vaiyaththu vaazhveergaaL!
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #02)
Ragam: Gowlai (15th Mela Janyam)
ARO: S R₁ M₁ P N₃ Ṡ ||
AVA : Ṡ N₃ P M₁ R₁ G₃ M₁ R₁ S ||
Talam: Adi (2 kalai)
Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:
Youtube Class:
Audio MP3 Class:
vaiyaththu vaazhveergaaL!
naamum nampaavaikkuc *
ceyyum kirisaigaL
kELeerO * paaRkadaluL
paiyath thuyinRa
paraman adi paadi *
neyyuNNOm paaluNNOm
naatkaalE neeraadi *
maiyittezhudhOm malarittu naam mudiyOm *
ceyyaadhana ceyyOm
theekkuRaLai cenROdhOm *
aiyamum piccaiyum
aandhanaiyum kai kaatti *
uyyumaaReNNi ugandhElOr embaavaay.
Meaning Courtesy:
{Additional sites: and }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi.
Vaishnavas sing these songs to bring peace, prosperity
and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a cowherd girl in these 30 verses.
Andal appears intent upon performing a particular religious vow to marry the
Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we learn that she
did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying to be granted
the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting happiness and
service of the Lord.
In this second verse Sri Andal
enumerates the dos and donts for the month long Nonbu
( intense worship) that she is setting out to do with an invitation to everyone
to join in. We will sing the praise of
the feet of the Lord who is sleeping gently on the serpent in the middle of the
wide ocean. We will wake up early and
bathe, we will not adorn ourselves with eyeliner (kajal) and flowers, we will
not eat Ghee and milk, we will not do inappropriate deeds, will not speak evil
and and harmful words, we will do charity and
righteous deeds. Think noble thoughts and work to attain salvation and
unification with the Lord.
vaiyaththu of the world
vaazhveergaaL O people
naamum we
nam paavaikku for
our vow, our rite
vaiyaththu vaazhvIrkaaL! naamum nampaavaikkuc *
In this world (those) born
to live , We (for) our vow
ceyyum will do
kirisaigaL deeds (austerities)
kELeerO listen
paal kadaluL on
the milk ocean
kELIrO * paaR kataluL
will do (the following)
deeds Listen .
(On the) milk ocean
paiya gently
thuyinRa sleeps
paraman supreme person
adi feet
paadi will sing
paiyath thuyinRa paraman ati paati *
(in) meditative sleep (is)
The Lord (in praise of His) feet (we) sing
ney clarified butter
uNNOm we will not eat
paal milk
uNNOm we will not eat
naatkaalE in the early hours of every morning
neeraadi we will (wake up and)
take our baths
neyy uNNOm paal uNNOm naatkaalE nIraati
Ghee (we) won't eat , milk (we) won't eat
early morning (we will) bathe
mai collyrium (black eye
ittu ezhudhOm we
will not adorn (our eyes) with
malar flowers
ittu naam mudiyOm we will not wear in our hair
maiyitt ezhuthOm malarittu naam mutiyOm *
Mai (we) won't use , flowers
we won't tie on our hair ,
ceyyaadhana what one shouldn't do
ceyyOm we will not do
thee kuRaLai(yai) bad
untruths, gossip
cenRu OdhOm we
will not go around spreading
ceyyaathana ceyyOm thIkkuRaLai
cenROthOm *
Things not to do (we) won't
do , evil untrue stories (we) won't recite/spread.
aiyamum alms
to those who don't ask (but need or deserve)
piccaiyum and alms (bhiksha) to those who ask
aandhanaiyum liberally
kai kaatti we
will give
aiyamum piccaiyum aan^thanaiyum
kai kaatti *
to deserving people , to poor people ,
to ascetics (we) will donate
uyyum of sustaining ourselves
aaRu way
eNNi contemplating
ugandhu happily
ElOr embaavaay Come Girls, lets do the penance
of paavai nOmbu
uyyumaaRu eNNi ukan^thu
Our salvation (we will) think of (and) feel happy.
El Or empaavaay
Come (Let us do) (the
penance of) paavai nOmbu
vaiyaththu vaazhveergaaL!
naamum nampaavaikkuc *
ceyyum kirisaigaL
kELeerO * paaRkadaluL
paiyath thuyinRa
paraman adi paadi *
neyyuNNOm paaluNNOm
naatkaalE neeraadi *
maiyittezhudhOm malarittu naam mudiyOm *
ceyyaadhana ceyyOm
theekkuRaLai cenROdhOm *
aiyamum piccaiyum
aandhanaiyum kai kaatti *
uyyumaaReNNi ugandhElOr
Sahityam: vaiyaththu vaazhveergaaL! naamum
nampaavaikkuc *
Meaning: In this
world (those) born to live , We (for) our vow
vaiyaththu of the world
vaazhveergaaL O people
naamum we
nam paavaikku for
our vow, our rite
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; R S ; S ;
N S snP
nsrs R ; | ; ; ; R
; P ; M | R G
pm M S R rs S ||
Vai yaththu vaazh--- veer-- gaaL! - - -naa mum- nam paa- - - - -
vai kku-
Sahityam: ceyyum
kirisaigaL kELeerO * paaRkadaluL
will do
(the following) deeds Listen . (On the) milk ocean
ceyyum will do
kirisaigaL deeds (austerities)
kELeerO listen
paal kadaluL on
the milk ocean
2 3
4 5 6
7 8
; ; ; sr M ; ; M P ; ; ; P , m P ; | ; ; - R M P N P ; P M G M S R r s S ||
Cey yum ki ri - - -
sai - -
gaL - - kE- Lee- rO paa- - R kada luL--
; ; ; sr rm rpmmr M P
; ;
; P , m P ; | ; ; -R M
pnsn P ;
P M G M S R r s S ||
Cey yum ki ri - - -
sai - -
gaL - - kE- Lee- rO paa- - R kada luL--
Sahityam: paiyath thuyinRa paraman adi paadi *
Meaning: (in)
meditative sleep (is) The Lord (in praise of His) feet (we) sing
paiya gently
thuyinRa sleeps
paraman supreme person
adi feet
paadi will sing
2 3 4 5 6
7 8
; ; ; sr rPm ; - P pN, NS nsrs R ; | ; ; ; - N S R S ; | S ; snP P S S ; ||
Pai yath- - thu
yin- - - -- -- Ra- - -
- pa raman a - di paa- -
- di
; ; ; sr rPm ; - P pN, NS nsrs R ; | ;
; ; - R G pmM SR
| rsS
; rsnp ; P S srsn ||
Pai yath- - thu yin- - - -- -- Ra- - - - pa ra man a - di paa- - - di
psn npm-
sr rPm ; -
P pN, NS nsrs R ; | ;
; ; - R G pmM SR
| rsS
; rsnp ; P S S ; ||
Pai yath- - thu
yin- - - -- -- Ra- - -
- pa ra
man a - di paa- - - di
Sahityam: neyyuNNOm paaluNNOm naatkaalE
neeraadi *
Meaning: Ghee
(we) won't eat , milk (we) won't eat early morning (we will) bathe
ney clarified butter
uNNOm we will not eat
paal milk
uNNOm we will not eat
naatkaalE in the early hours of every morning
neeraadi we will (wake up and)
take our baths
2 3
4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; R S ; S ; N S snP ; np pmM ; | ; ; ; R S ; S ; | N S snP ; np pmM ; ||
Ney yuN NOm paa-
- - - - luN-NOm- Ney yuN NOm paa- - - - - luN-NOm-
; ; ; R
S ; S ; pn Srs S np ;
np pmM
; | ; ; R M P N P ; | P M G M
S R r s S ||
Ney yuN NOm paa-
- - - - luN-NOm- - - naat- kaa-lE nee-
- - raa- di - -
; ; ; R
S ; S ; pmpn Srs S np ;
np pmM
; | ; ; R M pn sn P ; | P M G M
S R r s S ||
Ney yuN NOm paa- - - - - - - - luN-NOm- - - naat- kaa-- lE nee- - - raa- di - -
Sahityam: maiyittezhudhOm malarittu naam mudiyOm *
Meaning: Mai (we)
won't use , flowers
we won't tie on our hair ,
mai collyrium (black eye
ittu ezhudhOm we
will not adorn (our eyes) with
malar flowers
ittu naam mudiyOm we will not wear in our hair
2 3
4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; R S ; S ; N S sn P ns r s R ; | ; ; ; S R - R P M | R G pmM S R r s S ||
Mai yit te zhu - - - -
- - dhOm ma la ri - ttu naam- -
- mudi yOm
; ; ; R
S ; S ; nsrm rsnp ns r s R ; | ;
; ; S R -
R P M | R G pmM S R r s S ||
Mai yit te zhu - - - -
- - - dhOm ma la ri - ttu naam- - - mudi yOm
; ; ; R
S ; S ; nsrm rsnp mp-ns r s R | ;
; ; S R -
R P M | R G pmM S R r s S ||
Mai yit te zhu - - - -
- - - - - dhOm ma la ri - ttu naam- - -
mudi yOm
Sahityam: ceyyaadhana ceyyOm theekkuRaLai
cenROdhOm *
Meaning: Things
not to do (we) won't do , evil untrue stories (we) won't recite/spread.
ceyyaadhana what one shouldn't do
ceyyOm we will not do
thee kuRaLai(yai) bad
untruths, gossip
cenRu OdhOm we
will not go around spreading
2 3
4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; sr M ;
; M P ; ;
; P , m P ; | ; ; - R M
P N P ;
P M G M S R r s S ||
Cey yaa - -dha na - - - cey- yOm - - thee-
kkuRa Lai cen- -
- RO - dhOm -
; ; ; sr rm rpmmr M P
; ;
; P , m P ; | ; ; -R M
pn sn P ;
P M G M S R r s S ||
Cey yaa - -- dha na - - - cey- yOm - - thee- kku-Ra- Lai cen- -
- RO - dhOm -
Sahityam: aiyamum piccaiyum aandhanaiyum
kai kaatti *
Meaning: to
deserving people , to poor people , to ascetics
(we) will donate
aiyamum alms
to those who don't ask (but need or deserve)
piccaiyum and alms (bhiksha) to those who ask
aandhanaiyum liberally
kai kaatti we
will give
2 3
4 5 6
7 8
; ; ; sr rPm ; - P ; P NS nsrs R ; | ;
; ; - N S R S ;
| S ; snP P S
S ; ||
Ai- ya - mum - pi - - ccai yum - -
- aan - ndha nai yum kai
kaa- tti
; ; ; sr rPm ; - P ; P S
; nsrs R
; |
; ; ; - N S R S ;
| S ; rsnp ; P S
S ; ||
Ai- ya - mum - pi - - ccai yum - -
- aan - ndha nai yum kai
kaa- tti
; ; ; sr rPm ; - P ; P S ; nsrs R ; | ;
; ; - R G pmM SR
| rsS
; rsnp ; P S srsn ||
Ai- ya - mum pi - - ccai yum - - aan - ndha nai yum
kai kaa- tti
psn npm-
sr rPm ; -
P ; P N S nsrs R ; | ;
; ; - R G pmM SR
| rsS
; rsnp ; P S S ; ||
Ai- ya - mum pi
- ccai yum -
- - aan - ndha nai yum kai kaa- tti
Sahityam: uyyumaaReNNi ugandhElOr embaavaay
Meaning: Our
salvation (we will) think of (and) feel happy. Come
(Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu
uyyum of sustaining ourselves
aaRu way
eNNi contemplating
ugandhu happily
ElOr embaavaay Come Girls, lets
do the penance of paavai nOmbu
2 3
4 5 6 7 8
; ; ; R
S ; S ; N S snP ; np pmM ; | ; ; ; R
S ; S ; |
N S snP ;
np pmM
; ||
Uy yu- maa ReN- - - - Ni - - - Uy yu- maa ReN- - - - Ni -
; ; ; R
S ; S ; pn Srs S np ;
np pmM
; | ; ; R M P N P
; | P M G M S
R r s S ||
Uy yu- maa
ReN- -
- - - Ni
- - u gan dhE-lOr em - -
- baa- vaay-
; ; ; R
S ; S ; pn Srs S np ;
np pmM
; | ; ; R M P N P ; | P M G M
S R r s S ||
Uy yu- maa
ReN- -
- - - Ni
- - u gan dhE-lOr em - -
- baa- vaay-
; ; ; R
S ; S ; pmpn Srs S np ;
np pmM
; | ; ; R M pn sn P ; | P M G M
S R r s S ||
Uy yu- maa
ReN- -
- - - -- Ni - - - u gan dhE-- lOr em - -
- baa- vaay-
Sahityam: vaiyaththu vaazhveergaaL!
Meaning: In this
world (those) born to live , We (for) our vow
; ; ; R S ; S ;
N S snP
nsrs R ; | ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ;
| ; ; ns rm r r s s ; ; ||
Vai yaththu vaazh--- veer-- gaaL! - - -
- - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Additional Meanings:
vaiyaththu vaazhvIrkaaL! naamum nampaavaikkuc *
In this world (those) born to live ,
We (for) our idol
ceyyum kiricaikaL kELIrO * paaR kataluL
will do (the following) deeds Listen . (On
the) milk ocean
paiyath thuyinRa paraman ati paati *
(in) meditative sleep (is) The Lord (in praise of His) feet
(we) sing
neyy uNNOm paal
naatkaalE nIraati
Ghee (we) won't eat , milk (we)
won't eat early morning (we will) bathe
maiyitt ezhuthOm malarittu naam mutiyOm *
Mai (we) won't use , flowers we
won't tie on our hair ,
ceyyaathana ceyyOm thIkkuRaLai cenROthOm
Things not to do (we) won't do ,
evil untrue stories (we) won't
aiyamum piccaiyum aan^thanaiyum kai kaatti *
to deserving people , to poor
people , to ascetics (we) will donate
uyyumaaRu eNNi ukan^thu
Our salvation (we will) think of
(and) feel happy.
El Or empaavaay
Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu