kIchu kIchu enRu
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #07)
Ragam: Bhairavi (20th mela Nata Bhairavi Janyam)
ARO: S R2 G2 M1 P D2 N2 S ||
AVA: S N2 D1 P M1 G2 R2 S ||
Talam: Misra Chapu
Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:
Youtube Class:
Audio MP3 Class:
keecu keecu enRu engum aanaic caaththan * kalandhu
pEsina pEccaravam kEttilaiyO pEyp peNNE *
kaasum piRappum kalakalappak kai pErththu *
vaasa naRuNGkuzhal aaycciyar * maththinaal
Osai paduththa thayiraravam kEttilaiyO *
naayakap peN piLLaay naaraayaNan moorththi *
kEsavanaip paadavum nee kEttE kidaththiyO *
dhEsamudaiyaay thiRavElOr embaavaay.
Meaning Courtesy:
{Additional sites: and }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas
sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine
Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears
intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby
obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends
to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a
religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for
eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.
The second section of Sri
Andal’s Thiruppavai consists of 10 verses beginning
with the above 6th verse and sets out to wake up 10 girls to join Andal for the
Margazhi worship. Each verse is an attempt to awaken
one of the girls and adopts a different reasoning and pleading. The common
theme however is citing the reason for waking up ie to worship the Lord, and the Lord who is to be
worshipped is referenced citing his many splendorous qualities and pertinent
deeds that He performed during his incarnations in this earth.
Sounds wake us up from
sleep. Andal asks the girl, can you not hear the sound of the birds that are
chirping, conversing before the leave the company of each other in their nests
and setting out on their own to search for their food ?
The beautiful ornamented women of the cowherd community with fragrant tresses are up and at work churning the curds
for butter, and as they churn the curds with their dainty hands can you not hear the sounds ? We think of you
as our leader, but you are asleep, why are you not awake even as we sing the
praise of the Lord Narayana as Kesava who vanquished the demon Kesi, Is the
sound of our music lulling you to sleep instead of waking you up ? Please open the door
(Courtesy:Dr. V.K.S.N.
Raghavan): Oh pEy peNNE
(deluded girl)! do n't you hear the noise raised by
the Aanai Saatthan birds ( BharadhvAja Birds in Sanskrit and Valiyans
in Tamizh)? Does n't your sleep get affected by the Keesu-Keesu sabdham (avyaktha madhura sallAbham )
of these busy birds outside your sleeping chambers? The dawn is advancing .There are signs of the world awakening all around
you. Do n't you hear the sound made by the busy
churning of the curd by the other gopis with
symmetric movement of their churning rods ?
The body
movement(exertions) of these beautiful gopis sends
out fragrances from their flower-adorned locks of well combed hair . Their engagement in the churning act makes their
bangles and other aabharaNams around their neck (acchu thAli, Aamai
et al) collide against each
other and result in a rhythmic musical sound (mangaLa
naadham ).
Do n't you hear that auspicious jingling sound ? Are n't you awakened yet by the sloshing of the curd as a result of the strong movement of the churning rod
in your neighbor's houses
during this still hour of the morning? Oh crown gem among gopis ! How can you be so
indifferent and sleep away even after hearing us singing the nAmams of our Lord Kesavan, who destroyed the demon Kesi
appearing in disguise
as a horse
? Please awaken and get up ! Oh Luminous one! Come
and open the door so that we could sing
together about the mahimai of our Lord with you.)
Sahityam: keecu keecu enRu
engum aanaic caaththan * kalandhu
Meaning: Humming everywhere (the) annaicaaththan
birds together
[The wild chirping of
the many birds singing together]
keecu'' enRu chirping sound (an onomatopoeia)
engum everywhere
aanaiccaaththan birds of
a particular type, known
as "valiya" in Tamil or "bharadvAja"
in Sanskrit
kalandhu together
Sahityam: pEsina pEccaravam
kEttilaiyO pEyp peNNE *
spoken speech sound have you heard
(O) dumb girl
[Are you not able to
hear it, devilish girl]
pEsina pEccu saying words, talking
kEttilaiyO didn't you hear?
pEy peNNE hey spellbound girl!
Sahityam: kaasum piRappum
kala kalappak kai pErththu
garlands of gold coins jewelry , jingling sound hand tiring
[their hands bedecked
with bangles and other jewellery]
kaasum (garlands of)
auspicious coins
cylindrical golden jewelry
kinds of wedding necklaces)
kalakalappa the
jingling sound of ``kala kala''
kai hands
pErththu moving
Sahityam: vaasa naRuM
NGkuzhal aaycciyar * maththinaal
spreading fragrance
(from) hair the cow
girls (are) skimming
[The lovely
scented cowherd maidens, with their mixers]
vaasa naRum very
fragrant (lit. "fragrant fragrant")
aaycciyar cow girls (gopikas)
using the churning rod
Sahityam: Osai paduththa
thayir aravam kEttilaiyO *
Ocai patuththa thayir aravam kEttilaiyO *
noise making yogurt (this) sound don't you hear.
[can’t you hear the
sounds as they churn the curds]
Osai paduththa making noise
thayir yogurt
don't you hear?
Sahityam: naayakap peN piLLaay naaraayaNan
moorththi *
Hey leader (of) the girls , Lord Narayana's murthy
[Oh the
Lord’s Girl, the embodiment of Narayana]
nayaka leader
peN piLLaay! O girl!
descent (avatAra) (lit. form)
Sahityam: kEsavanaip paadavum nee kEttE kidaththiyO *
Lord Keshavan's (praises we are)
singing , you listened (and) are you still sleeping ?
[who is Kesava ( Krishna), to sing his praise you are made]
kEsavanai about Kesava (one of the principal names of
/ Lord Vishnu)
paadavum singing
nee you
kEttE even while listening
kidaththiyO are you lying down?
Sahityam: dhEsam udaiyaay
thiRavElOr embaavaay.
Glamorous as you are
open (the door) … Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai
[You are sleeping,
please come and open the door my girl]
splendor (Sanskrit: tejas)
udaiyaay you who are with
open (the door)
keecu keecu enRu engum aanaic caaththan * kalandhu
pEsina pEccaravam kEttilaiyO pEyp peNNE *
kaasum piRappum kalakalappak kai pErththu *
vaasa naRuNGkuzhal aaycciyar * maththinaal
Osai paduththa thayiraravam kEttilaiyO *
naayakap peN piLLaay naaraayaNan moorththi *
kEsavanaip paadavum nee kEttE kidaththiyO *
dhEsamudaiyaay thiRavElOr embaavaay.
Sahityam: keecu keecu
enRu engum aanaic caaththan * kalandhu
Meaning: Humming everywhere (the) annaicaaththan
birds together
[The wild chirping of
the many birds singing together]
keecu'' enRu chirping sound (an onomatopoeia)
engum everywhere
aanaiccaaththan birds of
a particular type, known
as "valiya" in Tamil or "bharadvAja"
in Sanskrit
; ; gr | S ; S ; || sn r S n | N D D P || ; ; mp | dn Srs nd- P || pdn dpm | Pdp dNd ||
Kee- cu kee cen - - - nRen- gum- aa- nai - - - - chaa than- ka-- lan- dhu—
dnS-rmgr | S ; S ; || ns Rgr sn | N D D P || ; ; mp | dn Srs nd- P || pdn dpm | Pdp dNd ||
Kee- cu kee cen - - - nRen- gum- aa- nai - - - - chaa than- ka-- lan- dhu—
dnS-gmgr | S ; S ; || ns Rgr sn | N D D P || mp dn sr | gr sn D P || pdn dpm | Pdp dNd ||
Kee- cu kee cen - - - nRen- gum- aa- - - nai - - - chaa than- ka-- lan- dhu—
dnS-gmgr | S ; S ,p || pr srgr sn | N D D P || mp dn sr | gr sn D P || pdn dpm | Pdp dNd ||
Kee- cu kee cen - - - nRen- gum- aa- - - nai - - - chaa than- ka-- lan- dhu—
Sahityam: pEsina pEccaravam
kEttilaiyO pEyp peNNE *
spoken speech sound have you heard
(O) dumb girl
[Are you not able to
hear it, devilish girl]
pEsina pEccu saying words, talking
kEttilaiyO didn't you hear?
pEy peNNE hey spellbound girl!
dN,- dn | Srs nd pn- dp || G , p M,d | pm Gr - R gs || ; ; r g | , M , M ; || P ; dn | , d – D P ; ||
pE si - - - - - na- pE- cca- ra - - - vam-- kE- tti lai yO pEy peN NE *
dN,- dn | Srs nd pn- dp || G , p M,d | pm Gr - R gs || ; ; r g | ; M ; M || P ; dn | , d – D P ; ||
pE si - - - - - na- pE- cca- ra - - - vam-- kE- tti lai yO pEy peN NE *
Sahityam: kaasum piRappum
kalakalappak kai pErththu *
garlands of gold coins jewelry , jingling sound hand tiring
[their hands bedecked
with bangles and other jewellery]
kaasum (garlands of)
auspicious coins
cylindrical golden jewelry
kinds of wedding necklaces)
kalakalappa the
jingling sound of ``kala kala''
kai hands
pErththu moving
; ; pn | d P – d , m- pd || N D - dn | S ; D N || S , S , | S ; pS, || sn r S n | N D D P ||
Kaa sum- - - - pi- Ra - - - ppum kala ka la ppa kai pE - - - - - rthu
; pdn p | dm - P ; - pd || rssn D - dn | S ; D N || S , R s | rmgr S,n || ns Rgr sn | N D D P ||
Kaa - - - sum- pi- Ra - - -- ppum kala ka la ppa kai pE - - - - - rthu
; ns p- p| dm - P ; - pd || rssn D - dn | S ; D N || S , R s | rmgr S,n || ns Rgr sn | N D D P ||
Kaa - - - sum- pi- Ra - - -- ppum kala ka la ppa kai pE - - - - - rthu
Sahityam: vaasa naRuNGkuzhal
aaycciyar * maththinaal
spreading fragrance
(from) hair the cow
girls (are) skimming
[The lovely
scented cowherd maidens, with their mixers]
vaasa naRum very fragrant (lit. "fragrant
aaycciyar cow girls (gopikas)
using the churning rod
; ; gr | S ; S ; || sn r S n | N D D P || mp dn sr | sn D P ; || mg pm dp | mg rs rg mp ||
Vaa sa na RuNG-- ku - zhal- aa - - - cci - yar ma - - - - thi- - - naal- -
dnsr- gr | S ; S ; || sn r S n | N D D P || mp dn sr | sn D P ; || mg pm dp | mg rs rg mp ||
Vaa sa na RuNG-- ku - zhal- aa - - - cci - yar ma - - - - thi- - - naal- -
dnsr- gr | S ; S ; || sn r S n | N D D P || mp dn srgr | sn D P ; || mg pm dp | mg rs rg mp ||
Vaa sa na RuNG-- ku - zhal- aa - - - cci - yar ma - - - - thi- - - naal- -
Sahityam: Osai paduththa
thayir aravam kEttilaiyO *
Ocai patuththa thayir aravam kEttilaiyO *
noise making yogurt (this) sound don't you hear.
[can’t you hear the
sounds as they churn the curds]
Osai paduththa making noise
thayir yogurt
don't you hear?
dpdm- nd | N ; ; nd || N ; ; | N ; , d P || P , d P | D ns N D || ddP ; | pdpd P ; ||
O sai pa- du tha thayi ra ra- vam-- - - kE- tti-lai- yO *
; ; - nd | N ; ; nd || N ; ; | N ; , d P || P , d P | D ns N D || ddP ; | pdpd P ; ||
O sai pa- du tha thayi ra ra- vam-- - - kE- tti-lai- yO *
Sahityam: naayakap peN piLLaay naaraayaNan
moorththi *
Hey leader (of) the girls , Lord Narayana's murthy
[Oh the
Lord’s Girl, the embodiment of Narayana]
nayaka leader
peN piLLaay! O girl!
descent (avatAra) (lit. form)
; ; P | P mn D P || G , p M,d | pm Gr - R gs || ; ; r g | , M , ; M || P ; ; | dN d – D P ||
Naa ya - - - ka peN - - - piL Laay naa- -raa ya Nan moo - rththi *
Sahityam: kEsavanaip paadavum nee kEttE kidaththiyO *
Lord Keshavan's (praises we are)
singing , you listened (and) are you still sleeping ?
[who is Kesava ( Krishna), to sing his praise you are made]
kEsavanai about Kesava (one of the principal names of
/ Lord Vishnu)
paadavum singing
nee you
even while listening
kidaththiyO are you lying down?
; ; pn | dPdM - dp ; pd || N D - dn | S ; S ; || ; ; dn | NS ; S || sn r S n | N D D P ||
kE sa- - - va nai paa- da- vum nee - - kE ttE - ki da- - - thi - yO -
; pdn p | dm - P ; - pd || rssn D - dn | S ; S ; || ; ; dn | sRs rmgr || ns Rgr sn | N D D P ||
kE sa- - - va nai paa- da- vum nee - - kE ttE ki -- da- - - - - thi - yO -
Sahityam: dhEsamudaiyaay thiRavElOr embaavaay.
Glamorous as you are
open (the door) … Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai
[You are sleeping,
please come and open the door my girl]
splendor (Sanskrit: tejas)
udaiyaay you who are with
open (the door)
; ; gr | S ; S ; || sn r s nd | ddP , p P || mp dn sr | sn D P ; || mg pm dp | mg rs rg mp ||
dhE sa mu da- - - yaay thiRa vE - - - - - - lOr - em - - - - - baa- - vaay- -
dnsr- gr | S ; S ; || sn r s nd | ddP , p P || mp dn srgr | sn D P ; || mg pm dp | mg rs rg mp ||
dhE sa mu da- - - - yaay thiRa vE - - - - - - lOr - em - - - - - baa- - vaay- -
dnsr- gr | S ; S ; || sn r s nd | ddP , p P || mp dn srgr | sn D P ; || mg pm dp | G R R ; ||
dhE sa mu da- - - - yaay thiRa vE - - - - - - lOr - em - - - - - baa- - vaay- -
; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
- - - - -
Additional Meanings:
kIcu kIcu enRu
eNGkum aanaiccaaththan *
Humming everywhere (the) annaicaaththan
birds together
pEcina pEcc aravam kEttilaiyO pEyp peNNE *
spoken speech sound have you heard
(O) dumb girl
kaacum piRappum kalakalappak kai pErththu *
garlands of gold coins jewelry , jingling sound hand tiring
vaaca naRuNG kuzhal aaycciyar * maththinaal
spreading fragrance (from)
hair the cow girls
(are) skimming
Ocai patuththa thayir aravam kEttilaiyO *
noise making yogurt (this) sound don't you hear.
naayakap peNpiLLaay naaraayaNan mUrththi *
Hey leader (of) the girls , Lord Narayana's murthy
paatavum nI
kitaththiyO *
Lord Keshavan's (praises we are)
singing , you listened (and) are you still sleeping ?
thEcam utaiyaay thiRa
Glamorous as you are open (the
El Or empaavaay
Come (Let us do) (the penance
of) paavai nOmbu