Margazhi Thingal
(Thiruppavai Paasuram #01)
Ragam: Nattai (36th Mela janya ragam)
ARO: S R3 G3 M1 P D3 N3 S ||
AVA: S N3 P M1 G3 M R3 S ||
Talam: Adi
Composer: Andal / Godai / Nachiyar (Thiruppavai: Thiruppavai Wikipedia Page)
Version: Akkarai Sisters & Kunnakudi Balamuralikrishna ( )
Lyrics / Meaning Courtesy:
Dushyanth Sridhar:
Youtube Class:
Audio MP3 Class:
maargazhi(th) thingaL madhi niRaindha nannaaLaal
neeraada(p) pOdhuveer pOdhuminO nErizhaiyeer
seer malgum aayppaadi(ch) chelva(ch) chiRumeergaaL
koorvEl kodundhozhilan nandhagOpan kumaran
Eraarndha kaNNi yasOdhai iLam singam
kaar mEni cengaN kadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththaan
naaraayaNanE namakkE paRai tharuvaan
paarOr pugazha(p) padindhElOr empaavaay
Meaning Courtesy:
{Additional sites: and }
Context: Andal's thirty songs contain the cardinal principles
of Vaishnava dharma during the month of Marghazhi. Vaishnavas sing these songs
to bring peace, prosperity and Divine Grace. Andal assumes the guise of a
cowherd girl in these 30 verses. Andal appears intent upon performing a
particular religious vow to marry the Lord, thereby obtain His everlasting
company, and inviting all her girl-friends to join her. Towards the end we
learn that she did not actually perform a religious rite; but is simply praying
to be granted the service of the Lord for eternity. She yearns for everlasting
happiness and service of the Lord.
maargazhi thingaL the
month of maargazhi (december-january)
madhi niRaindha full
nal naaL auspicious
The full moon day of Margazhi
is here. What an auspicious day it is!
[On this
full moon day this Month of Margazhi ]
neeraada to bathe
pOdhuveer those
of you who desire to go
pOdhumino let
us go
nEr izhaiyeer you
who are adorned with jewels
O dear ornamented girls. Come
along, let us go bathe. Come along if you so desire.
[All ye who set out to bathe
the holy bath ]
seer wealth, glory
malgum full
aaypaadi Brindavana
celva prosperous
ciRumeergaaL O
young girls
O dear young girls who thrive in Brindavana, overflowing with prosperity
[the young girls of the
prosperous Ayarpadi town]
koor vEl sharp spear
kodun thozhilan cruel
deed (to those who harm Krishna)
nandagOpan Nandagopala,
Krishna's father and
chief of the cowherds
kumaran son
Narayana -- The son of
Nandagopa, whose sharp spear is readily
so cruel --
[the son of Nandagopan who
wields a cruel sharp spear]
Eraarndha kaNNi eyes
full of beauty
yasOdhai Yashoda, Krishna's mother
iLam singam lion
The young lion of Yashoda, whose eyes are so full of love --
[the young lion cub of Yashoda
with the beautiful eyes]
kaar mEni with a body that is dark
cen kaN red eyes
kadhir sun
madhiyam moon
pOl like
mugaththaan with
a face
With dark body, red eyes, face like the sun and moon
[ the black hued,red eyed Lord who shines like
the Sun and the moon ]
naaraayaNanE Narayana
himself, Narayana alone
namakkE to us, indeed
paRai the drum (salvation)
tharuvaan will give
Narayana alone will give
us The drum!
[Its only that Narayana who will give us boons ]
paarOr (so
that) the people of the world
pugazha will celebrate, praise
padindhu follow, get involved (in our 'nOnbu' or vow)
empaavaay O Girls
So join us, so that the people Of the world will celebrate.
[Let us join with the world in
praising his glory, Girls]
maargazhi(th) thingaL madhi niRaindha nannaaLaal
neeraada(p) pOdhuveer pOdhuminO nEr izhaiyeer
seer malgum aayppaadi(ch) chelva(ch) chiRumeergaaL
koorvEl kodundhozhilan nandhagOpan kumaran
Eraarndha kaNNi yasOdhai iLam singam
kaar mEni cengaN kadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththaan
naaraayaNanE namakkE paRai tharuvaan
paarOr pugazha(p) padindhElOr empaavaay
Sahityam: maargazhi(th) thingaL madhi niRaindha nannaaLaal
Meaning: The full
moon day of Margazhi is here. What an auspicious day it is!
maargazhi thingaL the
month of maargazhi (december-january)
madhi niRaindha full
nal naaL auspicious day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , s , g M P ; ; P | ; g m , p M | M mg gpmm R ||
Maar gazhi thin gaL madhi niRain dha nan naa-- Laal
; , s , g M pmgm P- P | ; s n , np pmP | M gmpn pmgm R ||
Maar gazhi thin - gaL madhi ni Rain dha nan naa-- Laal
Sahityam: neeraada(p) pOdhuveer pOdhuminO nEr izhaiyeer
Meaning: O dear
ornamented girls. Come along, let us go bathe. Come along if you so desire.
neeraada to bathe
pOdhuveer those
of you who desire to go
pOdhumino let us go
nEr izhaiyeer you
who are adorned with jewels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , g m -P m mgpm gm- R | S - r s , g M | P , - p N P ||
Nee - raada pO- - dhu- veer - pOdhu minO nEr i zhaiyeer
Sahityam: seer malgum aayppaadi(ch) chelva(ch) chiRumeergaaL
Meaning: O dear young
girls who thrive in Brindavana
(Ayarpadi), overflowing with prosperity
seer wealth, glory
malgum full of
aaypaadi Brindavana
celva prosperous
ciRumeergaaL O
young girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , n np - mg m pnnp N S | ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
seer - - mal-gum aay-- ppaadi
; , n np - mg m pnnp N S | ; ns , r S | S - s n r s - sn ||
seer - - mal-gum aay-- ppaadi chel- va chi Ru meer - - gaaL-
N , n np - mg m pnnp N S | ; ns , r S | S - s n r s - sn ||
seer - - mal-gum aay-- ppaadi chel- va chi Ru meer - - gaaL-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
npm- g m - p n p rrsn P N S | ; nsrg mR,- S | S- s n r s - s n ||
seer - - mal-gum aay-- ppaadi chel - va chi Ru meer - - gaaL-
npm- g m - p n p gmpn sRs , S | S- nsrg pmR- S | S- s n r s - N ||
seer - - mal-gum aay-- --- ppaa di chel -- va chi Ru meer - - gaaL-
Sahityam: koorvEl kodun dhozhilan nandhagOpan kumaran
Meaning: Narayana
-- The son of Nandagopa, whose sharp
spear is readily so cruel --
koor vEl sharp spear
kodun thozhilan cruel
deed (to those who harm Krishna)
nandagOpan Nandagopala,
Krishna's father and
chief of the cowherds
kumaran son
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , gp mm - R - s s n p p N S | ; s n , np pmP | M mg gpmm R ||
Koor -- vEl ko dun-- dho zhilan nandha gO -- - pan ku- ma- - ran
; , gp mm - R - s s n p p N S | gmpn sgmr srsn pnmp | gmpn snpm gpmm R ||
Koor -- vEl ko dun-- dho zhilan nan -- dha gO- pan- - ku- - ma- - - - - ran
Sahityam: Eraarndha kaNNi yasOdhai iLam singam
Meaning: The
young lion of Yashoda, whose eyes are
so full of love --
Eraarndha kaNNi eyes
full of beauty
yasOdhai Yashoda, Krishna's mother
iLam singam lion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , p , P m P ; ; P | ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
E - raar ndha kaN- Ni - - - - - - - -
; , p , P m P ; ; P | ; s n , p -M | M mg gpmm R ||
E - raar ndha kaN- Ni - yasO dhai I Lam sin - - - - gam
Sahityam: kaar mEni cengaN kadhir madhiyam pOl mugaththaan
Meaning: With
dark body, red eyes, face like the sun and moon
kaar mEni with a body that is dark
cen kaN red eyes
kadhir sun
madhiyam moon
pOl like
mugaththaan with
a face
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , g m P m m g p m gm R | ; s s , g g m | P , - p N P ||
kaar - mEni cen- - - - - gaN - kadhir - madhiyam pOl mu gath thaan
Sahityam: naaraayaNanE namakkE paRai tharuvaan
Meaning: Narayana alone will give
us The drum! (boons)
naaraayaNanE Narayana
himself, Narayana alone
namakkE to us, indeed
paRai the drum
tharuvaan will
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , n np - mg m pnnp N S | ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
Naa - - raa- ya Na- - - nE
; , n np - mg m pnnp N S | ; n s , r - S | S - s n r s - sn ||
Naa - - raa- ya Na- - - nE nama kkE pa Rai- tha- ru- vaan-
N , n np - mg m pnnp N S | ; ns , r S | S - s n r s - sn ||
Naa - - raa- ya Na- - - nE nama kkE pa Rai- tha- ru- vaan-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
npm- g m - p n p rrsn P N S | ; nsrg mR,- S | S- s n r s - s n ||
Naa - - raa- ya Na- - - nE na-ma -kkE pa Rai- tha- ru- vaan-
npm- g m - p n p gmpn sRs , S | ;- nsrg pmR- S | S- s n r s - N ||
Naa - - raa- ya Na- - - nE na-ma -kkE pa Rai- tha- ru- vaan-
Sahityam: paarOr pugazha(p) padindhElOr empaavaay
Meaning: So join
us in praising his glory, Girls, so that the people Of the world will celebrate.
paarOr (so that) the people of the world
pugazha will celebrate, praise
padindhu follow, get involved (in our 'nOnbu' or vow)
(r)empaavaay O Girls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , gp mm - R - s s n p p N S | ; s n , np pmP | mg pm gm R ||
Paa - - - rOr pu ga - - - - zha padin dhE lOr em - - paa vaay
; , gp mm - R - s s n p p N S | gmpn sgmr srsn pnmp | gmpn snpm gpmm R ||
Paa - - - rOr pu ga - - - - zha pa- - din- - dhE lOr (r)em - - - - paa - vaay
Sahityam: maargazhi(th) thingaL
Meaning: The full
moon day of Margazhi is here.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
; , s , g M P ; ; P | ; ; ; ; | ; ; ; ; ||
Maar gazhi thin gaL - - - - - - - -
Additional Meanings:
maarkazhith thiNGkaL mathin^iRain^tha nannaaLaal *
Dec/Jan month (a) full moon (an) auspicious day
nIraatap pOthuvIr! pOthuminO nErizhaiyIr! *
To bathe (those) who want to go (please) let us go (Oh) bejewelled girls !
cIrmalkum aayppaatic celvac ciRumIrkaaL! *
rich and grand aaypAdi , (Oh) prosperous young girls (of)
kUr vEl kotun^thozhilan nan^thakOpan kumaran *
(With a) sharp spear , (doing) cruel deeds (to enemies) , (Lord) NandagOpan's son (He)
Eraarn^tha kaNNi yacOthai iLaNY ciNGkam *
beautiful eyed YasOdha's little lion (child) (He)
kaar mEnic ceNG kaN kathir mathiyam pOl mukaththaan *
Dark skinned (with) beautiful eyes (shining like the) sun (with a) moon like face
naaraayaNanE namakkE paRai tharuvaan *
Lord Narayana himself to us blessings will give
paarOr pukazhap patin^thu
The people of the world (the practice) (that they) praise , (of) immersing in water
El Or empaavaay
Come (Let us do) (the penance of) paavai nOmbu