Aazhi Mazhai Kanna

(Thiruppavai Paasuram #04)


Ragam: Varali  {39th Melakartha (Jhalavarali) Janyam}


                ARO:     S G1 R1 G1 M2 P D1 N3 S             ||

AVA:      S N3 D1 P M2 G1 R1 S                      ||


Talam: Adi

Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)

Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAVB3lbSvuQ )

Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy: https://ramanuja.org/sv/alvars/andal/tiruppavai/verse4.html

Youtube Class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQWHgTjQ55I

Audio MP3 Class: http://www.shivkumar.org/music/Thiruppavai04-class.mp3


Paasuram (Stanza)

aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *

aazhiyuL pukku mugandhu kodu aarththERi *

oozhi mudhalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup *

paazhiyan^ thOLudaip paRpanaaban kaiyil *

aazhi pOl minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu *

thaazhaadhE saarngam udhaiththa saramazhai pOl *

vaazha ulaginil peydhidaay * naangaLum

maargazhi neeraada magizhndhElOr embaavaay.


Meaning Courtesy: https://ramanuja.org/sv/alvars/andal/tiruppavai/verse4.html

{Additional sites: http://www.asayana.com/religion/18-2/ and http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/ }


Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and service of the Lord.


(Courtesy:Dr. V.K.S.N. Raghavan): Oh Lord VaruNA who is the presiding deity of ocean-like  burst of rains! (We pray to you so that ) you please do not make your gift very small(i.e. be bounteous  towards us). We request you (in the form of clouds) to pour plenty of rains in the world;first you should  get into the womb of the deep seas and take excessive water ( so that even the sea becomes bereft of water),make thunder (uproar), and go higher up (in the sky); (the color of ) your body should become as dark as  that of the primordial cause of the world ( Oozhi Mudalvan= Jagath Kaarana BhUthan); you should become resplendent with lightning, just as the dazzling discus (Aazhi=Chakram) held on the hand of Lord PadmanAbha with broad shoulders; you should make a thunderous roar like the conch(Paanchajanyam) held on the hand of the Lord; you should bring forth rains  in abundance without any cessation,--the rains just like the shower of arrows coming forth in succession from the bow (Saarangam) of the Lord.;your rains should be for the good of the world so that the world flourishes ; and ,through your rains , we will have plenty of water and also happily take the ceremonial bath during Maarghazhi month. ( Lord VishNu's important weapons--discus, conch and bow  are cited here , in a form of invocation as it were; and Lord PadmanAbha is indicated as the JagathkAraNan--  the primordial cause ).


aazhi                      circular; ocean-like in expansiveness

mazhai                   rain

kaNNaa                  O dear god! (Andal addresses the presiding deity of rain here)

onRu(m)                 even a little bit

nee                         you

kai karavEl             don't withhold


aazhi        mazhaik kaNNaa!    onRu             nI           kai karavEl *

Oceans (and) rain    Lord (of)  nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)


aazhiyuL                 into the deep oceans

pukku                     entering

mugandhu kodu     fetch

aarththu                 thunder

ERi                         climb


aazhiy uL   pukku       mukan^thu kotu                aarthth              ERi *

Ocean  into enter (and) fetch the water (and) (cause) thunder (to) go up (to the sky)

[sweep down into the ocean bringing up all the water]

oozhi                      primordial

mudhalvan             First One

uruvam pOl            like the form

mEy                        body

kaRuththu              become black


Uzhi      muthalvan                uruvam  pOl           mey               kaRuththup *

Universe  prime Lord (of) - (that) form    like , (your) body (you should) darken

[the clouds dark like the form of the Lord Krishna]


paazhi                    great

am                          beautiful

thOL                       shoulders

udai                        with these

paRpanaaban         the One who has a lotus navel, Lord Vishnu

               (Sanskrit: padmanAbha)

kaiyil                      in that person's hand


paazhiy an^       thOL       utaip         paRpanaapan          kaiyil *

broad   beautiful shoulders  with  ,(Lord) Padmanabha (in your) hands

[in the hands of the Lord with powerful arms who rose from the Lotus]


aazhi pOl                like the discus

minni                      shine


valamburi pOl        like the conch

ninRu                     residing

adhirndhu              resound (the sound of blowing a conch)


aazhi        pOl                 minni                      valampuri pOl                 ninR  athirn^thu *

(the) discus like that (give us) lightning [shine] , (the)  conch     like that (give us) thunder [stand&roar]

[Shining bright like the Disc and the shattering cry of the conch]


thaazhaadhE          without tarrying, instantly

saarngam               Lord Vishnu's bow

udhaiththa             shoot forth (lit. kicked)

saramazhai pOl      like the shower of arrows


thaazhaathE     caarNGkam uthaiththa    cara mazhai     pOl *

without delay   the bow   shoot         torrential rain like

[Like the stream of arrows that issue from the powerful bow of yours]


vaazha                    flourish, prosper

ulaginil                  in this world

pEydhidaay            rain!

naangaLum           we too


vaazha               ulakinil                      peythitaay *    naaNGkaLum

(for us to) prosper  in this world   (cause it to) rain       .    We too

[Shower in plenty in this world so that we…]


maargazhi neeraada

                               bathing during margazhi

magizhndhu           will be happy, exult


maarkazhi      nIraata        makizhn^thu El     Or empaavaay

Margazhi month bathing (will) enjoy Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[will bathe and rejoice in your glory this margazhi month my girls]


Paasuram (Stanza)

aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *

aazhiyuL pukku mugandhu kodu aarththERi *

oozhi mudhalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup *

paazhiyan^ thOLudaip paRpanaaban kaiyil *

aazhi pOl minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu *

thaazhaadhE saarngam udhaiththa saramazhai pOl *

vaazha ulaginil peydhidaay * naangaLum

maargazhi neeraada magizhndhElOr embaavaay.


Sahityam: aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *

Meaning: Oceans (and) rain    Lord (of)  nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)

[The lord of the rains, Krishna, shower in plenty]


aazhi          circular; ocean-like in expansiveness

mazhai         rain

kaNNaa         O dear god! (Andal addresses the presiding deity of rain here)

onRu(m)        even a little bit

nee            you

kai karavEl    don't withhold



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;  ;  ; P     ; D  - P ;    pmg G ;    G R  R S   |  ; ; ; - S      ; N – G ; |    G ; M ;    P  dn dp P        ||

        Aa   - zhi ma    zhai-  - -    kaN-Naa!-   -  - -  on    - Ru  nee     kai-  - -    ka ra- vEl-


;  ;  ; M     P D  - P ;    pmg G ;    G R  R S   |  ; ; ; - S      ; N – G ; |    G ; M ;    P  dn dp P      ||

        Aa   -  zhi   ma    zhai-  - -    kaN-Naa!-   -  - -  on    - Ru  nee     kai-  - -    ka ra- vEl-


;  ;  ; M     P D  - P ;    gmpd ndpm    g – gR R S  |  ; ; ; - S      ; N – G ; |    G ; M ;    P  dn dp P             ||

        Aa   -  zhi   ma    zhai-  - -          -  kaN-Naa!-   -  - -on    - Ru  nee     kai-  - -    ka ra- vEl-



Sahityam: aazhiyuL pukku mugandhu kodu aarththERi *

Meaning: Ocean  into enter (and) fetch the water (and) (cause) thunder (to) go up (to the sky)

[sweep down into the ocean bringing up all the water]

aazhiyuL       into the deep oceans

pukku          entering

mugandhu kodu  fetch

aarththu       thunder

ERi            climb



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;  ;  ; S    ; R – S ,n     snD dSn   dpP ; P   | P ;  pmpm     P dn  dp P |  ; md pmG     G   R  R S                ||

        Aa  - zhi yuL-    pu-- - - -   kku—mu  gan- - - - -     - - -  dhu-    -  ko-daar-     ththE- Ri -


Sahityam: oozhi mudhalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuththup *

Meaning: Universe  prime Lord (of) - (that) form    like , (your) body (you should) darken

[the clouds dark like the form of the Lord Krishna]


oozhi          primordial

mudhalvan      First One

uruvam pOl     like the form

mEy            body

kaRuththu      become black



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;  ;  ; dn    sn-dp P -D   D N S  ;      ;  ;  S ;  | ; ;  ; ;                ;  ;  ;  ;   |    ;   ;   ;    ;          ;   ;   ;   ;    ||

        Oo    - - zhi-  mu  dhal- -  -     -   - van


;  ;  ; dn    sn-dp P -D   D N S  ;       S ;  ;  S | S ,n G R      R , s  S  ;   |    ;   S    S rg       rs S d S n    ||

        Oo    - - zhi-  mu  dhal- -  -     van - - u  ru-  -   -       vam-  pOl         mey ka--      Ru- - ththup-


dpM; - dn    sn-dp P -D   D N S  ;     S R ;  S | S ,n G R      R , s  S  ;   |    ;   S    S rg       rs S d n s n    ||

          Oo    - - zhi-  mu  dhal- -  -     van - - u  ru-  -   -       vam-  pOl         mey ka--      Ru- - ththup-


dpM; - dn    dnsn-dp P -D   D N S  ;     S R ;  S | S ,n pmG     G R  S  ;   |    ;   S    S ,n       Srg   r s S    ||

          Oo    - - -   zhi-  mu  dhal- -  -     van - - u  ru-  -   -       vam-  pOl         mey ka--      Ru- - ththup-


dnM; - dnsr    sn-dpM-;  -D   D N S  ;     S  ;  ; - S | S ,n pmG     G R  S  ;   |    ;   S    S ,n       Srg   r s S    ||

           Oo   - - -  zhi-    - mu  dhal- -  -     van - - u  ru-  -   -       vam-  pOl         mey ka--      Ru- - ththup-



Sahityam: paazhiyan^ thOLudaip paRpanaaban kaiyil *

Meaning: broad   beautiful shoulders  with  ,(Lord) Padmanabha (in your) hands

[in the hands of the Lord with powerful arms who rose from the Lotus]


paazhi         great

am             beautiful

thOL           shoulders

udai           with these

paRpanaaban    the One who has a lotus navel, Lord Vishnu

               (Sanskrit: padmanAbha)



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;  ;  ; N    S   R – S ;      sn D  ;  ;      d S n - d p P   |  ;  ;  P M     P d n – d p P  |   pmdp m G ,   G R  R S  ||

        Paa  -   zhi yan      thO -  - -     Lu - -  dai - -     -  -  padma  naa- -  ban--      kai -  -  - - -    -  -   yil - 


;  ;  ; N    S   R – S ;      sn D  ;  ;      d S n - d p P   |  ;  ;  P M     P d n – d p P   |   mp dn dp mg   G R  R S  ||

        Paa  -   zhi yan      thO -  - -     Lu - -  dai - -     -  -  padma  naa- -    ban--     kai -  -  - - -    -  -   yil - 



Sahityam: aazhi pOl minni valamburi pOl ninRadhirndhu *

Meaning: (the) discus like that (give us) lightning [shine] , (the)  conch     like that (give us) thunder [stand&roar]

[Shining bright like the Disc and the shattering cry of the conch]


kaiyil         in that person's hand

aazhi pOl      like the discus

minni          shine

valamburi pOl  like the conch

ninRu          residing

adhirndhu      resound (the sound of blowing a conch)



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;  ;  ;- M     P D  - P ;    P  ;  ;  ;           ;  ;   P ;     |    ;  ;   ;  ;            ;  ;   ;  ;    |      ;   ;   ;   ;        ;   ;   ;  ;      ||

          Aa    - zhi  pOl  min  -  -           -  -   ni


;  ;  ;- M     P D  - P ;    P  ;  ;  ;           ;  ;   P ;     |    ;  ;   pmpm      P dn - dpP    |    ; gd   pmG        G , r  R S              ||

          Aa    - zhi  pOl  min  -  -           -  -   ni                 va-lam-     buri-  pOl-          nin-Ra- -        dhir-  ndhu-


;  ;  ;- M     P D  - P ;    dpmg ;  M         ;  ;  P ;     |    ;  ;   pmpm      P dn - dpP    |    pmD   pmG        G , r  R S              ||

          Aa    - zhi  pOl    min  -  -           -  -   ni                 va-lam-     buri-  pOl-        nin--   Ra- -        dhir-  ndhu-




Sahityam: thaazhaadhE saarngam udhaiththa saramazhai pOl *

Meaning: without delay   the bow   shoot         torrential rain like

[Like the stream of arrows that issue from the powerful bow of yours]

thaazhaadhE    without tarrying, instantly

saarngam       Lord Vishnu's bow

udhaiththa     shoot forth (lit. kicked)

saramazhai pOl like the shower of arrows



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;  ;  ;- gd    pmG G R    S ,r  G , r    rS rg  rg rs  |  S ; - Sn – g      ;  G  ;    G    |  G ;  P,m       Pdn dp P   ||

        Thaa- zhaa-dhE-   saar-  -  -   ngam  -  - -     -  -   u-    dhai  -  ththa- sa     ra -  ma-      zhai- pOl *



Sahityam: vaazha ulaginil peydhidaay * naangaLum

Meaning: (for us to) prosper  in this world   (cause it to) rain       .    We too

[Shower in plenty in this world so that we]


vaazha         flourish, prosper

ulaginil       in this world

pEydhidaay     rain!



;  ;  ; dn    sn-dp P -D   D N S  ;      ;  R -  r s S    |  ;   ;  ; ;     ;  ;  ;  ;   |    ;   ;   ;    ;          ;   ;   ;   ;    ||

        Vaa  --  zha-   u   la   -  -  -     -   gi   nil - -


;  ;  ; dn    sn-dp P -D   D N S  ;      ;  R -  r s S    |  ;   ;  S , r        G R  R S   |    ;   sn N ;        S r g rs S     ||

        Vaa  --  zha-   u   la   -  -  -     -   gi   nil - -      -  -  pey-       dhi-  daay       -   naan--       ga- - Lum-


,n dpM- dn    sn-dp P -D   D N S  ;      ;  R -  r s S    |  ;   ;  S , r        G R  R S   |    ;   N  ;   ;       S r g rs S     ||

             Vaa  --  zha-   u   la   -  -  -     -   gi   nil - -      -  -  pey-       dhi-  daay       -   naan--       ga- - Lum-


,n dpM- dnsr    sn-dpM ;-D   D N S  ;      ;  R -  r s S    |  ;   ;  S , n        pmG G R  |    ;   sn  ;   ;       S r g rs S     ||

             Vaa  --  zha-     -  u   la   -  -  -     -   gi   nil - -      -  -  pey-       dhi-  daay       -   naan--       ga- - Lum-


dnM;  - dnsr    sn-dpM ;-D   D N S  ;      ;  R -  r s S    |  ;   ;  S n-p        , m – G  R- R   |  S-   sn  ;   ;      S r g rs S     ||

             Vaa  --  zha-     -  u   la   -  -  -     -   gi   nil - -      -  - pey -           -     dhi-  daay   -   naan--        ga- - Lum-




Sahityam: maargazhi neeraada magizhndhElOr embaavaay.

Meaning: Margazhi month bathing (will) enjoy. Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu

[will bathe and rejoice in your glory this margazhi month my girls]


naangaLum      we too

maargazhi neeraada

               bathing during margazhi

magizhndhu     will be happy, exult



     1              2                   3                    4                   5                      6                     7                        8    

;  ;  ; N    S   R – S ;      sn D  ;  ;      d S n - d p P   |  ;  ;  P M        P d n – d p P  |   ; d p m G ,   G R  R S  ||

       Maar -   ga  zhi      nee -  - -      raa- -   da- -       - -  magizhn dhE--    lOr--     em - - -    - -   baa- vaay-


;  ;  ; N    S   R – S ;      sn D  ;  ;      d S n - d p P   |  ;  ;  P M        P d n – d p P  |   pmD p m G   G R  R S  ||

       Maar -   ga  zhi      nee -  - -      raa- -   da- -       - -  magizhn dhE--    lOr--     em - - -    - -   baa- vaay-


;  ;  ; N    S   R – S ;      sn D  ;  ;      dnsr sn - dp   |  P  ;  P M       P d n – d p P   |  mp dn dp mg   G R  R S  ||

       Maar -   ga  zhi      nee -  - -      raa- -      da- -   - -  magizhn dhE--    lOr--     em - - -    - -   baa- vaay-


;  ;  ; N    S   R – S ;      srsn D  ;      dnsr sn - dp   |  P  ;  P M       P d n – d p P   |  mp dn dp mg   G R  R S  ||

       Maar -   ga  zhi      nee -  - -      raa- -      da- -   - -  magizhn dhE--    lOr--     em - - -    - -   baa- vaay-


Sahityam: aazhi mazhaik kaNNaa! onRu nee kai karavEl *

Meaning: Oceans (and) rain    Lord (of)  nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)

[The lord of the rains, Krishna, shower in plenty]


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;  ;  ; M     P D  - P ;   P ; ;  ;     ; pm dpmg   |  M  ; ;  ;     ; P  ;  ;  |    ;  ;   ;  ;       ;  ;   ;   ;       ||

        Aa   - zhi ma    zhai-  - -    kaN-Naa!-       -  - -  -      - -  - -       -  -  -  -        -  -  -  -






Additional Meanings: http://www.ibiblio.org/sripedia/ebooks/tpv/vstp04.html

aazhi        mazhaik kaNNaa!    onRu             nI           kai karavEl *

Oceans (and) rain    Lord (of)  nothing (should) you (please) withold (from us)


aazhiy uL   pukku       mukan^thu kotu                aarthth              ERi *

Ocean  into enter (and) fetch the water (and) (cause) thunder (to) go up (to the sky)


Uzhi      muthalvan                uruvam  pOl           mey               kaRuththup *

Universe  prime Lord (of) - (that) form    like , (your) body (you should) darken


paazhiy an^       thOL       utaip         paRpanaapan          kaiyil *

broad   beautiful shoulders  with  ,(Lord) Padmanabha (in your) hands


aazhi        pOl                 minni                      valampuri pOl                 ninR  athirn^thu *

(the) discus like that (give us) lightning [shine] , (the)  conch     like that (give us) thunder [stand&roar]


thaazhaathE     caarNGkam uthaiththa    cara mazhai     pOl *

without delay   the bow   shoot         torrential rain like


vaazha               ulakinil                      peythitaay *    naaNGkaLum

(for us to) prosper  in this world   (cause it to) rain       .    We too


maarkazhi      nIraata        makizhn^thu

Margazhi month bathing (will) enjoy


El                                Or empaavaay

Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu