Aazhi Mazhai Kanna
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #04)
Ragam: Varali {39th Melakartha (Jhalavarali) Janyam}
ARO: S G1 R1 G1 M2 P D1 N3 S ||
AVA: S N3 D1 P M2 G1 R1 S ||
Talam: Adi
Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAVB3lbSvuQ )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy: https://ramanuja.org/sv/alvars/andal/tiruppavai/verse4.html
Youtube Class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQWHgTjQ55I
Audio MP3 Class: http://www.shivkumar.org/music/Thiruppavai04-class.mp3
aazhi mazhaik
kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *
aazhiyuL pukku
mugandhu kodu aarththERi *
oozhi mudhalvan
uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup *
paazhiyan^ thOLudaip
paRpanaaban kaiyil *
aazhi pOl
minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu *
thaazhaadhE saarngam
udhaiththa saramazhai pOl *
vaazha ulaginil
peydhidaay * naangaLum
maargazhi neeraada magizhndhElOr embaavaay.
Meaning Courtesy: https://ramanuja.org/sv/alvars/andal/tiruppavai/verse4.html
{Additional sites: http://www.asayana.com/religion/18-2/ and http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/ }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi.
Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity
and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses.
Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the
Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she
did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted
the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and
service of the Lord.
(Courtesy:Dr. V.K.S.N.
Raghavan): Oh Lord VaruNA who is the presiding deity
of ocean-like burst of rains! (We pray
to you so that ) you please do not make your gift very
small(i.e. be bounteous towards us). We
request you (in the form of clouds) to pour plenty of rains in the world;first you should
get into the womb of the deep seas and take excessive water ( so that
even the sea becomes bereft of water),make thunder (uproar), and go higher up
(in the sky); (the color of ) your body should become as dark as that of the primordial cause of the world ( Oozhi Mudalvan= Jagath Kaarana BhUthan); you should
become resplendent with lightning, just as the dazzling discus (Aazhi=Chakram) held on the hand of Lord PadmanAbha
with broad shoulders; you should make a thunderous roar like the conch(Paanchajanyam) held on the hand of the Lord; you should
bring forth rains in abundance without
any cessation,--the rains just like the shower of arrows coming forth in
succession from the bow (Saarangam) of the Lord.;your rains should be for the good of the world so
that the world flourishes ; and ,through your rains , we will have plenty of
water and also happily take the ceremonial bath during Maarghazhi
month. ( Lord VishNu's
important weapons--discus, conch and bow
are cited here , in a form of invocation as it were; and Lord PadmanAbha is indicated as the JagathkAraNan-- the primordial cause ).
aazhi circular; ocean-like in
mazhai rain
kaNNaa O dear god! (Andal addresses the
presiding deity of rain here)
onRu(m) even
a little bit
nee you
kai karavEl don't withhold
aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nI kai karavEl
Oceans (and) rain Lord (of) nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)
aazhiyuL into the deep oceans
pukku entering
mugandhu kodu fetch
aarththu thunder
ERi climb
aazhiy uL pukku mukan^thu kotu aarthth ERi *
Ocean into enter (and) fetch the water (and) (cause) thunder (to) go up (to the
[sweep down into the ocean
bringing up all the water]
oozhi primordial
mudhalvan First One
uruvam pOl like
the form
mEy body
kaRuththu become black
Uzhi muthalvan
uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup
Universe prime Lord (of) - (that) form like ,
(your) body (you should) darken
[the clouds dark like the form
of the Lord Krishna]
paazhi great
am beautiful
thOL shoulders
udai with these
paRpanaaban the One who has a lotus navel, Lord Vishnu
(Sanskrit: padmanAbha)
kaiyil in that person's hand
paazhiy an^ thOL utaip paRpanaapan kaiyil *
broad beautiful shoulders with
,(Lord) Padmanabha (in your) hands
[in the hands of the Lord with
powerful arms who rose from the Lotus]
aazhi pOl like
the discus
minni shine
valamburi pOl like the conch
ninRu residing
adhirndhu resound
(the sound of blowing a conch)
aazhi pOl minni valampuri
ninR athirn^thu *
(the) discus like that (give
us) lightning [shine] , (the) conch
like that (give us) thunder [stand&roar]
[Shining bright like the Disc
and the shattering cry of the conch]
thaazhaadhE without tarrying, instantly
saarngam Lord Vishnu's bow
udhaiththa shoot forth (lit. kicked)
saramazhai pOl like the shower of arrows
thaazhaathE caarNGkam uthaiththa cara mazhai pOl *
without delay the bow
shoot torrential rain like
[Like the stream of arrows
that issue from the powerful bow of yours]
vaazha flourish, prosper
ulaginil in this world
pEydhidaay rain!
naangaLum we too
vaazha ulakinil peythitaay
* naaNGkaLum
(for us to) prosper in this world (cause it to) rain .
We too
[Shower in plenty in this
world so that we…]
maargazhi neeraada
during margazhi
magizhndhu will be happy, exult
maarkazhi nIraata makizhn^thu El Or empaavaay
Margazhi month bathing (will) enjoy Come (Let us do) (the
penance of) paavai nOmbu
[will bathe and rejoice in
your glory this margazhi month my girls]
aazhi mazhaik
kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *
aazhiyuL pukku
mugandhu kodu aarththERi *
oozhi mudhalvan
uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup *
paazhiyan^ thOLudaip
paRpanaaban kaiyil *
aazhi pOl
minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu *
thaazhaadhE saarngam
udhaiththa saramazhai pOl *
vaazha ulaginil
peydhidaay * naangaLum
maargazhi neeraada
magizhndhElOr embaavaay.
Sahityam: aazhi
mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *
Meaning: Oceans
(and) rain Lord (of) nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)
[The lord of the rains,
Krishna, shower in plenty]
circular; ocean-like in expansiveness
mazhai rain
kaNNaa O dear
god! (Andal addresses the presiding deity of rain here)
onRu(m) even a little bit
nee you
kai karavEl don't withhold
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; P ; D - P ; pmg G ; G R R S | ; ; ; - S ; N – G ; | G ; M ; P dn dp P ||
Aa - zhi ma zhai- - - kaN-Naa!- - - - on - Ru nee kai- - - ka ra- vEl-
; ; ; M P D - P
; pmg G
; G R R S | ; ;
; - S ; N – G ; | G ; M ;
P dn dp P ||
Aa - zhi ma zhai- - - kaN-Naa!- - - -
- Ru nee kai- - - ka ra- vEl-
; ; ; M P D - P
; gmpd ndpm g – gR R S | ; ; ; - S
; N – G ; | G ; M ; P dn dp P ||
Aa - zhi ma zhai- - - - kaN-Naa!- - - -on
- Ru nee kai- - - ka ra- vEl-
Sahityam: aazhiyuL pukku mugandhu kodu aarththERi *
Meaning: Ocean into enter (and) fetch the water (and) (cause) thunder (to)
go up (to the sky)
[sweep down into the ocean
bringing up all the water]
aazhiyuL into the
deep oceans
pukku entering
mugandhu kodu fetch
aarththu thunder
ERi climb
3 4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; S ; R – S ,n snD dSn dpP ; P | P ; pmpm P dn dp P | ; md pmG G R R S ||
Aa - zhi yuL- pu-- - - - kku—mu gan- - - - - - -
- dhu- - ko-daar- ththE- Ri -
Sahityam: oozhi
mudhalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup
Meaning: Universe prime Lord
(of) - (that) form like , (your) body
(you should) darken
[the clouds dark like the form
of the Lord Krishna]
mudhalvan First One
uruvam pOl like the form
mEy body
kaRuththu become black
4 5 6 7
; ; ; dn sn-dp P -D D N S ; ; ; S ; | ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ||
Oo - - zhi- mu dhal- - - - - van
; ; ; dn sn-dp P -D D N S ; S ; ; S | S ,n G R R , s S ; |
; S S rg rs S d S n ||
Oo - - zhi- mu dhal- - - van - - u ru- - - vam- pOl mey ka-- Ru- - ththup-
dpM; - dn sn-dp P -D D N S ; S R ;
S | S ,n G R R , s S ;
| ; S S rg rs S d n s n ||
Oo - - zhi- mu dhal- -
- van - - u ru- -
- vam- pOl mey ka-- Ru- - ththup-
dpM; - dn dnsn-dp P
-D D N S ; S R ;
S | S ,n pmG G R S ;
| ; S S ,n Srg r s S ||
Oo - - -
zhi- mu
dhal- - - van - - u
ru- - -
vam- pOl mey ka-- Ru- - ththup-
dnM; - dnsr sn-dpM-; -D
D N S ;
S ; ; - S
| S ,n pmG G R S
| ; S S ,n Srg r s S ||
Oo - - - zhi-
- mu dhal-
- -
van - - u ru- -
- vam- pOl mey ka-- Ru- - ththup-
Sahityam: paazhiyan^ thOLudaip paRpanaaban
kaiyil *
Meaning: broad beautiful shoulders with
,(Lord) Padmanabha (in your) hands
[in the hands of the Lord with
powerful arms who rose from the Lotus]
paazhi great
am beautiful
udai with
paRpanaaban the One who
has a lotus navel, Lord Vishnu
(Sanskrit: padmanAbha)
5 6 7
; ; ; N S R – S ; sn D ; ; d S n - d p P | ; ; P M P d n – d p P | pmdp m G , G R R S ||
Paa - zhi yan thO - - - Lu - - dai - - - - padma naa- - ban-- kai - - - - - - - yil -
; ; ; N
S R – S ; sn D ; ; d S n - d p P | ;
; P M P d n
– d p P | mp dn dp
mg G R R S ||
Paa - zhi yan thO - - - Lu - - dai - - - - padma naa- - ban-- kai - - - - - - - yil -
Sahityam: aazhi
pOl minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu
Meaning: (the)
discus like that (give us) lightning [shine] ,
(the) conch like that (give us) thunder [stand&roar]
[Shining bright like the Disc
and the shattering cry of the conch]
kaiyil in that
person's hand
aazhi pOl like the discus
minni shine
valamburi pOl like the conch
ninRu residing
adhirndhu resound (the sound of blowing a conch)
5 6 7
; ; ;- M P D - P
; P
; ; ;
; ; P ;
| ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; | ;
; ; ;
; ; ; ; ||
Aa - zhi pOl min - - - - ni
; ; ;- M P D - P
; P
; ; ;
; ; P ;
| ; ; pmpm P dn - dpP | ;
gd pmG G , r R S ||
Aa - zhi pOl min - - - - ni va-lam- buri- pOl- nin-Ra- - dhir- ndhu-
; ; ;- M P D - P
; dpmg ; M
; ; P ; | ; ; pmpm P dn - dpP | pmD pmG G , r
R S ||
Aa - zhi pOl
min -
- - - ni va-lam- buri- pOl- nin-- Ra- - dhir- ndhu-
Sahityam: thaazhaadhE saarngam udhaiththa
saramazhai pOl *
Meaning: without
delay the bow shoot
torrential rain like
[Like the stream of arrows
that issue from the powerful bow of yours]
thaazhaadhE without
tarrying, instantly
saarngam Lord
Vishnu's bow
udhaiththa shoot forth
(lit. kicked)
saramazhai pOl like the shower of
2 3 4
5 6 7
; ; ;- gd pmG G R S ,r G , r rS rg rg rs | S ; - Sn – g ; G ; G | G ; P,m Pdn dp P ||
Thaa- zhaa-dhE- saar-
- - ngam - - -
- - u- dhai - ththa- sa ra - ma-
zhai- pOl *
Sahityam: vaazha
ulaginil peydhidaay * naangaLum
Meaning: (for us
to) prosper in
this world (cause it to) rain .
We too
[Shower in plenty in this
world so that we]
flourish, prosper
ulaginil in this
pEydhidaay rain!
; ; ; dn sn-dp P -D D N S ; ; R
- r s S |
; ; ; ; ;
; ; ;
| ; ;
; ; ;
; ; ;
Vaa -- zha- u la - - - - gi nil - -
; ; ; dn sn-dp P -D D N S ; ; R
- r s S |
; ; S , r G R R S |
; sn N
; S r g rs
S ||
Vaa --
zha- u la -
- - - gi nil - - -
- pey- dhi- daay - naan--
ga- - Lum-
,n dpM- dn sn-dp P -D D N S ; ; R
- r s S |
; ; S , r G R R S |
; N ; ; S
r g rs S ||
Vaa -- zha- u la
- - - - gi nil - - -
- pey- dhi- daay - naan--
ga- - Lum-
,n dpM- dnsr sn-dpM ;-D D N S ; ; R
- r s S |
; ; S , n pmG G R |
; sn ; ; S
r g rs S ||
Vaa -- zha- - u la
- - - - gi nil - - -
- pey- dhi- daay - naan--
ga- - Lum-
dnM; - dnsr sn-dpM ;-D D N S ; ; R
- r s S |
; ; S n-p , m – G R- R |
sn ; ; S r g rs S ||
Vaa -- zha- - u la
- - - - gi nil - - - -
pey - -
dhi- daay - naan--
ga- - Lum-
Sahityam: maargazhi neeraada magizhndhElOr
Meaning: Margazhi month bathing (will) enjoy. Come (Let us do) (the
penance of) paavai nOmbu
[will bathe and rejoice in
your glory this margazhi month my girls]
naangaLum we too
maargazhi neeraada
bathing during margazhi
magizhndhu will be
happy, exult
5 6
; ; ; N
S R – S ; sn D ; ; d S n - d p P | ;
; P M P d n –
d p P | ; d p m G ,
G R R S ||
Maar - ga zhi
nee - - -
raa- -
da- - - - magizhn dhE-- lOr-- em - - - - - baa- vaay-
; ; ; N
S R – S ; sn D ; ; d S n - d p P | ;
; P M P d n –
d p P | pmD p m G G R R S ||
Maar - ga zhi
nee - - -
raa- -
da- - - - magizhn dhE-- lOr-- em - - - - - baa- vaay-
; ; ; N
S R – S ; sn D ; ; dnsr sn - dp | P ; P M P d n – d p P | mp dn dp mg G R R S ||
Maar - ga zhi
nee - - -
raa- -
da- - -
- magizhn dhE-- lOr-- em - - - - -
baa- vaay-
; ; ; N
S R – S ; srsn D ; dnsr sn - dp
| P
; P M P d n – d p P | mp dn dp mg G R R S ||
Maar - ga zhi
nee - - -
raa- -
da- - -
- magizhn dhE-- lOr-- em - - - - -
baa- vaay-
Sahityam: aazhi
mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *
Meaning: Oceans
(and) rain Lord (of) nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)
[The lord of the rains,
Krishna, shower in plenty]
3 4 5 6 7
; ; ; M P D - P
; P ; ;
; ; pm dpmg
M ; ; ; ; P ; ; | ; ;
; ; ;
; ; ; ||
Aa - zhi ma zhai- - - kaN-Naa!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Additional Meanings: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp04.html
aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nI kai karavEl
Oceans (and) rain
Lord (of)
nothing (should) you (please) withold
(from us)
aazhiy uL pukku mukan^thu kotu aarthth ERi *
into enter (and) fetch the water (and) (cause) thunder (to) go up
(to the sky)
Uzhi muthalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup
prime Lord (of) - (that) form
like , (your) body (you should) darken
paazhiy an^ thOL utaip paRpanaapan kaiyil *
broad beautiful shoulders with ,(Lord) Padmanabha
(in your) hands
aazhi pOl minni valampuri
ninR athirn^thu *
(the) discus like that (give us) lightning [shine] , (the) conch like that (give us) thunder [stand&roar]
thaazhaathE caarNGkam uthaiththa cara mazhai pOl *
without delay the
bow shoot torrential rain like
vaazha ulakinil peythitaay
* naaNGkaLum
(for us to) prosper in this world (cause it to) rain .
We too
maarkazhi nIraata makizhn^thu
Margazhi month bathing (will) enjoy
El Or empaavaay
Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu