkeriyath *

Meaning:  (with) flawless jewels (in a) palace      all around lamps  burning

[In a stately well appointed bedroom lit by lamps]

thoo maNi                                   wonderfully ornamented

maadaththu                                 hall

cuRRum viLakku eriya               with lamps burning all around


      1              2                      3                 4                   5                   6                    7                  8

; ; ; - S      ;  R   R S        ; M g P ,      ,m D – P ;  |   ;  ;  ; P        P  ;  ; -  P     P,m  dp pm  M  M mgpm ||  

       Thoo  - ma Ni -       -  maa- -      --   da   thu     -  -  - chu    tRRum vi    La - -  - -  -   kke ri yath


mR, S- S      ;  R   R S        ,s M g P ,      ,m D – P ;  |   ;  ;  ; P       P  ;  ; -  P    P,m  dp pm  M M mgpm ||  

           Thoo  - ma Ni -       -  maa- -      --   da   thu     -  -  - chu    tRRum vi    La - -  - -  -  kkeri yath


mR, S- S      ;  R   R S        ; nSMg P ,     ,m D – P ;  |  ;  ;  ; P  mpdnsndp  P  P,m  dp pm M M mgpm||  

           Thoo  - ma Ni -       -  maa- -          -  da   thu    -  -  - chu tRRum -  vi  La - -  - -  -  kkeri yath


mRmR- S      ;  R   R S        ; nsmgP       ,m D – P ;  |  ;  ;  ; P  mpdnsndp  P  P,m  dp pm M M mgpm||  

           Thoo  - ma Ni -       -  maa- -          -  da   thu    -  -  - chu tRRum -  vi  La - -  - -  -  kkeri yath



Sahityam: thoopam kamazhath thuyilaNaimEl kaN vaLarum *

Meaning:  incense surrounded mattress   atop sleeping

[on a bed, fragrant from the burning incense, you sleep]

thoopam (thoomam)                    incense

kamazha                                      wafting

thuyil aNai mEl                           on your sleeping bed

kaN vaLarum                              asleep (lit. your eyes asleep)


      1              2                      3                 4                   5                   6                    7                  8

mR, ; - M   ; D ; - N     mdn dnsn d    P ;  - mdp p  |  ; gP mM    P ;  ; - pm     dppm ; M  mgpm mR,  ||

           thoo   pam ka    ma-  -  -    -    zha    thu- yil     a – Nai-   mEl - -kaN   - -   - -  va- La-  - rum –


S ;  ; - M   ; D ; - N     mdn dnsn d    P ;   ; - md | p P- gp mM    P ;  ; - pm     dppm ; M  mgpm mR,  ||

           thoo   pam ka    ma-  -  -    -    zha    thu-   yil   a – Nai-   mEl - -kaN    - -  - -  va- La-  - rum –


Sahityam: maamaan magaLE! maNik kadhavam thaaL thiRavaay *

Meaning:  (O my) uncle's daughter ! jewelled door latch open

[Oh Uncle’s daughter, please open the door with the bells]

maamaan magaLE                      O daughter of our uncle!

maNi                                            jewelled

kadhavam                                    door's

thaaL                                           latches

thiRavaay                                    open!


      1                   2                  3                 4              5                   6                    7                  8

S ;  ; -M    g- P ;   ,m P       D ; N ;     S ;  ;  ;    |   ;  ;  ;  ;           ;  ;  ;  ;             ;  ;  ;  ;        ;  ;  ;  ;         ||

        Maa  -   maan – ma    ga-  - -     LE!


;  ;  ; -M    g- P ;   ,m P       D ; N ;     S ;  ;  S    |   S ,n  S , r      ,g rsS  ;  ;        N R snD     D N  dpP ;         ||

        Maa  -   maan – ma    ga-  - -     LE!   Ma     Ni-   ka dha   -- vam - -       thaaL- -      thiRa vaay


;  ; ,m -M    g- P ;   ,m P       D ; N ;     S ;  ;  S    |   S ,n  S , r      ,g rsS  ;  ;        N R snD     D N  dpP ;         ||

          Maa  -   maan – ma    ga-  - -     LE!   Ma     Ni-   ka dha   -- vam - -       thaaL- -      thiRa vaay


      1                   2                    3                      4              5                   6                    7                  8

;  ; ,m -mp  mm-mdpp P  mp dnsndp sn    R - S ; S | S ,n  sN -m    , g -P - mg R  N R snD   ; nrsndn        ||

           Maa  -  - maan ma ga-  - - - -   - --   -   LE!MaNi-  ka dha   --     -   vam -  thaaL- -    thiRa vaay


dp-mdpp- mp  mm-mdpp P  mp dnsndp sn R - S ; S | S ,n  sN -m   , g -P - mg R  N R snD   ; nrsndn        ||

                 Maa  -  - maan ma ga-  - - - -   - --    LE!MaNi-  ka dha   --     - vam -  thaaL- -    thiRa vaay


Sahityam: maameer! avaLai ezhuppeerO * un magaL thaan

Meaning:  Aunty   that girl  will you wake up (she is) your daughter only

[Oh, Mother of the girl,  can you please wake her up ? ]

maameer                                      Dear Aunty!

avaLai ezhuppeerO                     please wake her up

un magaL thaan                          your daughter, indeed


      1                   2                    3                 4                  5                      6                  7                8

; ; ; - M      P – P  D N        snD drsn    dp P ; md   | p P m  – M ;     ;   D ; ;       pmdp pM,   mg pm  R ;    ||

       Maa    -     mee-  ra! (a)va-- - - -     Lai – ez -    zhu--      ppee    -   rO --     un -  -  - -    ma-gaL than


Sahityam: oomaiyO? anRic cevidO? anandhalO? *

Meaning:  Is she dumb? or    Is she deaf? or Is she tired?

[Is she dumb or deaf or just slovenly]

oomaiyO?                                    has she been struck dumb (speechless)?

anRi                                             or,

cevidO?                                        is she deaf?

anandhalO?                                is she exhausted (and therefore unable to get up)?


      1                   2                    3                 4                  5                    6                  7                  8

; ; ; - - S      ,n R    R S        ; M g P ,      ,m P ;   ;  |   ;  P   P  ;       dn dp P  ;      P,m  dpM    M M  mgpm ||  

           Oo    --mai yO?       - an -  -        - -   Ri  -          ce vi -        - - dO? -       un -  -  - -    magaLthan


mR S, - S    ,n R    R S       ,s M g P ,      ,m P ;   ;  |   ;  P   P  ;       dn dp P -P    pmdp pP,     , g-M   P ;  ||  

           Oo    --mai yO?       - an -  -        - -   Ri  -          ce vi -        - - dO? – a    nan-  - -       - - dha lO?


;  ; ;   - S    ,n R    R S        ; M g P ,      ,m P ;   ;  |   ;  P   P  ;       dn dp P -P    pmdp pP,     , g-M   P ;  ||  

           Oo    --mai yO?       - an -  -       - -  Ri  -          ce vi -        - - dO? – a    nan-  - -       - - dha lO?


Sahityam: Emap perunthuyil mandhirap pattaaLO? *

Meaning:  (or) curse long sleep    spell      has she been placed under ?

[Is she in slumber because of some magic spell ?]

Ema                                             curse

perun^ thuyil                              long sleep

mandira                                       spell (Sanskrit: mantra)

pattaaLO?                                   has she been placed under


      1              2                      3                 4               5                6                    7                  8

;  ;  ; - M   ; D ; - N     mdn dnsd d -    ; P P  ;    | ;  ; G M    mg- P , P,     pm dppm ;    mgpm mR,  ||

          E     - ma   pe    run-  -  -  - -       thuyil- -       man - -  --   dhi ra     pa-  - -  -  -    tta- -   LO?


S  ;  ; - M   ; D ; - N     mdn dnsd d -    ; P P  ;    | ;  ; G M    mg- D dpP  pm dppm ;    mgpm mR,  ||

          E     - ma   pe    run-  -  -  - -       thuyil- -       man - -  --   dhi ra     pa-  - -  -  -    tta- -   LO?


 Sahityam: maamaayan maadhavan vaikundhan enRenRu *

Meaning:  great magician (Lord) Madhavan (Lord of) Vaikunta repeating

[by  many sacred names like madhavan and vaikuntan]

maa                                             great

maayan                                        magician (Maayan is a Tamil word for Vishnu)

maadhavan                                  a name of Vishnu meaning consort of Lakshmi

                                                       (maa = Lakshmi)

vaikundhan                                 Lord of Vaikuntha, the supreme place

                                                     where the liberated live

enRu enRu                                  saying




      1                   2                  3                 4              5                   6                    7                  8

S ;  ; -M    g- P ;   ,m P       D ; N ;     ; S S ;    |   ;  ;  ;  ;           ;  ;  ;  ;             ;  ;  ;  ;        ;  ;  ;  ;         ||

         Maa -   maa  - yan     maa -       - dhavan  


;  ;  ; -M    g- P ;   ,m P       D ; N ;     ;  S S ;   |   ; ; s N-s       , n – rg rsS  ;    N R snD     D N  dpP ;         ||

         Maa -   maa  - yan     maa -       - dhavan        vai-  -     - -    kuntan  -   en -  -  -       Ren-   Ru -  


;  ;  ; -M    g- P ;   ,m P       D ; N ;     ;  S S ;   |   ; ; s N-s       , n – rg rsS  ;    N R snD     D sn  dpP ;         ||

         Maa -   maa  - yan     maa -       - dhavan        vai-  -     - -    kuntan  -   en -  -  -       Ren-   Ru -  


      1                   2                    3                      4              5                   6                    7                  8

;  ; ;   -mp  mm-mdpp P  mp dnsndp sn    R - S S ;  | ; ;   nS -m    , g -P – R S    N R snD   ; nrsndn        ||

         Maa -   -  maa  yan maa -          --    -   dhavan       vai-  -     - -  -  kuntan  en -  -  -       Ren-   Ru -  


dp-mdpp- mp  mm-mdpp P mpdnsgrsndp snR -  S ;  | ; ;  nS-m   , g -P – R S  N R snD   D sn  dpP ;         ||

                Maa -   -  maa  yan maa -          --  dha van       vai-  -     - -  -  kuntan  en -  -    Ren-   Ru -  


Sahityam: naamam palavum navinRElOr embaavaay.

Meaning:  names  many    (we will) benefit … Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[Let us call unto Him, my dear girl !]

naamam palavum                        many names

navinRu                                       we recite (to ward off her spell of sleep

                                                     and wake her up) 

ElOr embaavaay.                        call unto Him, my dear girl


      1                   2                    3                 4                    5                       6                  7                8

; ; ; - M      P – pdN - S        snD drsn    dp P ; md   | p P m  – GM    ,g- P ; ;       pmdp pM,   mg pm  R ;    ||

         Naa   -    mam – pa     la- -   -  -     vum – na-   vin- -      RE-    - - lOr -      em-  -  - -     baa- - -  vaay


S ; ; - S      ;  R   R S        ; M g P ,      ,m D – P ;  |   ;  ;  ;  ;         ;  ;  ;  ;      ;  ;  ;  ;      ;  ;  ;  ;   ||  

       Thoo  - ma Ni -       -  maa- -      --   da   thu       -  -  -  -       -  -   -  -     -  -  - -      -  -  - -




Additional Meanings:

thUmaNi                       maataththuc cuRRum     viLakk eriyath *

(with) flawless jewels (in a) palace      all around lamps  burning


thUpam  kamazhath  thuyilaNai mEl  kaNvaLarum *

incense surrounded mattress   atop sleeping


maamaan        makaLE!    maNikkathavam thaaL thiRavaay *

(O my) uncle's daughter ! jewelled door latch open


maamIr! avaLai     ezhuppIrO *               un   makaL    thaan

Aunty   that girl  will you wake up (she is) your daughter only


UmaiyO?      anRic cevitO?         anan^thalO? *

Is she dumb? or    Is she deaf? or Is she tired?


Emap       perun^thuyil  man^thirap pattaaLO? *

(or) curse long sleep    spell      has she been placed under ?


maa maayan     maathavan       vaikun^than        enRenRu *     

great magician (Lord) Madhavan (Lord of) Vaikunta


naamam palavum           navinRu                   El                                Or empaavaay

repeating names  many    (we will) benefit  Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu