Kizh Vanam

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #08)


Ragam: Dhanyasi  {8th melakartha (Thodi) janyam}

              ARO:         S G2 M1 P N2 S                   ||

AVA:         S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R1 S       ||


Talam: Adi (2 kalai)

Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:

Youtube Class:

Audio MP3 Class:


Paasuram (Stanza)

keezh vaanam veLLenRu erumai siRu veedu *

mEyvaan parandhana kaaN mikkuLLa piLLaigaLum *

pOvaan pOginRaarai(p) pOgaamal kaaththu * unnai(k)

koovuvaan vandhu ninROm * kOdhugalam udaiya

paavaay ezhundhiraay paadi(p) paRai kondu *

maavaay piLandhaanai mallarai maattiya *

dhEvaadhi dhEvanai(ch) chenRu naam sEviththaal *

aavaavenRu aaraayndhu aruL ElOr em paavaay!


Meaning Courtesy:

{Additional sites: and }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


The second section of Sri Andal’s Thiruppavai consists of 10 verses beginning with the above 6th verse and sets out to wake up 10 girls to join Andal for the Margazhi worship. Each verse is an attempt to awaken one of the girls and adopts a different reasoning and pleading. The common theme however is citing the reason for waking up ie to worship the Lord, and the Lord who is to be worshipped is referenced citing his many splendorous qualities and pertinent deeds that He performed during his incarnations in this earth.


Pointing out the signs of dawn ; the slow brightening of the lower skies, the buffaloes out to graze the tender dew laden grass, Sri Andal says to the next girl whom she is calling upon, –  many of the girls are going out to worship, but leaving them aside, we are at your doorstep, please wake up and let’s get to the Lord ; the Lord who vanquished the demon kesi  in the form of a horse, the Lord who defeated the wrestler  demons, the Lord who is the king of all kings and devas. When we sing and pray and get to Him, He is going to be so pleased that we sought him out instead of Him coming to us, that He will joyfully bless us and remove all our deficiencies.


(Courtesy:Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan): Oh beautiful girl full of uthsAham (kuthUhalam ) for the Lord ! Day break is approaching as seen by the whitening of the Eastern sky from the earlier  red hue linked with AruNOdhayam . Awaken ! The hungry buffalos have been led to the pastures close to home  ( siRu Veedu mEyvAN) for their "breakfast " of dewy grass .We have detained the other Gopis , who were  ready to go to the place of vratham so that you can join  with us all .We have assembled in front of your house to awaken you and take you with us . Please get up.  If we sing about our Lord's glory together , He will give us the vrathOpakaranams (Drum and other saamagriyAs to observe our vratham ).When we approach our Lord--who destroyed the asuran Kesi by tearing his mouth apart,

and killed the wrestlers of KamsA's court--and prostrate before Him in all humility, that Lord (KrishNa ), the Lord of all gods(Devaathi Devan ) will be moved and have DayA for us and will inquire about our yOga KshEmam with  great interest (aavA yenRu=haa haa yenRu) )


Sahityam: keezh vaanam veLLenRu erumai siRu veedu *

Meaning:  Eastern  sky (is) whitening , water buffaloes (that) just a little while ago

[The lower horizon is brightening and the buffaloes are grazing the tender grass]

keezh vaanam            eastern sky

veL                            brightening

erumai                       buffaloes

siRu veedu                 let go for a short time

 (buffaloes and cows are let go to graze for a short time in the morning before they are milked)


Sahityam:mEyvaan parandhana kaaN mikkuLLa piLLaigaLum *

Meaning:  started grazing (have) spread all over See ! serious (are those) children  (about paavai nOmbu) (who are)

[The animals, the birds and the young children all]

mEyvaan                   to graze

parandhana               spread

kaaN                         look

mikkuLLa those who are remaining

piLLaigaLum            girls



Sahityam:pOvaan pOginRaarai(p) pOgaamal kaaththu * unnai(k)

Meaning:  ..going  ,  those who are going (we have) stopped from going , waiting    for you

[Instead calling everyone passing by we came]

povaan                      those who want to go

pOginRaarai             who are going

pOgaamal                  without going

kaaththu                    waiting

unnai                         you


Sahityam:koovuvaan vandhu ninROm * kOdhugalam udaiya

Meaning:  …calling  (we) have come (and are) standing (you) happy

[unto you to call you, Oh girl of happy disposition]

koovuvaan                 to call

vandhu                      have come

ninROm                    we are standing


kOdhugalam             happy

udaiya                       with


Sahityam:paavaay ezhundhiraay paadi(p) paRai kondu *

Meaning:  .. girl    wake up .     Singing (and) observing paavai nOmbu

[Oh girl, wake up, sing along and seek boons]

paavaay                     O girl!

ezhundhiraay            get up!

paadi                         sing

paRai kondu              to get the drum


Sahityam:maavaay piLandhaanai mallarai maattiya *

Meaning:  ..asura who came as a horse (He who) split      (the) wrestlers (He who) conquered

[From the Lord of tore apart the demons and wrestlers]

maavaay                    big mouth

piLandhaanai            he who split

mallarai                    wrestlers

maattiya                    vanquished


Sahityam:dhEvaadhi dhEvanai(ch) chenRu naam sEviththaal *

Meaning:  ..of the Devas THE Deva  having gone (to Him) we   worship

[We will worship the King of all the Lords]


dhEvaadhi dhEva                       God of gods

chenRu                                       having gone

naam                                          we

sEviththaal                                 if we serve, worship



Sahityam:aavaavenRu aaraayndhu aruL ElOr em paavaay!

Meaning:   …with compassion  (He will) examine (our need) (and) bless (us) . Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[He will be pleased and bless us my girls ]

aavaavenRu                               with great compassion, concern

("aa aa" enRu)                          (saying "Ah, ah!")


aaraayndhu                                having looked into

aruL                                           grace




Paasuram (Stanza)

keezh vaanam veLLenRu erumai siRu veedu *

mEyvaan parandhana kaaN mikkuLLa piLLaigaLum *

pOvaan pOginRaarai(p) pOgaamal kaaththu * unnai(k)

koovuvaan vandhu ninROm * kOdhugalam udaiya

paavaay ezhundhiraay paadi(p) paRai kondu *

maavaay piLandhaanai mallarai maattiya *

dhEvaadhi dhEvanai(ch) chenRu naam sEviththaal *

aavaavenRu aaraayndhu aruL ElOr em paavaay!




Sahityam: keezh vaanam veLLenRu erumai siRu veedu *

Meaning:  Eastern  sky (is) whitening , water buffaloes (that) just a little while ago

[The lower horizon is brightening and the buffaloes are grazing the tender grass]

keezh vaanam            eastern sky

veL                            brightening

erumai                       buffaloes

siRu veedu                 let go for a short time

 (buffaloes and cows are let go to graze for a short time in the morning before they are milked)


      1              2                      3                 4                   5              6                    7               8

; ; ; - G   M - P D P      G ; - pm G   R – R   S ;   |  ; ; ; - N   S  G ;  – M     P ;  pmG    M- pdpd P   ||

       Kee  zh vaa- nam veL-  - -  -     -    LenRu      - - -  e     ru mai    si     Ru vee--      -     - - - du *


; ; ; - G   M - P D P      G ; - gm Pdp   mG, R-  S ;  |  ; ; - N, s   ;  pmG – M     P ;  pmG   M- pdpd  P    ||

       Kee  zh vaa- nam veL-  - -  -     -    - -  LenRu     - - -   e    ru mai      si     Ru vee--      - - - - du *


Sahityam:mEyvaan parandhana kaaN mikkuLLa piLLaigaLum *

Meaning:  started grazing (have) spread all over See ! serious (are those) children  (about paavai nOmbu) (who are)

[The animals, the birds and the young children all]

mEyvaan                   to graze

parandhana               spread

kaaN                         look

mikkuLLa those who are remaining

piLLaigaLum            girls


      1              2                   3                4                   5                   6                     7               8

; ; ; - G    M P  ; - P        P ; Pnp     P ns    D P   |  ;  ;  ; G     M – P  D P    G pm dpmg ;    ; R – S ;   ||

       mEy  - vaan   pa     ran  - - -   dhana- kaaN            mi    -    kkuL-La   piL—Lai- - -    - ga  Lum


; ; ; - G    M P  ; - P        P ; Pnp     P ns    D P   |  ;  ;  ; G     M – P  D P    G P  dpmg ;    ; R – S ;   ||

       mEy  - vaan   pa     ran  - - -   dhana- kaaN            mi    -    kkuL-La   piL—Lai- - -  - ga  Lum


Sahityam:pOvaan pOginRaarai(p) pOgaamal kaaththu * unnai(k)

Meaning:  ..going  ,  those who are going (we have) stopped from going , waiting    for you

[Instead calling everyone passing by we came]

povaan                      those who want to go

pOginRaarai             who are going

pOgaamal                  without going

kaaththu                    waiting

unnai                         you


      1              2                   3                4                   5                   6                 7               8

; ; ; - P    ppmg M – P    P ;  snsn    snrs  D P   |  ;  ;  ; - P       ,n S  ;  S      S , g  rsrn    ; R , S ,                ||

      pO   vaan-   -    pO  gin - - -      Raa- rai -               pO     - - gaa mal   kaa-  thu -  - un nai


      1                         2                   3                4                   5                   6                 7               8

rsndpm - P  mpdp mgM – P    P ;  snsn    snrs  D P   |  ;  ;  ; - P       ,n S  ;  S      S , g  rsrn    ; R , S ,     ||

             pO  vaan-   -   -   pO  gin - - -      Raa- rai -               pO     - - gaa mal   kaa-  thu -  - un nai



      1                         2                   3                4                   5                   6                 7               8

rsndpm - P  mpdp mgM – P  pnSrs  snN ;  pns-nS;  D P | ;  ;  ; - P  ,n S  ;  S      S , g  rsrn    ; R , S ,   ||

             pO  vaan-   -   -   pO gin - - - - -     Raa- - -  rai -             pO - gaa  mal  kaa-  thu -  - un nai


Sahityam:koovuvaan vandhu ninROm * kOdhugalam udaiya

Meaning:  …calling  (we) have come (and are) standing (you) happy

[unto you to call you, Oh girl of happy disposition]

koovuvaan                 to call

vandhu                      have come

ninROm                    we are standing


kOdhugalam             happy

udaiya                       with


      1              2                3                4                   5                   6                     7                   8

; ;  nS- m   G gr  S -S    S rn- nsnd  P – pn n S ,   |   ; ; sR- n    S- P d -m P  mgpm dpmg   R – R S ;       ||

    Koo-vu   -vaan- van dhu- nin  - -   ROm - -           kO-  dhu -  ga-  la -   mu -  -   -  - -    -    daiya


; ;  nS- g     ; gr  S -S  S rn- nsrs nd  pm – pn n S , | ; ; gmpn  sr   ns pd mp  mgpm dpmg   R – R S ;       ||

    Koo-vu  -vaan-van dhu- nin  - -   - -    ROm - -       kO-  -  --  dhu ga-la -mu -  -   -  - -    -    daiya


Sahityam:paavaay ezhundhiraay paadi(p) paRai kondu *

Meaning:  .. girl    wake up .     Singing (and) observing paavai nOmbu

[Oh girl, wake up, sing along and seek boons]

paavaay                     O girl!

ezhundhiraay            get up!

paadi                         sing

paRai kondu              to get the boons


      1              2                3                4                   5                   6                     7                   8

; ; ; - P    ppmg M – P    P ;  Pnp     ; ns  D P   |  ;  ;  ; - G    M – P D P     G ; pmG     R – R  S ;   ||

       Paa  vaay - -     e    zhun - -        dhi ray-     - -  -   paa    - - di -  pa    Rai  - - -      -    kondu *



Sahityam:maavaay piLandhaanai mallarai maattiya *

Meaning:  ..asura who came as a horse (He who) split      (the) wrestlers (He who) conquered

[From the Lord of tore apart the demons and wrestlers]

maavaay                    big mouth

piLandhaanai            he who split

mallarai                    wrestlers

maattiya                    vanquished



      1              2                3                4                   5                   6                     7                   8

; ; ; - M   M ;    ; M     M ; ; ;     MP  ppmg ;     |  ;  ;  ; - G    M – P D P     G M dpmg    R – R  S ;   ||

        Maa vaay  - pi    Lan  - -   dhaa-nai-   -        -  -  -  mal  -      la – rai   maa- -  -     -      tti ya


; ; ; - M   M ;    ; M     M ; ; ;     smPMP  ppmg ;  |  ;  ;  ; - G    M – P D P     G M dpmg    R – R  S ;   ||

        Maa vaay  - pi    Lan  - -   dhaa--    nai-   -      -  -  -  mal  -      la – rai   maa- -  -  -     -     tti ya



Sahityam:dhEvaadhi dhEvanai(ch) chenRu naam sEviththaal *

Meaning:  ..of the Devas THE Deva  having gone (to Him) we   worship

[We will worship the King of all the Lords]


dhEvaadhi dhEva                       God of gods

chenRu                                       having gone

naam                                          we

sEviththaal                                 if we serve, worship


      1                2                  3                4                   5                   6                     7             8

; ; ; - P     ppmg M – P    P ;  N ;    snrs  D P   |  ;  ;  ; - P       ,n S  S ;        S , g  rsrn    ; R , S ,                ||

        dhE vaa -  - -   dhi  dhE - - -   va - -  nai-     -   -  - chen   -  Ru naam sE--   - - -   - vi  thaal *


rsndpm - P  mpdp mgM – P    P ;  snsn    snrs  D P   |  ;  ;  ; - P       ,n S  S  ;      S , g  rsrn    ; R , S ,     ||

               dhE vaa -  - -    dhi  dhE - - -     va - -  nai-     -   -  - chen   - Ru naam  sE--   - - -   - vi  thaal *


      1                         2                   3                4                   5                   6                 7               8

rsndpm - P  mpdp mgM – P  pnSrs  snN ;  pns-nS;  D P | ;  ;  ; - P  ,n S  S  ;      S , g  rsrn    ; R , S ,   ||

               dhE vaa -  - -    dhi  dhE - - -      va - -  nai-     -   -  - chen  - Ru naam  sE--   - - -   - vi  thaal *



Sahityam:aavaavenRu aaraayndhu aruL ElOr em paavaay!

Meaning:   …with compassion  (He will) examine (our need) (and) bless (us) . Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[He will be pleased and bless us my girls ]

aavaavenRu                               with great compassion, concern

("aa aa" enRu)                          (saying "Ah, ah!")


aaraayndhu                                having looked into

aruL                                           grace


      1                2                   3                4                   5                   6                     7                   8

; ;  nS- m   G gr  S -S    S rn- nsnd  P – pn n S ,   |   ; ; sR- n    S- P d -m P  mgpm dpmg   R – R S ;       ||

    aa-  -    -    vaa  - ven Raa   -   -   -    raayn-dhu-   - - a-   ruL -  E -   lOr-  em- -   -  - -    -    paavaay!


; ;  nS- g     ; gr  S -S  S rn- nsrs nd  pm – pn n S , | ; ; gmpn  sr  ns  pd mp  mgpm dpmg   R – R S ;       ||

    aa-  -    -    vaa  - ven Raa   -   -   -    raayn-dhu-   - - a-       - - ruL-E-lOr- em- -   -  - -    -    paavaay!







Additional Meanings:

kIzh     vaanam   veLLenRu    erumai                 ciRu          vItu *

Eastern  sky (is) whitening , water buffaloes (that) just a little while ago


mEyvaan                paran^thana     kaaN  mikkuLLa           piLLaikaLum *

started grazing (have) spread all over See ! serious (are those) children  (about paavai nOmbu) (who are)


pOvaan    pOkinRaaraip                  pOkaamal             kaaththu * unnaik

going  ,  those who are going (we have) stopped from going , waiting    for you


kUvuvaan      van^thu             ninROm *       kOthukalamutaiya

calling  (we) have come (and are) standing (you) happy


paavaay ezhun^thiraay paatip        paRai koNtu *

girl    wake up .     Singing (and) observing paavai nOmbu


maavaay                            piLan^thaanai    mallarai           maattiya *

asura who came as a horse (He who) split      (the) wrestlers (He who) conquered


thEvaathi thEvanaic    cenRu                naam cEviththaal *

of the Devas THE Deva  having gone (to Him) we   worship


aavaavenRu                 aaraayn^thu              aruL

with compassion  (He will) examine (our need) (and) bless (us) .


El                                Or empaavaay

Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu